Wu Ling Tianxia

Chapter 263 Promotion to the God

Chapter 263 Promotion to the God

After killing the Rizhao God Emperor, Wang Yue also killed some murderous demigods and warriors nearby, and got a large number of martial arts laws, providing a certain degree of guarantee for Wang Yue's future advancement. That is to say, Wang Yue has the basic conditions to become a god. Next is how to kill the God of Heaven to complete the last step of the whole plan.

"Wang Yue, it should not be late. Now go back to where you came from and implement the plan of the supreme man as soon as possible. I will also cooperate with you fully." With that, the magic god immediately turned into a golden dagger and entered Wang Yue's hand.

"Hmm. I know." Wang Yue thought for a moment, then walked out of the hall, pierced the void with a magic dagger, and returned directly to the place where he came. At this time, the emperor who entered the cave with Wang Yue had just come out. As soon as they came out, they saw that Wang Yue had been waiting outside for a long time, and they were suddenly happy.

Obviously, these originally incompetent gods must have gained a lot of benefits in the cave. When they saw that Wang Yue had been waiting outside, it showed that Wang Yue did not abandon them and gained credit among the hell demons alone, but wanted to share his achievements with them. In this way, they still have the opportunity to continue to enter the cave to practice. Therefore, when these useless gods saw that there were still benefits, they respected Wang Yue more.

"My lord, we thought you would leave us. It seems that we are wrong. Now that we have got enough benefits in the cave, let's go back to the hell demon clan for a new kill. One of the emperors became extremely excited to see Wang Yue's strength improve again.

"Yes, we were all weak before. But now it's different. We can also help you kill some hell demons. Don't worry, we will definitely help you." Another god emperor came over and said to Wang Yue.

"Well, very good. Then let's go." Wang Yue pretended to walk in front and was the first commander to leave the hall in the cave. However, as he just walked, a golden light suddenly penetrated from the ground and directly penetrated the bodies of all the waste emperors, making their souls pierced by the brush.

"Fu Mingyi, Luo Ziheng, Magic Star, Jing Wushuang, you all come out." As soon as Wang Yue stretched out his hand, he made friends with whom Wang Yue had known before. Now they have also gained great benefits in Wang Yue's body, and each of them has improved to the strength of the God King. However, after Wang Yue poured the laws in the body of these emperors and the martial arts laws of several demigods into their bodies, their strength also rose steadily to the extent that they became the later gods. Wang Yue is now ready to help them assassinate the God.

"Okay, you have got enough benefits, and you should be able to follow me to see the God of Heaven. However, at this time, you must practice a good array, otherwise, even if you are allowed to take action, it is just a qualification. After Wang Yue put them into the White Bone Palace, he walked out of the eternal magic power. At this moment, the god of punishment is fighting with the god of terror and the god of sin, which is insoluble. The God of Heaven has been at a weak disadvantage, which is almost the same as predicted by the infinite. Therefore, this is also the time when the God of Heaven's Punishment is most in need of help, and it is the best opportunity for Wang Yue to take action.

"Thunderstorm!" Facing the god who stood in front of him, his whole body bloomed with a golden light. A golden torrent composed entirely of thunder and lightning flowed out of the body of the god of heaven and began to pour into the camp of the whole hell demon clan, attacking the god of terror and the god of sin.

"Ha ha, God punishes you. It seems that you are just like that. Unfortunately, today this eternal palace must be taken away by us. The abyss of terror!" As soon as the horrible god opened his mouth, endless fear spewed out of his mouth. In this endless fear, there are countless faces of fear, countless souls of fear, countless crying of fear, and countless shouts of fear. In short, in the abyss of fear, even if a half-step god is thrown in, he will instantly become an idiot, brainwashed by fear and become a waste. Now the horrible god uses him to deal with the god of heaven and punishment, and he has also tried his best to kill the god of heaven with one blow.

"Okay, fear the God, it's not too late, let's join hands to kill the God of God. It's very sinful!" At this time, the god of sin also punched out, and a fantastic world came out of the fist of the god of sin. In this world, there are shadows of sin everywhere. It can be said that this world created by the god of sin is simply a world of sin. The creatures in this world have no feelings at all, but only the entanglement of interests, and finally betrayal and abandonment. Even the best friends of the original relationship will fight for the sake of interests. In short, there are only sins everywhere in this small world, which makes people unable to extricate themselves.

"Boom!" The three gods stood together and performed martial arts at the same time. The endless martial arts laws collided with each other, immediately forming a catastrophic storm, covering almost one-tenth of the star domain. Especially in the battlefield, almost one-third of the hell demons and divine warriors have been bombarded by the martial arts skills of the three gods, and the best is that they are bruised all over their bodies.

Under the collision of the same martial arts, the body of the God of Heavenly Punishment actually produced a slight crack. Although it can't be seen whether it is a fatal injury, it can be said that it has been hit hard. At the same time, the other two gods were also beaten back by the martial arts of the god of heaven, and the two gods were also hurt a lot. At this time, the God of Heaven's punishment really fell into a dangerous situation.

"God's punishment, it's time for you to die! We are now going to rape our martial arts rules and finally kill you. Seeing that the God of Heaven has been severely damaged, it is time for the terrible God and the God of Sin are also gloating. But it was at this time that seven or eight-and-a-step god king unexpectedly killed from the camp of the divine court army and stood beside the god of punishment.

"God's punishment, we're here to help you." These half-step gods are Wang Yue's friends, Luo Ziheng and others. Wang Yue also gave them the martial arts law of the half-step god king he killed in the mysterious world, and transformed Luo Ziheng and others into these half-step gods. Now the God of Heaven has fallen into a disadvantage and is not in the mood to distinguish between true and false. So as soon as he saw Wang Yue and others, he showed great confidence.

"Okay. It seems that God will live up to me. Don't worry. You helped me today, and I will never treat you badly. As long as you help me kill them, I will let you enjoy the endless glory and wealth of your life, and even become a god like me in the future. The God of Heaven said to Wang Yue and waited for half a step.

"Haha, that's ridiculous. You half-step gods must not believe in the divine punishment. He is simply a sinister villain. If he really wants to do this, why is there no god around him? Let me tell you. The gods around him have been killed by him one by one and pulled out the martial arts rules. Otherwise, he would not have the status he is today. Moreover, the supreme man was kind to him and was also killed. So if you believe him, you will die in his hands sooner or later. The horrible god looked at the divine punishment and laughed and said with great disdain.

"You!" The God of Heaven almost bit his teeth. In the end, he did not say what he wanted to say, but turned to look at some half-step gods led by Wang Yue.

"God's punishment, don't worry. We will be loyal to you." These half-step gods are led by Wang Yue, and almost everyone swears.

"Good. In this case, I will believe you and follow me to kill these gods immediately. God's punishment!" The God of Heaven suddenly brewed martial arts and was about to kill the god of terror and the god of sin. Who knew that as soon as he performed half of his martial arts, he directly turned around and killed Wang Yue and other half-step gods.

"Wangla..." Seven or eight and a half-step god's body has been broken into pieces, like a mirror and snow moon, which is vulnerable. At this time, the God of Heaven suddenly felt a chill behind his back. As soon as he turned around, he saw Wang Yue appear in front of him with a magic dagger. When he reacted, the artifact had pierced his body.

"Nine days of illusion!" As soon as this dagger pierced the body of the God of Heavenly Punishment, there was infinite changes, and even the Heavenly Punishment God could only endure this change without any power to counter it.

"What the hell is going on? Why is my body getting weaker and weaker? I'm not willing. I'm going to kill you and burn the rules of martial arts every day!" Although the God of Heaven does not know what is wrong at this moment, he knows that he may have fallen this time. However, he still wants to fight for the last glimmer of life and make the last dying struggle.

However, at this time, Wang Yue once again urged Jiuyan's magic formula, triggering the infinite taboos planted by the infinite people in the god of heavenly punishment, and finally made the god the god of heaven fall into an extricable degree. With a crisp sound, the Heavenly Punishment God has been completely absorbed into his body by Wang Yue. At this time, Wang Yue also reached the time to be promoted to Tianjun.

"Rumble..." In the sky, a golden door began to open to Wang Yue, and countless eternal golden sands flowed out of the door, forming a golden river. After this golden river appeared, it immediately enveloped Wang Yue and directly devoured Wang Yue. However, Wang Yue still stood in the golden river. Inside his body, the heart of heaven and earth always blooms with pure white light.

"Wash..." The first golden eternal sand began to wash Wang Yue's body and made a rustling sound on Wang Yue's body. Wang Yue's body kept trembling and the great pain made him feel confused. However, he aroused the envy and hatred of the god of terror and the god of sin. Or they dare not easily enter the river of the eternal sand, so that they will not be quenched. Instead, they will be taken away by millions of years by the eternal sand and die directly.

And Wang Yue began to enjoy quenching in the eternal sand and constantly improving his strength. His life expectancy also changed from tens of thousands of years of the original god emperor to five million years, six million years, seven million years, and finally stayed on eight million years, far beyond the punishment of the gods, as well as the horrible god king and the god of sin. Of course, the real age of the god of fear is much more than this. It's just that he tried his best to continue after his original life, not his fate.

The so-called original life is the basic life. Usually, the basic life of a god is only one million years. This time is very short. So more gods tried their best to improve their life expectancy, and even deprived other divine warriors of their vitality to remedy themselves.

Fate life expectancy means that a divine warrior may die early after experiencing some changes. Or good luck, get an adventure, increase their life expectancy, and make them live beyond, or lower than their original life expectancy. Because of fate, their life expectancy is changed, which is the life expectancy of fate.

But the real life expectancy is very different. When some gods use some means to kill some young geniuses and get great luck in them, their fate will be changed, and they even have the opportunity to change their lives against the sky. These are really the reasons that some gods can break through the limit of their life expectancy and live an era. However, it can also be imagined that every god who has lived an era holds at least the blood of countless lives in his hand.

After Wang Yue experienced the life of the eternal sand, countless rain and dew flowed out of the eternal gate and sprinkled into Wang Yue's body one after another. These seem to be ordinary rain, but they contain eternal laws. Even the horrible god and the sin god who had been standing by and watching were shocked.

They have experienced the grinding of this stage, and have also seen how many demigods are completely melted by these inconspicuous rains at this stage. It can be said that it looks like ordinary rain, but it contains a great signal of death.

"What are these?" Wang Yue also seemed very confused about the rain at the beginning. However, when the rain entered his body, Wang Yue found that his body seemed to melt in it, and even his bones began to disappear, giving his body a soft feeling.

"Water of Destiny?" Wang Yue desperately searched for the memory of the infinite man in the melting memory, and finally found the word water of fate. The water of fate is to let the power of fate kill the fortune of the god, let him die in the torrent of fate, and let countless fate take away everything from Wang Yue.

Gradually, Wang Yue gradually lost himself and returned to his childhood. He was bullied and humiliated. Therefore, he lost all opportunities to turn over in his life forever. His parents' card was really expelled from the ancestral ancestral hall, and he was expelled from the family and became a beggar begging on the street. Therefore, Wang Yue began to be displaced and wandered everywhere with no purpose for survival. Gradually, he has lost all the motivation to move forward and become an orphan waiting to die.

But when Wang Yue was gradually depressed, a light suddenly lit up. Another Wang Yue stood up and punched all the people around him who bullied him, showing him his real future. Wang Yue gradually woke up and found that he had been deceived by fate and almost died in one of the whirlpools.

"Nine days of disillusionment!" Wang Yue held the magic dagger in his hand and directly turned into a pure white beam of light to pierce the whole river of fate and stand out from it. Then the whole river of fate began to enter Wang Yue's body obediently, becoming a part of Wang Yue's body and a part of the law of life and death.

"Congratulations on the death of death!" Seeing this scene, the horror god immediately stood up and congratulated.

"Congratulations to Wang Yue." Even the god of sin said with a smile.

"What the hell is going on?" Wang Yue didn't expect that the two gods would suddenly change their attitudes and become his own team.

"Wang Yue, you don't need to be surprised. They are all chess pieces buried by the supreme people for you. They also came to attack the Eternal Palace to verify the prophecy of the infinite people. So we are still allies for the time being. However, now that the God of Heaven has died, they still need to clean up the mess of the divine court. Two gods, please continue the play." The phantom god said to the god of terror and the god of sin.

"Okay." Wang Yue immediately transformed into the god of punishment. He punched, and the god of terror and the god of sin were immediately flown out by him, suffering great trauma and almost dying. The two gods immediately waved their hands to stop all the hell demons from attacking.

"Horror God, Sin God. You two have been seriously injured by me. However, when our divine court is employing people, it is better for us to cooperate to open up a larger field. You can also survive. This is the opportunity I give you. At that time, the territory will be expanded and you will be able to have a place. Wang Yue pretended to be the god of punishment and stood in front of the god of terror and the god of sin, deliberately pretending to be very generous and said.

"It doesn't matter. Just now we saw the shadow of the door of eternity. I'm afraid that the power of our two gods is no longer enough to deal with you, and they will even be easily killed by you. It can be seen that your strength has far surpassed us. We, the hell demon clan, have always been respected by the strong. Since you won't kill us, you will also provide them with opportunities. Naturally, we are willing to cooperate with you. But I hope you can fulfill your promise. Otherwise, the two of us will kill you even if we sacrifice ourselves!" The horror god agreed to Wang Yue's request on behalf of the Hell Demons and formed a temporary cooperation.