Wu Rebellious Universe

279 The fourth

Screaming, breaking the air.

A sudden masterpiece.

Chu Nan turned around and blocked the sword with his fist.

Feng Meng felt a little at ease, but before he finished his breath, his face suddenly changed.

Because although Chu Nan turned his head, there was still a khaki virtual fist in the air, attacking him.

The speed is very fast.

Before he could take out the magic weapon from the storage ring to deal with it, his fist hit his chest.

Feng Meng immediately flew backwards like a broken kite, spitting blood in his mouth.

At the moment when Feng Meng was in the virtual boxing, Chu Nan's fist and the sword in the hand of the King of War in Black shook together.


Chu Nan also flew backwards, his face pale, but he returned to normal in an instant.

The Wuwang in black stopped in place, but the sword formed by Yuanli in his hand has been hit to ashes and smoke. The object condensed by the strong man of the king of Wu is not a virtual shadow, but a solid one, even much more powerful than the lower magic weapon.

But in this way, he was still hit without a trace by Chu Nan's punch.

The eyes of the king of martial arts in black kept flashing through the way, and he calculated in his heart: "This white evil is 90% of the disciple named Lin Yun of the artifact school. What's the purpose of his scramble to be a black and white double evil? The most important thing is that he, a martial king, must not be regarded as an ordinary martial prince; he dares to shake it with me. It seems that if he doesn't use his skills today, he really can't be cleaned up..."

Look at Chu Nan again, he flew back and just landed beside Feng Meng. Feng Meng's eyes showed fear. Chu Nan stepped on it and said, "I want to take your life, and no one can stop it."


Feng Meng only said two words, and his body was directly trampled into the earth by Chu Nan, three feet deep.

In the distance, the king of Wu in black saw the situation, and a dark color flashed in his eyes. If this boy kills Feng Meng in front of him, then Piaoyun Mountain will definitely be turbulent and affect his plan. Most importantly, his face will also be cut off on the spot.

It's just this boy. He is too fast to act with his strength, which makes people unable to defend.

"This boy, I don't know whether to live or die..." The king of Wu in black scolded. The reason was that although Feng Meng was trampled into the earth, the king of Wu in black felt that Feng Meng's vitality had not dissipated, that is to say, Feng Meng was not dead; and this Baisha's ...

No matter what the real identity of the king of Wu in black is, with the dignity of the king of Wu, it can't be so humiliated.

Therefore, the king of martial arts in black took action again, and it was still a condensation. In the air, a dirt mountain emerged, and it was getting bigger and bigger. In the end, it was 20 meters high and more than 10 meters wide.

What a big mountain!

Looking at this mountain, Chu Nan's face was extremely solemn. Such a mountain in front of him can also be condensed according to his current strength, but in order to condense such a physical mountain, the power in his body must be drained clean.

But the black martial king's face has not changed at all, as if he had done a trivial thing.

"In the realm of the King of Wu, is the Yuan power so sufficient?"

Dashan flew to Chunan, as if to press Chunan into a meat pie.

The face of Yanshan Twelve Thieves next to him was already unnatural, and there was no calm enough to kill Tian Baijian and his party before. Zi Menger clenched her hands into fists, staring at Chu Nan motionlessly, and she still thought to herself, "Dude, you can do it, you can

Although Chu Nan was surprised that the realm of King Wu was much higher than he thought, he did not panic. The mountain was condensed from the earth power, so he used the split element to split the power, and the mountain broke itself without attacking.

However, this time, Chu Nan did not use the split triple fire, but the split triple gold!

The fire force is the force, and the gold force is also the force, but the attributes are different, but the meaning and rules are exactly the same.

Chu Nan has also been tested, otherwise, he would not have taken risks at this moment.

At this time, the mountain had flown over Chunan and smashed straight down.

The split triple gold is hit, like a triple fire, like a wave, straight up.

"What?" When the king of martial arts in black saw the situation, he couldn't help but be surprised, "This martial art absolutely has the power of the middle grade. It seems that you have to buy Taobao well."

Jin Yuan was sharp, and there was a roar immediately, and the trend of the falling of the mountain also stopped for a moment.

Unfortunately, it only stopped for a moment, and the mountain fell again.

As soon as Chu Nan's eyes gathered, the second golden power surged up again. The mountain stopped and began to collapse. After three breaths, the mountain cracked and fell closer and closer to Chunan.

The third gold and yuan power, swinging out.

Smptly, the mountain stopped falling, cracked more, and flew up in the opposite direction.

Seeing this scene, the eyebrows of the king of martial arts in black were tightly locked, "This white evil is too strange."

However, after all, the King of Wu in black is the King of Wu. Naturally, he will not be damaged by Chu Nan like the Twelve Thieves of Yanshan...

I only heard the cold hum of the king of Wu in black.

I didn't see any movement from him, but the clothes were windless and automatic, and the mountain was even more dazzling. The place that had originally collapsed was also automatically bridged. The mountain became part larger, and the falling speed was faster.

In the blink of an eye, it is only three feet away from Chunan.

A touch of perseverance flashed in Chu Nan's eyes, with a loud roar in his mouth, his bones crackled, and his body became bigger in an instant.

At the same time, the fourth gold and yuan force in Chu Nan's hands rushed to the mountains.

This fourth weight, Chu Nan also thought about it that night. Since it is like a tide, there are the first, second and third weights, naturally there should be the fourth and fifth weight...

And deciding how much weight there is, it depends on the amount of power, and whether it can have the power to push that weight.

In Chu Nan's current situation, it is impossible to promote the fifth weight. Even if he has that motivation, he does not have such a huge power; however, in this fourth weight, Chu Nan can fight for it.

Triple Jin Yuanli, and the last move - explosion!

But Chu Nan thought clearly that even if the triple gold power exploded, it could not completely destroy the mountain, unless the fourth gold power was still possible.

Therefore, Chu Nan urged all the golden power and strength of his whole body without hesitation.

Fight with one!

In the eyes of the king of Wu in black, he showed surprise again. Previously, he also thought that this white evil was too arrogant. In fact, he was arrogant. It must be enough to pick him up, but next scene by scene, the king of black martial arts knew that this white evil...

There is indeed arrogant capital! D