Wu Rebellious Universe

274 Rift Triple Fire

Chu Nan punched in the air.

But it is a triple fire!

The twelve thieves in Yanshan used a special secret method to spread all of them to a person with a beard.

In this way, the beard, which is originally cultivated by the middle-level martial arts, integrates twelve yuan power and integration, and the yuan power soared in an anguity.

Unexpectedly, in an instant, he climbed straight to the realm of a high-level martial arts king, and it was still rising, as if he had faintly touched the threshold of the king of martial arts.

At this time, Chu Nan's first split fire was about to arrive.

When the beard was one meter away from the beard, a purple flame flashed in the flat sky, and the flame was wave-like and rushed away.

The beard's face was more serious, his hands were pushed flat, and he said, "Mountain Shield!"

In front of the beard, flying sand and stones, a five-meter-high mountain drilled out from the bottom of the ground, blocking the purple fire wave, but the mountain was shaking violently and retreating, and the purple flame rose along the mountain, surrounding the whole mountain.

"Mountain Shield!" The beard shouted again. It was a big cry.

The shape of the mountain suddenly became bigger in the face of the fire.

It was not until it became a tall mountain of about 15 or 16 meters that it stopped growing. At this time, the mountain had stopped retreating and was firmly rooted in the ground, and the beard was slightly relieved.

But at this time.

The second fire in the three fires suddenly hit.

The fire wave is several times higher than the first fire, directly surrounding the fifteen or sixteen-meter-high mountain in the flames.

The cracking sound of "cracking" came from the mountains.

The mountain seems to be cracked by the double fire of the polar yang. Of course, it is not purely burned, and it is also broken.

The mountain is made of the shape of the earth with the beard and the earth.

And Chu Nan's punch includes the effect of "Rip Yuan". In another sense, the Rit Yuan is in the Rit Mountain.

The heart of the beard that had just been put down was suddenly raised to his throat. His body leaned back slightly, and the beard's eyes were awe-inspiring. He stood slowly and shouted again: "Giant Mountain Shield."

The mountain has changed from a small mountain to a big mountain, and now it has become a huge mountain, more than 40 meters high.

The foreheads of the twelve thieves in Yanshan were full of sweat, and they were all shocked. "This Baisha's punch is so powerful. Their reputation is really not bragging."

At the moment when the mountain became a giant mountain, the third fire wave of Rift Yuan's triple fire, with great power, came incomparably.

The situation of this scene is like rushing to the shore at the high tide of the sea, one wave after another, and one wave is higher than the other.

The mountain is still surrounded by flames.

The twelve thieves in Yanshan have a pale face, and the beard is the most pale!

The sound of "k" has become a "thunder" sound. The giant mountain seems to have been split from the inside, and the beard and others are also shaking and trembling, but they are still trying their best to support it.

Chu Nan outlined a smile and closed his fist.

shouted at the same time: "Explosion!"

In an flash, the fire wave rolled down, the shape of the giant mountain was also revealed, and the beard was puzzled.

In the next moment.

A shocking roar came to everyone's ears.


Just as the explosion sounded, the twelve thieves in Yanshan spit out blood in their mouths; at the same time, they all flew straight back like broken kites; the twelve chasing leopards turned around and ran desperately.

Twelve people hit the ground and looked ahead in horror. The huge mountain turned into dust in an emergency, fluttered to the ground, and turned into dust again, but there was a big pit on the ground.

Chu Nan closed his eyes and realized the punch that had just hit the split triple fire.

For a long time, Chu Nan opened his eyes and said, "The three fire of the split yuan is really very powerful, but the consumption of the original power is not small..." Chu Nan thought for a moment that the martial arts he used, whether it was cracking the sky and the earth, or the chaotic wind, all consumed a lot of power.

"It seems that storing more items such as Yuanshi to provide Yuanli is a lasting task." Chu Nan first put this idea aside, stared at the big pit, and said, "There should be not only three, but also four and five..."

Thinking about it, Chu Nan put his hands out and kneaded it in the void.

I saw that the scattered dust in front of him gathered again. With the rotation of the earth's power, the dust condensed into a mountain larger than the huge mountain he had just had their beard.

The twelve thieves in Yanshan were shocked.

And it didn't end here.

Seeing that Chu Nan's hands made a compression action, the giant mountain was slowly getting smaller and smaller with Chu Nan's compression, and then to the mountain, and then to the hill...

However, the shrinkage of the mountain has not stopped.

The twelve thieves of Yanshan Mountain have been shocked. This Baisha punched them seriously injured and spit blood. They can also condense such a huge mountain with earth power, and can even make the giant mountain smaller.

Of course, they know very well that it's easy to get bigger, but it's definitely not easy to get bigger and smaller.

The mountain is only as big as ordinary stones, but Chu Nan did not stop compressing, but still pressing again and again.

Until the end, the ordinary stone became the size of a fist again.

At this time, Chu Nan stopped.

With a move, Yuan Li wrapped the shiny thing and flew into Chu Nan's hand. Chu Nan looked at the object in his hand and smiled, "This thing can't be wasted."

Then he put it into the storage ring.

When the beard saw this scene, he couldn't help muttering, "He gave our lost power..." The beard was scared by his own guess and dared not go on.

Chu Nan said again, "I swear with my heart and blood, live; otherwise..." A mass of polar sun fire appeared in Chu Nan's hands.

Strength is respected. No one dares to accept the twelve thieves in Yanshan. After swearing their hearts and blood under their beards, others also did it. Chu Nan did not let them go because of this, but still asked them to hand over all the storage rings.

Although the heart demon blood oath is very powerful, nothing is absolute. If these people are forced, or they don't want their cultivation to rise, then the heart demon blood oath is of no use to him.

Chu Nan took away the useful items for him, left a part of the twelve thieves in Yanshan, and then said, "Take one night to recover, leave tomorrow, go to Piaoyun Mountain."

Hearing this, the twelve thieves in Yanshan suddenly became more energetic. I don't know what kind of grudge they have with Piaoyun Mountain.

Chu Nan and Zi Menger also lived in Yanshan Cave. Chu Nan studied the split three fire to see if there could be a fourth fire. Zi Menger was also working hard to cultivate and attack the generals.

At this time, Elder Ling, who travels day and night, is not far from Yanshan Cave.

The Wuwang of Tianyizong stepped into Piaoyun Mountain. H