Wu Ling Tianxia

Chapter 248 Disaster

Chapter 248 The Disaster of the Demon Clan

"Buzz buzz..." Luo Tiangong kept shaking in the hand of the divine messenger. Each vibration will cause the vibration of the whole divine whip net, just like a string of silver bells. The sound sounds very pleasant, but it contains great murder.

In that big net, Luo Tiangong was gradually enlarged and reduced like a small sugar bean, and then quickly Chen Dong, like a glass ball constantly rebounding on a flat surface. The more these glass balls rebound, the more intense the vibration will be. The more violent the vibration, the more distorted the shape of Luo Tiangong will be. This feeling is like putting food in a vessel and slowly baking with the heating of the fire.

"Kang..." With a sound, the fire became more and more powerful, and Luo Tiangong really began to show signs of melting like a sugar bean. Countless disciples in Luotian Palace began to panic.

"Hahahaha, what can Luo Tiangong do? In the magic whip in my hand, it is constantly polished and then becomes a pair of mud. None of you in the Luotian Palace can live. I can tell you that this divine whip was created by the divine world to punish you shameless traitors. So even if you stay in it today, it will be a fatal thing. The divine messenger stood high above the sky, holding Luo Tiangong in his hand and said with a laugh, as if everything was so relaxed in his eyes. However, many warriors who were originally full of resentment against the divine world were frightened, as if these things had happened to them.

"Ancestor, what should I do? We are afraid that we will die when we stay in it, otherwise we will pretend to make peace now and tell Wang Yue where he is. At that time, we can get a glimmer of life. Just as Luo Tiangong began to show signs of collapse, a new elder began to walk to Kaitian's ancestor and said hypocritically.

"Oh? Do you think that even if we are except for Luo Tiangong, the people of the divine world will let me go? Kaitian's ancestor suddenly had some doubts about this elder. After all, this elder is the most suspicious of all the elders. He has been observing him silently, but he didn't expect that he finally showed his fox tail today.

"Of course, the divine envoy of the divine world actually wants to return to the heart of heaven and earth. As long as we can persuade God to return the heart of heaven and earth to the divine world, God will definitely reward us. At that time, our entire elders of Luo Tianzong can successfully enter the divine world. Even if the supreme people know it, they will definitely praise the ancestors. The whole elder continued to encourage and boast beside him, as if he were a divine messenger.

"Hahahaha, it's really interesting. Tell me, what benefits does the divine world give you? Is it the divine world that promises you, as long as you are an undercover agent in our Luo Tianzong? Will you be rewarded in the divine world for your meritorious service? Kaitian Laozu asked with a smile.

"This...of course I don't think so. I really think about our Luo Tianzong people!" The elder said with some modesty. But the more he did this, the more he was suspected by Kaitian ancestor.

Suddenly at this time, the elder touched his storage bag, but the ancestor saw it clearly. Kaitian Laozu grabbed the elder's hand and took out the items in his hand. He found that the elder was holding something like a spiritual charm in his hand. However, on top of this spiritual charm is a powerful spiritual brand. Kaitian's ancestor dares not touch it easily, otherwise the owner of the spiritual brand will kill him through the air, and the consequences are very serious. I'm afraid this is also a trap set for them by the divine world.

Kaitian Laozu almost broke out in a cold sweat when he thought of the reminder given to him by someone on the sky. So he can see from what happened now that people in the sky have predicted what will happen today a long time ago. If it hadn't been for the words of Tianji, I'm afraid Luo Tianzong would soon disappear.

"Good. Sure enough, you are the gap sent by the divine world to lurk in our Luo Tianzong. Now that I put you in prison, you should have no objection. Kaitian Laozu said with a sneer.

"Kaitian Laozu, you let me go now, and I will plead with you in front of the gods to avoid death. Otherwise, I'm afraid you will be killed by God immediately. Although he was subdued by Kaitian Laozu in the gap of the divine world, he looked at the spiritual charm in the hands of Kaitian Laozu and was still full of confidence. It seemed that there was something more powerful prohibition in the spiritual charm.

"Ha ha, are you waiting for the imprint of this spiritual charm to come out of the spiritual charm and hurt me? Let me tell you, this is absolutely impossible. Because at the beginning, we had already expected this and had prepared another spiritual charm for me to restrain this spiritual charm, so you'd better die." In the other hand of Kaitian ancestor, there is also a spiritual charm shining with pure white light, restraining another golden spiritual charm. Seeing this, the gap between the divine world finally accepted its fate. He knew that this spiritual charm alone would certainly not do anything to the people in Luotian Palace.

"Ancestors. Although we are temporarily free from danger, we always stay in Luotian Palace and can't escape death. Are we just sitting and waiting for death? Why don't we go out and fight with the people in the divine world? At least if you die, you will die in the right place. Just as the gap between the divine world was pressed down, some disciples of Luo Tiangong said beside him.

"Ha ha, don't worry, since the man on the sky has peeped into the sky and predicted what just happened. Then he will definitely be able to ensure our safety. Don't worry." After dealing with the gap, Kaitian Laozu sat in his seat very easily again, which made the other elders have some hope in their hearts.

"Hmm? Didn't this spiritual charm work?" Just when the divine envoy predicted that Luo Tiangong should collapse from the inside, there was no situation he expected. God was a little hesitant and angry. It's like being angry. He is no longer grilling Luo Tiangong with this warm fire. He is going to destroy Luo Tiangong directly with exposure.

"Opening ancestor, I will give you one last chance now. If you can lead the disciples of Luo Tianzong out of Luo Tiangong and hand over Wang Yue to us and let him hand over the heart of heaven and earth. I will let you Luo Tianzong regain its former prosperity in Tianlong Continent, and even give you a place to soar into the divine world. If you just want to resist, then I will never make you happy. God's punishment!" At this time, the golden net that had wrapped Luo Tiangong in it began to shrink and even became narrower and narrower. Luo Tiangong is also getting smaller and smaller in it. It seems that it can be squeezed and broken at any time. The evil disciples of Luo Tiangong inside will also become a blood mist and will not be buried.

"Hahahaha, Luo Tianzong's evil barrier, go to hell." In the last blow, the divine envoy finally brewed the last blow. His big hand pinched fiercely, and Luo Tiangong was about to collapse. But at this time, things finally changed a little. Suddenly, a bright red blood shot directly into the Luotian Palace in the void.

"Is Wang Yue back?" Kaitian Laozu was greatly surprised to see Wang Yue's originally calm face when he entered the Luotian Palace. In fact, he is very relieved and just set an example for other disciples. In fact, he is also a little worried. But Wang Yue came back. If he urges Jiuyan's magic formula, the power of Luo Tiangong can be infinitely magnified hundreds of times in his hands. Therefore, as soon as Wang Yue entered the Luotian Palace, the original superficial wounds of the Luotian Palace began to break, constantly cracks, and were constantly repaired. Finally, it decayed in the blink of an eye, and all the old ones disappeared. What now appears on the Luotian Palace is pure, sacred and inviolable majesty.

"Break!" After Wang Yue repaired Luo Tiangong, he came out of Luo Tiangong. Then he punched the big net that was originally shrouded outside the Luotian Palace. Then, the Luo Tiangong in his hand also suppressed it towards the divine envoy.

"Inji Luotian!" Luo Tiangong in Wang Yue's hand directly suppressed it and pressed the divine envoy below. God's body was crushed like a pie. Suddenly, the body of the god exploded like a blood mist, and the body of the god also condensed again in another place.

"I didn't expect Wang Yue, you really learned the nine-day magic formula. Although you have learned well now, your skills are still shallow, and even the supreme man died in the divine world, and you are just a replica of him. So you are also destined to die here." God stretched out his big hand and stretched out his five fingers to hold Wang Yue firmly in his hand. Wang Yue's body became smaller and smaller, and he actually drilled through his fingers. Wang Yue appeared behind the messenger and punched the messenger directly.

"A disillusioned blow!" God never thought that his palm did not kill Wang Yue, but also returned Wang Yue to fight back. Just as he was angry, he suddenly saw the infinite man appear in front of his eyes. He even saw that hundreds of years ago, countless emperors on Tianlong Continent participated in the encirclement and suppressing Luo Tianzong. At that time, there were also many supporters of the infinite. And he is just an ordinary emperor. It's just that the infinite man let him escape from the disaster. Now when he sees the infinite man again, he is naturally extremely guilty and very afraid.

"You betrayed my tolerance for you. Since you haven't repented for so many years, you must pay the price you deserve today. Hearing what the Wuji superior said, God immediately turned pale. He suddenly remembered how he begged the supreme man hundreds of years ago.

"Inextreme man, you are the master of the divine world, and I am just an ant-like character. I just came back here at the instigation of the divine world. I hope you don't kill me and let me go. In the future, I will definitely remember your great kindness and return today's kindness to Luo Tianzong..." The divine messenger knelt on the ground and kept kowtowed to the infinite. This scene now appears as clearly in the mind of the gods.

"Go to hell!" At that time, the envoy knew that he owed too much to Luo Tianzong. Even if Wang Yue killed him countless times, he could not make up for his damage to Luo Tianzong. So the god gave up resistance and was willing to be killed by Wang Yue.

"Listen, everyone. Now the divine world is torn apart, and the divine envoy is an example. With that, Luo Tiangong became bigger and bigger and pressed down directly towards the top of the god's head. Even the body was broken and finally crushed into a mud and blood mist.

"I, Wang Yue, is the inheritor of the infinite people. As long as you follow me and follow Luo Tianzong, this demon disaster will definitely be saved." After Wang Yue swallowed the body of the messenger of the divine world, he also took Luo Tiangong in his hand. At this time, Luo Tiangong slowly transformed and became an artifact when Wang Yue kept exerting the magic formula.

"Okay, the supreme people paid too much effort to help our sect. Unfortunately, we can't avenge the infinite, but today we met the inheritor of the infinite. As long as you have instructions, we are willing to..." After Wang Yue's words came out, more and more sects began to join the Luotian Palace. Wang Yue kept allocating space to them, and the venue was empty in less than an hour. Subsequently, Wang Yue transferred all the lives on the Tianlong Continent to Luotian Palace. In the world created by Luo Tiangong alone, they began to rebuild their new home.

"Wang Yue, I didn't expect you to come back with Luo Ziheng so soon. I'm really happy for you. I announce that Luo Ziheng will be the suzerain of our Luo Tianzong from today. And Wang Yue is the ancestor of Luo Tianzong. Kaitian Laozu saw that Wang Yue was promoted to the emperor, hundreds of times better than he thought, and his whole body became energetic.

"Woo-woo..." Just as Wang Yue loaded the life of the whole Tianlong continent into the Luotian Palace, he suddenly invaded a group of demons from outer space. The number of demons in this group is hundreds of millions. As soon as he entered Tianlong Continent, he began to plunder and even completely devour Tianlong Continent. However, Wang Yue did not give them any chance.

"Da Luo's handprint!" Wang Yue's palm kept getting bigger and finally turned into a palm print hundreds of kilometers long. This palm was sent out, and countless demons in the sky kept falling from the sky like flies. Then, Wang Yue's mouth spewed a fire, and these demons were slightly ashes integrated into the soil and turned into soil nutrients.

"Gaga, you ignorant human being. Now many of our demortians are looking for you! How dare you kill the people who killed our demon clan like this? I think you really don't want to live. Just when Wang Yue did not listen to the slaughter of the hell demon warriors, a demon warrior in the later period of the earth came out of the void and appeared in front of Wang Yue with extremely strong confidence.

"Hahaha, do you think I'm ignorant? I think your demons are really ignorant! Every tens of thousands of years, it will come out to rage. In the end, it was not by us human warriors to go to hell again. But this time you will be completely destroyed, and there will never be a day to turn over." Wang Yue went out with one punch, and the whole world was completely broken by this punch. Tens of millions of hell demon warriors turned into dust and fell to the ground. At this time, the demon emperor also came to Wang Yue.

His speed is extremely fast, almost equivalent to the speed of light. Wang Yue smashed his body with a punch. However, the demon emperor was blown out and even reassembed again, as brave as an immortal Xiaoqiang who can't be killed.

"Heaven and Earth Magic Fist!" This emperor belongs to the refining demon sect, so his body is naturally extremely powerful. No matter how Wang Yue breaks it, it can still be sufficient. The more he smashed him, the stronger he became. However, Wang Yue didn't care, but when his body was vulnerable to a certain extent, he directly burned his body into ashes with ground fire and swallowed it. Under the refinement of the heart of heaven and earth, this demon emperor was finally turned into extremely pure energy by Wang Yue.

"Ha ha, Wang Yue has now attracted the attention of the senior officials of our demon clan, and the next thing to greet you is countless half-body attacks and assassinations." Just as Wang Yue killed the first demon emperor, another half-demon god suddenly appeared in front of Wang Yue. His speed is more than ten times faster than that of the Demon Emperor just now.

"The magic light is shrouded!" A huge light curtain appeared in the hands of this demonest god and enveloped Wang Yue in it. Countless light constantly shot from the hands of the half-demon god to Wang Yue's body like flying swords. Wang Yue's body began to slowly collapse and turned into white clouds to directly surround the half-demon god.

"Thousands of hands stacked shadows!" Countless white clouds began to turn into palm prints, which were all superimposed and bombarded directly on the head of the demigod. As the body of the half-demon god's body broke, the fingerprints began to slowly grow. Finally, the whole big handprint suppressed the semi-demon god directly below like a hill, turning it into a mass of blood fog, meat mud, and even the soul into fragments, which was swallowed by Wang Yue again.

"Boom!" Wang Yue suddenly felt that the eighth small world in his body had been opened up. His soul has also soared to an extremely powerful state. That is to say, any wind and grass on the whole Tianlong continent seems to happen around him.

"Now it's time for you to kill the demon clan and get promoted." Although many warriors will die in every demon disaster in Tianlong Continent, many warriors have also broken through their own realm. Now Wang Yue thinks that he has the ability to protect the warriors of Tianlong Continent, and he will naturally release them to get different degrees of experience. This is also a life-and-death path that warriors must go through. Otherwise, it is a dream to fly to the divine world.