Wu Rebellious Universe

102 Evil Things

"Don't force me!"

The elder had a reliance on him, so he dared to say these words. He concluded that even if Chu Nan's potential was so great that it was unimaginable, the artifact faction would not turn against him and attack him; first, he was a king of martial arts, and the artifact faction could have the status today, and his indelible At that time, he was still running outside for the artifact faction, presiding over various peripheral affairs; if the Purple Emperor took action, the loss of the artifact faction was definitely not ordinary!

Hearing the eldest elder's words, a trace of murder flashed in the eyes of the Purple Emperor's eyes, but no one can see this killing opportunity. What everyone sees is only majesty. How can the old man in purple not understand the calculation in the elder's heart, but that's also the reality. He won't do Elder, take Lingxiao back to heal his wounds first, and go to the Presbyterian Hall later!"

"Yes." The elder didn't want to be stimulated any more. He did need time to heal Ling Xiao's wounds. Ling Xiao had been in a coma for a long time and was seriously injured. In addition to the counterattack suffered by the eleventh type of Jin Yuanxuanzhan himself, there was also the mutant version of Chu Nan, the powerful third type Shining purple, it is the real fire of the extreme sun!

The elder retreated. In the whole competition venue, the disciples of the Artifact School were stunned. No one thought that they saw such a scene today, and even saw the power of the Wuhuang's action.

Ling Xiao's supporters were all in a dead silence. Ling Xiao's approach made them feel that their faces were pale; while Chu Nan's supporters were once again sensational, but Zi Menger ran to the high platform for the first time.

As for the match between Li Hao and Chen Zhan, it was also interrupted. When Zidong came to drink the sound of "No. 2 ring, Lin Yunsheng; the No. 1 ring match continues", the two came to their senses and thought about Chu Nan's performance just now, and the fighting spirit in their eyes was stronger.

"I will definitely fight with Lin Yun again!" Chen Zhan's fighting spirit was awe-inspiring and shouted.

In Li Hao's eyes, the flames of the battle are also burning. "The only people who fight with me can be me!"

"Warhammer is now!" Chen Zhan shouted a lot.

"Qian Yuan Zhan!" Li Hao is unwilling to show weakness.

As soon as the battle between the two took over, it was so intense that it became white-hot.

On the high platform, Chu Nan sat cross-legged and took the time to practice in order to restore his strength. Zi Menger ran to the high platform and asked with concern, "Did, are you seriously injured? I have Huiyuan elixir, an elixir for healing wounds, and activating blood and muscle..."

As he spoke, Zi Menger took out a handful of elixir and handed it to Chu Nan, "Did, swallow it quickly."

Chu Nan smiled, took the elixir, said "thank you", and took all the elixir into his stomach. The grade of the elixir was very high. As soon as he exerted the power of the medicine, the wound on Chu Nan's body was beginning to heal. Zi Menger saw this and smiled at ease.

Lv Yangming looked at himself, a proud disciple who was accidentally accepted, and felt guilty. Lin Yun didn't understand a lot of things, and even he didn't know the three attributes. If Lv Yangming had known it earlier, he would definitely not close the barrier, and he must be taught wholeheartedly. The most guilty thing is that if it A disciple will die at the hands of others.

The second elder said, "Yang Ming, you are a good disciple!"

"I'm ashamed that I haven't taught him anything yet." Lv Yangming looked embarrassed and said, "Li Hao is also very good. I'm afraid Chen Zhan is not his opponent."

The second elder laughed.

Zi Donglai looked at Chu Nan's eyes, which was even more complicated. Lin Yun would be the most potential seedling of the artifact school, but he had an inextricable grudge against the elder, and his daughter, Ling Xiao's fiancee, was very close to Lin Yun.

Zidong sighed and asked the old man in purple, "Do you want to continue the last competition?"

"Why don't you continue."

"He... is so seriously injured..." Zidong pointed to Chu Nan and said, and the old man in purple stared, "With me here, what is this injury?"

Zidonglai was gloomy. The old man in purple put his hand on Chu Nan to heal his wounds. After a look, the old man in purple had a wrong intuition, so he grabbed Chu Nan's wrist again and his face changed.

Everyone was puzzled, but Chu Nan and Lu Yangming knew it well.

The old man in purple opened his mouth to be surprised. Lv Yangming shook his head slightly, and the old man in purple immediately closed his mouth. Of course, he knew what kind of uproar would be caused if the news was spread. Even so, the old man in purple was still boiling in his heart. "There is no meridians, there are Li, such a miracle can happen in front of you! It's really a complete evil!"

He was surprised, but his face was calm, inputting a strong power to heal Chu Nan's wounds.

Chu Nan felt the power pouring into his body, which was so huge. At this time, Chu Nan's body was like a dry desert, and he urgently needed a lot of power to nourish.

However, when the old man in purple personally healed his wounds, Chu Nan had an idea in his heart. He did not let the Yuanli be distributed everywhere in his body, but gathered together to use this huge external Yuanli to hit the gap!

Chu Nan's actions can't be hidden from the old man in purple, but the old man in purple does not stop such a demon-like act, but constantly provides Yuanli, trying to see what evil this evil man wants to do!

Chu Nan and other Yuan forces gathered to a certain extent, and then attacked the gap. Again and again, the small gap was getting bigger and bigger. Chu Nan was overjoyed. When he gathered the impact of the Yuan force again, Chu Nan's mind flashed and thought of an extremely important question, "Since the power can be compressed, it powerful. The force is doubled; what about the power? Can it be compressed enough?"

Whether it is possible or not, you can know it with a try!

Chu Nan immediately compressed the elemental force, gathering and compressed it. Outside, the elemental force kept pouring in, but the inside kept compressing the elemental force. Chu Nan's face had become extremely pale, but Chu Nan was still compressing desperately!

Just that those elements have been compressed so much that they can't be compressed, and they continue to input outside, and Chu Nan does not release the elements in his body. They are still compressing. Those elements that have been squeezed to the extreme have suddenly changed and actually rotated.

Rotate in a spiral! Rotate crazily!

As soon as the power entered by the old man in purple entered the body, he immediately joined the rotating team.

When Zi Meng'er saw the face that was getting paler and paler, she said in panic, "Did, what's wrong with you?"

Chu Nan did not answer. All his thoughts were on the compression of the force, and he was also shocked by the rotating force of the spiral.

Zi Menger looked up again and said puzzledly, "Grandpa, what's wrong with the nerd? Aren't you healing him? Why is his face getting paler and paler?

At this time, Zi Menger's grandfather was about to scold, and he also wanted to know what her nerd was doing. He felt that the power input into Chu Nan's body was greatly accelerated, and there was a trace of uncontrollable feeling.

Although it is only a trace, how cultivated the old man in purple is, and how can such a situation happen?