Wu Rebellious Universe

379 respectively, peers

Ma Jun has always thought that Fu Zhen, the first-level martial king, was the biggest card of their sea wolf group.

However, when he stood in front of Chu Nan, he found that his idea was very wrong, because he thought the biggest card Fu Zhen, and his positive and negative hands stood behind Chu Nan.

When he first came in and saw this scene, Ma Jun was directly stunned on the spot. He couldn't figure out why a first-level martial arts king was so polite to the generals, and the general was sitting, while the first-level martial arts king was standing.

"What's your name?"

Chu Nan asked lightly, but when he heard it in Ma Jun's ears, he couldn't help but tighten his heart and quickly replied, "The little one is called Ma Jun."

Ma Jun involuntarily used the word "small".

"Gan give me a drop of blood!"

"Eh?" Ma Jun didn't understand.

Chu Nan said coldly, "Do you want me to say it again?"

All kinds of ideas flashed in Ma Jun's mind in an instant. Finally, Ma Jun concluded: "They have all the tests of literature and martial arts, and let me be the deputy leader. Naturally, they won't let me die like this. There should be nothing..."

Feeling the deadly pressure, Ma Jun no longer hesitated and decisively handed over a drop of blood.

Chu Nan operated "The Secret of Life and Death" for the third time. This time, the object of control is only a junior martial artist, but Chu Nan is not easy. At least when he did not control the empty ancestor, he sighed in his heart: "The Secret of Life and Death should quickly refine the second level."

Originally, Chu Nan disdained to control a junior martial artist, but for the sake of Zi Menger's safety, Chu Nan also used the secret of life and death to Ma Jun.

After a bang in Ma Jun's mind, a message appeared in his mind, that is, his life and death in the future will be controlled by the general in front of him.

"Do you know what to do in the future?"

Ma Jun was a little reluctant, but he had to say, "I know."

"Listen to the leader, do a good job, and develop the sea wolf group. Similarly, in a hundred years, after a hundred years, you will regain your freedom!" Chu Nan said coldly that Ma Jun looked much better when he heard that there was still hope for freedom.

Of course, Chu Nan understands this truth. Only when there is hope can there be pursuit. If he feels that his world is full of darkness, he has no energy to do anything.

Zi Menger interrupted, "I won't stay in the Sea Wolf Group forever."

After hearing this, Ma Jun was even more ecstatic. The meaning of this sentence has shown that if he did it well and did not let them down, when the leader left, he might really control the sea wolf group.

"Senior, don't worry, leader, don't worry, I will do a good job."

"Let's go down and look at them. When they find their own men, they will exchange their men for me. You have to do something. There will be no faction in the Sea Wolf Group in the future, and all of them are loyal to the leader! Not someone else!"

"Yes!" Ma Jun was so surprised that he dared not underestimate this leader who was also a general.

"One more thing, form combat effectiveness as soon as possible!"


After receiving the order, Ma Jun walked to the open space on the island.

Chu Nan discussed the next matters with Fu Zhen and Zi Menger, such as when to meet, when Fu Zhen should arrive at Bingyan Island, and how Zi Menger used the sea wolf group to do something. Chu Nan also gave Fu Zhen a lot of yuan stone and elixir. The yuan stone is naturally the best yuan stone, and the elixir is The order is good. The reason for doing this is not only that Chu Nan will not treat his own people badly, but also in order to keep the full energy to the greatest extent and do his best to refine the five-exing fu. One more rune is also an extra strength.

After dealing with all this, Chu Nan was about to rush to Bingyan Island. He looked at Zi Menger and told each other. After Chu Nan told the stupid bear to protect Zi Menger well, he finally separated.

Chu Nan did not let Zi Menger send her to the island. She went off the island alone. Zi Menger has been staring at Chu Nan's background and disappearing. For so long, this is the first time that Zi Meng'er has been separated from Chu Nan. There are crystal tears in Meng'er's eyes, but she said, "Se I will do a good job."

After saying that, Zi Menger went into the cave and said to Fu Zhen, "Mr. Fu, I want to see how you can refine the charm, okay?"

"As long as you don't disturb me!" Fu Zhen has been busy.

"No, no, I'll watch it quietly." Zi Meng'er was happy to receive the order.

Outside the cave, the iron bear guarded it.

Let's not talk about Zi Menger's learning to refine charms and integrating the sea wolf group, let's talk about Chu Nan.

Chu Nan got off at this nameless island. Instead of taking the ironcre ship, he found an ordinary boat and rushed to Bingyan Island. And his appearance changed again and became ordinary. It belongs to the kind that others will forget when they see it and can't remember.

Moreover, Chu Nan's cultivation is no longer a junior general, but a junior general.

The first-level martial arts, among the various characters who go back to Bingyan Island, are almost the bottom one.

If Chu Nan still runs to Bingyan Island with the cultivation of the first-level generals, it is not a low-key, but a high-profile one. Imagine that among a bunch of martial princes, the first-level generals are very eye-catching.

In addition, I don't know how much I will be bullied and criticized for being on Bingyan Island with the cultivation of junior generals!

and show the junior martial arts, these troubles have been greatly reduced, and when competing for Shuiyuan Benjing, it will not be taken seriously by those who practice martial arts kings, which is very suitable for "untonishment".

Along the way, without Zi Menger by his side, Chu Nan was really not used to it. His longing was a little strong. Chu Nan worked harder and practiced harder, and did not let go of a minute or a second.

When you are sailing, you are practicing, and when you get off the boat and walk in the ice and snow, you are also practicing...

It's simply practice all the time!

In the middle of this practice, Chu Nan is getting closer and closer to Bingyan Island, and the water element power in his body has also increased. However, in just a few days, there will be no up-shaking change. "After getting the Shuiyuan crystal, the cultivation will be much faster. The Shuiyuan crystal has a whereabouts. I don' Where is it!"

Just thinking about it, Chu Nan narrowed his eyes and frowned, and then a voice came, "Little brother!"

Chu Nan turned his head and saw two people. A scholar in white ran to Chu Nan quickly. After the last jump, he fell in front of Chu Nan. Chu Nan asked, "What are you doing, brother?"

Chu Nan is not used to calling a stranger a brother, but now the situation needs to take advantage of the situation, but the tone is still indifferent!

The scholar in white suddenly didn't realize it, but said more enthusiastically, "Brothertai is also going to Bingyan Island. Why don't we go together?"

Chu Nan also expected the general purpose of the other party, which was almost the same as what he thought. Chu Nan shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I'm used to being alone and don't like to go the same way with others."

The scholar in white was stunned and didn't seem to believe that he would be rejected. He said in surprise, "Brother, don't you know that scattered martial arts practitioners like us are quite dangerous in such a situation. It's good to walk together and take care of each other."

"Thank you for your kindness. I'm still not used to it." If it is not necessary, Chu Nan will naturally not walk with others. In the world of martial arts, the strong are respected, and the law of the jungle is strong. Walking with you, he may have identified you as a prey. For these, Chu Nan has been deeply understood all the way.

Although Chu Nan was not afraid of the middle-level martial arts in front of him, he didn't want to have any trouble, so he refused him again.

Seeing Chu Nan's resolute attitude, the white scholar sighed and said, "I'm afraid my brother doesn't understand the situation ahead."

"What's going on?"

The scholar in white said with a worried face, "The road to Bingyan Island has been blocked."


"It has been closed by Tianyi Sect, the Artifact Sect and other sects. If other small sects want to go in, they have to pay a large amount of yuan stone. As for us scattered martial arts practitioners who have no sects, let alone go in."

"The Ice Island is not small. Can they finish it?" Chu Nan was puzzled.

The scholar in white looked up and down at Chu Nan and said, "It seems that my brother doesn't know what kind of island Bingyan Island is. Except for the south, Bingyan Island has thousands of feet of wall blades on all. With our cultivation, we can't fly up at all. Even if we cut the wall and climb to the top, Then there is only one way to die, because there are also people guarding it!"

After hearing such words, Chu Nan felt much more stable. Whether it was Yuanshi or Wall Blade, these were not a problem for him.

Seeing that Chu Nan was silent, the scholar in white thought he had scared Chu Nan, and smiled again on his face and said, "So, we have to go together. With your strength alone, you must not even be able to go to the island, because there is a first-level martial king guarding him at the entrance of the south passage."

"Can the two of us make it through?"

"Of course, it's not just the two of us. Outside the south passage, a lot of people have gathered. There are many people and great strength. At that time, we will also have the capital to speak, right? As long as there are more people, it will definitely be acceptable. The scholar in white said with a vow.

"I'm afraid it's you, not me."

The scholar in white flashed a sharp light in his eyes and disappeared in an instant. He smiled and said, "How is this possible? Let's share joys and sorrows and kill together!"

"I'm just a junior martial artist. Even if I go with you, it must be just the life of cannon fodder!"

"No, I'm sure I won't..." The scholar in white said several times in a row that he couldn't, but he "cucked up" several times in his heart, "This boy, it seems to be a little difficult to deal with!"

"I don't believe you. Besides, I have Yuanshi. Why do I have to work hard?"

When the scholar in white heard this, his face stagnated for a moment, and he became extremely brilliant, as brilliant as a wind-like ** in the ice and snow**...C