Wu Rebellious Universe

070 refueling sound

(P: Brothers and sisters, I'm really sorry. The weather suddenly cooled down and I caught a bad cold. I had a headache all day yesterday. This chapter was written after finishing the drip; I owe it, I will pay it back. Everyone should also pay attention to their health. The weather changes too fast. Alas, sitting in front of the computer every day, the body's resistance has seriously decreased, and I accidentally caught a bad cold.)

"Why don't you dare?"

He is not even afraid of death. Is Chu Nan still afraid of a challenge?

Although there is little power left in the body, Chu Nan, who has a strong body, is not afraid.

When Chu Nan was about to go up, Zi Menger pulled his sleeve. There were two elixirs in her hand, and she fed Chu Nan very affectionately.

Reflexively, Chu Nan took a step back.

"Dir, eat it. This is Huiyuan Dan, which can slowly restore your vitality." Zi Menger is an extremely intelligent woman. Naturally, she knew that Chu Nan's previous two moves cost a lot of effort. Chu Nan was a little suspicious. Zi Menger stuffed three elixirs into his mouth and deliberately made what others thought was twelve points of intimacy, but she said fiercely, "Dnerd, if you can't beat him, Let's see how I deal with you!"

For Zi Menger, he was called a nerd and had to clean him up. Chu Nan didn't care at all. On the contrary, his lips felt the coldness brought by Zi Menger's fingers, which made some ripples in his heart.

On the stage, Ling Xiao looked at the intimate appearance of Zi Menger and Chu Nan, and his facial muscles were all beating with the rhythm of anger. He said angrily, "If you are a man, just have a good time!"

"Idiot, beat him hard, I'm optimistic about you!" Zi Menger is still adding fuel and fire.

Chu Nan ignored it and jumped directly on the competition table and stood in front of Ling Xiao, as calm as a mountain.

Ling Xiao, who has always been able to control his emotions well, saw this rival in love, thought about the picture just now, and lost his mind. He said coldly, "I won't show mercy! If you are afraid, admit defeat quickly!"

"Let's make a move!" Chu Nan stood with his hands in hand and said lightly.

"Take out your weapon!"

"Fist is enough."

Chu Nan did not take out the epee. When Ling Xiao saw Chu Nan with an indifferent face, he was even more angry in his heart. "What an arrogant boy, touch my purple moon sword with your fist. The purple moon sword is a medium-grade magic weapon. I don't know if the sky is thick. Let me abuse you today."

"The first type of Jin Yuanxuanzhan!"

Ling Xiao shouted loudly, the purple moon sword flashed, and Chu Nan's eyes flashed. The name of genius really lived up to its reputation. The attack arrived, and at this moment, Chu Nan flashed from Ling Xiao's attack!


As soon as Lingxiao shot it into the air, he will cut out a sword crack with a competition platform paved with solid iron and stone!

"Shh..." The people watching the battle were gasping coldly, "It turned out that Brother Ling Xiao didn't have the most powerful trick just now!" Le was hearing this next to him, and his face became more and more pale and embarrassed.

"I guess Brother Ling Xiao can challenge on the competition stage on the fourth floor." As we all know, the fourth level is the competition between disciples with the cultivation of generals.

A group of people, almost all the words they say are complimenting Lingxiao.

Zi Menger frowned, "What a nerd, he doesn't use weapons!" Then she heard the comments of the people around her and turned her head and said, "He is so powerful. Why didn't he hit the nerd?"

Everyone was speechless, and Ling Xiao was also full of surprise, "Is this man so fast? I didn't hit it?"

When I thought about it in my heart, I was even more angry, "I don't believe I can't hit you!"

Ling Xiao's body suddenly moved, and the purple moon sword in his hand was raised above his head, bursting a more gorgeous golden light, and a sword bombarded Chu Nan like a flood.

Chu Nan's figure was like a flower, swaying a few steps and flashing through the attack again.

"Well, this nerd can flash twice. His speed is really..." The man was talking, but Zi Menger stared at him and shouted, "Is the nerd is also called by you?"

"Miss, I..." The man immediately panicked. The artifact sent someone who did not know the prestige of the little witch and hurriedly begged for mercy.

Zi Menger turned her eyes and shouted, "Call Lin Yun loudly to come on!"

"I..." This man was in trouble. He didn't want to offend Ling Xiao. If he shouted out, he would definitely be revenged in the future, but he looked into Zi Menger's eyes, but he didn't dare to refuse. At the same time, he also scolded himself to death in his heart. Why did the young lady

"If you don't shout, just run a thousand laps around the competition platform!" Purple Dreamer's tone is very domineering!

This person naturally knows what the young lady said. It must be done. It's better to run a thousand laps by weight. Although he will be exhausted in the end, it's better than offending Ling Xiao!

After thinking about it, the man said, "Miss, I'm going to run the circle." With that, he ran out. As soon as he took three steps, Zi Menger shouted coldly, "Stop!"

The man stopped quickly. Zi Menger smiled, pointed to the boulder with a total of 300 catties in front of him, and said with a smile, "Since you like to run, you can run with that stone on your back!"

Everyone looked at the man with sympathy and pity, carrying 300 pounds of things. For the great martial artist, it was not a problem at all, but the problem was to run a thousand laps, which was even worse!

The man wanted to defend himself, but he remembered the title of the young lady's witch, so he had to accept his fate and walk towards the stone; Zi Menger turned to another person, "You shout!"

"If you don't shout, you can also run a thousand laps on your back!" Zi Meng'er didn't go around at all.

This man looked at the stone, thought about the thousand circles, swallowed his saliva, and thought, "I was forced by the young lady. Brother Ling Xiao should forgive us!"

So, he shouted, "Come on, Lin Yun!"

This sound of cheering confused Chu Nan and Ling Xiao. Ling Xiao had attacked dozens of times, but he let Chu Nan dodged. The fire in his heart was so angry that he could not be increased. When he heard such a sound again, he turned around and stared angrily at the man who shouted.

The man trembled all over, but Zi Menger said with a smile, "Keep shouting."

"Shout!" Seeing him hesitant, Zi Menger shouted again, then stretched out her hand and passed by, "You, you, you, and you, everyone shouted together!" If you don't shout, you can't get along with me..."

Everyone was speechless. Under the prestige of the little witch, they had to shout together: "Come on, Lin Yun, come on, Lin Yun..."

Seeing that Zi Menger made such a frame, Chu Nan once again deeply realized her unruly, but he also smiled on his face.

Ling Xiao's face was almost green. He turned his head and shouted to Chu Nan, "It's a man, don't hide, fight with me dignifiedly!"

Chu Nan didn't say anything.

"You dare not fight with me, you are a coward!"

A cold light flashed in Chu Nan's eyes, and his figure rushed forward...