Wu Ling Tianxia

Chapter 142 Good-heartedly bitten by a wolf

Chapter 142 was bitten by a wolf

"Jian Mingqiang has left?" Waking up by Wang Yue, Nether Xiaotian looked at Wang Yue with a surprised face and asked in panic when looking at the situation around him.

"Hmm. It was your suzerain who appeared and saved our lives. Wang Yue did not explain too much to Nether Xiaotian, but said it directly and concisely.

"The suzerain?" As soon as Ning Xiaotian heard the word suzerain, he closed his mouth very rationally and said nothing more.

"Okay, we will arrive at Beiyou City soon after getting out of here. After arriving at Beiyou City, I will leave here to take away the spirit beast stored in the inn and rush to Xing Tianzong. You don't need to worry about me anymore." Wang Yue patted the underworld Xiaotian, and the two finally separated in the inn in Beiyou City. Wang Yue left Beiyou City on a spirit beast and rushed to Xing Tianzong to send letters.

Xing Tianzong is in the south of the Sirius Sect, which is a large sect near Tianzhu Kingdom. Compared with the Sirius Sect, it is slightly smaller, but slightly larger than Luo Tianzong. However, compared with the Nangong family and Hengyangzong, it is one level different, which is an ordinary second-rate sect.

This time, Wang Yue did not go directly to Xing Tianzong, but prepared to gradually his old friend Li Tianling in Shangqiu.

Leaving Beiyou City, Wang Yue walked for about a few days and finally reached the capital of Shangqiu. However, this time Wang Yue did not show his true face, but dressed himself as a superman in the late stage of the extraordinary world. He mixed into the capital of Shangqiu to recall the feeling that he was not even a strong man in the extraordinary world.

"I heard that the king has been seriously ill recently, and he is going to die." Just as Wang Yue sat in the pub, he heard some residents of Shangqiu talking about the recent big events in Shangqiu.

"What, don't talk nonsense. If such a thing is heard by the king's bodyguard, he will behead.

"I didn't lie. My relatives work in the palace. I heard him say that the king has been getting worse and worse recently, and it seems that he is seriously ill. Don't you see that the guards in the capital have become different from before recently!"

What? Is the king of Shangqiu going to death? Wang Yue frowned and couldn't help thinking. I just don't know if Li Tianling is involved in it. If so, he really needs to go to the palace to have a look.

By the way, I'd better inquire about the mansion of the general of Zhenguo first and find Li Xiaoyuan. After listening to these people's comments, Wang Yue left the room and came to the door of the mansion of the general of Zhenguo. Li Xiaoyuan is the daughter of the general of Zhenguo. She should know something about the palace.

Wang Yue stood outside the wall of the house and jumped in very easily. Not to mention, the mansion of the general of the town is really rich. Every house is much higher than that of ordinary people's families, and most of them are two-story buildings. In the middle of some houses, some gardens, running water, lawns and trees are also everywhere, showing the elegant atmosphere of noble families. However, it was indeed very big. Wang Yue searched around and found Li Xiaoyuan's boudoir. At this moment, Li Xiaoyuan is dancing the sword in her hand in the yard, as if practicing her skills. However, her expression is serious and her mood is very dull.

"Li Xiaoyuan, all right!" Wang Yue jumped directly into the yard, stood opposite Li Xiaoyuan, and said with a smile on his face.

"Wang Yue, why is it you?" Li Xiaoyuan suddenly saw Wang Yue and had a sense of surprise in her heart. She looked again and saw that Wang Yue was now in the late stage of the extraordinary world, and she didn't know how many times stronger than her early stage of the extraordinary world! Thinking of this, Li Xiaoyuan's face was a little worse.

"Ha ha, I happened to pass by here to do something, and I just want to see you. By the way, how is Li Tianling recently? Wang Yue asked with some concern.

"What's good? Now the whole country is controlled by Li Tianqing. Li Tianling and Li Tianming are now plotting a big event in the secret room. I'm afraid they want to study how to kill Li Tianqing and control the whole Shangqiu country in their own hands. Li Xiaoyuan did not use respectful words, but said helplessly.

"Ha ha, the power struggle is usually cruel, which is also normal. What? Don't you think so?" Wang Yue said with a smile.

"Yes. You boys all like power struggle, but unfortunately I don't like it. Because every time the court is replaced, many people will die. For example, if the eldest prince Li Tianqing ascends the throne and becomes king, then my father and even the descendants of our Li family will be implicated and sent to the frontier as slaves. The third prince, the fourth prince, and my father will also be executed. Even if you are lucky, you can only be under house arrest.

"On the contrary, if Li Tianming ascended the throne as the king, the family of the former user Li Tianqing's official will also be implicated and finally assigned to the frontier and become a slave of others. There will be no day to turn over in his life." After all, Li Xiaoyuan is a girl. When it comes to the power struggle, it is still difficult to calm down.

"But there is nothing we can do about it. By the way, do you know where Li Tianming and Li Tianling are? I want to see what can help them." Wang Yue thought that he was also powerful now and might be able to help Li Tianling quickly calm down the chaotic situation in China and help Li Tianming register as soon as possible. In this way, death can be reduced to a minimum.

"Well, all right." Li Xiaoyuan thought for a moment and took Wang Yue to her room. In fact, she still wants to see Wang Yue, but she also knows that Shangqiu is in a period of turmoil and the situation is very unstable. It is necessary for her to explain some things to Wang Yue in detail.

"Wang Yue, I'm actually calling you to your room. There are actually something to tell you. Whether you leave immediately after hearing these words or want to continue to stay, I thank you for coming to Shangqiu to see me.

Li Xiaoyuan actually doesn't want to be so direct, but if she doesn't say so, I'm afraid it's too late when something really goes wrong. In order to avoid some bad things, Li Xiaoyuan decided to be a bad guy, explain the whole thing to Wang Yue, and then let him decide by himself.

"Ye, you can say it." Wang Yue nodded and said.

"Hmm!" Li Xiaoyuan thought for a moment and nodded.

"Now Shangqiu is in a period of turmoil. In fact, it is a question of who will be the king. Although this problem is simple on the surface, there are many hidden secrets in it. This also needs to be judged from the current situation of Shangqiu and neighboring countries.

"The terrain of Shangqiu is very complex, and the surrounding countries are also some countries of similar size of Shangqiu. Further north is the Underworld, and further west is Chuyun. If you go further east, it is Lang Tianguo. Therefore, in recent years, Shangqiu has also faced the problem of belonging to that empire and is in a dilemma.

"Because of the obstruction of the Frost Mountains, it is no longer possible to want Shangqiu to be included in Chuyun. So now all that is left is the Underworld and Lang Heaven. Therefore, there have been many disputes between the Heavenly Kingdom and the Underworld in order to fight for the king's house in Shangqiu.

"As for the current situation in our country, the Underworld supports the Great Prince, while Lang Heaven supports the Three Princes. Now that the king is seriously ill, the battle for the throne is becoming more and more fierce.

"In the eyes of those great powers, this battle for the throne is actually their territory. If the great prince succeeds to the throne, then Shangqiu will move closer to the Underworld in the future. If the third prince succeeds to the throne, then Shangqiu is likely to be included in the territory of the Lang Kingdom in the future. Therefore, no matter which prince succeeds to the throne, one party will lose its interests. Therefore, the change of kings is also a time for major forces to compete one after another.

"I didn't expect there to be such a big interest dispute here." Wang Yue nodded and said.

"This is nothing. The two sects also sent core disciples to the capital of our Shangqiu country to try to change the situation and let our Shangqiu country use for them. So now our Shangqiu country has also reached the biggest crisis in hundreds of years since the founding of the People's Republic of China. In fact, I am satisfied that you can come, Brother Wang Yue. Don't go into this muddy water anymore." The corners of Li Xiaoyuan's eyes were wet, and a drop of tears couldn't help flowing out. It can be seen that his heart is also tortured and under great pressure these days.

"Don't worry. I'm used to the big winds and waves, and I won't take these things to heart. Instead, you should pay attention to your body. Don't let the king collapse before he dies. Wang Yue patted Li Xiaoyuan and joked.

"Puff." Li Xiaoyuan didn't expect Wang Yue to say such an interesting thing, and she couldn't help laughing for a moment.

"Well, I know. Brother Wang Yue has said so much. I'm afraid you know a lot about our Shangqiu country. Then I will take you to meet the fourth prince. Maybe he will be very happy. As soon as Li Xiaoyuan wiped her tears, she took Wang Yue away from his boudoir.

In fact, Li Xiaoyuan is also selfish in her heart. She really hopes that there is someone around her who can make her rely on it. But today she saw Wang Yue, and suddenly felt extremely powerless, as if Wang Yue was a dragon flying in the sky, and she was just an earthworm crawling on the ground.

"Yuanyuan, where do you want to go?" Just as Li Xiaoyuan was about to take Wang Yue to see Li Tianling, suddenly a very calm male voice came out of a study. As soon as the words fell, Wang Yue turned around and saw a man like a hill appearing next to him. Judging from his face, this person should be Li Xiaoyuan's father and the general of Zhenguo of Shangqiu.

"I want to go to the Prince's Mansion with my friends. Father, what can I do for you? Li Xiaoyuan saw her father standing in front of her with a deep face and asked strangely.

"This young man has a strange face. Who are you?" Li Jing did not answer Li Xiaoyuan and looked at Wang Yue's strange question.

"Father, this is my brother Wang Yue that I mentioned to you before. This time he made a special trip to visit me and the fourth prince. Li Xiaoyuan said excitedly, as if she had regarded Wang Yue as a very important friend.

"Uncle, I'm Wang Yue, the inner disciple of Luo Tianzong. I came here because I happened to pass by here for something, so I wanted to see my friends. Wang Yue also bowed and said.

"Well, don't think I don't know. You have a close relationship with the people of the Nether Sect. Is it a conspiracy to come secretly at this time? Or do you want to act as an assassin to kill the three princes, and then completely incorporate our Shangqiu Kingdom into the banner of the Nether Sect!" Li Jing sneered and said jokingly as if he had known something.

"Oh? The younger generation doesn't know what you're talking about? I do have something to do with the Nether Sect, but I have no direct relationship with your Shangqiu Kingdom. I don't know where the senior's words came from.

Wang Yue, one junior and one senior, did not regard the other party as a general of Zhenguo. What he said is that I just think you are a general and we are all on an equal footing. You don't have to look at me.

"Presumptuous! This is the General's Mansion of Shangqiu Guozhen. It's your turn to make a noise!"

"Come on, grab me this gap of the Nether Sect." Now is the time of stormy Shangqiu, and anyone related to the Nether Sect is not welcome, especially in the general's mansion of the town.

Now Li Jing waved his hand and recruited five warriors in the early days of the spiritual platform and directly surrounded Wang Yue. Each of the five warriors holds a sword. The cold light flashed above the sword, and all kinds of light were intertwined, forming a simple formation. In this array, even ordinary late hegemons of the spiritual platform may not be able to take advantage of it. If they don't do it well, they will be trapped by the array. Now Li Jing's purpose is to kill Wang Yue, who is only in the later period of the extraordinary world, directly here.

"Father, brother Wang Yue is my friend. You can't do this to him!" Even if Li Xiaoyuan was bound by two warriors in the middle of the extraordinary world, she kept shouting to her father, hoping to give Wang Yue a trace of vitality.

"Take the lady away!" Li Jing looked at her, a woman who ate inside and outside, and said coldly. It seemed that as long as her daughter dared to disobey her orders, she would be killed together.

"No, father. Brother Wang Yue is innocent, and he is not with the Nether Sect. If you want to kill Brother Wang Yue, kill me first. The two warriors did not hold Li Xiaoyuan and were struggled out by Li Xiaoyuan and directly blocked in front of Wang Yue, as if they wanted to live and die with Wang Yue.

"You evil beast!" When Li Jing saw that his daughter was so rebellious, he was furious and even felt ashamed. He stepped forward and was about to slap Li Xiaoyuan out.

"Senior, why are you so angry!" Just as Li Jing took a step and raised his palm to hit Li Xiaoyuan's cheek, a white shadow suddenly appeared in front of him and grabbed Li Jing's palm. This speed is no worse than the overlords in the later stage of the spiritual realm.

"Is that you?" Li Jing looked up and saw that it was Wang Yue who stopped him and stopped him. Li Jing suddenly retreated, and the murderous spirit on his face became heavier, even to the point of ruthlessness.

"Daughter, when this kind of country is destroyed and the family dies, any personal relationship between children will only harm the country and the people. Now you have betrayed your father for a man. Damn it."

"Come on, arrange the formation immediately and kill these two enemy elements for me." Li Jing waved his hand slightly, and another seven or eight warriors in the later period of the extraordinary world came out from the corners of all directions, as if they had been ambushed for a long time.

"Wang Yue, go quickly. I'll block you here." Seeing her father's well-trained dead guard coming out of every corner, Li Xiaoyuan almost cried and desperately wanted to push Wang Yue away and push him away from her home.

"Yuanyuan, don't worry. These people still can't kill me. You can retreat at ease and wait for me to clean up these people before explaining to your father. Wang Yue gently pushed Li Xiaoyuan out of the center of the formation. Subsequently, four extraordinary warriors directly stunned Li Xiaoyuan and took him aside to prevent him from coming out again to make trouble.

"Come on." Wang Yue occupied the center of the formation and released all his pressure without hesitation. The powerful spiritual power shook almost all the warriors out.

"What, the boy actually hides his strength?" When Li Jingru saw that Wang Yue's realm directly climbed from the late stage of the extraordinary realm to the middle stage of the spiritual realm, he felt that Wang Yuelai Shangqiu was plotting, and the murderous intention on his face was suddenly magnified dozens of times.

"Good, good! Don't think that there is a ghost as your backer, and you can do whatever you want. Now it's enough for me to kill you. Seeing that Wang Yue only had the four-fold strength of Lingtai Realm, Li Jing sneered. Now his strength has soared that he has reached the eightfold in the late stage of the spiritual realm. It can be said that he has a place in front of the disciples of the sect, and now he is full of confidence in the face of Wang Yue.

"The Sirius roars!" Li Jing's hands suddenly turned into a wolf's mouth, and every finger seemed to have become the teeth of a fierce wolf. The spiritual power gathered between the palms. Several martial arts essences also swam back and forth in it, and finally turned into sharp teeth. After Li Jing took a sudden step, the fierce wolf finally opened his mouth and was about to bite Wang Yue. Li Jing's attack can be said to be unprepared and did not give Wang Yue any time to react at all.

"Kid, although you have Luo Tianzong and Nether Sect, you are still too young. So you will definitely die. Blame you for revealing your true strength too early.

After Li Jing sneered, his whole body suddenly jumped on Wang Yue, like a tiger.

"Oh!" A wolf shadow jumped out and directly hit Wang Yue's body, and his sharp teeth seemed to bite Wang Yue's neck. However, in the bite of the fierce wolf, Li Jing found that Wang Yue had disappeared in front of his eyes, and what he captured with both hands was just a mass of air.