Wu Ling Tianxia

Chapter 252 Skills Integration

Chapter 252 Skills Integration

Gradually, life began to appear in this hour. These flowers, plants, fish, insects, birds and beasts began to act according to their own way of life, as if they were real life.

When these lives move, their bodies also begin to be constantly improved. Among them, the organs in their bodies, wings, and even their most basic idea of breeding offspring began to appear.

There were many mistakes when some lives were born at the beginning. They had a lot of abilities before they were born, but after they were born, they lost all abilities and died. Some lives are very weak at the beginning, but become very powerful later, but this power is only temporary. They don't know how to hunt at all, and finally die. There are still some lives...

In a word, in Wang Yue's description, too many lives are born and too many lives wither. Although he repeatedly failed to create life in this process, he is still digesting the energy in this energy storm and refining them with the heart of heaven and earth. Therefore, although Wang Yue failed on the one hand, he still gained a lot.

In this process, Wang Yue understood many feelings about the statement, and even realized some vague shadows of the law of life. In the divine world, above the rules is the law, above the law is the law, and above the law is the eternal mystery. Therefore, only when the rules can be understood, various rules are superimposed to form laws, and laws can be formed only when various laws are superimposed together. What various laws are finally formed is eternal life. This eternal life is the eternal God.

Only after the disappearance and destruction of the universe again and again, only some vague memories can be left. Some lucky gods may have lived several eras, and their lives have reached billions or even tens of billions of years. Such an age is immortal, not to mention those annoying people. Compared with too many warriors, it is the superposition of countless of their lives. Therefore, eternal life is actually the god in the eyes of the warrior.

It's just that life is endless, and the pursuit of warriors is also endless. It's like a mortal warrior who wants to become an extraordinary realm in the quenching period. In the extraordinary realm, he wants to become a spiritual platform realm. Slowly, he comes to the holy martial artist, to the Holy Emperor, and to the Emperor Wu. Finally, it soared.

In their opinion, flying to the divine world may be the goal of life. However, after arriving at the divine world, these martial artists found that they had greater goals in the divine world. These goals are the characters they can become, that is, to become the supreme existence that ascends to the divine world, from the divine king, to the holy emperor, and finally the divine king.

Because the universe will always be destroyed. This is the great decline of the universe. When the universe declines, all matter begins to decay. It's like an eggplant that has been put for a long time. It begins to slowly rot and produce rotten substances. Finally, the door of immortality begins to appear, spewing out rotten and vicious things from it. These things will start to zero the whole universe, and finally turn into a primitive state and re-fertil life. Only the God can live at least one era.

Wang Yue got a lot of such memories from the memories left by the supreme man. In his memory, the infinite man is a very genius. He has predicted his own demise, his future, and Wang Yue's future. It's just that Wang Yue's future still needs to be created by himself.

It took infinite people less than a thousand years to unify the whole divine world. In the process, he found that although the divine world was unified by him, the real core was still fragmented. Therefore, in his opinion, the real unified divine world can never solve the problem by force. So he began to reflect, so he chose to end his wrong battle with his life and create a more perfect figure to complete it.

In the process of thinking, the infinite man thought of the heart of heaven and earth. In fact, the heart of heaven and earth has achieved such an existence for infinite people to become the masters of the divine world. So he began to wonder why the heart of heaven and earth could make himself understand so many things. Why can the heart of heaven and earth help him digest so much cosmic energy? Finally, he understood one thing. Force can only conquer a person's appearance, but it can't conquer a person's heart. If you want to conquer a person's heart, you have to change him in his way. This is also the original idea of the infinite man to create the nine-yan magic formula.

It's just that when the infinite man fell, he couldn't transmit such a large amount of information to the mortal world. Therefore, he can only pass on his beliefs into many parts to some predestined lives in his own way, and Wang Yue happens to be one of them, and the fastest growing one. Now Wang Yue also slowly flew to the divine world according to the instructions of the infinite man to find the inheritance he left for himself.

In the energy storm, Wang Yue not only digested the inheritance left by the infinite man, but also constantly carried out his own things in it to form his own rules of life. Gradually, a small world went from birth to withering, from withering to birth. In the process of birth and death, Wang Yue consumed too much cosmic energy, but also absorbed a lot of cosmic energy. After about two days, Wang Yue completely absorbed a energy storm of dozens of kilometers. Let the nine small worlds in his body begin to enrich. At this time, Wang Yue realized the power of Jiuyan's magic formula. At the same time, he also recognized the intentions of the supreme people.

Although the Jiuyan fantasy heavenly formula was created by the infinite, the Jiuyan fantasy heavenly formula is fundamentally different from the blood demon method he also practiced. Although the heavenly skill method at the same time, the Jiuyan magic formula is similar to a semi-finished skill, and the blood demon method can only be achieved by practicing according to the inheritance. However, Jiuyan's magic formula is different. He can practice according to the will of the warrior. If the will of the martial artist is right, he will practice very strongly. According to the will of the infinite man, he will definitely surpass him and even create his own set of skills. If the will of the warrior is wrong, it will be difficult to achieve anything, and even practice will get worse and worse. Therefore, this skill is completely self-conscious. More importantly, this skill can also be integrated with other skills to make yourself stronger and more learned. Therefore, this set of skills can create more geniuses and enable everyone to become the master of their own destiny.

After the absorption of the first energy storm, the wings behind Wang Yue have increased a lot, but the previous changes have become more solid, and even on Wang Yue's wings, countless martial arts have begun to condense into space rules. After condensing the rules of space, Wang Yue's wings can cross the space, and the speed will naturally be thousands of light years a day.

"Well, these energies are not enough to greatly improve my strength. But I don't care. I should choose a stronger energy storm. After Wang Yue absorbed the first energy storm, he found that the original energy storm was actually divided into many kinds. There are too many energy magazines in some energy storms. Although such energy storms are very weak, they are also very difficult to get up. If Wang Yue wants to grow up in such an energy storm, it will not be easy.

But some energy storms look very powerful, and the energy inside is much simpler. You can even see a lot of rampant energy rules in it. These rules are like the sea. Big fish eat small fish and small fish eat shrimp, but such an energy storm is very good for absorption. If Wang Yue can absorb such a 100-kilometer energy storm, he can focus on more than a dozen energy storms with many energy impurities and easy to absorb, and save a lot of time.

It's just that the risk of powerful energy storms is also difficult. If Wang Yue is slightly careless, he is likely to be involved and become a victim of the energy storm. Just as an animal died under one of his food and became the food of this plant, I have contributed to this plant.

It's just that Wang Yue's favorite is the challenge. When he was in the world of Shangwu, he liked to try the feeling of nine deaths. Now that he has soared to the divine world, his strength has greatly increased, and he can see any difficulties more simply. So the pressure on him to challenge will be much less.

Wang Yue saw an energy storm with a range of hundreds of kilometers and only got into it without thinking about it.

At the beginning, when Wang Yue entered the energy storm, he felt that his body was shaken in the energy storm, and he could even feel that he was like a fish food, and it was still a piece of fish food. He is being eaten by many small fish, big fish-like energy rules. The most terrible thing is that these energy rules seem to have their own life and wisdom, and do not give Wang Yue a chance to perform their skills at all. They have attacked Wang Yue as an enemy.

In this way, Wang Yue not only did not strengthen himself in this energy storm, but also became smaller and weaker and weaker. His will began to waver a little. However, Wang Yue adjusted his state in time, and his body suddenly turned into thousands of small particles. These thousands of small particles are themselves and have their own independent souls. He began to assimilate.

"A shocking assassination!" Thousands of kings have become thousands of things like virtual rules. These virtual rules are Wang Yue's experience in the previous energy storm. However, these energy rules are only semi-finished products. However, Wang Yue is very clear about his advantages.

In this energy storm, other energy rules are a complete individual. Because they are complete individuals, they will regard the same rules as themselves as enemies and weaker energy rules as food. In this way, their power is dispersed. But Wang Yue is different. He divided his body into thousands, and it seemed that his strength seemed to have weakened a lot, but Wang Yue's soul was extremely powerful, and he could fully control these energy rules. Therefore, Wang Yue began to differentiate these energy rules and carry out group attacks.

So, thousands of Wang Yue performed shocking assassinations at the same time. At the beginning, thousands of virtual rules assassinated hundreds of rules. Among them, Wang Yue's virtual rules died one-tenth, but it also killed as many energy rules and promoted his virtual rules. Next, Wang Yue carried out a shocking assassination again, and as many virtual rules died, but this time more rules were absorbed by himself.

When Wang Yue really talked all the virtual rules in his body and turned them into energy rules, he combined his body. At this time, other energy rules became very smart and no longer approached Wang Yue. Therefore, Wang Yue's efficiency of absorbing energy rules is getting lower and lower.

"A disillusioned blow!" At this time, Wang Yue once again exerted a disillusioned blow. Under his first impact, the whole energy storm began to evolve again.

Because of the last mistake and many failures, Wang Yue's condensed life rules have become much more complete, and even some simple lives have begun to be born and begin to breed offspring. However, these lives did not die after birth, which eventually led to a complete ecological imbalance of the whole small world. More and more lives gathered in the small world, balance out of control, and finally life began to slowly disappear.

In this way, Wang Yue's first attempt failed. But Wang Yue did not retreat. He began to make his second attempt. So he began to ask why the world he once existed could exist forever, and the creatures in it could live in harmony. Suddenly, it was found that life needs life and death, biological chain, competition and elimination. This is the benefit of competition.

Because a life has existed for a long time, if there is no natural enemy, if there is no competition, it will lose the motivation to move forward and lose the value of existence. However, if there are natural enemies and competition, all kinds of creatures will restrain each other, coordinate with each other, and make up for each other's weaknesses.

So Wang Yue's second world was born. In this world, the life created by Wang Yue began to gradually have their own enemies, their own life trajectory, and their own way of reproduction. They even began to change the environment and began to produce their own living habits.

But at this time, the problem arises. Although these lives can live according to their own way, Wang Yue found that many things have developed to a certain extent and eventually there will be a limit. This limit led to the collapse of this small world again. So the more Wang wanted to maintain this small world, the faster the small world collapsed. Until the complete digestion of this energy storm, Wang Yue still failed to find out where his problem was.

After the second energy storm was absorbed, Wang Yue found that the energy in his body also began to change slowly. At this time, Wang Yue found that three little people began to appear in his body. These three villains are the martial arts soul of Wang Yue.

The first villain is the ancestor of fire, the most powerful of the three villains. The second villain is the blood demon ~ the law is the second most powerful among them. Finally, the weakest is the third villain. In fact, the ice ancestor is also the weakest among them.

The strength of the first villain has reached the limit of the god, and he can even become the god king at any time. But the second villain has always stayed in the middle of the gods. The third villain is the most pitiful, only to the extent of the later stage of the god. In this way, it will be very difficult for Wang Yue to improve his realm. At this time, if he can't help the third villain grow into a god, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to rise to the level of the god king in his life, and the second villain is the same.

At this time, Wang Yue found that he could not improve his strength even if he absorbed more cosmic energy at this time. But he must improve his strength as soon as possible. Therefore, Wang Yue naturally thought of the most precious wealth left to him by the infinite man, which is the ability to integrate the nine-natural secret.

Before Wang Yue merged with other skills, Wang Yue did not seem to define these skills. In his opinion, these skills need to be tempered and digested countless times. What he can best digest is the Taoism of the ancestor of earth fire. At this time, he has been able to integrate the essence of Jiuyan's magic formula with the martial arts of fire attributes.

So Wang Yue's nine-natural magic formula naturally hides an attribute, which is introsiveness and deep king's temperament. This is the attribute of ground fire. But what are the attributes of the blood demon method? It's killing, change and possession.

So Wang Yue kept thinking about how to combine the energy consumption of the two skills. So when he thought of the changes in the nine-yan fantasy formula, he suddenly thought of it. In fact, the beginning of life and death, and death is also the end of life. Everything in the world is constantly interpreting this process of life and death. Since the blood demon can dominate death, the blood demon should be allowed to complete this. Therefore, Wang Yue turned the killing of the blood demon into death and possession into digestion. In this way, the blood demon method was changed by Wang Yue.

When it comes to the third skill, the ice ancestor, it is actually easier. The skill of the ice ancestor is to seal and maintain. His skill is to maintain the balance of things and seal all bad things. Therefore, Wang Yue brought seal and balance into new skills.

Therefore, Wang Yue hides the special attributes of concentration in the skills he is practicing now, that is, restrained, deep king's temperament, death, digestion, sealing, and balance.

So he began the third round of energy absorption storm. This time, Wang Yue chose a broader energy storm. There is only one simple energy attribute in this energy storm, that is, the wind...