Wu Ling Tianxia

Chapter 268 Heart of the Universe

Chapter268 Heart of the Universe

"Mr. Death, you have created ten small worlds that can circulate infinitely, creating infinite value for our eternal kingdom. Therefore, on behalf of the eternal country system, I would like to announce to you that you have the qualification of a first-class immortal citizen and can visit the process of creating such a small world to distant eternal citizens. This is the eternal rule. If you have this eternal rule, you can walk around most of the eternal kingdom. With that, the dragon god put the eternal rules into Wang Yue's body, giving Wang Yue a right to control eternal power.

"As for the world you create, it is no longer limited to the small world, and you can create a small world between the small world and the middle world. However, in this process, I suggest that you don't be too impatient and do it step by step. I have given you all these resources, so I will leave first. With that, the dragon god left Wang Yue's palace of life and death.

After the dragon god left, the dull expression on Wang Yue's face immediately disappeared and was replaced by a relaxed look. He knew that what he wanted had finally arrived.

With these things, he can leave the palace of life and death to find some conveniences left for him by the infinite people. At that time, according to the plan of the supreme, he will be able to find the secret of the eternal kingdom.

Wang Yue did not leave the palace of life and death. Because he can feel that there are eyeliners of the Eternal Land watching him near the palace of life and death. There are even some powerful gods controlling some areas. However, Wang Yue has not yet felt the gods of those semi-eternal gods appear in his vision.

But Wang Yue is not in a hurry. After receiving the award of the Eternal Kingdom, he began to enter the process of creating a larger world. However, when he created a new small world, he gradually had some problems. So he was ready to go to the palaces of other eternal countries to find some solutions to the problem.

Wang Yue began to think of the palace of fate. So Wang Yue came to the outside of the palace of fate. He found that the longer he was in the eternal kingdom, the less likely it was that the god would be monitored. So Wang Yue was allowed to enter the kingdom of fate. Instead of disturbing the god of fate, he entered the small world that the god of fate has been paying attention to to study some laws contained in this small world.

Wang Yue entered this small world, and he sealed his ability and turned it into an ordinary person. It can be said that it is one billionth of such a probability. He believes that with his ability to record life and death, even the semi-eternal god can't know his true identity after several lives and deaths in this small world. So he became a warrior who lived a regular life in this world.

This warrior comes from a cold background and does not have any strong ability. The best thing in his life is to be able to find a better employer to help him take care of his home. This kind of life without worrying about food and clothing is already very happy. However, Wang Yue was not willing to fate, so he began to look for new attempts in an attempt to change his fate. At this time, the god of fate began to send messengers of fate to interfere with Wang Yue's rebellion against fate.

The first messenger of fate is a rich man. The rich man began to appreciate Wang Yue, but suddenly, Wang Yue's previous efforts were all drained, and even regarded Wang Yue as the culprit who disrupted his life. So Wang Yue lost a good-looking job and started looking for his employer again.

With his persistent efforts, he found a second job. Although Wang Yue's strength is not very strong, there is still no problem for some rich people to take care of their homes and send some little thieves. So Wang Yue found another job as a nurse. This is a new opportunity for him. So Wang Yue desperately wanted to seize such an opportunity and began to work carefully again and again.

Facing Wang Yue's resistance to fate again, the god of fate once again sent a messenger of fate to Wang Yue. As a result, Wang Yue lost his job once. So he tossed around many times, and Wang Yue finally became a rich man and was no longer employed by others. So the god of fate kept inflicing disasters on Wang Yue. However, Wang Yue was still very tenacious. In the end, Wang Yue was able to change his fate with such an opportunity. When his life died, Wang Yue became a very powerful rich man. It can be said that Wang Yue really reversed his fate.

Walking out of the world created by the god of fate, Wang Yue saw some changes on the face of the god of fate. Although this change is not very big, Wang Yue knows that there should be something new in the heart of the god of fate.

After Wang Yue left the god of fate, he did not try to change other gods, but prepared to go to the deeper capital of fate to meet other more powerful gods. So he came to the door of Tianyun Palace. Soon he saw the God of Fortune. The god of luck has a kind of hazy luck all over his body. It can be said that the strength of the God of Heaven has reached the level of approaching the semi-eternal god. However, the semi-eternal god needs to create a big world, but the god of heaven is still a little far from this requirement. However, the middle world he created has begun to take shape, and I don't know how many times stronger it is than the small world created by Wang Yue.

The more Wang knows, the stronger the world is closer to the eternal treasure house. A slight change will attract the attention of many gods and even semi-eternal gods. Therefore, Wang Yue did not try to change the world, but became a character and lived in it for a lifetime. After Wang Yue tried, he began to turn himself into a vacuum and disappear from everyone's sight.

In the eternal kingdom, there are countless gods like Wang Yue. It can be said that even if Wang Yue is missing, as long as it does not affect the eternal treasure house, Wang Yue's life and death will not be valued. It can be said that the eternal kingdom is not a world, but a rule of life built on a complete system. Wang Yue is just one of the insignificant links here. During the whole process, it was not a god who monitored Wang Yue, but the system. It can be said that other gods are also monitored in the same way.

Wang Yue began to enter a gap between something and nothing. He gradually began to weaken the value of his survival. In the end, he really disappeared into this rule of life and became a neglected member. Even the god will come to watch him. However, Wang Yue still knows the value of his existence.

Because the infinite man has been to the eternal treasure, Wang Yue quickly found the position of the eternal treasure house. It's just that here, there are divine arrays everywhere, and even semi-eternal gods walking nearby, almost blocking the whole eternal treasure like an iron barrel without any gap.

However, the infinite man still found a gap for Wang Yue. After all, after countless plans, the infinite people found a way to enter the eternal treasure house. He has calculated it. This method can still be used when Wang Yue comes, and Wang Yue is well prepared for Wang Yue.

Jiuyan's magic formula was gradually improved at that time. Wang Yue's transformation into a semi-eternal god can really blend into the surroundings of the eternal treasure house. Therefore, Wang Yue's face is constantly changing, and his identity is getting higher and higher. In the end, Wang Yue came to the outside of the eternal treasure house. In the eternal treasure house, according to the infinite man, it is full of the most precious matter produced in the Big Bang, and the eternal law is the most precious part. It is said that there is also the eternal way of the universe.

"Wang Yue, you have come to the eternal treasure house. There are some things I have to tell you. This is also the explanation given to me by the supreme. In fact, I'm not a magic dagger. The magic dagger is just one of my identities. My real purpose is to open the eternal treasure house. I am a key. With that, the magic dagger actually inserted directly into the wall of the eternal treasure house. Wang Yue saw a door open and Wang Yue had entered the eternal treasure house.

In the eternal treasure house, Wang Yue saw a lot of materials. These materials are huge treasures produced in the Big Bang. For example, the material of the fantasy dagger is actually a piece of divine iron finally condensed by a galactic-like pure iron, which is very valuable. Therefore, after it is built, the magic dagger will naturally become the god.

In addition, in the eternal treasure house, there is also a god stone, which can be used to repair any artifact of creation, and even to mend the sky. It also includes the dew of life. This kind of life dew, unless it is a divine warrior who has died for a long time, can come back to life with a drop. It is really divine water. Wait for the treasure. It can be said that Wang Yue saw almost countless times more treasures in this treasure house than he had seen in his life.

However, Wang Yue was not moved by these treasures. He was looking for what he needed. That is the eternal law. Suddenly, I saw a small world on a platform. In the small world, Wang Yue saw countless eternal laws. It is said that these eternal laws are designed to help the eternal country survive the Big Bang.

"No, I can't move these things yet. After all, my strength is still too weak. If I move these eternal laws now, I may die worse than the supreme man, and I will be directly destroyed. I need to wait until the moment of the Big Bang, so that I can carry out my plan. Wang Yue looked at these eternal laws. Although he was very moved, he still resisted. After all, he can't afford the price of his heartbeat.

So Wang Yue left the eternal treasure house, left the protection area of the eternal treasure house in the same way, and finally returned to his original trajectory within the safe period. His identity as the god gradually became clear with his appearance, and finally he became a part of the whole system. Although it is irrelevant, the increase in quantity is also an important factor.

After Wang Yue's eternal treasure house came back, he re-entered the process of creating a small world. However, he also began to use his ability to influence the small world of the creator god, Fu Mingyi, Luo Ziheng, Jing Wushuang, and the magic star. He hopes to change the trajectory of their world through his own little influence. When the Big Bang comes, come and wake them up. They can leave this eternal country and have their own lives again.

So, as time passed by, Wang Yue was able to create the world. After a period of time, Wang Yue's middle world was created better and better. In his world, many lives began to flourish, and even had their own life system, began to flourish, and even intelligent lives appeared. The emergence of intelligent life is a good thing for a middle world. However, wisdom is not allowed by the eternal kingdom. Therefore, Wang Yue tried his best to make these intelligent lives look inferior, just to provide him with some successful experience.

The law of creating life in the eternal kingdom is to constantly allow these lives to consciously complete their work. Even because of the emergence of a certain system, such as fate, creation, mission, etc., they have the motivation to act independently. Such a small world will continue according to an established and unchanging law.

Wang Yue also constantly influenced some gods in the process of creating his own small world. He calculated a very clever balance, and even in the process of his continuous attempts, this balance is constantly improving. So much so that when his research reached a certain level, he found that he could use this balance to wake up these gods at a certain time. So he began to really wait for the Big Bang.

Suddenly one day. The whole universe began to be constantly turbulent. Disasters in the big world are increasing, and life on planets began to disappear one by one. Until some powerful warriors gradually died, these storms began to expand in the divine world. Especially in the eternal ocean, the eternal kingdom has begun to produce vibrations of different sizes, and even this vibration is still affecting the balance of the eternal kingdom. At this time, Wang Yue had realized that his opportunity was coming.

When the Big Bang came, Wang Yue had helped him and his recipients gain the highest level of trust in the eternal kingdom. That is to say, they will not monitor these gods during the Big Bang. So Wang Yue immediately came to the palaces of these gods. These gods were activated one by one and became living gods one by one. Then Wang Yue sealed them so that their bad state would not affect Wang Yue's plan.

You should know that in the process of the Big Bang, the whole universe seems to be a big bomb, and anything like matter will explode. Especially in the gate of eternity, countless substances are spewed out, allowing the eternal ocean in the gate of eternity to absorb purer energy. The whole time can be said to be a dangerous period for the eternal kingdom. If the eternal kingdom is sprayed out by the eternal door, the eternal kingdom will be consumed quickly like other substances. So if you really want to survive the Big Bang, it is the best choice to stay in the eternal ocean.

"Boom, boom, boom..." The explosion of the outside world kept ringing, and the whole eternal kingdom was constantly affected. However, it is still not the time to use the eternal law. Eternal Settlement needs to be used when the sea water of the Gate of Eternity is sprayed outside. However, at this time, Wang Yue also began to sneak into the eternal treasure house.

In the eternal treasure house, Wang Yue saw a small world full of eternal settlement, but also a world of more artifacts. There is everything Wang Yue wants to see in this world. This is what the infinite people call the reverse mirror of the world. However, Wang Yue is not looking for this kind of thing, but the core of the eternal kingdom.

Standing in the eternal treasure house, Wang Yue began to run his life and death record and felt the most powerful existence of cosmic energy in the whole eternal treasure house. Wang Yue found that this existence was not in the small world of eternal settlement, but in a black rumbling thing, which was not good-looking, like a coal ball.

After Wang Yue smashed this black thing, he actually saw a heart somewhat similar to heaven and earth, but purer than the heart of heaven and earth, presenting a black and white heart of the universe. At this moment, the heart of the universe is very powerful, but it is still inseparable from the heart of heaven and earth.

Facing the fragments of the heart of the universe, Wang Yue walked in without hesitation. Because Wang Yue knows that the heart of the universe should be the core of the eternal kingdom. Only by understanding the working principle of the heart of the universe can Wang Yue find the secret of the eternal kingdom.

So Wang Yue suddenly entered the fragments of the heart of the universe under the guidance of the heart of heaven and earth. In the heart of the universe, Wang Yue saw a golden country. This country is completely made up of the most basic material composition in front of Wang Yue. Wang Yue stood in the heart of the universe and felt an eternal law of change. At this moment, Wang Yue seemed to understand something.

"The law of life and death, integrate into my heart!" Wang Yue kept running his law of life and death, and actually fully refined the heart of the universe. Although most of the suppressed components are in it, Wang Yue can actually contain the heart of the universe with the heart of heaven and earth and take it away. However, as soon as the heart of the universe left its original position, there was a very collapsed beep in the whole eternal treasure house.

Wang Yue knew that he had stabbed the hornet's nest. However, Wang Yue's first thought was not to leave the eternal treasure house like the supreme. He came directly to the eternal law, desperately absorbed the eternal law, and even swallowed the whole small world full of eternal law.

After swallowing these, Wang Yue began to refine and absorb everything in his small world.