Wu Rebellious Universe

342 Get out of here

"Tianya - close at hand!"

When the beautiful man shouted loudly, the man was still dozens of meters away. As soon as the sound of the word "foot" fell, the sword reached the eyes of the iron bear. It was about to shoot into the eyes of the iron bear. The iron bear took back a hand and slammed into his eyes. Moreover, the condensed mountain in his hands The earth armor on the hand in the eyes.

But it was really powerful. It penetrated the earth armor of the iron bear and got into the palm of the iron bear. It continued to drill into it. The iron bear ate pain and roared again. He directly bent his palm into a fist, grabbed the blade and roared wildly. The mountain suddenly expanded to more than ten meters high, and then took the iron The anger hit the handsome man.

The handsome man was shocked. The white-haired old man took action again. A golden light flashed, and the mountain more than ten meters high was cut into pieces. "Come on, polish the ferocity of the iron bear, but don't hurt his life."

The iron bear saw that his attack was still ineffective. The two big bear eyes became extremely blood-red, and condensed a large, long stick with earth power. The iron bear grabbed the long stick and swept around.

This move also worked. For a moment, he forced 20 people away. The handsome man shouted, "Cut off the stick. The iron bear can't last long!" If his power is exhausted, the iron bear can only be slaughtered by us.

"What the eldest brother said."

Then all the people tried their best to destroy the earthen stick. The handsome man roared at the iron bear again, "Iron bear, don't struggle to die. Don't submit quickly, otherwise, you will live as good as death."

"That's right, your master is too weak. How can he have such a powerful existence as you? It's still with us!"

"If you still want to resist to the end, you will pierce your eyes, cut off your hands and feet, and..."

"I also want to take your bear bile and peel your skin to make leather armor!"

"If you submit to us, we will give you the best treatment, and even spare your master's life!"

"Otherwise, cut your master into seven pieces!"


Twenty people hit the iron bear softly and hard. The iron bear no longer roared, because it felt that the power was lost too fast, and the physical strength was getting weaker and weaker. Even it was extremely difficult to communicate with the earth and absorb the earth's power.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A few explosions, the earthen stick was completely destroyed, and the iron bear suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood. When the blood fog dissipated, twenty swords surrounded the iron bear in the middle...

"Is it subdued?"

"Shake your head and cut off your head!"


The iron bear did not shake its head, but the iron bear looked at the bear's eyes of the man who spoke, full of incomparable hatred...


A sword stabbed the iron bear, and a blood arrow spewed out.

The handsome man shouted fiercely: "Do you submit or not?"


The iron bear roared angrily again. Its eyes seemed to be full of infinite anger. The iron bear would rather die than surrender, as if to drag these people to die together. The white-haired old man heard the roar full of death and was moved by it. He quickly said, "Don't force Tie Cang bear in a hurry and slow down!"

When the roar had just fallen, there was another roar in the distance.

And in this roar, it is full of anger, which is better than the iron bear's anger.

The white-haired old man's face was solemn, and the faces of twenty people changed slightly, but he turned his head and looked at the white-haired old man, and his heart suddenly calmed down. They thought that as long as there was an uncle, there would be nothing wrong.

And the iron bear, the bloody bear's face, bloomed with a smile, and he also glanced at the twenty people who surrounded it with his contemptuous eyes, like looking at the corpse.

"What kind of eyes are you looking at? You really don't want to live?"

One of them looked at the iron bear with very unhappy eyes and shouted loudly. The human iron bear was very human, and spit a mouthful of blood into the man.

Unexpectedly, the man was vomited. He immediately got angry and shouted, "Beast, you deserve to die!"

With that, he stabbed it with his sword and stabbed the big mouth of the iron bear.

It's about to be stabbed.

The roar roared again and shook their eardrums. More than 20 people looked up at the sky.

I saw a dark shadow in the sky. They didn't wait for them to react, like a meteor falling to the place where the iron bear stood.

Seeing this, the white-haired old man was quite fast. He had a big sword in his hand, but the style was a little similar to the epee.

"Where did the boy come from? How dare he be so presumptuous!" The white-haired old man shouted loudly.

"Get out of here!"

Chu Nan showed no mercy. He directly mixed his fingers and put on it. He no longer cared about defense. Two hundred and 116 whirlpools rotated to the extreme in an instant. "The earth's power" and "the "gold's gold power" were perfectly integrated in an instant. With 90,000 catties of power, it became extremely huge

The white-haired old man's face suddenly changed, and he immediately raised his strength to twelfth.

Unfortunately, it's late.

Chu Nan's fist hit the big sword in the hand of the white-haired old man. The big sword shook, and the huge power was transmitted to the white-haired old man's hand. The white-haired old man's intuition was not smooth. One was unstable, and the sword was smashed 100 meters away by Chu Nan.

And this powerful fist continued to smash down. The white-haired old man was shocked, and there was a look of fear in his eyes. He carried up all the power all over his body. Both hands turned into a big sword and cut towards Chu Nan's fist.

Chu Nan ignored it, just punched it away!

Two golden swords were smashed by Chu Nan. The castration of the fists was not only not reduced, but also more powerful.

The white-haired old man retreated and flew into the air.

Chu Nan's fist shook, and the fire of silence gushed out, hitting the white-haired old man. The white-haired old man's surprise could not be described in words. The man who fell from the sky only punched.

But in this punch, it actually contains three lines of power, with gold, earth and fire.

Moreover, the three lines of power are all extraordinary.

Especially the fire, it has been refined to the realm of silence.

The fire of silence is also a big trouble for the white-haired old man. The white-haired old man was so cruel that he took out another sword from the storage ring and shouted, "Cut the fire!"

Chu Nan no longer paid attention to the white-haired old man. He turned over and landed in front of the iron bear. He reached out and grabbed the sword that was going to stab the iron bear's big mouth!

I only heard a crisp sound.

The sword is broken! D