Wu Rebellious Universe

206 is not enough to see!

One punch, a solid punch, a punch that perfectly combines Jin Yuanli and strength!

Hit Hua Ming's chest fiercely!

Suddenly, Hua Ming flew back faster. The continuous flow of Mu Yuanli in his body was cut off by Jin Yuanli in an flash.

It's like a growing vine, which is suddenly cut off by the waist!

And this is not the final result. Whether Mu Yuanli is cut off, what makes Hua Ming vomit blood the most is the thing that looks like Jin Yuanli and not like Jin Yuanli, which scattered all the Mu Yuanli that he finally condensed...

Poor Hua has meditated so many tricks, but there is no such thing as Huiyuan Dan, but it is useless. He was punched like this by others.

Hua Ming, who was flying backwards, had only one thought in his heart, "This man can never be only 20 years old, otherwise, how could Jin Yuanli be so rich?"

Chu Nan's punch is not simple.

Not only with "golden power", but also with "lie yuan quan"!

It is also because of the effect of the "lie yuan quan" that the Muyuan force in Hua Ming's body can't be gathered!

without the support of Mu Yuanli, Hua Ming seemed to have become an ordinary person, coughing and vomiting blood!

Ren Chong trembled even more all over.

The old man in the dark, pinched the ten fingers of the clay figurine, danced faster, and was still saying, "This junior, there are too many surprises brought to people. No wonder there will be an emperor of Wu guarding it secretly. Such a talent, in time, will be famous in the Tianwu Continent!"

Finally, Hua Ming stopped retreating, but was blocked by someone.

The man who blocked Hua Ming was a strong man. His eyes were dazzling, and he was as fierce as frost. He stared at Chu Nan, walked step by step, and said, "Kid, you have done something that you will always regret!"

"I never regret doing things! There is no regret in this matter!" Chu Nan was fearless. At the same time, he recovered his strength and strength at the fastest speed. Although he was very arrogant and relieved just now, he seemed to be relaxed and comfortable. With just a few punches, he beat the two martial princes to spit blood and be seriously injured.

However, Chu Nan is very clear that he consumes a lot of power and power. Every move he makes is a big move. In addition, after all, he has just broken through and is weak, and the other party is a middle-level martial artist. It is not easy for Chu Nan to do this!

"You alone, no matter how strong you are, what can you do?"

"At least you can't help me. Besides, how do you know that I'm alone?" A cold light flashed in Chu Nan's eyes.

Hearing Chu Nan's words, the strong man was walking. Suddenly, he stagnated. The momentum he had accumulated before was weak, and Chu Nan sneered again. The strong man was ashamed and angry. He no longer walked forward step by step, but ran wildly!

"In a small mountain and sea city, there are three martial arts kings in the Nangong family, and their strength is really not weak; if you fight the small one, the big one comes; if you fight the weak one, the strong one; it's really a little endless. Why don't you have any powerful masters? Let them go together!"

Chu Nan is excited with words!

The strong man shouted and said, "The boy is too arrogant. I'm enough to deal with you alone!"

"You're not enough to see!"

"Is it? Then I'll let you have a good look today!" With that, the running figure of the strong man has ignited a fire all over his body. The fire is red and purple, like a purple dreamer, between the three-flavored real fire and the extreme yang real fire; the strong man is still roaring: "Aren't you Jin Kemu? Then I'll let you taste the taste of Huo Kejin!"

Seeing this, Chu Nan looked up to the sky and laughed. The laughter was full of jokes. After practicing on the mainland for a long time, Chu Nan has understood that it is not so easy for people who practice fire martial arts to practice the true fire of the extreme yang and the fire of silence. It's not that you are the realm of the king of When it is higher, the quality of the flame is higher, which is related to its own physical constitution, the quality of martial arts, the luck of opportunity and many other things. For example, the crazy old master, although he is only the peak of martial arts, he can use the fire of silence; just like Zi Menger, although it is only the realm of the great martial arts It's almost the same as the strong man in front of him.

Of course, this is only in terms of the quality of the flame. There is no total thickness of the power, how much time it can support, and how powerful martial arts can be issued...

For Chu Nan, practicing flames is a completely different path from other martial artists. His current body has been completely quenched by the polar yang real fire, and he can stimulate the polar yang real fire at will; if his body can be completely quenched in the silent fire without dying, then he can Show the fire of silence.

The two roads are relatively more direct, more convenient and concise. However, the road taken by Chu Nan is also more dangerous. If other martial artists come honestly, there will be no danger to their lives. However, if Chu Nan is not careful, it is the end of a life and the soul is destroyed!

These thoughts flashed through Chu Nan's mind, and his laughter continued to joke...

When the strong man saw Chu Nan laughing, he wanted to say in his heart that he was 100% calm and careless, which was three hundred percent impossible. After all, his two companions, two middle-level martial arts, were seriously injured on one side. He was not vigilant or guarded, which was a strange thing; he had decided to use his most powerful move Style, to deal with this young but arrogant boy.

"Kid, what are you laughing at?"

"I'm a ridiculous person, a ridiculous thing." Chu Nanyun is light and windy.

He has become a strong man of fireman. With the anger in his heart, the flame rose again. He saw the fire hands clenched together and pulled out in the flames, but pulled out a sword, as if pulled out from the sea of fire.

This sword is purple all over, which is darker than the flame.

Chu Nan naturally knows that this sword also belongs to the magic weapon level, so it can improve the quality of the flame and become a purple polar yang real fire.

The strong man holding the purple fire sword, only a few meters away from Chu Nan, shouted awe-inspiringly: "Fang Kejin, this time, I think you have any other tricks!"

"I still have a lot of tricks, but you are not qualified to let me do it!"

The strong man has the impulse to vomit blood again. Since he was promoted to Wujun, no one has dared to talk to him like this. Even the owner of the Nangong family is polite to talk to him, because he is very likely to break through and become the king of Wu!

But today, he is so teased and despised by the younger generation!

It's tolerable, which can't be tolerable!

The purple fire sword was raised high, accompanied by a shout: "Take your life!" D