Wu Rebellious Universe

211 dead, injured, fleeing

A generation of martial arts king died like this.

When everyone is terrifying, they are puzzled!

The deepest understanding of this sudden killing event is the old man holding the clay figurine in the dark.

The old man's ten fingers have not been turned over, and the image of the clay figurine still maintains the posture when punching. The old man thought to himself: "This punch is absolutely different from the one that hit me before. There seems to be something more in it! What kind of martial arts skills does this boy practice? The floor? The top grade? Or the legendary level of heaven? The power is so great, so fast!"

"What a terrible opponent, his strength is secondary. This boy's mind and his wisdom on the battlefield are even more terrible! He had been hiding the advantage of the degree. At the critical moment, he suddenly exploded. He attacked the weakest man first, but did not kill him, deliberately leaving a life, and then used it as a bait to throw it at the person who could bring him the greatest threat; so when he was injured and unable to resist, he punched heavily and hit him fatally Fire has no effect on him at all. As for Mu Ming, let alone, although he is not dead, it is almost the difference from death!"

The old man gave a high evaluation. He can easily kill the three martial arts kings, even with only one move; however, he is a high-level martial king, and Chu Nan is just a martial king!

The old man who pinched the clay figurine has a correct analysis.

Chu Nan's "Reverse the Universe" martial arts secret includes the five elements of power, and it is an upgraded martial arts secret. To what kind of realm this martial trick can be upgraded, it depends on how far Chu Nan can practice.

As for martial arts, almost all of them are created by Chu Nan. What level is it? He doesn't know it himself. All he knows is that it is very useful, practical and powerful.

If you want to create your own martial arts, it is absolutely difficult to go to the blue sky!

Not to mention the martial arts with such great power!

Every disciple who has entered the sect, who has systematically learned the knowledge of martial arts, knows this.

Unfortunately, this Chunan has not learned systematically!

And the road taken is even more incredible!

The first time to have strength was obtained from the dragon elixir; the second time, it was in Liberty Town. The five masters did not tell him about the rules and regulations that martial arts should pay attention to, all of which came at will. After that, he went to the artifact school and gave birth to the strange phenomenon of refining the epee, the strange practice >

So, Chu Nan doesn't know those taboos. The so-called those who don't know are fearless, that's all.

Chu Nan doesn't feel that he is creating his own martial arts. He just feels that it should be done like this. When it comes to the battle, it will be more powerful.

Naturally, the self-creation of martial arts is not smooth sailing. In the wind tunnel, Chu Nan only created the two types of martial arts, but he suffered for several months. The wounds on his body were next to each other, crossed and erected, and it was more ferocious.

Besides, the "spin explosion" that Chu Nan uses the most now is created by risking his life and accumulating little by little!

Chu Nan just walked his own way!

At this moment, Chu Nan did not pay attention to the surprise and fear of those people. As soon as he fell to the ground, he walked towards the strong man. Every step he took, his momentum rose a little.

The strong man seems to have been used to fix his body. Not only is the man fixed, but the sword is fixed, but even the original burning flame is fixed!

After Chu Nan took five steps, the strong man came back from calming down, looked at Chu Nan in fear, and withdrew one step back!

Smps, the flame suddenly collapsed.

Who dares not to be surprised? Who dares not be afraid?

Two martial arts, not warriors, not martial arts masters, not great martial arts generals, but martial arts who have entered for a decade or two years!

But he was hit by this person, one was hit on the head, and the other lay on the ground and could no longer get up.

Chu Nanjin, the strong man retreated.

One step in and one step, there are about three steps.

Chu Nan raised his fist. The strong man seemed to see the end of the world and turned around and ran wildly. He didn't want to escape. He also knew that it was humiliating to escape. However, the fire he provoked did not work for him at all. Although he still had a unique trick, he lost all his confidence when Chu Nan


Chu Nan was stunned.

"If you want to escape, have you asked me?"

Chu Nan shouted, and a golden light passed through the air. Suddenly, it suddenly hit the back of the strong man. The strong man lost his support and slid on the ground spitting blood!

After this punch, Chu Nan didn't look at the result. He turned around and walked to Nangong Zhenming!

Nangong Zhenming's mouth was still wide open, and he never thought that in the end, it turned out to be such a result. The three martial arts, one died, one was injured and one fled. The injured were not far from death, and the fugitive was also injured!

Chu Nan swept the mount of Warcraft next to Nangong Zhenming. The mount beast actually had a light of fear in his eyes and instinctively retreated!

Nangong Zhenming saw that Chu Nan was getting closer and closer to him, but he did not escape, nor did he ask his guards to protect him; because he knew that these were useless, and the martial arts king could not escape, let alone him; the three martial arts, the greatest combat effectiveness in his hand, are not his opponents, those great martial arts masters or If it's a general, how can it be someone else's opponent? Even if you want to use a sea of people tactics, you can't do it! His guard is only a few hundred. If there are thousands, Nangong Zhenming will definitely gamble and kill this man!

At this time, Nangong Zhenming showed that he was more calm than Wujun. With the usual romantic fifth young master, in terms of temperament, it was completely two people.

Chu Nan walked to Nangong Zhenming, stood still, and then slapped Nangong Zhenming in the face.

This slap is not shining with gold!

Just when Chu Nan was about to hit Zhongnan Gong Zhenming, Nangong Zhenming's fixed body suddenly moved, and then a black light hit Chu Nan's chest!


Zi Menger, whose eyes had been following Chu Nan's movement, screamed loudly. At the same time, her figure rushed forward regardless.

Nangong Zhenming's killing move came too suddenly, just like Chu Nan suddenly disappeared before!

Even if the black light was about to hit Chu Nan's chest, Nangong Zhenming's face was not proud at all, and he was still solemn.

Just when Nangong Zhenming's raid was about to succeed!

It sounded with a "pop".

Then, a sentence sounded in Nangong Zhenming's ear: "You should really thank, your surname is Nangong!"

(: Today's state is really bad. I sat in front of the computer and wrote a large paragraph. Then I looked at it and saw that I was not satisfied with it. I simply deleted it. But after writing, deleting and deleting several times, I still can't satisfy myself. This plot is related to the latter, so Today, I'm ashamed that I won't ask for a ticket!) F