Wu Ling Tianxia

Chapter 271 The Birth of the Earth

Chapter 271 The Birth of the Earth

"Golden Sword!" At the critical moment, Li Chao burned the law of the golden sword and the eternal law, and the whole universe began to tremble in an instant. At the same time, the gate of eternity has also begun to become more and more blurred. This shows that the Big Bang has reached the final stage.

"The universe is disillusioned!" Wang Yue punched and completely covered the golden sword man and Li Chao's body, and countless life and death began to repeat the cycle in this fantasy. At the same time, Wang Yue grabbed all the eternal hearts and swallowed them all. In an instant, the eternal door became more illusory.

At this time, a huge rotten cancer began to appear in the hearts of heaven and earth. In the face of this cancer, all the gods and eternal hearts ran into the door of eternity in fear. However, Wang Yue did not escape, but chose to fight the final battle with all kinds of cancers.

The so-called rotten tumor is all the dirty, poisonous and dirty things in the whole universe. It is because of him that the universe will have an imbalance between energy and matter, so that the universe will fall on the verge of collapse.

"Death!" Wang Yue's body condensed into a huge dead word, which was directly printed on the rotting cancer. This dead word is like an amulet, suppressing everything spewing from the rotten cancer. At this time, the Big Bang seemed to have been eased, which made Wang Yue himself see a chance to overcome the difficulties.

"Kill!" Wang Yue also sacrificed the magic dagger in his hand. At this time, the magic dagger has really become an eternal dagger, absorbing the heart of the universe and even the eternal heart. Now Wang Yue stabbed the magic dagger into the rotten tumor, and the rotten tumor is still intact, as if the rotting tumor is like a virtual setting. Wang Yue's magic dagger poses no threat to the rotten cancer at all.

"Woo-woo..." There were bursts of ghost crying and howling from the rotting tumor, which directly turned into dirt * wanting to pollute Wang Yue's soul. However, a fire suddenly appeared on Wang Yue's soul, which merged with the sky fire to form the fire of heaven and earth, directly turning these stains into a black smoke.

Wang Yue's dagger stabbed into the rotting tumor again. This time, the magic dagger left deep wounds on the rotten tumor. At the same time, more powerful rotten poisonous water overflowed from it and directly entered Wang Yue's body. However, after these rotten poisonous water entered Wang Yue's body, it began to wash in the heart of eternity, and then was removed by the heart of heaven and earth, and finally turned into a purer energy by the heart of the universe.

It can be said that although Wang Yue has absorbed all the eternal heart and the heart of the universe, he has almost become the eternal god and is almost invincible in the universe. However, Wang Yue did not give up the rotting cancer, but wanted to completely digest it with his eternal heart. Gradually, Wang Yue's body turned into blood and a lump of dirt*, and disappeared with the rotting cancer.

After the rotten tumor disappeared, the door of eternity opened again. All the gods and semi-eternal gods came out of the door of eternity. They were all relieved to see the whole universe return to normal again. But at this time, a vast piece of light radiated from the gate of eternity, almost illuminating the whole universe. All the warriors looked at the door of eternity together. At this time, Wang Yue came out of the Gate of Eternity.

Above Wang Yue's head, countless auras are shining, and he actually became the eternal god in the legend and became the master of the divine world. As soon as he appeared, he was not in a hurry to talk, but handed over all the gods and semi-eternal gods to his side and wanted to talk to them.

"Guys, I know that you are all warriors who survived this catastrophe. I think you will definitely have a lot of emotions at this moment. But I can also tell you that now an old universe has left us, and now a new universe is about to be born. However, the structure of this universe is also very simple. All life needs to survive in an orderly environment.

"All people in this universe don't have to fight and kill, and even live a life that must compete for resources and even fight for heaven. Now all life in this world must take land as the condition for survival, so I named this place where life exists, called Earth. With that, Wang Yue suddenly changed into a green planet in his hand. At the same time, there are more blue oceans above this planet. Because life should be dominated by water.

"Although living for a long time is the greatest wish of every life, living too long is a burden for the world. Therefore, if you live too long, it is not good. You must have a life cycle. In this way, life can continue to cycle to produce new forces. Therefore, the maximum period of life cannot exceed 10,000 years. In particular, intelligent life cannot be more than 200 years old. If there is a law in this way, it will continue to develop. There will be no dominant situation. In this way, the ecology will be balanced and even healthy competition will occur, which will promote the peaceful development of species.

"All life on the whole planet should be based on its original form and cellular. The basis of their survival is the absorption and intake of energy. Of course, when they reach more levels, they can prey on other lives for their own food. In this way, the positive world will form a system. In this system, life will become very healthy and peaceful..." Wang Yue kept defining the world. Gradually, the whole world began to follow Wang Yue's requirements.

However, Wang Yue did not forget these semi-eternal gods and gods. Wang Yue turned them into the law of the development of objects and even the development of life. For example, in winter, summer, autumn and winter, every season changes, there will be a god to work. It can be said that the life span of the god has been extended to an infinite length. It can be said that this god is a law of life in this world.

Gradually, Wang Yue arranged the positions of these semi-eternal gods. Then he began to arrange his friends and some lives on Tianlong Continent. He also gave the meaning of these small lives to the law. In this way, there are many rules on the whole earth. With the continuous change of these rules, continuous improvement will form a beautiful world.

At the same time, Wang Yue defined himself as the eternal law, that is to say, something that will never change. This is Wang Yue.

"Wow..." In the darkness, a figure suddenly rose up and opened his eyes.

"Well..." The sudden severe pain in the chest made the thin figure who had just straightened up tremble slightly and made an inaudible cry of pain.

"Well..." Wang Yue frowned, bit his lips with his teeth, and swallowed the moan back into his stomach.

Judging from Wang Yue's experience and experience, he broke at least three ribs!

With the attack of severe pain, consciousness slowly recovered, and the previous experience also appeared in Wang Yue's mind.

Throughout the time, Wang Yue's childhood memories appeared in front of his eyes. These memories began to regress. Not to mention that Wang Yue let these memories go backwards, there is no problem even if these memories reoccur. However, what Wang Yue has to do now is to change his history and let his family live happily together.

"Wang Yue, why don't you go out to practice!" Wang Yue suddenly woke up from his dream and found that many things in front of him had changed. I used to be a waste at home. Although the current situation is almost rare, no one dares to shout in front of him. Because not only his father was not lost in the frost forest, but also his mother was the eldest daughter of a big family and had a noble status. Even if he is an idiot, he is destined to be the young master of the royal family in Zhenyuan City.

What's more, Wang Yue just woke up from his dream, and his intelligence suddenly improved a lot. He suddenly stood up from **, which shocked the little maid Ziling, who had been dressing him. He quickly came over to help Wang Yue for fear that Wang Yue would accidentally fall to the ground.

"Hahaha, the feeling of rebirth is really good." Wang Yue found that the time he created was really perfect. Although it is no longer a world where people are respected, this world still loves martial arts very much. So when he got up, he ran to the family's martial arts arena and began to practice martial arts with other family disciples.

"Ouch, I said who is here! Isn't this our weak young master Wang Yue?" On the practice field, Wang Hao took the lead in saying to Wang Yue. Although Wang Yue is the young master of the family, Wang Yue's strength is very weak. Any teenager with mediocre potential at home can be urged by the housekeeper. This is also to help those lazy young masters. However, Wang Yue is not the kind of lazy young master, but his brain that was hit by lightning shortly after birth, so his intelligence has been very low over the years. What he has learned, but he has to learn twice, or even more. So on the martial arts field, all the teenagers will laugh wildly when they see him. However, they always feel that today's Wang Yue seems to be a little different from usual. The young master seems to have a god in his eyes.

Is that right? Wang Hao, I remember that you seem to be a samurai. Although your status as a ninth-class warrior is pitiful. But I will also surpass you in a month. If I lose, I will give you a hundred taels of silver. If you lose, you will retreat when you see me in the future. How about that? Wang Yue said with a reason that Wang Hao could not refuse.

"Cluck, the young master is so generous that he let me take advantage of so much. No wonder others say you are an idiot! It's a joke that you can't even beat me with a nine-level martial artist now. Even if I am a nine-level warrior, my strength is much better than yours. So I advise you not to work hard!" Wang Hao said with a sneer.

"Hahaha, this is absolutely impossible." Wang Yue said with a smile.

It can be said that as time goes by, Wang Yue has gradually grown up in this new world. In this new world, Wang Yue's time and life are also constantly growing. Just a month later, Wang Yue and Wang Hao came to the agreed place again. There are already many warriors waiting to see jokes there!

"Young master, please go first. Today, I will definitely let you know what a martial artist is and what a warrior is. As soon as Wang Hao took action, it was lightning and lightning. It can be said that he has fully mastered all the abilities of Wang Yue. In his opinion, even if Wang Yue practiced so well, it was difficult to make such a rapid change in a month. So he is also full of confidence.

"Then you're welcome." With that, Wang Hao's fist picked Wang Yue's choked throat like a wooden stick. It can be said that this move is also very deadly. However, Wang Yue took a step back and grabbed Wu Hao's palm. In the back area, Wu Hao fell down and ate shit.

It can be said that Wang Yue has not only increased his physical strength, but also exercised more skills during this month. But in such a short time, Wang Yue's skills have become more and more pure. Now it is normal for him to hurt Wang Hao with one move. However, Wang Yue did not think about revenge and finally lost himself.

"Wang Yue won!" A housekeeper who has a good relationship with Wang Yue said. When the housekeeper said this, everyone dispersed with interest.

After Wang Yue changed his past fate like this, his life was completely stabilized. It can be said that he not only changed his fate, but also changed his family. Although there will be no long life in this world, there are many things that could not be experienced in the past. It's better to say that it is the pain of life separation. It is no longer the previous world. As long as it can be promoted to a higher strength, even the biological parents will ignore it. It will always be a world that respects martial arts.

"Ye�. The world is really very good, which opened my eyes. But there seems to be something missing in the world. By the way, it's creativity. Wang Yue looked at the life in this world, as if he were sticking to the rules. Therefore, Wang Yue became Shennong to taste hundreds of herbs and Lu Ban to teach many ordinary people to become excellent carpenters. It can be said that Wang Yue created the world and hoped that the world could develop smoothly.

Soon under the leadership of Wang Yue, the whole world is constantly changing, and even some martial artists have begun to fully believe in martial arts. In their opinion, technology may have greater development. Therefore, Wang Yue began to help people in the whole country learn more technology, and even Wang Yue will help those celebrities tide over the difficulties. Even if they can't help them solve their ideological contradictions, they can help them solve the problem of food and clothing.

Day after day, year after year has passed. Originally, not many animals and plants in this world continued to develop in this process. After about hundreds of years, this originally desolate planet began to become a place full of vitality. Because of the growth, many life on this planet has begun to flourish. In this process, Wang Yue always controlled the development of the whole planet in a way that he could control, until these seemingly weak creatures became stronger.

So there began to have technology, and after the technology, some small workshops emerged. These small handicraft workshops are united, and gradually there are some large handicraft workshops. Because they think that as long as there are many people, they can earn a better life. So the large-scale processing began.

Then, Wang Yue became an inventor and began to develop a variety of novel things, such as electric lights, wires, batteries, etc. The world is developing, and the whole universe is constantly changing.

In another new era, the whole society has entered the industrial era. All artificial things have begun to be replaced by machinery, but it is human beings who really drive machinery.

Then it slowly developed into the era of science and technology. In this era, everything is inseparable from technology, and even more human beings see new hope in this relationship.

The society has once again entered the information age...

After Wang Yue ended the life of an ordinary person again, he returned to the position of his eternal god. At this moment, standing beside him is the God of Creation. It can be said that the creator god is not only a god, but also a regular existence. With the God of Creation, there is a coincidence in the world, and even a fate. Although this kind of thing can't play a decisive role, it adds a coincidence to every life. With these countless coincidences, life becomes rich and colorful.

In the process of rising and sunset, many stars in the whole universe flashed in the sky and disappeared from people's sight forever. Under the starlight, many ordinary people are also experiencing the process of life and death. So life has never stopped breeding.

When these human beings are still enjoying these short-lived but happy lives, I don't know why Wang Yue still misses the days of Wuling. During that time, it was not human feelings, not human wisdom, but human pursuit of martial arts that dominated the whole world.

At that time, there were no large machines, no high-tech technology, only strong human beings. A powerful warrior can also fly in the sky, dominate the storm, and even dominate the mountains and seas. This is martial arts.

But hundreds of years have passed, if Wang Yue becomes an ordinary person and says to whom, I am the god who created the world, most people will think that he is crazy. A few people will think that he has reached a certain level and become mentally ill. But only Wang Yue knows how he changed from the peak of martial arts to the god of creation.

Now that martial arts are over, human beings are more peaceful. There is no killing, only a happy life...