Wu Ling Tianxia

Chapter 241 inferiority emperor

Chapter 241 inferiority emperor

"Hulala..." The first Wang Yue kept struggling to extinguish the black flame wave in the ruins, and his whole body seemed to be burned by the black flame. At first, it was his skin, followed by muscles, blood, internal organs, and finally bones. Even Wang Yue's martial arts intentions slowly faded in the flame, and even disappeared without a trace.

"Ah, ah..." Just as the first Wang Yue kept struggling, the other Wang Yue was glued to an extremely sticky spider web. On the spider web, Wang Yue began to lose himself and even kept struggling. But no matter how hard he struggles, he can't escape the entanglement of this big net. In the end, Wang Yue lost himself and became an idiot.

"Woo-woo..." Wang Yue was struggling in four different spaces, and the third Wang Yue kept crying in the poisonous smoke wave. Because he saw that his previous life was so miserable and painful, as if he would never see hope. Finally, the third Wang Yue gave up himself and was killed.

"Hahahahahaha..." The last Wang Yue is the most special. In the dark jealousy, Wang Yue felt that the martial artists in the world were not as good as him, and even the divine world was just a beggar in a beggar gang. He is the only one in the whole universe, and any warrior is just his effort. So he burst into laughter and finally died in his fantasy.

Four Wang Yue are approaching death, but none of them is Wang Yue's body.

"Well, why are these four kings so powerful? Are these all transformed by Wang Yue with the essence of his own martial arts? The centipede emperor suddenly felt a burst of suffocation in his heart. He didn't expect things to turn out like this. In his thinking, Wang Yue should have been killed by these four and half steps of the Holy Emperor. Suddenly he thought of the key.

"No, this Wang Yue is simply pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger." Although the centipede emperor woke up, it was too late.

"A disillusioned blow!" At this time, Wang Yue emerged from the anxiety of these four warriors. A picture appeared in front of them. In this picture, four Wang Yue, who were killed by them, unexpectedly resurrected. The four Wang Yue performed the martial arts skills they had used and carried out a must-kill attack on them.

In the virtual and real environment, these four half-step holy emperors began to lose themselves, and even were blinded by illusions, thinking that they had become Wang Yue, while those who performed martial arts were themselves. He killed Wang Yue himself, and he was also killed by himself.

"Destroy the world." Wang Yue killed four half-step emperors at once. As soon as he stretched out with one hand, a black hole expanded from his palm. It was violently absorbed in the black hole, and the four half-step holy emperors on the verge of death were directly sucked in and turned into pure blood-colored spiritual power and were completely absorbed by Wang Yue's blood demon method.

"Boom!" Wang Yue killed four half-step holy emperors at once with a trick to hide the sky and the sea. It can be said that the snake swallowed the elephant, and instantly changed from a warrior in the late stage of the holy level to a half-step holy emperor.

"slow down!" Just as other spirit beast warriors were preparing to launch a mass attack on Wang Yue, the centipede emperor shouted fiercely. He was afraid that these holy warriors would become the food in Wang Yue's mouth again, which cut off his noble status as the emperor. After all, for the Holy Emperor, he is the only one who can't show dignity at all, so he is anxious for so many holy warriors to become his followers. Therefore, during the real war, he will not expect these holy warriors to come out. However, in his opinion, Wang Yue may have done this to make him pay more attention to himself. Since the four-and-a-half-step holy emperor died, why don't you put Wang Yue under your own pen?

"Oh? Your Majesty, why have you changed your mind now? Wang Yue looked at the Holy Emperor and asked with a smile.

"Ha ha, you really have some strength. These four half-step Holy Emperor is not strong enough, and it is normal to be killed by you. I don't know what benefits you want to become your majesty's capable general? The centipede emperor sat on his throne, reflecting his extremely noble status and asked with a smile.

"Hahaha, the conditions are very simple. Then I will let me sit in your seat. Shocking assassination." Every word Wang Yue said made the centipede emperor's face gloomy. In the end, Wang Yue actually used a killing move and killed the centipede emperor without warning. Because he knew that the centipede Holy Emperor would not give up his painstaking position, he was put in front of him to kill the centipede Holy Emperor.

"Kka, Kaka..." The world seemed to be torn apart by a big force. Wang Yue took a step and punched out, and the other two martial arts essences were entangled on top of the essence of a martial arts, showing a falling outfit. The three martial arts rotated together and pierced a crack in the void. In almost no time, Wang Yue appeared beside the centipede emperor and stabbed directly into the centipede emperor's body with one blow.

"Tear..." With Wang Yue's punch, the centipede emperor's body was torn in half by Wang Yue. All the holy warriors present were stunned by this horrible scene. In their eyes, the centipede emperor is almost inviolable. Not to mention these low-level warriors, even if there are more half a step of suicide attacks by the emperor, it will be useless. However, Wang Yue is just a newly advanced holy warrior who can break the body of the centipede emperor with one punch, so how strong is this Wang Yue? Many holy warriors are pale and can't believe the truth.

"Kid, what you just broke is just my martial arts body. You will never find my real body. Let you suffer from it now. Kill me!" At this time, the centipede emperor, who had been cut in half by Wang Yue, was reassemped together, and his strength was a little stronger than before. He was not afraid of Wang Yue's martial arts at all, and countless sharp tentacles all over his body cut Wang Yue's body fiercely.

"Kkakaka..." Although Wang Yue had the protection of a flame knife in his hand, thousands of sharp tentacles hit Wang Yue with unimaginable blows again and again. In the end, Wang Yue didn't even seem to have the strength to hold the flame knife.

"Ice and Fire meteorite!" Just a time to breathe, Wang Yue suffered hundreds of blows with the Holy Emperor's full strength. Wang Yue knew that he could not sit back and wait to die, otherwise he would be dragged to death by the other party sooner or later. So he clenched the flame knife with both hands, and the ice power and flame power poured out from the flame knife like a flood at the same time. Two forces form a strangulation force and collide with a martial arts tentacle. Wang Yue took the opportunity to retreat, which was regarded as avoiding the other party's wheel attack in front of him.

"Infinite winding!" After Wang Yue escaped, the centipede Holy Emperor slowly changed his form, and his body seemed to be divided into many parts, appearing under Wang Yue's Zhou. Suddenly, the space was torn, and Wang Yue was wrapped in the middle by the centipede emperor without warning and quickly entangled.

"Illusional Shadows!" Under great pressure, Wang Yue not only felt that he had no way to escape, but even the surroundings of his body seemed to be squeezed by mountains from all directions. Under this pressure, if Wang Yue can't escape, he is likely to be killed directly by the centipede emperor or seriously injured.

At the critical moment, Wang Yue combined the last move of Da Luo Qian's palm print with Jiuyan's magic formula, creating a martial art, illusory thousand shadows. At this moment, Wang Yue's body immediately exploded, forming countless layers of him. Even the centipede emperor could not tell which one was Wang Yue for a moment, and he became confused for a moment.

However, the centipede emperor is at the level of emperor after all. His reaction and experience are much higher than that of the holy warriors. He instantly understood Wang Yue's strength, and countless sharp tentacles were directly combined, and no matter how many layers of space were torn one after another, giving Wang Yue any chance to escape at all.

"A disillusioned blow!" Although Wang Yue's realm is a half-step emperor, his soul power is much higher than that of the centipede emperor, and he is infinitely close to the half-step emperor. So he also quickly found the weakness of the centipede Holy Emperor's martial arts skills, hid in the nearby space, and even caught the true body of the centipede Holy Emperor.

The difference between the holy martial artist and the virtual martial artist is that the martial arts embryo of the holy martial artist has become a martial arts* and has its own mind. In this way, the martial arts performed by the holy warriors will be more powerful and even unpredictable, with more changes independent of the will of the warriors. And the Holy Emperor's martial artist is even more powerful. The martial arts * in his body have grown up and become a martial arts teenager, who can replace the martial arts to fight independently.

Not only that, this martial arts teenager relies on the body. As long as the body does not die and the true meaning of martial arts is not broken, the martial arts teenager will not die. So it's almost equivalent to having an immortal body. If Wang Yue is also a holy emperor warrior, he can chase and kill one-on-one. But now Wang Yue's martial arts* can't fight, and he can only break them one by one. But most importantly, he still wants to kill the essence of the centipede emperor. Therefore, after Wang Yue created another illusion, he also sent a full blow to attack the position of the centipede Holy Emperor's real body.

"Hahahaha, you stupid ice beast. You can't even win my martial arts teenager. How can you compare with me? It's really looking for death. Since you want to die, I'll give you a chance. "Death poison teeth!" Seeing Wang Yue kill him, the centipede emperor flew directly out of the void. Countless sharp tentacles turned into a pair of directly towards Wang Yue's body and cut away.

"Hahahaha, centipede emperor, you are finally fooled. In fact, it's not me who is stupid, but you. I'm not an ice beast at all. This is just my incarnation. Blood is flying and blood is bursting!" Seeing that the time was ripe, Wang Yue immediately burned the blood of the four half-step holy emperor absorbed before and condensed this shocking blow.

In an instant, blood is shining, which is similar to a flame, not a flame. It seemed to be blood, not blood. The sharp blade split directly towards the body of the centipede emperor.

"Ka-sha..." The knife light passed, and one tooth of the centipede emperor was directly split in half by the flame knife in Wang Yue's hand, and then the other tooth was chopped by Wang Yue. The knife light followed by the centipede emperor, and the centipede emperor was abruptly smashed by Wang Yue's martial arts in his body and became a part of Wang Yue's body.

"The devil swallows the world." Wang Yue once again inhaled the body of the centipede emperor into his body and turned it into a bloody martial arts* physical strength.

"Hangtray, long live the Holy Emperor." Just as Wang Yue sat on the throne of the palace, dozens of holy warriors below couldn't help kneeling on the ground and roaring together.

"Hahahaha, who is so powerful. Unexpectedly, as soon as we came to the world of war, we wanted to plunder resources. Do you want to grow rapidly and threaten the status of our Zixing Sect in the battle world, or are you an undercover agent of other sects to steal the information of our Zixing Sect?" Just as Wang Yue swallowed the centipede emperor, three or four emperors came out of the void and directly surrounded Wang Yue and said with a sneer.

" Stop, this is Her Majesty's son, my young master. I will never let you hurt him." Just as these emperors were about to take action against Wang Yue, suddenly Liu Bo also came out of the void and stopped the four holy emperor warriors in front of him.

"Oh? So it's Uncle Liu! Hahahaha, I haven't seen you for a long time." Xingwang said with a sneer.

"It turned out to be a prosperous son. Wang Yue, the prosperous prince is the elder of our Zixingzong, the great grandson of the inferior emperor, and his strength is great. He is one of the geniuses of our Zixing sect for hundreds of years. Although Liu Bo saw that Hope was unhappy on his face, he did not directly show it, but patiently explained it to Wang Yue.

"It turned out to be a prosperous son! Long time no time!" Wang Yue was not interested in this prosperous prince at all and said casually and perfunctorily.

"Liu Bo, what are you doing here? Do you want to visit the nine spiritual veins stored here? As soon as the prosperous words turned around, he said to Liu Bo.

In Zixingzong, although Liu Bo is strong, he is only the servant of the queen, and his status is lower than hope. However, the prosperous status is indeed a little lower than that of Wang Yue. So he didn't say it to Wang Yue, but to Liu Bo. In this way, Uncle Liu can only reply respectfully.

"Prince Xingwang, we brought the young master here to practice on the order of the queen, and these nine spiritual veins were first discovered by the queen. I hope Mr. Xingwang will not mess around." Liu Bo said lightly. There was something in his words to remind the prosperous prince not to provoke the queen, otherwise the consequences would be very embarrassing.

"Hmm! Do you think I don't know? You are just a fox pretending to be a tiger. And this wild seed is not known to be the bastard born by the queen and the man. Why did he have to share so many resources of our Zixingzong as soon as he came? I think he is really impatient. But I also think that this laugh is pretended to be made by others. The queen may also be blinded by orcs. After all, he hasn't had his own children for so many years, and it's normal to lose his mind.

"Why don't you let my men come down and test him? If he loses, it proves that he is not qualified to have these nine spiritual veins. If he wins, he can prove that he is Her Majesty's flesh and blood. How's it going?" Although this prosperity is not very strong, it is smooth and full of nonsense. But these words are not what Liu Bo can refute. However, he has made up his mind that even if he offends the inferior emperor, he will bear the punishment. With that, he will teach him a lesson and give him a punishment. At this time, Wang Yue spoke.

"Liu Bo, don't care about this kind of villain and lose your identity. Why don't you let me communicate with his men? Wang Yue saw that Liu Bo was a little angry, so he came out to stop him.

"Yes, young master." Although Liu Bo was very reluctant, he stopped. After his contact with Wang Yue these days, he also has some understanding of Wang Yue. He is very clear about Wang Yue's character. He knew that Wang Yue was not the kind of aimless person, and he was very calm. So he also wants to see how Wang Yue solves this matter.

"Ha ha, okay. A little bold. In this case, I will let this Holy Queen's men compare with you. Come on, how can you compare with the willingness to lose? Xingwang did not directly defeat Wang Yue, and he preferred to see Wang Yue being tortured by him little by little. This is also his favorite, pushing the enemy to the edge of death little by little, and finally died of mental breakdown.

"It's very simple. Now we walk out of this palace and dig out the spiritual veins under the ground. In this process, whoever owns the spiritual vein is the one. There are no casualties in the process. Wang Yue said very plainly.

"Oh? OK, I like your words. Let's go out and wait for this little thing!" With a wave of his hand, several emperors followed him out.

"Young master..." Liu Bo seemed to say something, but was stopped by Wang Yue.

"Liu Bo, don't worry. I am confident in this matter. Wang Yue gave Liu Bo a reassuring look.

"You holy warriors will follow me in the future. Give it to me!" As soon as Wang Yue stretched out his hand, he led these holy warriors to his white bone palace and put them in an independent space to be taken care of by the ice ancestors. There would be no problem for the time being. Then, Wang Yue came out of the palace. As soon as he walked out of the palace, the whole palace was torn into powder by thin lines. Wang Yue doesn't need to look at it to know that this is a prosperous move. However, he was not angry and still maintained this peace of mind.

"Well, the only obstacle has been removed by me now. Let's start now." He hoped to call out a warrior of the Holy Queen around him and stand face to face.

"Hmm. You can step back. Free up space for the two of us. But I think you will soon see the results of our competition. Wang Yue took a big step back and came directly to a spiritual vein.

"Okay, Uncle Liu. Did you hear that? Don't take action unless he is beaten to death in a moment!" He looked at Liu Bo jokingly and was the first to step aside.