Wu Rebellious Universe

035 Tragedy

Warcraft is back!

The Warcraft of 100,000 mountains is back!

Free Town has also begun to regain its vitality with the return of Warcraft, and Free Town is becoming more and more lively...

However, all this has nothing to do with Chu Nan. Chu Nan is almost living an ascetic life. The gathering of the five elements still can't stimulate Yuanli, but it does not make Chu Nan's heart depressed.

On the contrary, he strengthened Chu Nan's heart. While thinking hard about the way to inspire his birth, he worked hard to exercise his physical strength, because this is the foundation of his life!

The epee on his back makes the crazy old man practice more and heavier. The crazy old man has the ability to refine some power in the heavy sword, but it is also the most basic, because those powerful ones must be stimulated by the power.

Even if he couldn't practice martial arts, Jin Jue still taught Chu Nan's "Open Heaven Eighteen Style". After Chu Nan bombarded the boulder every day, he still waved the epee under the impact of the waterfall...

The five black-hearted kings did not give up. Every ten days, they used five elements of power to quench Chu Nan's body. Even if Chu Nan could not stimulate the power, they should turn his body into a magic weapon.

However, under these, Chu Nan still found that although Warcraft came back, the five predecessors, who looked like masters, did not relax, but became more solemn. This kind of solemnity easily reminded them of the calm before the storm.

Chu Nan once asked the crazy old man, and the crazy old man said, "There are always people who don't want to see the free town continue to exist."

As for who didn't want to, the crazy old man didn't say anything; Chu Nan also asked Ji Sanniang. Ji Sanniang looked at Chu Nan with kind eyes and said, "Before that time comes, you can leave!"


Chu Nan suddenly felt that this word was very strange. Although he knew that he would definitely leave Liberty Town, because he still had many missions to do; it was just a nearly one-year life in Liberty Town, which made Chu Nan feel warm. The five predecessors were also very good to him, just like his juniors. Chu Nan even You can read that expectation from his eyes.

This kind of expectation is that when the crazy old man talks about how to use the Yuanli refiner, in the cold-faced king of the cold-faced king to him to make the elixir, when the black-hearted king of the evil tells him how to cook delicious food, it is particularly obvious!

Chu Nan also asked them why. The cold-faced king of Yan said two words, one word is "fate" and the other word is "life"!

The black clouds in the sky of Liberty Town are getting thicker and thicker...

On this night, Chu Nan was buried 100 meters under the ground. After Ji Sanniang used the earth power from the realm of Wujun, he was quenched in Chu Nan's body. The longer Chu Nan stayed under the earth, the deeper he stayed!

Just as Chu Nan gritted his teeth and persisted, Ji Sanniang appeared in the mud and appeared in front of Chu Nan. The look on her face was a little panicked. She stuffed a large bag of things into Chu Nan's arms, and then said, "Work hard to live, you can do it!"

"San Niang, what happened? Did something happen that you were worried about?" Chu Nan asked hurriedly.

Ji Sanniang did not answer, but worked hard to directly press Chu Nan 20 meters to the ground, and then reluctantly looked at Chu Nan and told him, "Live!"

Then, Ji Sanniang appeared on the ground. The ground was already full of fire, screams all over the ground, and there was an arrogant voice, "Five martial arts, let you be arrogant in the freedom town for so many years. It's time to destroy!"

"Damn your mother's nonsense, take my life. Even if you are the king of Wu, you have to pay the price of bleeding!"

"Don't worry, I won't let the five of you die so easily!" The voice smiled gloomily, and the cold-faced king of hell spit out a word in his mouth: "Pin!"

"You don't have the qualification to fight. I'm not the only one who comes back here!"

Ji Sanniang and the five of them still fought up without hesitation. As soon as Jin Jue started to fight, he shouted "The 19th Type of Kaitian". He directly used his biggest killing move, a golden, extremely generous straight sword, appeared out of thin air and cut at the man...

Chu Nan didn't know at all about the fierce battle on the ground of Liberty Town. Now he is concentrating all his energy, all his will, resisting death, 100 meters below the ground. Chu Nan just got used to it. Now Ji Sanniang suddenly smashed Chu Nan 120 meters deep, and death immediately surrounded Chu Nan; you know Such a deep landlord, even if he moves down half a meter, that's another concept!

No matter what Chu Nan thinks in his heart, whether it is anger, sadness or pain, he must let himself survive first!

Because only when he is alive can Chu Nan have the right to be angry, the right to be sad, and the right to enjoy pain!

Chu Nan had to wait for himself to adapt to the suffocation and pressure at 120 meters before he could find a way to return to the ground. In the past, it was the moment when he was about to hold on, Ji Sanniang grabbed him out of the soil, and this time, he had to rely on himself...

When Chu Nan was struggling to survive, a man in Liberty Town said coldly, "Check again, you must not leave a living person!"

Half a day later, dozens of people replied, "All of them should be eliminated, and there is no fluctuation of power in the whole free town!"

"Okay, this is a great achievement. Take those five people and let's go!"

A bunch of strangers have left. They don't know that here, 120 meters under Liberty Town, there is a man whose meridians are completely destroyed and can't detect the power at all!

One day, two days, three days...

Chu Nan tried his best to endure the most painful period. When he opened his eyes, he did not hesitate at all, regardless of the weakness of his body. With only a pair of flesh and blood, he went to dig the soil and go inside...

When Chu Nan appeared on the ground with blood in his hands, he was completely stunned when he saw everything in front of him!

The picture presented in front of Chunan is a broken wall, a corpse everywhere, and a river of blood...

Chu Nan was stunned, and then a bloody cry burst out in his chest!


"San Niang..."

"Presenior Jin Jue..."

"Crazy old man senior..."

"Senior Black-hearted King of the Dark..."