Wu Rebellious Universe

339 God's changeable

Chu Nan looked at the wordless heavenly book in his hand and did not have much desire. Such an ancient book is likely to record some profound martial arts or powerful martial arts.

And such martial arts and martial arts may cause a bloody storm for others. Countless people are crazy about it and fighting for it. But for Chu Nan, it doesn't mean much. He has the top-grade "Qiankun Jiu Zhuan" in his hand, which can't be measured by the supply level, but it is absolutely priceless "Reverse His profound martial arts skills have also been robbed a lot.

Therefore, Chu Nan really doesn't care too much about whether the wordless heavenly book is garbage or treasure. Unless this wordless heavenly book records the heavenly martial arts, it's different. Chu Nan can see what the heavenly order martial arts look like.

Immediately, Chu Nan thought for a moment and laughed at himself, "If it is a heavenly skill, then his master can't become a white bone in his ancient cave, and he hasn't even left his name!"

However, Chu Nan, who has just been trained into the second level of Grass and Wood Secret, is very happy. He also wants to see whether this wordless book is good or bad. It is also a very interesting thing to identify it.

So, Chu Nan tried his best to recall the method used to identify the authenticity in the miscellaneous notes he had seen before, or to make a wordless paper appear. After thinking for a long time, Chu Nan took the water, tore off the next page of paper, and soaked it in the water.

After rummaging around for half an hour, the white paper is still white paper, and there is no tangible handwriting. On the contrary, the white paper is still wet.

Generally speaking, if it is really a treasure, even if it can't be shown, the paper will not be wet; however, if the paper is wet, it means that this wordless book is mostly fake.

Anyway, it's a joke. With the attitude of trying, Chu Nan tore off another piece of paper and burned it with the fire of Zhenyang. As soon as he touched it, the corner of the paper was blackened, and then it was about to burn...

Chu Nan quickly put out the fire and thought of other ways, such as drying the wet paper, such as using some kind of herbal juice...

And so on, it doesn't work.

"The wordless heavenly book seems to be really useless; the senior probably made a joke and lured people to put his body into the ground." While reading it, Chu Nan unconsciously entered the original power into the wordless heavenly book like the previous magic weapons such as the forbidden yuan network.

While inputting, Chunan should put it into the storage ring.

Suddenly, a light flashed in Chu Nan's eyes. He felt that the wordless heavenly book seemed to have changed. He quickly stared at it, but did not find anything abnormal. He thought about the various details just now and read: "I just entered the original force, and entered the wordless heavenly book as a magic weapon. Could it be..."

Chu Nan was a little excited. He was not excited that this wordless heavenly book might be some kind of profound martial arts trick, but that he was excited to crack this wordless heavenly book.

So, the five elements of Yuanli are constantly inputting the wordless heavenly book.

After a while, the wordless book began to dissipate, and there was no flame or knife cutting. In this way, it turned into powder. Although the page was gone, the root of the book was still there, but it was slowly changing. The root of the book slowly disappeared, and a slightly dark gold paper appeared...

After waiting for a while, Chu Nan picked up this dark gold piece of paper. When he mentioned it, the dark gold piece of paper turned out to be like a silk cloth, stretched out, full of dense words, and even some patterns, just like the meridians...

Before Chu Nan read the content, he sighed: "This senior is really fantastic. The writing of the wordless heavenly book is indeed rubbish, but the root of this book is very famous. Who would have thought of injecting power into a book that has been tested? If I hadn't been used to it, I'm afraid I wouldn't have found this secret. I don't know what is recorded in the piece of paper that the senior tried his best to hide.

As soon as his eyes moved up, Chu Nan saw four big words: Shen Xing is changeable!

"God's behavior is changeable? What kind of martial arts trick is this? Chu Nan looked down. Fortunately, he still knew these dense small words. At first, Chu Nan's face was full of confusion. Later, Chu Nan's face was like a cloud in the sky, slowly red...

After completely reading the small words on the dark gold paper and reading the meridian map together, Chu Nan's face was as red as a burning cloud, and he couldn't be red any more. He said straightly, "It's really a good reward for doing good deeds. It takes no effort!"

Zi Menger also woke up from her cultivation. Seeing Chu Nan's excited appearance, she couldn't help laughing and asking, "Did, have you picked up the treasure? So excited!"

"Meng'er, I really picked up the treasure, Dabao!"

"What treasure?"

Chu Nan handed over the dark gold piece of paper, "Meng'er, look, you will know what treasure it is after reading it."

Zi Menger looked at the piece of paper suspiciously and immediately got excited, "Did, where did you get this?"

"The wordless heavenly book is the wordless heavenly book."

"Ah?" Zi Meng'er was so surprised that she couldn't close her mouth. "Is this a coincidence?"

"Yes." Chu Nan was about to say something about the wordless heavenly book just now. Zi Menger said, "It's really evil enough, nerd, so what should we do now?"

"First practice this magic change to the second level."

Zi Menger doubted, "Did, if we go back to Bingyan Island for a long time, we won't be able to catch up with the exchange meeting."

"It won't take much time." Of course, it doesn't take much time for Chu Nan to practice. "It's just that this core is a little difficult to find! What should I do about this?" Chu Nan thought of a way with all his strength in his mind, "The meta-core, as long as there is enough meta-core, or enough meta-power, it is not difficult to refine it into a magic and changeable way. It's just that this meta-core, where to find this enough meta-core? Originally, there was one empty ancestor, but after half a month, I didn't hear the news of empty ancestor..."

Thinking about it, Chu Nan said again, "Otherwise, I will deliberately show myself and lure him to come, so that I can capture him and practice it to the first level; but what should I do in the back? King Wu can't be seen if he wants to see it, and if he meets a more powerful one and wants to take his core, it's really comparable to climbing the Shu Mountain Road, and it's more difficult to go to the blue sky; King Wu? Metanuclear? Yuanli?"

Chu Nan kept reading, and he couldn't find a good way, but he had to refine this "divine changes" first. "divine changes" is quite important to him.

So, what exactly is this "divine changeable"? D