Wu Ling Tianxia

Chapter 221 Magic Continent

Chapter 221 Magic Continent

"Buzz..." When Wang Yue gradually lost consciousness, he felt that his brain seemed to be slowly becoming unconscious, and even his heart seemed to have an uncontrollable panic. But at this time, he is no longer in the mood to think about this. He felt that his life had gradually disappeared. But at this time, the unyielding will to survive in his heart also began to emerge, constantly awakening the cells in his body that had been close to death, and slowly awakening the inexhaust potential in his body.

Suddenly, an incredible picture suddenly appeared in Wang Yue's mind that did not belong to his memory. However, these pictures have appeared in his mind more than once, especially this time.

Originally, it was just an extremely vague and not tall figure, standing quietly in mid-air, but today it seems particularly clear. Wang Yue can clearly feel an extremely resolute character and even an extremely strong self-confidence from this angular man. In particular, this man's eyes give people a sense of elegance, free and ease, as if it is comfortable to break away from the rules between heaven and earth, and a kind of calmness beyond the world.

In the void, the man stood straight, with no expression on his face, but only strong self-confidence and indifferent courage.

At this time, thick blue-purple lightning suddenly fell from the sky and hit the head of the figure fiercely!

Nine hundreds of kilometers of huge blue-purple lightning cut through the sky and illuminate the vast land. The blurred figure under the lightning looks extremely small, like an ant that will be pinched to death at any time.

Just as nine lightnings were about to hit the top of the head, suddenly, the figure moved and gently punched!

Only one punch, seemingly extremely slow and casual, plain, like a yawn when getting up, but this punch seems to be in line with the law of heaven and earth. The nine desperate blue-purple lightning is like a burning matchstick, and was suddenly beaten into a ball of shining sparks. , splashed everywhere, and disappeared in a blink of an eye...

At this time, Wang Yue felt that he had moved somewhere in his body. To be precise, the movement is faster. The buzzing sound made the spiritual power of the whole world seem to suck into his body. Wang Yue suddenly felt that he had appeared in the middle of a galaxy, and he was the center of the galaxy. Countless twinkling stars around him bloomed with dazzling light, twinkling brilliantly.

Suddenly, Wang Yue saw a powerful force burst out in the middle of the galaxy, and a sharp long diamond-shaped transparent object burst out brilliantly from the center of the galaxy. The brilliance flashed, and a long white ribbon-like object suddenly appeared in front of Wang Yue. The essence of martial arts on this object is like beautiful patterns, making very regular circular movements on this white ribbon.

Wang Yue quietly looked at the white ribbon, and there was a subtle feeling in his heart, as if this white ribbon was his life and everything to him. He stretched out his arm to touch the white ribbon, and the ribbon vibrated gently, like Wang Yue's own heartbeat.

At this moment, countless martial arts experiences entered Wang Yue's heart...

"Hahahaha, die!" In addition to Wang Yue's thinking, the torn strong hand has rushed towards Wang Yue's side crazily. At this moment, his whole body is covered with blood, like a madman. He came to Wang Yue's side in less than a breath. One of his hands had hung on Wang Yue's body, and blood splashed. But just as he laughed wildly and thought he could kill Wang Yue, an extremely strong energy fluctuation burst out from Wang Yue's body.

"Buzz, buzz..." This sound is exactly the same as the sound in Wang Yue's mind, even hundreds of times stronger than the sound in Wang Yue's mind.

When this wave of powerful energy burst out, the torn arm of the strong hand could no longer enter Wang Yue's body, and his body seemed to be absorbed by the energy fluctuation. Countless energy Ruting cut on the body of the torn strong hand like a sharp blade. The torn strong hand felt that his body was firmly bitten by a big mouth, and his whole body was in pain. At this moment, he felt how he felt when he tore up others.

"Boom!" When the strong hand was extremely powerful, the body finally couldn't withstand countless vibrations, gnawed, and finally exploded into a large pool of blood stains absorbed by Wang Yue's body and became the nourishing material in his body. At the same time, Wang Yue's injury is also beginning to improve at a speed that can recover with the naked eye.

"Rumble, roar..." Wang Yue actually began to transform the spiritual power in his body into true power. But now he is not fully successful, only a little. What appears now is a natural disaster and a thunder punishment.

The rolling thunder clouds covered the valley where Wang Yue was in an instant. More thunder dragons began to open their teeth and claws in the sky, which was fierce and creepy.

"What the hell is this? Why are there so many thunder clouds here for no reason?" Many warriors looked at the sky with an extremely frightened look, and even some timid warriors began to escape to the distance, afraid that such a powerful Lei Yun would kill himself alive. Therefore, when Lei Yun gathered more and more, only a few powerful warriors were watching not far from Wang Yue.

One of them is the invincible strong man in the magical world. Although the difference between the virtual world and the divine world is very far away, there is almost no chance to kill people. However, some geniuses who are against the sky can still kill the warriors who rush to the virtual world in half a step. And this demon clan is one of them.

He is the first core disciple of the overlord demon sect, the eternal secret of hegemony.

There are also several powerful demon warriors near the hegemonic eternal secret, who are also watching what is happening in the direction of Wang Yue. They can feel that there should be an incomparable warrior who has advanced here. It's just that they can't judge whether this warrior is advanced to the virtual world or an advanced divine world.

"Roar!" The first thunder dragon flew out of the clouds. There are countless thunderbolts on Thunder Dragon's body. The thunder sounded all over the earth. Under this thunder dragon, Wang Yue held a flame knife and stretched out a pair of blood-colored wings behind him. These bloody wings began to burn mending flames in the high-speed flight, and the virtual shadows of countless ground fires were deepening. At the same time, in Wang Yue's body, a real martial arts intention began to break through the ice and swim from the whirlpool in Wang Yue's Dantian to Wang Yue's head.

"Boom!" The first one, which was several meters thick and three meters long, shot Wang Yue like a sharp sword. A thunderstorm suddenly broke out in the sky. This huge sound resounded through the valley, and countless harsh echoes came from the valley.

"Boom!" The first thunder dragon disappeared, and a bigger thunder dragon appeared. This thunder dragon bombarded Wang Yue at a faster speed. After two bombardments, Wang Yue's skin, which was harder than steel, had begun to show signs of collapse and became extremely fragile.

However, it was also at this time that some of the original impure true power in Wang Yue's body was also slowly changing and gradually becoming purer.

Originally, even the warriors who rushed to the virtual world may not be able to survive. However, when this huge thunder dragon passed Wang Yue's head, it was absorbed by an extremely powerful martial arts truth. More thunder power is constantly refined in the true meaning of this martial arts, and it has become a purer ability to enter Wang Yue's body. At this time, the three martial arts placenta in Wang Yue's body have begun to slowly change shape, and even a new image has appeared, becoming the state when he was a baby with Wang Yue, which seems to be full of spirituality.

"Boom!" Countless thunder and lightning are still refining Wang Yue's body, making his body stronger. At the same time, more heavenly rules are slowly absorbed by Wang Yue's body in thunder and lightning and become extremely pure.

"Bum!" In Wang Yue's body, a fragment of martial arts truth has been completely condensed and formed, and the essence of 500,000 martial arts keeps circulating on it. There is even a small world in this fragment of martial arts, which can be filled with more spiritual power.

"Bum!" After the first fragment of martial arts true intention appeared, a small world and a third world appeared in Wang Yue's body. Every small world is a fragment of martial arts and a more powerful space to store true elements. It can be said that at this moment, Wang Yue's strength finally increased to the level of the early stage of the divine journey.

"What, Leilong's power is getting weaker and weaker. Has this person succeeded in advancing? A powerful warrior finally said in amazement when he saw the disappearing thunder clouds in the sky.

"This son is really talented and absolutely evil. At the same time, this son must also have great luck. I'm afraid that the newly advanced divine travel world will also have a huge achievement. Another powerful warrior said lightly.

However, no matter what they say, they will not go to see Wang Yue's situation with their own eyes. After all, as a warrior, the state that has just been completed is very unstable, and the mood is easy to explode. Especially the fragments of martial arts in his body will explode into fragments if he is not careful. No one wants to die with a martial artist who has just advanced into the divine wandering world.

"Well, I'm afraid he killed my brother just now. However, this boy is really young. It's really humiliating to be killed by a human warrior who has not yet advanced. But his luck ends here. I will definitely kill him." The eternal secret of hegemony thought secretly. Then he disappeared into the crowd.

"Bum!" When Wang Yue landed on the ground this time, he was already a wandering warrior. It's just that his current state is still unstable and he is just a warrior in the early stage of the divine world.

Huh? It seems that my upgrade just now has attracted the attention of too many martial artists. I'd better get out of here quickly." Wang Yue thought of this and directly injured the sky and left the Valley of Death.

"Gaga, master, I didn't expect me to advance to the divine world with my master!" Just as Wang Yue left the Necromancer, the ice ancestor who had been hiding in Wang Yue's body suddenly laughed.

Wang Yue is now a warrior in the early stage of the divine journey, and the ice soul ancestor has directly reached the middle of the divine journey. It can be said that the cultivation speed of both of them has reached the extreme. I don't know how many times faster than the accumulation of thousands of years ago. This is also the most exciting place for the ice ancestors.

"Don't be too excited. I'm afraid that many warriors will come to find the treasure of the Blood Demon Emperor this time. We'd better hide first to avoid attracting attention and provoking some existences that we can't resist. Although Wang Yue's current strength has improved again, he is not a fool and knows that he still has many shortcomings. What's more, although the warriors in the divine realm are very scarce in Tianlong mainland and can even become the existence of the elders in some ordinary sects, they are only ordinary low-level people in the demon world.

But Wang Yue doesn't care. Even the smallest person is no longer randomly slaughtered. It can be said that martial artists can also have their own identity in the demon world. Otherwise, in the demon world, warriors below the divine realm have no status at all. If they offend the big man, they will be killed at any time.

"Gaga, little brother. We are all human warriors. I think you are also the treasure of the Blood Demon Emperor. Why don't we go together? Just as Wang Yue was walking quickly on the ground in a very low-key way, a middle-aged man appeared beside him. This middle-aged man's muscles are like pieces of steamed bread, but Peng Qi is not as hard as the magic martial arts, as if it is elastic.

"Oh? Which world warrior are you? Wang Yue asked strangely. After all, among the three thousand worlds, human warriors occupy the largest number of the world, and Tianlong Continent is only the smallest of many big worlds.

"I come from the world of martial arts, the magical continent. My name is Magic Star!" The middle-aged man said with a smile.

"It turned out to be a magical continent. Nice to meet you. My name is Wang Yue, and I come from Tianlong Continent. Although Wang Yue has never heard of other big world brothers and planets, there are still many things about the magic continent in the brain of the earth fire ancestor. Many warriors in the magic continent are demons. Of course, this kind of cultivation is not a demon clan, but a practice of magic. Each move seems to be full of the spirituality of toys, which is a little different from martial arts. If you use the magic cultivation of the magic continent, he is a magic martial arts double cultivation.

"Ha ha, little brother, I think you must have been followed. Do you want us to kill the demon warrior to lead a hidden place? Otherwise, it's inconvenient to always do anything with a powerful demon warrior behind it!" The magic star always looked ahead, but vaguely prompted Wang Yue, a hidden enemy.

"Ye�. It's really inappropriate to follow a follower. If my eldest brother is willing to help me, thank you very much. Wang Yue could see that the strength of this middle-aged man was in the late stage of the divine journey. The two of them can be said to be easy to deal with a demon warrior who rushed to the virtual world.

"You're welcome. After all, in this world, we have too few human warriors, so we should unite, at least there are some opportunities. With that, the magic star pointed to a very remote mountain. He winned at Wang Yue, and the two flew towards the barren mountains.

"Ha ha, you want to plot on me. I don't think it's that easy. I'd like to see what you're going to do!" Seeing that the magic star and Wang Yue flew to a place together, he also followed with a sneer.

"Hmm?" The hegemonic Yongjie suddenly felt more and more wrong. He followed Wang Yue and seemed to disappear, and only the magic star was walking in front of him.

"Humble human warrior, stop!" The body of Yongjie suddenly accelerated, blocking the way of the magic star like a flying sword and scolded loudly.

"What's the matter with you? I don't seem to know you." The magic star looked at the eternal secret of the overlord and asked strangely.

"It's okay if you don't know me, it's okay if you know me. Let me ask you, where did the human warrior who came with you go? The hegemonic Yongjue asked with a sneer.

"Don't you see him? He was separated from me just now. I think you should go that way if you want to find him!" The magic star casually pointed out a direction to the hegemonic Yongjue and said with a smile.

"You?" How can he not see the eternal secret of the hegemonic body? The magic star is just perfunctory, and his stomach is about to be blown up in an instant.

"Look for death!" The hegemonic Yongjie's body suddenly rushed forward, and a big hand stretched out. This big hand is like a palm-shaped plant that is dissatisfied with burrs. When he took action, the magic star seemed to see that the air was pierced by the burrs on his palm and divided into many layers.

"Bang!" Just as he punched the magic star, he saw that the magic star's body was directly smashed into pieces and melted into **. Only then did he let him know that he had been fooled.

"Fire Dragon Diamond!" Just as the hegemonic eternal secret lost its mind, suddenly a slender flame knife rushed out of a dead corner. The flame-long knife and fire shadow have opened its mouth like a poisonous snake and is about to bite the body of the hegemonic eternal secret. At the same time, a pair of blood-red wings were stretched behind Wang Yue. This pair of wings is like a burning flame, which increases Wang Yue's speed to an extreme speed.

"Bo!" Wang Yue's speed has reached the extreme, and even the air has been pierced by Wang Yue, forming a small area of vacuum level.