Wu Rebellious Universe

062 I'll be back


The two words said by Chu Nan were not loud at all, but when they fell into everyone's hearts, there was undoubtedly a thunder in the flat ground!

As the owner of the city and the third young master of the Xu family, Xu Manyang personally invited a boy to join the Xu family, and was actually scolded as an idiot. These two words were more uncomfortable and humiliating than Lan Hongguang immediately betraying him.

They all looked at Chu Nan in a stare, and an idea came to their hearts: "Is this boy looking for death?" Even Lan Hongguang, who was stripped and stripped, forgot his anger and pain.

However, they didn't know what kind of person Chu Nan was. He handed over the epee. The epee was given to him by the crazy old master. Is it possible? It's absolutely impossible. If you want to hand it in, you would have paid it long ago. Why did Chu Nan have to take so much effort to fight with them and make his body bruised.

In addition, Chu Nan remembered that when Nangong Lingyun was plotted by Wandumen, he suspected the Xu family and the Fan family. Chu Nan also wanted to find Nangong Lingyun to take on the responsibility of a man. In this way, how could he join the Xu family?

And Chu Nan doesn't seem to know the shock brought by the word "idiot" to them, and what consequences will happen to him. Chu Nan just tries his best to seize the time to practice.

Xu Manyang's eyes are as cold as a sword. He is a little person at the bottom. The next second is a person who doesn't know whether he is alive or dead. He really doesn't know the depth of heaven and earth. How can he say these two words?

"Kid, you want to die..." In order to show his loyalty, the housekeeper Xu shouted loudly and rushed up. As soon as he ran a step, the housekeeper Xu was slapped aside by Xu Manyang.

"I'm here. Is it your turn to deal with it?" Xu Manyang vented his anger on his trusted housekeeper. The housekeeper Xu didn't dare to say anything, but kept pleading guilty. Xu Manyang ignored it, looked at Chu Nan and said, "Do you know what the consequences of the two words just said will bring to you?"

"It's just death!"

"Aren't you afraid of death?"

"Why are you afraid of death?" Chu Nan procrastinated and thought to himself, "If I'm afraid of death, I'll be a waste for a lifetime. Maybe I'll have died long ago!"

"What a fear of death?" Xu Manyang actually laughed and said, "Kid, if you and me, everything that happened before will be written off, how about it?"

"What an idiot!" Chu Nan said with a smile again.

Hearing this again, Ren Xu Manyang appreciated Chu Nan, and his anger could not be extinguished. Xu Manyang said condescendingly, "It's crazy, but crazy people usually die earlier. Kill him, hang his body at the gate, and expose it to the sun for three days!"

Xu Manyang said this lightly, and immediately, Lan Hongguang, who was extremely resentful of Chu Nan, went straight to Chu Nan. There were still a large number of people behind him, and a thousand feet away, Xu housekeeper, etc...

At this moment, Chu Nan suddenly patted the ground and jumped into the air. He drew the epee and cut straight to Xu Manyang.

Xu Manyang never dreamed of that boy. Under such circumstances, he dared to fight against him, but Xu Manyang could be the master of a city, which was not a vegetarian.

In an a moment, the surroundings were full of the violent fire power. After seeing the tragedy of Lan Hongguang, Xu Manyang certainly would not let Chu Nan get close. He didn't want that good hand to become a white bone.

The gathered fire force made a terrible move and bombarded Chu Nan through the air. A bang exploded on Chu Nan. A pure flame surrounded Chu Nan in an instant.

Chu Nan's body was hit a few times in the air and hit a tree. As soon as the tree touched the fire, it was immediately burned to ashes, and his body was still retreating.

"Three flavors are really hot!" Jue Qianchi looked at the big tree that turned into ashes in a blink of an eye and said it secretly. The Xu family really lived up to its reputation. Xu Manyang actually practiced three flavors of real fire. That boy, now he is dead.

Lan Hongguang is also worried. Fortunately, he didn't offend Xu Manyang just now. Otherwise, he would definitely be bombarded immediately. Looking at his means, he didn't even want his martial arts, and directly turned the man into ashes.

"I don't know what to do, damn it!" Xu Manyang said coldly, "I'm so arrogant that I think I can't miss him."

Everyone's eyes were looking at the fire. The fire hit something, and the thing turned into ashes. When the fire finally fell to the ground, everyone thought, "This monster is finally dead."

"The city lord's action is really extraordinary."

"That's right, with the city owner, our Xiongluo City is as stable as Mount Tai!"

Ju Qian Chi and Lan Hongguang were flattering, but when they saw the fireman who hit the ground, they suddenly stood up and fled wildly, extremely fast.

Seeing this picture, everyone was stunned, and their thoughts became blank!

"This...this...he's still running? He hasn't died yet?" Lan Hongguang read it incredulously. He could turn the big horse into ashes, burn the stone into debris, and burn the iron into a real fire of molten water. Unexpectedly, he didn't burn him to death. How could it be possible? How is that possible?

"Lan Hongguang, Ju Qianchi, Xu Manyang, you remember that one day, I will come back. When I come back, it will be your death, the day when you destroy the gang, and the day when you become famous! Remember it!"

Chu Nan, who was running wildly, left a sentence, a cruel word!

"Ah!" Xu Guanjia exclaimed, and everyone else was inhaling the air.

"This boy must have a magic weapon to protect the fire. Maybe it is a magic weapon level. Otherwise, how can he be worth the real fire of the city owner!" When Jue Qianchi heard that, he trembling.

"Yes, there must be a magic weapon, I said..."

Lan Hongguang was still agreeing, but Xu Manyang shouted angrily, "What are you still doing here? Are you still waiting for him to escape and come back in the future? Hurry up and catch up with me. No matter who kills him, this month's offering will be avoided!"

Hearing this, Lan Hongguang and Juqianzhi were overjoyed and rushed up.

Xu Manyang ordered again, "Let someone close the gate, I'd like to see, in this Xiongluo City, he can still escape from the palm of my hand?" As soon as he said this, Xu Manyang had a "clucking" in his heart. "That boy can soar martial arts skills, and maybe he can jump over the city wall!"

Thinking of this, Xu Manyang rushed to the gate in person...