Wu Rebellious Universe

265 Tianluo Earth Net Array

Chu Nan has never seen the big array. The only array he saw was the gathering array set by Zi Menger.

"There is a battle, and the attack power is still increasing, which means that someone is controlling this battle. Since someone is controlling it, kill people. Isn't this killing array naturally broken? Just now, one person punched me. Even if he didn't die, he was seriously injured. Unless he blew himself up, he had no power to attack.

In the south of Chu, he absorbed the original power, resisted the attack, and thought: "Besides, although this killing array is by no means the same as the gathering spirit array, it is the same array, and you have to need Yuanli, right? If they don't have enough energy, the array will also be broken..."

"It's just that if they have enough power, it's not good for me. To resist so many attacks, my power and power consumption are also very large. Fighting for power is not a good strategy; if my power is absolutely sufficient, then this killing array may also be used as a quenching for me..."

As he was thinking, the earth shook again.

is the order of the iron bear to get the purple dream, give up the attack on the array materials floating in the air, the upper array, it is difficult to break it with force; and this earth, relatively speaking, is easier.

Zi Menger's face was full of anxiety. She was outside the battle. She didn't know what was going on with the nerd. She wanted to go into the battle and see it to do her best, but she knew very well that when she went into the battle, she had nothing but to drag the nerd and become a burden.

Therefore, Zi Menger kept urging the iron bear to destroy the earth with the greatest strength.

The psychic iron bear felt the anxiety of Zi Menger, and the earthy yellow light all over his body had never dissipated. One punch after another hit the ground.

The man in black tried his best to support the array, but the attack of the iron bear was so fierce that he could not distinguish his spare strength.

And Bai Shi in the killing array, looking at that, did not look tired at all. The attack just now also showed that his power was not exhausted at all.

This really makes people in black masks vomit blood.

Bai Sha's speed dodged the attack, and the man in black mask recognized it; Bai Sha's power was so great that he could scatter the sword light, smash the boulder, and the man in black mask also recognized it; but his strength seemed to be endless, which made the plan of the man in black mask failed again.

The man in black is very angry. His killing array has a name, which is Tianluo Diwang.

Since he learned the net array, I don't know how many people he has killed. Don't say that he is a martial arts general. When he is still a middle-level general, he can kill the junior martial arts in array. At that time, he exhausted the original power of the junior martial arts king and consumed his life.

Cross-level killing, you can imagine how powerful the power of this net array is.

Decades have passed, and now he is already a high-level martial artist.

Despite this, the masked man in black did not have any careless care about the black and white double evil, and still laid a net array.

He can have the cultivation of a high-level martial arts king, come to the main array of heaven and earth, even if the first-level martial arts king enters the battle, he will end up with a dead end, but there is nothing he can do.

The man in black has not only annoyance, but also regret.

If he knew that it would be such a result, he would never kill halfway, but wait for the black and white evil in the Oolong Valley. More than 3,000 people in the Oolong Valley are not vegetarian. What he regrets most is that not only can't achieve his wonderful plan, but even the task he performs will fail.

This is the place where people in black masks regret the most.

Because he knows very well that the net array can't kill Bai Shi today, so it's him who will die in the end.

Unfortunately, in this world, no matter how many alchemists he is, he can't refine the "regret elixir".

These thoughts flashed through the mind of the man in black.

So what emerged in his eyes was gloomy and vicious, "Even if I die, I have to let you bury me!"

As for Zhang Yu, he was not only surprised, but also scared to the extreme. His sword, but the lower magic weapon, was directly caught by others with his hand.

Moreover, Zhang Yu saw clearly that there was no magic weapon in the hand that grabbed his sword. It was a real paw.

Grasp the lower magic weapon with the palm of flesh and blood.

What does this mean?

Zhang Yu began to doubt what he thought was a killer, but an order came from his ear, "Attack, as long as you are not dead, keep attacking me. Be sure to kill him in the battle, otherwise, you and I will definitely die."

And Chu Nan felt waves of vibrations from the earth, and guessed that it was the credit of the iron bear. In addition to the iron bear, who has such great power? Moreover, with the shaking of the earth, Chu Nan clearly realized that there was something wrong with the attack with a radius of ten meters.

Those swords and boulders that attacked him, some of them dissipated directly in the middle of the road before they were bombarded by him.

"It seems that this killing array has a lot to do with the earth."

Chu Nan thought so. The mixed-yuan wrench finger, which had not been used for a long time, was once again worn on the thumb. A Yuan force input, and the mixed-yuan wrench finger scattered the aperture and tightly protected Chu Nan.

Those knives and swords, when encountering the aperture of mixed fingers, most of the attacks have been offset, and the rest, with the strength of Chu Nan's current **, can't cause any damage at all.


The masked man in black frowned again, "Is this magic weapon? Is it a clan? It's impossible. How can this person have such a powerful magic weapon? Then why didn't he use it before? Then why does he only use it now? Who the hell is this Bai Shi?"

Seeing the finger, the masked man in black understood one thing: it's hard to kill Bai Shi today!

"Humph!" The man in black snorted coldly, "Generally speaking, the greater the power of the magic weapon, the greater the power you need to provide. I don't believe that your power is really endless."

The man in black was cruel, and he did not hesitate to arrange all the ancient brains in the array, as well as those material arrays and so on, regardless of the consumption of the land, and put them into the heavenly net array.

My life is about to be insurge. Naturally, people in black and masks have no more scruples.

Besides, Chu Nan, under the dangerous situation of Xichuan City, he did not use the mixed-yuan wrench, because he was afraid that someone would recognize the mixed-yuan wrench, and then spread it to the ears of Tian Yizong, which would lead to death.

But now, Chu Nan took it out.

That shows that these people who want to kill him, these people who have seen the mixed-yuan wrench, will die!

Dead people will naturally not reveal secrets.

Then, Chu Nan took out another object from the storage ring.

That's the epee! H