Wu Ling Tianxia

Chapter 196 The Great World

Chapter 196 The Great World

"Puff!" In a very hidden place in the Frost Mountains, Li Chao actually fell into a secret room and spewed out a large mouthful of blood. This is a serious injury he has never suffered since his debut.

"The other party must be a warrior. However, Wang Yue did not have such a strong strength when he left Luo Tianzong. Why did he become so powerful now? Is he reincarnated as a big man in the bloody field or the bloody world? Now he has returned to the bloody field and found what treasures he had hidden in his previous life to greatly increase his strength? Li Chao kept thinking about all kinds of possibilities in his secret room. Even various methods are used to speculate that there is still no result in the end.

At this time, a golden whirlpool suddenly appeared with lasers in his face. An illusory figure slowly came out of the whirlpool. As he walked, the golden virtual shadow became clearer and clearer, instead of the blurred appearance that Li Chao had seen before.

"Apprentice, don't you know who I am all the time? Now I will let you see your true face clearly!" After the golden shadow became clearer and clearer, Li Chao actually saw a golden self, but this virtual shadow was hundreds of times or even more powerful than himself.

"Who the hell are you? Don't lie to me, or I won't let you control me even if I die. Li Chao immediately screamed when he saw the other one. But he is not particularly surprised now. Because he has just experienced a more thrilling battle before. If he hadn't prepared it, he would have been killed by Wang Yue. And he had many contacts with the virtual shadow in front of him, so Li Chao was much more calm when facing it.

"I am your real body, and you are just my reincarnation in one of the three thousand worlds. It's just that your incarnation doesn't seem to grow up very well. The golden sword man smiled and said.

Although he is just an ordinary conversation with Li Chao, Li Chao can feel an unparalleled sharp sword spirit in the hearts of the golden sword. It is this sword spirit that makes him invincible and not surpassed by anyone. However, this is just a kind of self-confidence, not to suppress Li Chao's momentum.

"What, I'm just a split of you." Li Chao suddenly spit out another mouthful of blood and asked with great surprise after a few steps. Although he was seriously injured, his eyes were full of an indomitable determination, and even his real body could not help but feel a sense of appreciation.

"Well, that's good. Although your growth has repeatedly encountered obstacles, I have to say that you are the most determined of all the incarnations in these three thousand worlds. You are still comforting me, so I decided to help you. But before I help you, I will tell you who I am and why I put you in this big world. The man on the golden sword said lightly.

"I am the supreme existence of a giant in the divine world. But there are some more powerful antiques on top of me. So my position in the divine world is just a hegemon, which is equivalent to the king of the Tianlong Empire in your world. But if it goes on like this, my life will definitely not change as usual. But it's exactly different from what I thought, and the dispute started from here.

"Two thousand years ago, an innocent little man flew from the Tianlong continent to the divine world. His ascension did not cause any waves in the divine world at all. You know, in order to cultivate talents, the divine world has its own * empire in 3,000 worlds. For example, the Tianlong Empire is a * empire set up by the Dragon God Sect in the divine world. However, the more powerful, who is in charge of this big world, is indeed Shangwu Shenzong. And your Tianlong continent is just one of the tiny sandstones like a river sandstone in the Shangwu world.

"In the world of Shangwu, there are more than tens of millions in a small world like you. It's just that after the person who was once regarded as a nobody in the divine world actually found a unique way in the divine world and achieved a great cause, Tianlong Continent was heavily monitored by the divine world and became the * empire of the Dragon God Sect.

"The divine world was always in dispute before he came. Although the dispute is not big, it has been fought for years. However, since he entered the divine world, his strength has soared, and finally unified the divine world and became the lord of the divine world. And it was he who founded Luo Tianzong, the founder of Luo Tianzong. Just after the golden sword master finished talking about the matter, Li Chao suddenly felt like a whirlwind. He never thought that Luo Tianzong would have such a big *, and everything was far beyond his expectation. This has ruined all his previous plans.

"I put you in Luo Tianzong, hoping to borrow your hand to learn more about some things about Luo Tianzong. But I didn't expect that in the past ten years, I haven't gained anything at all. However, this is not the point. The point is that Luo Tianzong has fallen into the difficulty of destroying the door. As I expected, the person who just injured you was not Wang Yue, a disciple of Luo Tianzong, but a pawn of other bigwigs in the divine world who sneaked into the Tianlong Continent. This time he went to Luo Tianzong as Wang Yue to get the key information of the legend. The man on the golden sword said lightly, with a slight sadness in his tone.

"Master, shall I go back or continue to stay here!" After hearing the news, Li Chao hurriedly asked.

Although he doesn't think Luo Tianzong has much future, after all, it is the sect he used to be. If Luo Tianzong is destroyed. Although he won't lose much, this is already a shadow for him, which is also a matter of meaning. If he can't cut off this tie, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to reach a higher level in the future.

"Hmm. You don't need to worry too much about this matter. Just follow your inner thoughts and do it. At the same time, I don't believe that the sect created by the power that once dominated the divine world will be destroyed so easily. That's all for me. As for what you want to do, it's up to you. After saying this, the figure of the golden sword turned into tens of millions of golden lights and returned to the golden whirlpool, as if it had never appeared.

"I'd better go back. I hope it's not too late!" Li Chao grabbed the golden sword beside him, and his whole body immediately merged with the golden sword and directly broke through the rock like a golden light, penetrating out, leaving the frost mountains and rushing towards Luo Tianzong at a very fast speed.

"Flying fire through the needle, sky fire cloud stone, bath fire rebirth." In order to practice his skills to control the ground fire as much as possible, the flame knife was also used by him again and again in his hand. Just when he felt that the flame knife method had reached the extreme, suddenly a cold spiritual power burst out of the cyclone in his field into the meridians of his whole body, and gradually formed a trend of ice and fire blending with the spiritual power of the flame attribute in his body. At the same time, the spiritual power of the fire attribute that originally lurked in Wang Yue's body was also stimulated by the spiritual power of the ice attribute, and the ice and fire were constantly entangled together and slowly evolved into a new state.

This is the second floor of the sky fire. Wang Yue only knew that the fire burning body was a skill that could operate independently, but there was no obvious change when his fire burning body reached the first layer of fire. But today, when the local fire reached the limit in his body, the fire burning skill also broke through.

Although this breakthrough has not given Wang Yue very obvious benefits, he obviously feels that he is becoming more and more proficient in the use of the spiritual power of the ice and fire attributes, and can even let the spiritual power of the two attributes of ice and fire enter every corner of his body, increasing the number of spiritual power contained in his body. More than twice.

Just as he realized the momentum of ice and fire, the connection between the martial arts placenta of the ice and fire attribute in his body seemed to be closer. Especially when he looked at this small world again, he suddenly found that this small world was also condensed with the spiritual power of ice and fire attributes, and a huge array suddenly appeared in front of Wang Yue's eyes.

"Master, I didn't expect you to understand the wonderful use of ice and fire, and even increased the ability to control the spiritual power of ice and fire attributes. In this way, we will not be far away from this small world. The ice ancestor and Wang Yue share the same body. Although he could not control Wang Yue, he could feel the changes in Wang Yue's body, which also broadened his horizons a lot. Especially in his eyes, the array of this small world is like the vein of a big tree, which is clearly seen by him, and the method of cracking is naturally analyzed by him.

However, the ice spirit ancestor only has this experience in cracking, but it can't be cracked, so he can only let Wang Yue try it.

"Although I can't imagine why the man named Xu Feiyan imprisoned me here and tried to make people refine me with fire. Unfortunately, his idea was not achieved, but completed me. But since he can imprison me and don't kill me, he must want to use me. As for why he used me!"

"It's just that I want to use my identity to achieve a certain purpose. The first is Luo Tianzong, and the second is Nether Sect. As for the role of my family, it is almost negligible. Wang Yue thought of a general idea with the method of calculus and finally got a very vague answer.

"Master, I think this matter should be inseparable from Luo Tianzong. It is said that thousands of years ago, Luo Tianzong was just an ordinary small sect, not even famous. Later, after a genius joined, this sect began to rise in Tianlong Continent. In particular, a man named Luo Xin flew to the divine world more than 2,000 years ago. Since then, Luo Tianzong's status has almost soared in the whole Tianlong Continent and become the largest sect in Tianlong Continent.

"It's a pity that the good times are not long. For some reason, Luo Tianzong was killed by almost all the elders above the divine wandering world overnight, and even the suzerain who was in the virtual state at that time was not spared. In order to preserve the strength of Luo Tianzong, the rest of Luo Tianzong's disciples actually left Tianlong Continent and came to Chu Yunguo. Finally, it became the largest sect of Chuyun. When the ice soul ancestor said this, he also sighed for a while. From the words of the ice ancestor, he seems to have a lot of contact with Luo Tianzong's heart. Otherwise, he would not have spoken in such a tone.

"Master, you are right. When I was a holy beast, I had contact with Luo Xin. However, we didn't have a deep contact at that time. All I know is that he is a young warrior who is unrestrained and never arrogant. And his talented subordinates can be exerted to the extreme no matter what kind of skills he has. And your Luo Tianzong's handprint is the prefecture-level skill he created.

"In addition, he has also created a skill called Jiuyan Fantasy Heavenly Secret. It seems that he flew into the divine world with this set of skills. It's just that this set of skills seems to have been lost in the process of relocating your sect. The ice ancestor said a little sadly.

"Luo Xin?" Wang Yue did see the name Luo Xin in the painting on the wall of the first patriarch's living room. However, he did not expect that it would take the first suzerain to fly to the divine world in a hundred years and even create two sets of skills. This can be said to be an unprecedented thing.

"Oh? But what does this have to do with Xu Feiyan? Although Wang Yue sighed a little, he did not understand the meaning of the ice ancestor.

"In fact, Luo Xin flew to the divine world in less than a hundred years. Many people thought that he had achieved this rare genius strength in a thousand years with his own skills, and even no one surpassed him within ten thousand years. However, after he flew into the divine world, he seemed to have done something else. After that, people in the divine world came to Tianlong Continent several times to pursue the root cause, but they could not find out the cause.

"It's just that Luo Tianzong had a huge accident hundreds of years ago and was forced to move. The original Luo Tianzong was also turned inside and outside, as if the other party wanted to find something. Now it seems that they still haven't found what they were looking for hundreds of years ago, and I'm afraid the purpose of Xu Feiyan's going to Luo Tianzong this time is also true. Although the ice ancestor is unwilling to tell the truth, what he said is infinitely close to the truth. However, since he was crushed under the ice mountain by the Rift Emperor, what he knows is also very limited. It is very difficult for him to know this.

"Isn't Luo Tianzong going to face a disaster of destruction again?" After knowing these situations, Wang Yue immediately used the method of calculation to perform again, and the final result was very cruel. That is to say, Luo Tianzong is likely to be washed by Xu Feiyan.

However, this is still only the worst of all the situations speculated by Wang Yue. Although the probability is the greatest, it is not all a bloody situation among many endings. For example, Li Chao should also be a chess piece placed by a big man in Luo Tianzong. This big man should have some affection for Luo Xin, so he let Li Chao lurk in it all the time without much action. If Xu Feiyan really wants to wash Luo Tianzong, he seems to be a variable. As for the other variables, Wang Yue did not dare to judge.

"No, I have to get out of here. Otherwise, if Xu Feiyan pretends to be me and kills Luo Tianzong, not only me, but also our Wang family will suffer the disaster of extinction. I can't let this affect my family!" Wang Yue followed Luo Tianzong's calculation that he was blood-washed. He actually foresaw that some disciples of the sect saw him and the demon clan, and even the blood-colored warriors washed Luo Tianmen with blood. Finally, the royal family of Chu Yun ordered to kill the whole Wang family. Even Wang Feng could not escape death. The scene was extremely miserable, which made Wang Yue almost unable to stand the sadness and go crazy.

"Puff!" Wang Yue spit out blood in his chest, and his heart was extremely aggrieved.

But he spit out a mouthful of blood, and his mind became extremely clear. He felt the seriousness of the matter. Now he may still be useful to Xu Feiyan. But once Xu Feiyan's goal is achieved, it may be his death. Otherwise, the other party would definitely not use such a weak fire.

"The other party used ground fire on me three times in total. The first time it should be that the other party should be in order to weaken my mind soon after I entered the small world. The second time, the other party seemed to be dissatisfied with my effect in the ground fire in order to further trap me. This third time should be the time for them to leave the bloody field.

"It's only one day before they leave the bloody field, and I think it's still too late to catch up." After understanding all this, Wang Yue's mind suddenly became extremely clear, and even the dotted lines depicting the true power of the array were clearly seen by him. Especially in the place where water and fire blended in the array, Wang Yue saw the essence of martial arts making inseparable communication in it. And in the center of this array, there is even a fragment of martial arts true intention guarding the core of the whole array.

Judging from the rolling power emanating from the fragments of the true meaning of martial arts, it is delusional to say that even if he is a wanderer wants to leave here. No wonder the other party can imprison him here without fear. If there is nothing the warriors in the divine realm have nothing to do, it is even easier to trap him as a heavenly overlord. Therefore, no one will take care of him in the short term. It's just how he should crack this array!

Since Wang Yue has found the core of the array, he tried to use his own soul power to get close to the fragments of the true meaning of martial arts. Instead, it's okay for Wang Yue not to touch the true meaning of martial arts. Once touched, the true meaning of martial arts turned into a blood-red sun that directly shrouded Wang Yue in it.

"Master, the true meaning of this martial arts is the true meaning of martial arts condensed by blood-colored warriors with their own powerful ideas. Although it is only fragments, it is not something that ordinary warriors can break. However, if the master can defeat him with the true intention of martial arts in the spiritual core of the ancestor of the earth, there may be some chances to succeed. Bingpo Laozu suddenly thought of the true meaning of the martial arts around Wang Yue's heart and suggested.