Wu Rebellious Universe

237 Accident

The first type of chaotic wind beheading was created by Chu Nan in the wind tunnel.

The original purpose is to defend against a wide range of attacks!

But at this time, for Chu Nan, there is only one point in all the large scope, that is, the tip of the gun.

All defenses are only for that.

Wei Li's gun martial arts skill has a very ordinary and ordinary name, called: Gun Break!

However, broken things are not simple, broken stones, mountains and earth!

At this moment, what Wei Li broke is Chu Nan's sword and Chu Nan's defense.


Wei Li's tongue burst into the spring thunder and burst into the air.

Then, the tip of the cold gun was pointed on the sword robbed by Chu Nan!

In the sky, the shadows of the sword overlap, and the sky is full of shadows, but Wei Li can accurately pierce the sword.

Wei Li took advantage of the mud blocks flying all over the sky, and made a sudden attack. From the perspective of the sky, it was not good for Chu Nan. In addition, when Wei Li was under the air, Chu Nan was below. In terms of land, it was not good for Chu Nan. Finally, the people and people were even more unfavorable Come on, cut off the head of his neck with your own hands.

The weather, the right place, and the people are all unfavorable, but Chu Nan's eyes are more intense and his smile is more!

Chu Nan was not going to expose other attributes, but still only used his strength to fight against the gold power, just when he poured the huge power and the gold power into the sword and fought against the cold gun...

The accident happened.

The robbed sword was cut by Chu Nan with a wide sword and fought for a little time. The most important thing was that Wei Li's "gun break" could no longer withstand Chu Nan's huge power and was broken.

This is definitely a 100% accident!

When the accident suddenly happened, the cold gun broke into Chu Nan's body again!

In this critical and critical situation, the earth power in Chu Nan's body is completely instinctively surging, and the whirlpool rotates. Without the hesitation of half an hour, it merges with the power.

Moreover, this rotating and merging place converges in Chunan's chest.

That's where the cold shot came from!

When Wei Li saw that the sword was broken, he was also very surprised. At the same time, there was a trace of hesitation in his eyes, but during this hesitation, the cold gun had been stabbed. Even if Wei Li wanted to take it back, it was impossible.

At this point, Wei Li no longer hesitated. His eyes were firm, the earthy yellow light flashed golden, and there was a shout: "Break!"

The tip of the gun stabbed Chu Nan in the chest!

But it's just a spur, not a penny!

Wei Li was shocked!

The challengers below, who don't know the truth, cheered loudly, and there were countless contemptuous voices, "Crazy, call you crazy, stabbed you to death with one shot, let's see how crazy you are!"

"What a bullshit master, he is also the ninth in the latent emperor's list. Previously, it was just that everyone was careless. He thought he was very powerful."

Their jealousy and fear were released to the greatest extent when Chu Nan was shot. Of course, some words that turned the white into black came out immediately.

In addition to wantonly slandering Chu Nan, some people said bragly, "Alas, if it were me, I could also stab him!"

"That's right, I can split him in half with one knife!"

In the end, these comments turned into a voice: "Stab him, stab him, stab him..."

The sound is so loud, as if it can be earth-shaking.

But in the sound of "stab to death", there was a shout, "nerd..."

The sound is extremely sad.

Seeing Zi Meng'er's cry alone, there was hot blood in her throat, spewing out.

Zi Menger no matter what her identity is, Huo Lijian summoned out of the storage ring to die and rushed up, "Did, hold on, I'm coming, you'll be fine..."

Beside Zi Menger, there is also a bloody man holding a blood knife.

It's not Yu Hao, who was destroyed by the Yun family, but who?

Two people, a middle-level martial artist and a high-level martial artist.

In front of a group of martial artists on the latent emperor's list, not even two ants were counted. When they heard Zi Menger's delicate shout, they turned their heads word by word, and then saw the fire sword shining with purple flames in Zi Menger's hand!

A person who knows the goods immediately shouted out, "That sword is a spiritual weapon!"

After shouting, the man suddenly covered his mouth and scolded himself in his heart, "Why do you say it?"

But it was too late to regret. When those people heard the words "lower spiritual weapon", the blood all over their bodies immediately boiled. Their eyes were full of blood, fierce light, greedy light, and shining!

"Girl, give me the fire sword, and I'll help you save your lover!" Some people say it, but some people have turned words into actions and rushed up directly!

Zi Menger is not a child. If she throws the fire sword, she can be exchanged for a nerd. Zi Menger absolutely does not hesitate to throw the fire sword out, but she understands that how can these people save the nerd if they had tried their best to put Chu Nan to death before?

Zi Menger did not give it. In the face of the group of people who rushed up, Zi Menger did not stop, and the speed did not slow down by half. Instead, she mobilized the whole body's strength, whether it was Huo Yuanli or Mu Yuanli, and rushed forward at her fastest speed.

Just as Zi Menger was desperately to save the nerd, there had been changes in the sky. Wu Jun could only stay in the air for a while. Wei Li had already pressed Chu Nan and fell from the air, and Wei Li's eyebrows had wrinkled like a small mountain.

Because of his gun, he can't get in!

Wei Li couldn't figure out how his "gun break" could not be pierced. Even if it was a top-quality real weapon, this shot could break him apart. Even if it was a lower-grade magic weapon, Wei Li was confident that it would be cracked.

In the face of this **, a flesh and blood body, the "gun break" is useless!

"How can it be useless?" Wei Li thought of life, thought of death, his eyes shot firmly, and shouted, "Break! Break! Break it!"

And Chu Nan grabbed his hands on the cold gun!

After Chu Nan, a group of people were going to grab the "lower spiritual weapon". There was only one person, but he rushed to Chu Nan with a treasure knife.

The knife broke through the air, and when Chu Nan was restrained by Wei Li, he cut off Chu Nan's head!

There was also a wild laugh, "Fuck me!" B