Wu Rebellious Universe

222 Cangshan Tips

"Where are you going?"

The voice came from all directions, scaring two figures in black, and one was full of excitement. One of them drank to embolden himself, "Who are you? Come out!"

"Who am I? How can you know? However, I'm very interested in your identity.

"We, say it to scare you to death..."

"Hahaha..." The laughter came from everywhere into the ears of the two figures, "You can say it and see if you can scare me to death!"

"We are..." This man seemed to really want to say his identity, but when he opened his mouth again, he said, "Tu Xun!"

The word "earth line" fell, and I saw two figures, as if they had disappeared out of thin air.

"The little skill of carving insects, how dare you show off in front of me. If you are allowed to escape, I really don't have the face to fool around in this big six!"

When the voice fell, the old man's figure appeared, and then he raised his fist, and the khaki light flashed and hit the ground with a punch.

In an instant, the big earthquake!

I saw two blood arrows straight from the ground 100 meters ahead!

The old man's figure flashed and appeared at the place of the bleeding arrow. He stamped on his feet, and there was a muffled hum under the ground. The old man said, "Since you like to be underground, then stay down there!"

A gust of wind and sand swept through, and the old man disappeared. This place returned to its original state, as if nothing had ever been born.

The old man didn't investigate the two figures in black. Of course, he also knew that the two monitored figures in black definitely had nothing to do with the Nangong family, and they were the black guards in the dark. "How can you escape and spread the news?"

Kill two people, and the old man's eyes never blinked. An old monster like him who has lived for a long time will not have any psychological burden to kill. The old man just wants to ensure that everything they see will die with them and delay the exposure of those amazing news.

The old man understands what kind of impact it will cause and what kind of storm it will cause if the news spreads!

After everything calmed down, the old man scattered his mind, confirmed that there were no people around him, and then returned to the place where he had stayed before. His eyes kept turning, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

And Chu Nan and others were still talking, "Meng'er, did you feel the vibration of the earth just now?"

Zi Menger stared and thought deeply, and then said seriously, "I smell the smell of barbecue."

Chu Nan Guan'er asked the iron bear, "Stupid bear, do you feel it?"

The iron bear shook his head and stared straight at the barbecue.

"Is there something wrong with my feelings? Even the stupid bear didn't feel it..." Chu Nan thought to himself and couldn't let go.

After a while, two people and one beast ate and drank enough. Chu Nan divided out some fire and wood beast cores for Zi Menger to practice. Then he asked him to take out part of the feldstone and the beast's core and put them in the ring containing black eggs. He also fed them with blood for a while, and the epee also

After doing this, Chu Nan's five hearts were up and he practiced cross-legged, but the "Heart Refining Tips" that Menger said floated in his mind.

It's late at night.

The old man was pinching the clay figurine. Suddenly, a sound came from his ear. The sound went straight to his mind and went straight through his mind, "You did a good job!"

Such a sudden sentence broke into the old man's mind, so there was no trace, but the old man was sweating profusely. This voice must have been aimed at him alone, and this person must be the figure in white during the day. It turned out that he didn't leave at all. I'm still looking at my reality, and I'm not doing my duty.

If he can break through his divine mind so easily, he will definitely easily take away his life and let his soul be destroyed. After a while, he was afraid, "It's okay to kill those two people today."

When the old man was sad, an ancient book fell lightly in front of Chu Nan, without a sound or alarming Chu Nan, who had been cultivated.

In the early morning of the next day, Chu Nan opened his eyes.

At first glance, I saw the ancient book on the ground and the three big words on the ancient book: Cangshan secret!

"Is this the secret of Cangshan?" Chu Nan did not show a look of ecstasy, but was as sharp as a knife, thinking, "Who put it here? Is it that old man?"

The only thing that mentioned "Cangshan" to Chu Nan was the strange old man yesterday. Chu Nan was thinking that Zi Menger was lazy and said, "Did, I feel that I'm not far from the high-level martial artist. What do you have in your hand?"

"The Secret of Cangshan Mountain!"

"Ah? Cangshan formula? Who gave it to you?"

"I don't know. I opened my eyes and saw it."

Zi Menger was also puzzled, "Then see if it's true or not!"

Chu Nan nodded and opened the ancient book. The first layer of the Cangshan secret seemed to be the follow-up skill of the Mangshan secret. A picture is marked with a red line on it, and the meaning is the meridians.

Roughly, there are more than 800 red lines; martial arts skills are attached next to it.

turn back, the second page, the third page...

is the same, but there are more and more red lines, all over the body.

Seeing this, Chu Nan's first feeling is that this "Cangshan Secret" is real!

Of course, it is also possible that Chu Nan can't see that one or two are deliberately marked wrong in these meridians.

However, Chu Nan is not afraid. He has no possibility of going crazy at all. With so many meridians in front of him, he only needs to work hard to turn them into one. If there is a deviation, it doesn't matter. Chu Nan can use it as another channel to convey the power.

"It should be true." Chu Nan said to Zi Menger, and Zi Menger suddenly became happy, "Is this the legendary adventure? Nerd, you are so lucky. That old man is really a little strange. Why didn't he give it to you on the spot?

Chu Nan smiled and calculated that his adventures were not less, but the so-called adventures in the past were all life-threatening, but this time, it was extremely smooth.

"Dool, you practiced this, isn't it more powerful?"

"This is very difficult." Chu Nan said that although he didn't have to care about the practice route of Yuanli, he needed to calculate more than 800, but the last tens of thousands of them were simply a huge project.

Second, it is the Yuan force; if you want to practice the Cangshan formula, if you want to rush out of that meridian, the necessary Yuan force is also unimaginable.

However, Chu Nan's eyes are as firm as ever!

"Stupid bear, when I can practice this, it will be even more difficult if you want to beat me."

Hearing Chu Nan's words, Iron Bear was even more depressed.

Days, such a day has passed. Along the way, Chu Nan calculated the meridians, practiced the "Heart Refining Tips", thought about the mixed element refinery furnace, and strived to refine the veil for Zi Menger as soon as possible to cover the scar. Every day, he had to take time to fight against the iron bear. Of course Chu Nan's collapse has also improved a little bit.

Today, it happens to be the tenth day.

The ranking of the latent emperor list will be announced to the world!

(: Today is the third update, tomorrow, the fifth update!) F