Wu Ling Tianxia

Chapter 101 Ice Ancestor

Chapter 101 Ice Ancestor

After more than a year, Wang Yue has finally mastered the set of skills of Daluo Qian's palm prints, but he still can't understand the real essence of martial arts and even the artistic conception. Otherwise, there will be fragments of the essence of martial arts between every move. At that time, even if he can't have a spiritual platform, he can cross the level and kill people, instead of being half dead in the forest.

"Wow..." Wang Yue kept recalling the artistic conception on the painting in the first suzerain's living room, and his skills kept running in his body. In every move, Wang Yue played a good role, and even faintly saw the essence of martial arts in it. However, this is just a phantom, and it can't really condense and form.

However, even so, Wang Yue still kept running his skills, and he had already run the skills for 59 days in just one day. The next day, it increased to 170 Sundays. It can be said that Wang Yue's speed of condensing spiritual power is getting faster and faster, and more real power is also generated.

"The critical moment has arrived." Wang Yue felt that the six cyclones in his body seemed to have reached a time when they could not tolerate each other. There must be a decisive battle between the two. Wang Yue took a breath again, and his skills began to work more and more quickly.

On the third day, when the skill worked to 260 days, Wang Yue heard a click, and there was a sound of gas explosion in his lower abdomen. When Wang Yue heard this voice, he quickly looked inside his lower abdomen. Sure enough, three new cyclones have dominated, and the three old cyclones have been absorbed by the new cyclones.

"Bang!" When Wang Yue felt that the aura of more than 100 meters around him entered his body like a honey bee, he felt that the power on his arm had increased a lot. This palm hit the stone wall of the mountain and directly smashed a small stone wall. Roughly estimate the strength of this palm is 300,000 catties, which is 50,000 to 60 catties more than the power of the general overlord in the early days of the spiritual realm!

"Well, now the speed of spiritual power condensation in my body has increased fivefold, and the speed of Zhenyuan power condensation has increased seven or eight times. Even the essence of martial arts that has not been condensed for a long time has made a qualitative leap. If I meet the spiritual plateau overlord next time, I'm afraid I won't be as powerless as the last war. On the fourth day, after Wang Yue successfully practiced his skills, he began to practice martial arts again.

Now counting today, Wang Yue still has five days to go to the Nether Valley. Although I can't really understand the essence of martial arts in these five days, it is still no problem to summarize experience and improve combat effectiveness. So Wang Yue put his focus on the palm of the split mountain.

"The split mountain palm is divided into two types, the sky collapses and the earth collapses. Although it looks simple, the changes are endless, and it is extremely difficult to master it. Fortunately, Wang Yue's body is comparable to the third-order spirit beast. His strength, qi and blood are also huge, so it is easy to practice this martial arts skill.

"Unlike Daluo Qian's palm print, this martial art is a complete martial art skill, so the artistic conception required by each layer and the essence of martial arts that can be condensed are also written in the martial arts, which is much easier to practice. Unlike Da Luo's palm prints, even if Wang Yue cultivates to the seventh level, he still can't master the essence of martial arts, let alone the essence of the artistic conception.

"For example, this split mountain palm, the artistic conception is divided into three layers. The first level is invincible. This layer looks simple, but it needs a strong qi and blood impact, otherwise it will not be able to reflow qi and blood when cultivated, and the body can't bear it, and eventually become a useless person. However, this layer is relatively easier for Wang Yue, especially after he has completed the seventh level of practice.

"The second artistic conception of this split mountain palm is that there is softness in the strong, and the softness goes hand in hand. That is to say, when the steel is practiced to the extreme, softness appears. There is no disadvantage in the combination of strength and softness. This realm seems easy, but it is really difficult to master the proportion. Otherwise, it will not be effective, but also counterproductive, which is a taboo for practitioners. However, being able to understand the highest level can increase the power of martial arts by more than several times.

"The last layer of this cracked mountain palm is the rigid and soft body. That is to say, there is softness in the strong, and there is softness in the strong, regardless of each other. Therefore, this last layer is also the most unfathomable. It is said that some elders in Luo Tianzong also could not understand the mystery. Only the elders can integrate. Regardless of the strength of these characters at least in the late period of Lingtaijing, or even the strength of Guiyuanjing. It can be seen how difficult it is to master the artistic conception of prefecture-level martial arts.

It only took Wang Yue two hours to completely remember the content of the skill, and at the same time, his understanding over and over again began. He believes that with his strong body, he will definitely be able to master the first move of the cracked mountain palm in five days.

Five days soon passed, and Wang Yue also returned to his residence to take a hot bath, and felt that the agreed place had met with Li Delong.

"Brother Wang Yue, you are really dressed extraordinary today!" After seeing Wang Yue, Li Delong was the first to run to Wang Yue and said with a smile. In addition, there are many bigwigs standing in front of Wang Yue. But these are all from the Li family. Among them is Li Deguang, whom Wang Yue knows.

"Hir, Brother Li Deguang!" Wang Yue first gave a salute to Li Deguang, and then looked at the others and hoped that Li Delong would introduce him.

"This is my father, Li Daoguang!" Li Delong ran to a middle-aged man who looked very rich and said with a smile. Although this middle-aged man looks very modest and approachable, Wang Yue has no doubt that this middle-aged man's strength is at least in the later period of Guiyuan.

"This is my father's bodyguard, Song Gongming. Now it is the strength of the early stage of the heavenly realm. After introducing Li Daoguang, Li Delong introduced the middle-aged person behind Li Daoguang to Wang Yue.

"This is the three elders of our Li family and my sister Li Dexin." Finally, after Li Deguang introduced everyone, Wang Yue also greeted them one by one, which seemed extremely polite.

"This time, we are far away from the Nether Valley, so don't take an ordinary carriage. A little while, a spirit beast mount will come. Brother Wang Yue, don't worry. Li Deguang stood on Li Daoguang's left shoulder and looked like a bodyguard. He didn't say anything except for smiling at Wang Yue. Instead, Li Daoguang looked very hospitable and kept talking to Wang Yue.

"Thank you for your concern." Wang Yue nodded and said respectfully.

"Hmm. Li Delong, come here!" Don't look at Li Daoguang and Wang Yue talking with a smile, just like a harmless uncle, but in the face of Li Delong, he looks serious and almost makes people angry behind him, and even Wang Yue doesn't even dare to breathe.

"Yes, father." Li Delong knew that his father was going to lecture, so he quickly stood aside.

"Ha ha, little brother Wang Yue, let you laugh. My youngest son is naughty by nature. Although there is a huge amount of family property that he can consume, as a warrior, he still has to rely on his own ability. So I also hope that Wang Yue's little brother can teach my son more!" After Li Daoguang called Li Delong over, he said to Wang Yue with a smile.

"That's of course. Delong and I are good friends at first sight. Naturally, I won't stand by and watch him. Just ask me if Delong has any questions about practice in the future. How could Wang Yue not understand Li Daoguang's meaning? He nodded quickly and said.

"Li Delong, you didn't want to say anything!" After hearing Wang Yue's words, Li Daoguang turned his head and said to Li Delong. Hearing Li Daoguang's words, Li Delong fought a fierce cold war. It can be seen that although Li Delong usually laughed, he was still very afraid of his father at the critical moment.

"It's my father. I will definitely learn from the Wang Yue brothers and strive to reach the realm of the eldest brother. I will definitely live up to my father's expectations of me and humiliate our Li family. Li Delong put away all his laughter at this moment and seemed to have turned into a good baby.

"Hmm. That's good, little brother Wang Yue. You will be tired in the future. Although Wang Yue also knew that martial artists who walked in the world were ranked by strength, he was really uncomfortable to hear Li Daoguang's little brother. Seeing Li Daoguang's face change between himself and Li Delong, he knew that the original person's face could also be so capricious, especially a big man who acted as the richest man in Chuyun.

"Let's get ready to go." Just as there was a gust of wind from the sky, a huge spirit beast also fell from the sky.

"Wind dragon bird, travel 40,000 miles a day!" As soon as Wang Yue looked up, he saw a fourth-order spirit beast the size of a house flying above his head, which was equivalent to the hegemony in the middle of the spiritual platform. This kind of spirit beast is not only large, but also fast. Even a large family may not be able to have it.

"This engagement of the daughter of the patriarch of the Nether Sect, Luo Tianzong and Nether Sect have always had a bad relationship and will definitely not go. But since you have friends in the Nether Sect, you can also go with us. Let's go." More than 100 meters away from the ground, Li Daoguang grabbed a man with one hand and jumped on the back of the spirit beast very easily. There are neat rows of seats on it, and these people are very generous sitting in it.

"Brother Wang Yue, there is a cow tendon rope on the seat, which is made of the bull tendon of Hercules. You tie it to your body, and you won't be thrown out after flying. Sitting on this spirit beast, Li Delong was still experienced and quickly told Wang Yue some of these things. Otherwise, Wang Yue will be embolded in a moment, and he will be unlucky.

"Okay, now let's tie the cow tendon rope to ourselves and we'll be on our way." On the body of the spirit beast, there is also an elder in the late Lingtaijing standing together with three other elders one after the other. Shortly after he finished his words, the whole spirit beast began to slowly rise to the height of his destination. The distance between the Nether Sect and Luo Tianzong is tens of thousands of kilometers. If you rely on the speed of the wind dragon bird, you can reach it day and night in less than a day.

"Woo-woo..." This wind dragon bird really lives up to its reputation. After the strong wind and dragon bird flew up, Wang Yue felt that his whole body seemed to be exposed to the strong wind, but the strong wind cut Wang Yue's body like a big knife. If it's just Wang Yue, his whole body will be torn and bloody in this strong wind. However, now Li Daoguang sits next to his daughter and covers them with the spiritual power of body protection, while Wang Yue sits next to Li Deguang, and Li Delong sits next to Song Gongming. Each of them has taken care of them, so they just feel the wind, but they are not really hurt.

"Is this the trend? It's really powerful." It is said that when it comes to Guiyuan, you need to understand the role of the situation. In one move, even everything around him seemed to be accommodated and became his own accomplice. Finally, you can truly integrate the situation and communicate with heaven and earth, which is the so-called heavenly realm. Therefore, those who have entered the realm of heaven and man are the real heaven and man, that is, the so-called immortals.

"Squeaky..." Just after the sunset, when the sun rose again, a large group of dark spirit beasts appeared in the distance, which seemed to be a group of spirit beasts that had migrated elsewhere. At a rough look, there are tens of thousands of spirit beasts, which is a small spirit beast called the sparrow spirit bird. However, there are also many spirit bird leaders, spirit bird kings, and even fourth-order spirit beasts such as spirit bird emperors.

"Woo-woo..." Seeing a large number of sparrows and birds, the windy dragon bird did not show weakness. After all, he is a descendant of the dragon, and the blood of the king flows in his body. Naturally, such a low-level spirit beast is not allowed to offend its majesty. So he also roared and spread out, trying to make these sparrows and birds make way for them.

"Wow..." At this time, a long hiss came from the voice of a spirit bird emperor who was no less than the fourth-order spirit beast. Some sparrows and birds that were scared by the wind dragon bird trembled and even fell down again became energetic and woven into a big net again to completely block the road of Wang Yue and others.

"Crazy Wave!" The four elders of the Li family leaned directly together. Each of them opened their mouths and made a wave. The four waves were combined in front of the spirit beast, forming a thicker sound wave, which directly hit and swept a large number of sparrows and birds aside to open a road.

"Amazingly four-person joint attack!" Wang Yue knew that in addition to single martial arts, there are also combined skills, combined skills, and even formations, which are all powerful martial arts, which are much more powerful than a person. However, it is very difficult to cooperate with the more people.

"Wow..." Just as the wind dragon bird quickly passed through the sparrow spirit bird herd, suddenly a spirit bird emperor flew out of the bird herd and directly intercepted the way of Wang Yue and others.

"Let me do it this time." Just now, I saw the joint attack power of the four elders, and Song Gongming, the hegemon of Guiyuanjing sitting in his seat, was also a little unbearable.

"Wanli Waves!" Song Gongming didn't know when he left his seat and stood above the wind dragon bird. His hands opened a column of water like a dragon whirlwind and blew it out directly. The water column instantly became five meters thick, like a light blue stick hitting the abdomen of the spirit bird emperor. Before the other spirit bird emperor appeared again, the strong wind swept out again, and the whole sky seemed to be scattered and collapsed by the water column at this moment. In an instant, tens of thousands of sparrows and birds were cut open to get a huge incision, and the wind dragon bird also took this opportunity to easily leave the encirclement of sparrows and birds and escape.

"The hegemon of Guiyuanjing is so powerful. The seemingly light blow is several times more fierce than the four elders, which is really amazing!" Although Song Gongming stole the limelight of the four elders, the four elders were still the same, and Song Gongming returned to his seat again as if he had just done an ordinary thing and closed his eyes to refresh himself.

After passing through the sparrows and birds, Wang Yue looked down and saw majestic peaks constantly appearing in front of him one after another. Each of these peaks is towering into the clouds, at least thousands of meters. In particular, a main peak not far away is as high as tens of thousands of meters. Covered by large clouds and fog, there are still huge peaks** above the clouds and fog, giving people a feeling of a fairyland on earth.

"Wang Yue, that's the ice mountain. After the ice mountain, it is the Nether Valley. That's where the Nether Sect is located. Seeing the Ice Mountain, Li Delong was also extremely excited, as if he had seen the most magnificent scene in his life.

In Wang Yue's sight, in addition to the high and majestic ice mountain, Wang Yue can also feel a powerful soul fluctuation looming out of this mountain, as if there is a powerful existence sealed in this mountain.

"You're right. The ice ancestor is sealed in this ice mountain. It is said that he was an ice and snow beast when he was sealed, and his money had reached the holy level in tens of thousands of years. However, he was still sealed here by a more powerful existence and turned into an iceberg.

"Now that tens of thousands of years have passed, this ice ancestor still wants to break through the seal, especially in recent years. Unfortunately, this is a futile move. The ice mountain is still as stable as Mount Tai, and there is no difference at all. However, in recent years, the ice fruit on China's ice soul mountain has become more mature year by year, and the color is much better, attracting a large number of martial artists. You can also go and have a look when you have time. I don't know if Song Gongming saw something. He said to Wang Yue intentionally or unintentionally, as if he was prompting Wang Yue.

"The younger generation is puzzled, please make it clear." Although Wang Yue heard that Song Gongming said to himself, he could not reach his purpose, so he had to ask directly, hoping to get an answer.