Wu Rebellious Universe

402 Little Blue

The red spike stabbed into Chu Nan's body!

Chu Nan was really defenseless. He never thought that such a thing would happen.

Previously, Chu Nan really wanted to kill the strange insect that could kill the white Yuzhi coral when its body was still blue, and controlled it with the secret of life and death, but later he saw the indomitable will of the strange insect.

Chu Nan used himself to control the worm and thought that he would rather die in battle than accept the control of others. He expected that this monster insect with the same temperament as him was the same. In this way, Chu Nan gave up using "The Secret of Life and Death" to control it!

But now, what he doesn't want, his kindness, in exchange for a fierce stab.

This thorn not only pierced into his body, but also into his heart.

In an instant, all kinds of thoughts flashed, but Chu Nan felt strange again. There was no previous way that the white monster was stabbed and the blood was sucked wildly. Instead, there was something more in his mind. It seemed that the life of the monster was directly related to him, and there was a little feeling of life-and-death

Chu Nan looked at the strange insect, and the strange insect sang, and this time, Chu Nan understood it with his divine mind. After understanding, Chu Nan knew that he had just blamed the strange insect.

The monster is not to hurt him, nor to suck his blood, but to help him!

After a thorn, Chu Nan felt that his body had really recovered a lot, as if he had to get part of the power from strange insects, even more vitality.

The same thorn, some suck blood and kill, but the strange insects are for Chu Nan regardless of sacrifice.

A kind of emotion called "moved" arises spontaneously. Chu Nan replied with divine thoughts, "I will help you become the strongest of your kind, so that you can keep evolving!"

After the strange insects sneered and expressed their gratitude, they turned around and saw the red Yuzhi coral worm rushing over. The strange worm also raised their spikes and rushed over. The jade worms, whether blue or white, stood still and watched the battle, waiting for their new leader to emerge.

The red jade coral worm's offensive is very fierce. I don't know if the strange insect fought very hard because it stabbed Chu Nan, and the situation is always dangerous. Fortunately, the strange insect's body is extremely flexible, jumping left and right, which can always avoid the fatal position. However, if this situation continues, the strange insect will probably It was swallowed up by the red jade coral.

Chu Nan is still recalling the content of the strange insects transmitted to the divine mind. Specifically, it is two of them: "Master!"

"I'm the owner of it?" Chu Nan was still in a dream. Seeing that the strange insects were in danger, he stopped watching the battle, holding dragon teeth and joining the battle group.

As soon as Chu Nan moved, the Yuzhi coral worms around him also followed him. He wanted to stop Chu Nan, as if he didn't want him to participate in the battle inside; Chu Nan didn't care so much. He wanted to let the strange insect be good and help it evolve...

The fire of silence shone fiercely, and Chu Nan became a fireman, rushing through the pressure.

One person and one worm joined hands to attack, and the situation immediately changed. The red jade coral insect was defeated, and the strange insect swept away the awkward appearance. It was powerful and aimed at the head of the red jade coral worm one after another...

Finally, after a few minutes of fighting, the red jade coral worm flashed dozens of times, under the pressure of the dragon's teeth, it was stabbed in by a strange insect; the strange insect immediately absorbed the red droplets, and quickly, the red color of the strange insect's body deepened, the blood ......


The shrill sound sounded, and all the Yuzhi coral insects that rushed to Chunan suddenly stopped, and then quietly formed a circle with Chunan and strange insects, which expanded outward layer by layer.

Chu Nan's divine mind can understand that the strange insects have become the leader of this large group of insects. As long as the strange insects do not die, these insects have to listen to it. They form circles, and it is also the strange insects that command them to protect Chu Nan...

Not only that, the strange insect suddenly hit the dead red jade coral a few times, and a few drops of red drops floated in the sea of fire. When Chu Nan was wondering why it didn't devour it, the monster shouted at Chu Nan again.

Chu Nan was stunned and pointed his finger at his nose, "Let me suck it?"

The strange insect is sneeling again, but it is to ask Chu Nan to devour those red droplets. Chu Nan does not doubt the strange insect. He just thinks that the strange insect is going to evolve now, and it should devour more, so he said with his mind, "Absorb it yourself, which will speed up your evolution."

The message returned by the monster is: if it wants to evolve again, it needs more advanced blood of the same kind!

"Blood, this is really blood..."

When Chu Nan heard the strange insect, he no longer hesitated and swallowed the red liquid drop. As soon as the red liquid drop entered Chu Nan's body, it was immediately smashed by those whirlpools, and then spread to every place in his body. Maybe Chu Nan's body was too large. He didn't feel anything, and Keep moving forward...

Walking, Chu Nan said in his mind, "I'll call you Xiao Lan!"

"Thank you, master." Xiao Lan sent back such information again. Next, Chu Nan asked Xiao Lan some information about this.

Then, Chu Nan knew that this blue cold fire was called Hanyu Lanyan, knew that the strange insects around him were called Yuzhi coral insects, and also knew that at the bottom of the sea of cold jade blue fire, in addition to their Yuzhi coral worms, there was also a coral black blue whale, which was extremely large in size, thick in skin The blue whale also feeds on Yuzhi coral worms. Fortunately, the coral black blue whale seems to be waiting for something, and the activity area is within that range; and because of this, Yuzhi coral worms can develop to the current scale...

In addition, Chu Nan also knows that the lifespan of Yuzhi coral is extremely long, that is, the lowest level of blue jade coral. As long as the environment is suitable, as long as it is not killed, there is no problem to live for thousands of years casually. Of course, the higher the existence, the longer you will live!

"Such a little guy can also live casually for thousands of years. The spirits conceived by heaven and earth are really incomparable." Chu Nan sighed, but suddenly thought, "The thing guarded by the coral dark blue whale is not Shuiyuan Benjing, is it? The Yuzhi coral worm is already so powerful, but the coral black whale regards the jade coral worm as food..."

"What the hell, let's take it one step at a time. Let's help Xiao Lan become stronger first!"

Chu Nan read and took out the black egg. As soon as the black egg was taken out, he felt the breath around him. He quickly drilled into Chu Nan's arms. Chu Nan smiled and put the black egg outside and struggled back and forth. The black egg saw that the Yuzhi coral worm did not attack them. He floated in the air at ease and floated forward. No matter how you look at it, it gives people a feeling of standing tall...

"Yes, isn't your shell very hard? So what are you hiding from?" Chu Nan is very puzzled.

There was a strange scene in the cold jade blue sea. The overwhelming jade coral worms guarded one person, one egg, one worm, and moved forward magnificently. Along the way, Chu Nan and others met several groups of teams, led by red jade coral worms.

Nowadays, Xiaolan is extraordinary. He doesn't need Chu Nan to help at all. He directly commands the army and fights together. He kills the leader of the other party and wins in a hundred battles, but the red droplet after the war has become three parts, one for Xiaolan, one for Chu Nan, and one for the black egg!

Only then did Chu Nan understand that Xiao Lan had lied to him before. He did not need the red droplets, but to share it with Chu Nan and let Chu Nan swallow it, but Chu Nan swallowed a lot, and there was no abnormal change.

About 800 meters away, I met a group of Yuzhi coral insects, but the leader of this group of Yuzhi coral insects is golden. This time, Chu Nan and Xiao Lan took action together, even the black egg was no longer afraid, and the biggest effect of the black egg was to block the attack of the golden jade coral worm, I You smashed it twice.

In the three-way siege, the yellow jade coral was quickly defeated and was pierced in the head by Chu Nan's dragon teeth. The golden droplets, Chu Nan and the black egg did not swallow, but gave them all to Xiao Lan to let it evolve as soon as possible.

After killing three golden worms in a row, Xiaolan's whole body became golden, and the bulge of the head changed again. It looked like human eyes, and Xiaolan's volume was also the size of a fist.

After the battle of

, the golden droplets were divided equally between the three. When the black egg devoured these droplets, it was the most excited, which made Chu Nan think that the reason why the black egg was not as afraid as before was that it was to let the droplet **?

Kill all the way and collect troops all the way. There is no blue around Chu Nan. The blue has run far away, surrounded by red and yellow, followed by red and white.

Chu Nan has a sense of achievement, but he is a little depressed. If these hundreds of thousands of Yuzhi coral insects can be taken out and deal with Tian Yizong, it will be a great help; Chu Nan's depression was interrupted by a group of Yuzhi coral insects with purple insects as the leader...

Without saying a word, the three rushed up tacitly, surrounded by the purple Yuzhi coral wormsmashed fiercely, but the purple Yuzhi coral worm was indeed extraordinary. The three joined hands and it was extremely difficult to fight, and Xiaolan's men were also a little defeated.

At the bottom of the sea of fire, there are vicious fights one after another. The martial kings on the ice table don't know it at all.

However, their eyes have been staring at the center of the sea of fire, and a blue pillar of ice light rose to the sky in the center. The martial arts kings jumped into the air for the first time, with an idea in their hearts: "Is Shuiyuan Benjing going to be born?" D