Wu Rebellious Universe

400 is it

A fierce battle, an absolute fierce battle!

It took a lot of effort to break through the blue Yuzhi coral worms, and then fought through the groups of blue and white Yuzhi coral worms, and then fought for hundreds of white Yuzhi coral worms.

The mixed-yuan wrench finger that has been providing absolute defense for Chu Nan. At this time, it is useless. The defense aperture seems to be nothing in front of the white Yuzhi coral worm!

What can also have a defensive effect is the dragon scales.

It's a pity that there is only one dragon scale, which can't prevent it here and there.

A complete bloody battle.

Chu Nan has become a bloody man. As soon as the spikes of these strange insects pierced into Chu Nan's body, they began to absorb Chu Nan's blood crazily. It is difficult to imagine that these jade coral worms are obviously not very large, but the speed and quantity of blood sucking are so fast that Chu Nan is shocked.

Therefore, Chu Nan's epee used the second type of chaotic wind to kill, and the dragon tooth of the other hand aimed at the opportunity to stab fiercely. Because there were too many white monsters, the white ** that pierced his head and floated out. Chu Nan had no time to collect, and was sucked by other white monsters!

After sucking the white **, the Yuzhi coral worm has obviously become stronger!

This really makes Chu Nan a little depressed.

In addition, when Chu Nan was clear about that idea and looking for the goal, another idea gushed out of his heart, that is, his suction!

In the process of Chu Nan becoming stronger step by step, the whirlpool suction is also a super meritorious man, with great achievements, and has always been regarded as the last biggest card by Chu Nan!

But this unfavorable card has also lost its usefulness in front of this group of white jade corals.

Although the Yuzhi coral worm is too small to grasp, Chu Nan still found an opportunity to "intimate" contact them, that is, when the spikes of the white monster worm pierced his body and sucked his blood wildly.

However, no matter how much the whirlpool rotates, it has no effect on the Yuzhi coral worm. Chu Nan can't figure out the reason and can only let go of this tempting idea. Originally, he thought he had found a way to not only enhance his strength, but also eliminate the strange insects, but now it is a floating cloud.

"It seems that I can only try that idea. I made a bet, but the goal of the bet is a little difficult to find..."

Chu Nan said that his whole body was surrounded by the black silent fire. At the cost of losing a lot of blood, he finally killed hundreds of white jade corals. Seeing such a scene, the red jade corals went crazy and smoked. When Chu Nan's eyes were just a remnant, the red jade coral collided. On top of Chu Nan's epee, the power was not small, and the epee moved slightly.

Although it's only a slight move, it doesn't seem to be a big deal; but you know, the epee itself is 2,000 catties. In addition, if Chu Nan holds it, it is definitely 20,000 to 30,000 catties, and the red jade coral worm, which is only the size of a thumb, can shake 20,000 to 30,000 catties.

This is really quite surprising.

The behavior of the red jade coral worm makes the words "the dragonfly shake the big tree" really reflect; if you don't know it, if the red jade coral worm hits, most of them will be dizzy. Then, the red jade coral will pierce the sharp thorn again, and the result is that the blood will die, and the consequences .

Chu Nan and the red jade coral worm spent a long time. Finally, he used his own blood as bait to burst out a high-temperature silence fire that the red monster could not adapt to. He seized the opportunity of that moment, stabbed the dragon's teeth into the head of the red coral worm and stabb This is the solution.

"This red monster only sucked it, and I guess it sucked out 200 milliliters of my blood. It's really horrible." As Chu Nan spoke, he took out an empty jade bottle and put red **, which was deeper and more strange than human blood...

Of course, Chu Nan did not let go of the body of the red jade coral.

The remaining insects around began a new round of devouring...

Chu Nan did not continue to move forward, but stayed in place. With his current situation, if he continues to move forward and encounters such a bloody battle of scale, I'm afraid he will definitely die...

Chu Nan stayed in place. First, in order to restore his energy, he adjusted his tired mood day and night for so many days, so that he could return to his best state. Second, he wanted to use the power of cold jade and blue fire to create another meridians for himself!

The tenth meridian is not for the change of magic, not for the secret of plants and trees, but just for the second level of the secret of life and death!

The reason why it is the secret of life and death is Chu Nan's crazy idea: he wants to control the life and death of the monster in front of him like a human, so that he can become his servant!

At the beginning, when Chu Nan had this idea, he only regarded it as a joke and ignored it. After all, how could Chu Nan have so much energy to control this endless monster?

Besides, even if you control a powerful monster, it doesn't have much effect. What these monsters want is a quantity, a scale, and an overwhelming momentum!

Moreover, it may not be effective!

After all, "The Secret of Life and Death" is aimed at people, not the strange insects in front of us.

retreat 10,000 yuan, even if it is, you have to consider the power of the strange insects and so on...

The first layer of "The Secret of Life and Death" can only control two or three people. Chu Nan has controlled two junior martial arts kings, a martial arts king. When he controls the martial arts king, he feels a little difficult. If he wants to control a strange insect that can be seen a little, it is likely to fail.

Combining so many factors, Chu Nan decided to create the tenth meridians and achieve the second level of the Secret of Life and Death.

Under the great pressure of Han Yu's cold fire, Chu Nan's body has been strengthened unconsciously, and his body has been strengthened. It was originally a good thing, but it has brought more difficulties to Chu Nan's own meridians.

In such an environment, although the cultivation of fire power comes relatively quickly, it can be compared with directly absorbing the power in the core, which is too slow and too slow...

Three hours, Chu Nan is still sitting cross-legged. Those compressed elements only reach a quarter of the self-made meridians, which is still three-quarters short. Moreover, Chu Nan feels that he can make up a quarter in three hours, and the colorful light definitely plays a great role.

Chu Nan tried his best to cultivate Yuanli, and occasionally thought, "Those strange insects will evolve and become stronger after devouring the white and blue **. If I swallow it, will it also soar in Yuanli?"

Although he thought so, Chu Nan did not take any practical action. After all, these are unknown, and there is something strange in it. Who knows what will happen after swallowing the white **? If it is not increased but decreased, it will really be destroyed by itself.

So, Chu Nan was practicing honestly, and the Yuzhi coral insects around him were still devouring each other. After several hours, Chu Nan refined nearly half of the yuan force, and he was deciding to work harder...

The buzz around suddenly stopped and became quiet!

No fighting, no devouring.

Chu Nan's face changed and he said, "It's bad. What kind of scene is it when he comes back?"

Looking up, there are thousands of pure white pieces. The Yuzhi coral worm in the center is still red. The volume is quite large for those blue monsters, with a three-finger width.

Around the red and white jade corals; moreover, the largest number of this group of strange insects is no longer blue jade corals, but blue and white jade corals, accounting for a very small proportion of blue monsters.

Seeing all this, Chu Nan's facial muscles began to tremble abnormally.

Yes, in the face of this, Chu Nan was also afraid.

It's terrible, but Chu Nan held the epee and the dragon's teeth tighter in his hand.

Because he is afraid that he can't solve the problem, it is unrealistic to turn around and run away. The speed of those white monsters, even if Chu Nan is on the ground, not under this heavy pressure, may not be able to run.

The only thing is that only by dealing with it directly and fighting can we find a way to live.

There was a stingling sound.

Chu Nan walked forward step by step. With each step, his momentum rose by one point, but he only took three steps. The blue monster took the lead in besieging him. Chu Nan stimulated the defense of the mixed finger and ignored the blue monster.

A few minutes later, the blue and white jade coral insects surrounded again. Chu Nan took out his sword, and each sword contained the fire of silence, which also slightly stopped the attack of the blue and white monster insects.

The red monster seemed to be very dissatisfied with the situation in front of him, and a sharper sound sounded. The white Yuzhi coral worm came out. Thousands of coral worms came towards Chu Nan, and the other Yuzhi coral worms all avoided!

"The next battle will be the most difficult and dangerous battle I have encountered in my life, which is more dangerous and deadly than the last battle in Piaoyun Mountain!"

Chu Nan faced it head-to-face with dripping blood.

In an instant, Chu Nan was surrounded by white Yuzhi coral worms. Chu Nan blocked the dragon scales in the position of Dantian, with his right-handed epee and left-handed dragon teeth to the extreme...

The blood on Chu Nan's body was swallowed up, and a drop of white** floated in the air. Chu Nan thought to himself, "It can't go on like this anymore. If it goes on like this, it can only be a dead end. You have to try the secret of life and death. Unfortunately, these strange insects come too fast,

Chu Nan stared at the red monster, "If you want to control him, you can't control it!"

"What should I do?"

When Chu Nan asked himself over and over again, a touch of blue appeared at the edge of the limit of the sudden mind, surrounded by blue. It was not a big deal, but this touch of blue was in white, which was very conspicuous.

Chu Nan chased the blue and saw that the blue was quickly interspersed in a group of white monsters, constantly swallowing the emerging white **. With the devouring, the blue monster slowly began to evolve...

Seeing this, Chu Nan suddenly made a decision in his heart: that's it C