Wu Rebellious Universe

023 Black Heart Hell

"Five hundred gold coins!"

Chu Nan knew the meaning of these words, that is, to ask him to pay, but when he knew it, he was still shocked. After eating a hundred steamed buns, he asked for five gold coins. Does that mean five gold coins for each steamed bun?

Five gold coins, that's enough for a year's living expenses for the villagers of Baijia Village!

And here, five gold coins can only buy one steamed bun!

"What's the difference between this and robbing people?" Chu Nan opened his mouth wide, and the man stared at him, and a cold voice came out again: "No gold coins?"

"Um." Chu Nan shook his head with an apologetic face!

"Do you have five amethyst coins?"

Chu Nan shook his head again. He didn't even have gold coins. Where did the amethyst coins come from?

"Do you have the lower grade of Yuanshi?"

Chu Nan shook his head again. He had vaguely heard of gold coins and amethyst coins, but he hadn't even heard of what Pinyuanshi was!

"Do you have a Warcraft core above level 3?"

"No!" Chu Nan had a dragon elixir, but it had melted into his body.

"Do you have anything valuable on you?"

Chu Nan thought that there was something valuable on his body. If the dragon tooth was replaced with a steamed bun, he would probably not be able to eat it for ten lifetime; there was also the dragon's reverse scale, the dragon tendon; and the ring should also be a little useful.

However, if you don't take it out of this, if you take it out, if you take it out, you will kill yourself; if you take out the ring, it may also let Wandumen find some clues!

Therefore, Chu Nan shook his head again.

Seeing Chu Nan shaking right, the man was not furious. Yijiu said in the previous cold tone, "That means, you eat the overlord's meal?" As the man said, the momentum was already fierce, and it seemed that he was going to do it immediately to beat Chu Nan violently.

"I can help you and pay back the money for this hundred steamed buns!" Chu Nan said the compromise he had already thought of!

The man looked Chu Nan up and down, "What can you do?"

"I'll do whatever you want me to do!"

Looking at Chu Nan's strong body, the guy said, "Come with me!"

Chu Nan followed the guy and walked back. The diners in the restaurant looked at Chu Nan with strange smiles, and some of them had a sympathetic look in their eyes!

Chu Nan didn't understand all this.

When it came to an open space in the back, the man said, "Cut this pile of wood, and you can go!"

Chu Nan looked at the pile of wood and was stunned. There was a pile of wood in front of him, which was simply a hill!

"Don't you want to?"

People are under the eaves, and they are newcomers. They are not familiar with the place. How dare Chu Nan not? He turned around and smiled sloppy, "Do you care about the meal?"

"As long as you can afford it, you can eat whatever you want!"

Chu Nan touched his head and said shyly, "Then can you give me another fifty steamed buns!"

Hearing this, the indifferent man showed surprise on his face for the first time. Looking at Chu Nan's body, which had nothing to do with the burly, he thought to himself, "Can his stomach hold it? There is really another monster in this free town!"

The man didn't express his thoughts, and his face returned to indifference and said, "Then you have to fill up the water in that jar!"

Looking at the jar, Chu Nan breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the jar was not as big as a pond, but twice as big as the jar in his house.

But before Chu Nan finished his breath, his facial muscles twitched again, because the guy said, "To get water, you have to cross a hill, about 20 miles, take the water under the waterfall!"

Chu Nan had to nod in a sling.

The man left and soon sent fifty steamed buns to Chu Nan. Chu Nan looked at the fifty steamed buns with a wry smile on his face. In the past, when he was in Baijia Village, he could eat at most two steamed buns; but now, eating a hundred steamed buns is only half full!

Chu Nan didn't know how much he needed to eat, but he knew that he had to eat seven or eight catties of blood python meat to feel full. The energy contained in seven or eight catties of blood pythons is huge; these energies can't be filled with a hundred steamed buns.

"If there is no accident, these changes in yourself are caused by the dragon elixir." Chu Nan used the momentum of the eagle to fight against the rabbit, and ate fifty steamed buns clean!

Then, he grabbed the axe beside him and began to chopping wood!

At the beginning, Chu Nan was very unskilled. Although he was very powerful, he was not accurate at all. An axe was cut down, and the firewood flew, but the axe was deeply cut into the big stone.

With a "bang", the stone began to crack out of the crack, not far from the gap!

Chu Nan looked at the picture in front of him and was stunned. It was not that his strength was so great, but that the axe broke him! Looking at the strange situation of the inn, I guess the axe will also be compensated!

The guy came to Chu Nan at the first time. Seeing this scene, he looked at Chu Nan carefully again and thought to himself, "This boy, strange, without the fluctuation of power, he can cut the big stone into this!"

Yijiu put the question in his heart and said coldly, "An axe is equivalent to a thousand steamed buns!"

"Ah!" Chu Nan's mouth is so big!

Dude ignored it and said coldly, "You have to do it here for ten days!"

Chu Nan nodded again, and the man's figure disappeared. When Chu Nan was thinking about what kind of martial artist this man was, the man appeared in front of him again and handed him an axe, "Be careful, new axe, cut it again, you have to do it for another 30 days!"

Chu Nan picked up the axe and tried to ask, "Is there a heavier axe?"

"How much do you want?"

"I don't know, this one is too light." Chu Nan is very honest.

"Then come with me." After saying that, the man took Chu Nan out of the inn and went to an iron workshop that was several times bigger than his father's iron workshop. He said to an untidy old man, "Give me a key axe!"

"Black-hearted king, when do you want to buy an axe?" The old man joked, and then threw an axe from it and said, "Fifty catties. For the face of your black-hearted king of evil, just give ten amethyst coins; if someone else buys it, one amethyst is enough."

Hearing the old man say that this guy is called the black-hearted king of the evil, Chu Nan raised his hands and feet in his heart to express his approval. Previously, he actually said that his broken axe was worth a thousand steamed buns. In conversion, that is, fifty amethyst coins. If you take this axe, >

Before Chu Nan finished thinking about it, he saw the black-hearted king of Yan reaching out and grabbing it in the air. The fierce axe was very meekly in the hands of the black-hearted king of evil. Then he turned to Chu Nan and said, "Try it, is it heavy enough?"