Wu Ling Tianxia

Chapter 259 Fate Inheritance

Chapter 259 Inheritance of Destiny

"I didn't expect it to be an anti-fighting star." Wang Yue saw the location of the anti-fighting star at a glance, directly through the layers of fog, and came to a huge planet according to the guidance of the anti-fighting star. On this planet, there are white clouds everywhere. It is difficult for ordinary outsiders to distinguish it clearly, but Wang Yue can feel a force guiding him in one direction. Gradually, Wang Yue came to a grand canyon and saw that Feng Tianxing had stood in the canyon. There are several other warriors in the canyon.

"Wang Yue, you are finally here. I thought you would be killed by Li Chao! But it seems that you should have killed him and gained a lot from it. Feng Tianxing saw that Wang Yue's momentum had increased significantly and reached the initial strength of the divine emperor, so he speculated that the matter was inseparable.

"Hmm. Feng Tianxing, you are right. Are these people?" Wang Yue looked at the five martial artists next to him and asked doubtfully.

"These five martial arts are also the inheritors of the supreme people. Their identities are the same as ours. It's just that the branches we found are different. So we may be essentially the same, but there are still some differences. Feng Tianxing stood next to Wang Yue and said to Wang Yue with the secret method of voice transmission.

"So that's it. It seems that we are not the only inheritors of the infinite people. After listening to Feng Tianxing's words, Wang Yue also nodded and said. Just as Wang Yue was talking with Feng Tianxing, a tall inheritor suddenly came over.

"Kid, you are Wang Yue. I heard that you have gained a lot of benefits from killing many hell demons in the disaster, right? The strong inheritor stood in front of Wang Yue and said with a laugh. From this inheritor, Wang Yue can feel a feeling of reigning in the world, as if he is the king of the whole world, and all life must be worshipped at his feet.

Now this inheritor stands in front of Wang Yue and presses the king in his body fiercely to Wang Yue in an attempt to make Wang Yue submit to his feet and become his slave. However, Wang Yue's soul is so powerful that when facing the inheritor of the king, it is still motionless and stable as Mount Tai. Even Feng Tianxing is a little surprised. You should know that the inheritor of the king has just used the same method to him, and he has a deep understanding of the pressure.

"I'm Wang Yue. Excuse me, are you?" Wang Yue looked at the inheritor of the king and asked faintly.

"Hahaha, I am the inheritor of the king's world, and my name is Junchen! In front of me, either a minister or Pingming, and others who do not submit to me will be killed by me. The minister said with a laugh.

"But I'm here for the treasure of the supreme man and inherit all his inheritance, so I don't care about you for the time being. When I get the inheritance, you people will submit to my feet. After saying that, Jun and Chen turned around and left.

After the king and minister left, three successors came one after another. When the number reached ten, the whole planet began to vibrate violently. A huge stone statue suddenly appeared in front of them. Everyone is familiar with this stone statue, because he is a stone statue of the supreme man. After the appearance of this stone statue, the influence of the infinite people also appeared in front of all the inheritors.

"It's a pleasure to meet all the inheritors. I think everyone knows me, the supreme man and the leader of you. Although you have learned the nine magic secrets from me, I have not set a limit for you. Some inheritors integrate their martial arts experience into it to create their own martial arts skills, and some inheritors integrate other people's martial arts experience into it and gather the strengths of hundreds of families. It can be said to be a very good thing. However, competition is always cruel. Today, I want you to decide which one of you is my real inheritor.

"This method is very simple, that is, let you compete on this planet for five rounds. Whoever gets the most points can win the final victory. Now the first round of the game begins.

Just after the words of the infinite man, ten closely connected but separated circular positions appeared on the ground. The names of the ten inheritors are indicated on these ten positions, and each of them just needs to walk in in order. Wang Yue happened to stand next to the king and minister.

"After everyone stands in their own position, they put the heart of heaven and earth in their own hands. Now I will give you ten of the most toxic poisons in the universe. If you can digest these poisons and turn them into pure energy, it means that you have successfully passed this level. If you can't digest it, you will be sent out of the Fighting Star. The first one to pass will get ten copies, an analogy. The infinite man said flatly.

Just after the words of the infinite people,

"Well, this method is very fair. But I must be the one who won this competition. I will make all the gods and warriors in the divine world submit to me. The minister stood in his position and laughed and said. Hearing Junchen's words, the other martial artists didn't say anything, just waiting for the game to begin.

Wang Yue glanced at the past and saw that every position showed the characteristics of this inheritor. For example, his name is Wang Yue, and his attribute is a cycle of life and death. Your minister is the king of the world. Feng Tianxing is a shuttle. Other inheritors also have their own specific attributes. Among them, the attribute of the inheritor called words and deeds is to wash the soul; the attribute of the inheritor called blood red is killing; the attribute of the inheritor called life form is fate...

These inheritors have taken out their hearts of heaven and earth from their bodies. Among them, the heart of killing the inheritor is the most horrible. His heart of heaven and earth is full of the bones of the dead. Among them, there are spirit beasts, human beings, soul warriors, and other skeletons piled up everywhere, like a miniature world.

The first person to absorb poison is the king and minister. His heart of heaven and earth is like a king who reigns in the world, which is full of domineering, king's momentum, majestic and solemn, which makes people unable to look directly. Now he suddenly absorbed the poison and found that there was a green substance in his heart. This substance is as unstoppable as a demon, and began to want to destroy the heart of heaven and earth. However, the martial arts rules of the king and minister are more domineering. As soon as they come up, they directly swallow the poison and then suppress them fiercely. It's just that his method was domineering in the past. Although his martial arts rules are very powerful and powerful, he has also lost a lot of martial arts rules after suppressing poisons.

As for Feng Tianxing's martial arts rules, although his martial arts rules are flexible and changeable, they can even insert needles to ensure that they will not be harmed by poison. However, the poison is in the heart of heaven and earth, and it is difficult for Feng Tianxing to destroy the poison in a short time. That is to say, Feng Tianxing's martial arts rules are fast enough, but their lethality and defense are very lacking.

And the inheritor of words and deeds is much better. His martial arts rules have the effect of washing magazines and removing pollution. His martial arts rules encounter poison like an antidote, which can quickly eliminate the poison and turn it into energy in his body, which is one of the fastest to complete the task.

Next is Wang Yue. Although Wang Yue's martial arts rules cannot consume poisons in the shortest time, they can eliminate harmful parts of poisons in the continuous cycle, and the rest of the energy has become an important part of Wang Yue's body.

Then there are other warriors. The blood red inheritor has the strongest attack power, but in this process, he killed all the toxicity. In addition to the pure energy before the toxicity, he also lost some, which is barely the third completion.

is the successor of the life form. Although his method is very good, its attack, defense and speed are relatively balanced, and it is the fourth completion. The king and minister was the fifth completion, Feng Tianxing was the fourth completion, and the rest of the warriors were eliminated.

It is obviously a pity for the warriors who were eliminated for the first time, which is enough to show that the level will become more and more difficult in the future. It is said that no less than 100 inheritors have come here in the past 100 years, but so far, no one has actually passed.

"Very good, it's good that the number of martial artists who pass the first level can reach 50% this time. It's the second level. This level is to plan a small world that you think is perfect with the energy you have just integrated into your body. Let's begin." As soon as the words of the infinite people fell, the remaining six inheritors began to build their own small world.

In the small world built by the inheritor of fate, everything is carried out step by step. Their lives are arranged, but they have more of their own emotions, and the rest is not much different. This time, the first person to build his own world is the inheritor of fate.

Next is the inheritor of the king and minister. The world he built is all centered on his will. Although it is somewhat similar to the inheritor of fate, in his world, he is heaven and earth, and he is the founder, all of which listens to his will. Whoever he let him die must die, always under a high-pressure policy.

Next is the world created by Wang Yue. In the world created by Wang Yue, all life is constantly competing under the laws of nature. Then they can change according to their own will, life and death at the same time, infinite cycle. Although the world is a little chaotic at the beginning, it will gradually change and produce its own laws.

As for other inheritors, the inheritors of words and deeds. He finished it fourth. His inheritor is to print the great principles he understood into something like civilization and enter these lives. Although they also have their own consciousness, they have no sense of innovation. Almost all of them survive like a model without new ideas.

Next is the world created by Feng Tianxing. In this world, every life is avoiding risks in the world created by Feng Tianxing according to his own consciousness. They dodge without listening and look for their chances of survival. Although their chances of survival are very high, they lack competition, blindly escape, and have no enterprising spirit.

The last world is to create the slowest world, that is, the blood red inheritor. His world is always fighting, and soon after it is created, it will collapse. Although he created a world, it is the slowest. If it hadn't been for his own strength, I'm afraid that his world would have been destroyed before it was created.

"Well, good, you have created your own world. This game has not been eliminated. However, this third game is not necessarily the case. You must be psychologically prepared. This game is to give you poison again to see if your world can withstand the corrosion of poison. After saying that, the infinite man once again put five poisons in front of the five inheritances. They began to test in turn.

In this test, although Wang Yue's world suffered great damage at the beginning, because their adjustment ability was very good, they quickly found a way to crack it. So the world soon found a balance in the cycle of life and death, and is even looking for a better way to detoxify.

The second one that passed the test is the blood red inheritor. Because all the people in his world are strong. So his world quickly passed the test. It's just that those weak will still die as soon as they appear, and it is difficult to make progress in this world when there are no more powerful warriors.

The third person who passed the test is the inheritor of the king and minister of the world. He can unify the resources and power of the whole world to complete the work of eliminating poisons, so it is much easier to eliminate them. However, in this process, the world has lost too many resources. After the loss, it is difficult to recover.

The fourth one to pass the test is the successor of the life form. In the world he created, all life believes in fate. They believe that this poison was sent by fate to test them, so they desperately want to overcome this difficulty. Gradually, some people in this difficulty have been promoted, while others have died and no longer believe in fate.

The fifth is the inheritor of words and deeds. He integrated his methods of overcoming difficulties into these lives. Unfortunately, no matter how he copied, these lives did not reach his level, and he failed. The fifth is Feng Tianxing, the wisdom of life in his world, so he quickly failed.

Now after passing three rounds, there are only four inheritors left. It's Wang Yue, his fate, as well as killing and princes and ministers.

"Yes, you can still continue to stand in your position in the third round of the test, which shows that you are really excellent. But this is a very severe test. The content of the test is the same as last time. But this poison is the limit you can bear to create the world. If you can stay, it is possible to enter the fifth round of the test. After the infinite couple finished speaking, they put four groups of poison in front of them again. These poisons are all highly poisonous.

The first attempt is the blood inheritor. As soon as the poison entered his world, his warriors rushed in. Unfortunately, the life he created only knew how to kill. This time, the enemy was far beyond their ability, so there was no chance to turn defeat into victory and was eliminated.

The second heir. His world is led by him, and he commands all life in the world to resist the attack of poisons. In the end, the losses were heavy. Although they barely passed, there were few left in the end. This has dealt an unprecedented blow to the inheritors.

The third is Wang Yue, whose world has found some ways to detoxify. Although the poison that appeared this time greatly exceeded their tolerance. However, life in this world knows how to protect itself to a great extent and find time to solve problems. In the end, although the world also suffered heavy losses, it found a way to detoxify and finally slowly recovered. The cycle of life and death has not stopped, and even some lives have become stronger because of poisons.

The fourth is the inheritor. His world believes in fate, but when it is irreversible, they can't defeat fate no matter how they believe it. Therefore, they lost the motivation to survive, and in the end, all the lives of the world died one after another, and the inheritors could only be eliminated.

Although there are two inheritors left in this test, Wang Yue has the greatest advantage. Next is the last round of tests.

"Now, for the sake of fairness, you two worlds start a war." The infinite man directly integrates the two worlds. Although the inheritor ordered his world to attack, his strength was too weak. The life of his world is for him, and there is no motivation at all. On the contrary, Wang Yue created the world to live for himself, so when the new continent appeared, they flocked up. At this time, they have experienced three hardships and have become more mature, and their attack power is many times stronger than at the beginning. Therefore, the world of kings and ministers was also quickly destroyed. Finally, Wang Yue was the only one left in the whole canyon.

"Young man, you did a good job. You are the most thoughtful one I have ever seen, and you know the most about the interests of all the inheritors. Because if you overpromo your ability, you will lose the essence of your ability. Only the civilization that can be passed on is the civilization that can promote the development of the world. The infinite man smiled and put his hand on Wang Yue's forehead. Wang Yue could feel a huge force entering his mind from the outside world. His strength was constantly improving, and he soon rose to the time of God Queen, and even reached the level of a half-step god king. More of Wang Yue's experience and memory of the supreme people.

"Wang Yue, now the universe is full of violence. They only know martial arts, but they don't know the importance of the laws of things. So I want you to create a universe that can control the balance of the whole world with laws.