Wu Ling Tianxia

Chapter 097 Continuous Task

Chapter 097 Continuous Task

"Who are you?! Stand there and don't come over. Otherwise, let's kill!" When Wang Yue's horses rushed to the capital of Kohl, they were suddenly stopped by a group of heavily armed cavalry. Among them, the captain of the team leader turned out to be a strong man in the middle of the extraordinary world. At the same time, two deputy in the early stage of the extraordinary world also looked at Wang Yue from afar in the team, as if they were very wary.

"Eh? Is it all because of that group of robbers that Cole's guard is so strict? Wang Yue rode on his horse and looked at the team of hundreds of soldiers not far away and thought darkly.

"I am an inner disciple of Luo Tianzong, and here is my token. I'm here to carry out the mission. The opposite side was just some soldiers on duty, and Wang Yue did not talk to the other party, holding the token in his hand and shouting.

"You go and have a look." The captain sent a cavalry and took the token in Wang Yue's hand and the token of the handover task. After the captain of the cavalry confirmed that it was correct, he released Wang Yue.

"Previously, the mark of Luo Tianzong on your server was not very clear because of dust, so I checked it routinely. I hope the young hero doesn't mind." As soon as the captain saw Wang Yue's strength, which was full of the strength of the eight peaks in the later period of the extraordinary world, he spoke much more politely and sent a small team of people to Wang Yue to the capital of Kohl to see the king of Kohl.

"I have met the king." Wang Yue, as an inner disciple of the big sect, does not need to salute even if he sees the king of a small country. On the contrary, the king of a small country still wants to please Wang Yue. After all, the other party is a disciple of Luo Tianzong, and he is young and doable.

"Hmm. There is a young man. This is the place where these robbers often haunt. The king gave Wang Yue some simple information. Wang Yue confirmed that there was almost no inade with what he knew, so he said goodbye to the king and entered the mountainous area where these robbers often haunted.

The reason why Wang Yue wanted to take on such a task at the beginning was that on the one hand, he wanted to condense his true meaning of martial arts, and on the other hand, he also wanted to speed up the practice of his martial arts. Among them, the ice flow pole and the cracked mountain palm are the martial arts that Wang Yue has recently obtained. The split mountain palm is relatively easy to practice, but the ice flow is much worse than Wang Yue's body. This is also the reason why Wang Yue has never used it in martial arts competitions when he has low-level martial arts skills.

However, he is naturally less constrained to deal with these robber gangs now, and he will worry that his unstable performance will cause any adverse effects.

After Wang Yue entered this mountainous area, he began to carefully look at the marks of flattery and human fire on the ground. This is also some of the tracking skills he learned when his family entered the ice forest with the hunting team. Now Wang Yue is also very skilled in using it, which is no different from those hunters who often enter the deep mountains.

"Well, I heard that those bandit gangs haven't appeared for a month. I'm afraid it will appear soon. However, they should not be so stupid that they will be on full alert in Kohl. If there is no accident, they should still choose to wait for a period of time, or continue to make trouble in this mountainous area that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

"I heard from the king that a caravan will pass by here in the next few days. I'd better go there in advance to see if I can mix in the caravan." Wang Yue thought of this and did not stop in this mountainous area, but continued to catch up along the possible position of the caravan. Sure enough, I met the caravan soon.

Before Wang Yue approached the caravan, he saw more than a dozen carriages slowly moving on the spacious continent with many goods. At their speed, I'm afraid they won't enter the mountains today and need to spend the night outside. Wang Yue took out a set of hunter's clothes from his storage bag and put them on him, and approached the caravan.

"Boss, where are you going? Do you want to cross this mountain to Kohl on the other side of the mountain? Wang Yue hurriedly and finally caught up with the caravan.

"Yes. Are you hunting in the mountains? The captain of this caravan looked at Wang Yue carefully. Although Wang Yue is young, he has extraordinary strength. However, when I think about it, the folk customs near the Frost Mountains are fierce, and it is normal for me to occasionally have one or two talented disciples, so I dare not do anything too strange. However, he became very cautious because the caravan escorted important supplies.

"Yes, I want to pick some herbs in the mountains. I don't know if I can walk with you all the way!" Wang Yue was also beautiful and looked very good. Even if he was very strong, few people would regard him as a bad guy. On the contrary, the people in the caravan still thought that Wang Yue was a disciple of a certain family who came out to practice. Naturally, they are willing to walk with the disciples of such a big family all the way. Anyway, one more guarantee is also one more guarantee.

"Of course. But I heard that it's not safe here recently. You have to be careful!" At this time, the boss of the caravan spoke, and the others did not dare to say anything.

The whole caravan walked for one night, and the next day they entered the mountains and came to places where robbers often haunted.

This mountain is steep with rocks and rocks. On the steep mountain wall, there are trees, and the big trees in the sky are also extremely dense, and large leaves cover the sky of the valley path, which is not very rich. The caravan also looked extremely careful when walking in it, for fear of neglecting prevention. Where did the shadow of robbers catch them off guard?

"Hmm?" When the caravan was halfway to the mountains, Wang Yue felt that the ground suddenly vibrate slightly. The sound of this vibration was very weak and almost inaudible, but Wang Yue could sense that dozens of people were riding horses from not far away towards this direction.

"The robbers are coming." Wang Yue suddenly stood still and said to the boss of the caravan.

"Rogue?" As soon as he heard the name of the robber, the owner of the caravan immediately turned pale. In fact, he has already heard about robbers in this mountain range. However, after all, it was only a few months, and he didn't care too much. Instead, he dreamed of how much money he could make after his shipment to Kohl! Now that Wang Yue said so, he suddenly became godless.

"You gathered all the people together immediately, and the robbers will come later and leave them to me. You just need to ensure your own safety." Wang Yue stared at the possible position of the robber and said calmly.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for a large number of people to completely block the road of the caravan from the front of the caravan, and the leader of the robber turned out to be a warrior with extraordinary mid-term strength. In addition, three warriors in the early stage of the extraordinary world also looked at the caravan with a smile in the team, as if a vicious wolf was looking at the lamb in front of them.

"If you hand over all the valuable things, I will let you live, or you will die." The robber leader looked at the caravan and said with a sneer.

" boss, it's not easy for me to do small business. Can you give me a way to live?" Although the boss of the caravan knew that Wang Yue had some skills, he could not fully count on a teenager like Wang Yue to help them when he really saw the robbers. At the critical moment of life and death, the teenager may run away first. After all, they just met by chance.

"The way to live? Hahaha, it's a way to live if you don't die. It's better not to play tricks with us, otherwise this big tree is your witness!" With that, the head of the robber spit and directly broke a big tree held by two people. No one saw what method he used to do this. However, Wang Yue saw it clearly. I'm afraid this is just a blindfold used by robbers to scare these chambers of commerce.

"Boss. These people are not moral at all. Even if we give them supplies, they will be killed. If we had known this, we shouldn't have smoked. The leader of this caravan is obviously also a strong man in the middle of the extraordinary, but it is still much worse than the other party's six-fold peak strength. Speaking of this, he also looked helpless.

"Yes, it's all my fault for being greedy. It seems that today's life is about to be hit. Little brother, let's go. It's nothing for you here." Although the boss of the caravan talks a lot about money, he also knows that he can't run away and can only let Wang Yue go first.

"Hahaha, now that you all know, I won't play with you anymore. Yes, how can my men still live? What I said just now is nothing more than to let you see hope, and then kill these hopes and make you despair. Guys, go to me and kill all the people in the caravan. Seeing that the other party already knew his intention, the robber leader gathered his men to ride directly to the whole caravan.

"I won't let you succeed." The captain of this caravan is also 40 years old and has reached the middle of the extraordinary. Although it is likely to stay here for a lifetime, there is generally no problem in transporting goods. But he was unlucky to meet such a group of outlaws.

"Hmm, I'm really under my strength. The wind sweeps the fallen leaves!" The robber leader punched the captain of the caravan in the chest. The captain of the caravan is not a vegetarian, and he also punches the robber leader in the air. But this suddenly became the way of the leader of the robber.

"Be careful!" Wang Yue suddenly thought that there must be a hidden weapon in the mouth of the robber leader, so he reminded him. But it's already a little late.

I saw a silver needle in the mouth of the robber's leader spit out of his mouth, like a white light piercing directly into the body of the captain of the caravan.

"Puff!" The silver needle pierced one of the arms of the captain of the caravan, and the blood suddenly flowed out like a fountain. The robber leader suddenly pulled a long knife on his waist and was about to cut off the head of the captain of the team. But at this time, the robber leader saw a figure appear beside him. Then one palm patted his chest like a sharp claw. Then the body of the robber's leader was slapped out like a broken kite.

"What, only one trick?" Not only was the captain of the caravan stunned, but even the members of the caravan who were preparing to flee for their lives and the owner of the caravan were stunned by the sudden situation. However, before they came to their senses, they saw that the bodies of only three robber leaders in the early stage of the extraordinary world were patted out one by one.

Then four bloody heads appeared in Wang Yue's hands. They didn't even see when Wang Yue took action. For a moment, all the robbers were scared and knelt directly on the ground and kept kowtoing Wang Yue for mercy. You should know that the speed of the leader of robbers can't hold a move in front of this demon-like teenager in front of them, and they can't leave alive at all.

"If you want to live a simple life, you must go back to Kohl with me and let the king of Kohl decide your life and death. You are responsible for tying them up. Let's go." Wang Yue wrapped his head in a piece of oilcloth that had been prepared for a long time, and stood aside as the guards of the caravan tied up the robbers one by one, ready to be escorted to the city. However, before the escort, Wang Yue scraped up all their money, and even put the money and food of their old nest into their own storage bags. Then he set fire to the robber's nest and joined the caravan to enter the capital of Kohl.

In Kohl, Wang Yue left Kohl with his own reward after distributing all the money he received from robbers to the poor in the city. This time, the task was also completed successfully.

Immediately after connecting several lower-class Samsung tasks, Wang Yue stopped taking on such tasks. One is a waste of time, and it has no effect on him to improve his strength. This time, he took on a lower-class four-star mission. The goal of the mission was to kill a warrior with nine-fold peak strength in the later stage of the extraordinary world.

This man is called Wu Xiong. He has committed crimes, rape and murder, robbery, murder, and no evil. Almost hundreds of lives have been buried in his hands. These are still the number of warriors. If it is counted as an unarmed ordinary person, it is even more impossible to calculate, at least thousands of them. However, this person is also sinister and cunning, and has always been rampant and unpreventable.

After receiving this task, Wang Yue immediately came to a small country thousands of kilometers away from Luo Tianzong. It is said that this martial bear will appear within the scope of this country.

"Sung, what do you want?" On a busy road, a gorgeously dressed man wandered in the street with a beautiful woman. From time to time, they entered a jewelry store to see what was inside, then picked them casually and left the store when they saw something they didn't like.

It didn't take long for this young man to buy a lot of jewelry by this woman. These jewelry are also extremely gorgeous on women's bodies. Coupled with the beautiful appearance of the woman, some young masters on the roadside are even more envious. However, when they saw the strong momentum revealed intentionally or unintentionally, they chose to retreat wisely.

"Sister Qian, I'm really lucky to meet you today!" If anyone hears them saying such words in the inn, they will be shocked. It seems that a man and a woman have only known each other for a day.

"Yes, big brother. I like you so much, too!" The woman said reluctantly. However, after she finished drinking, the expression on her face suddenly became a little numb. If someone knows the goods, they will definitely recognize it here. This wine contains a kind of *. Ordinary people will lose their control and be controlled by others.

"Well, I like you too. Let's go and talk in the room. The young man took the woman's hand and slowly walked to the second floor of the inn and entered a room that had already been booked.

"Tear!" The woman's clothes were torn apart by the young man, and her snow-white skin was also exposed, especially a white and tender chest, which was infinitely spring. At the same time, the young man also stretched out his hand and took off the * on his face to reveal a ferocious face. It turned out that this young man was disguised. If this woman sees the young man's true face in a sober situation, I'm afraid she will faint on the spot.

The face of this martial bear is no different from that of an ordinary bear, so he was named Wuxiong and has been humiliated since childhood. However, after a chance encounter, he got the secret book, and finally killed the whole village to vent his anger. Finally, he had today's martial bear.

"Who is it?" Wu Xiong's ears moved violently and felt a cool wind blowing. As soon as he instinctively turned around, he saw a teenager standing behind him and looking at him with interest.

"Oh? You should be a disciple of Luo Tianzong. Are you here to carry out the mission? Wu Xiong tried his whole body hard, and his clothes, which were still slightly thin, were directly collapsed by his muscles, revealing his dark body, and he also stood in front of Wang Yue like a black bear.

"You're right. I'm here to get your head." Wang Yue said with a sneer with his hands behind his back.

"It's a pity that you are not destined to complete the task." Wu Xiong suddenly put his hand into his pocket and shot a series of black darts from his hand. Are these darts all black venom? The whole ground splashed on the floor is a large piece of rotten in an instant, and even he himself is quite taboo.

"Dangdang!" Against Wang Yue's dodging, Wu Xiong has already jumped out of the inn and flew to the roof. Based on his repeated experience of plotting on others, Wang Yue should have fainted directly in the inn with a poisoned dart. Thinking of this, Wu Xiong was still a little eager to try. He wanted to enter the inn to see Wang Yue's death and find something good from Wang Yue.

"What are you looking at? I'm here." Just as Wu Xiong turned his head and returned to the inn, Wang Yue appeared behind Wu Xiong. This made Wu Xiong almost break out in a cold sweat.