Wu Rebellious Universe

454 Divine Attack

In the ancient caves, the sword is roaring, and the murderous intention is awe-inspiring!

With his fists clenched, Chu Nan roared, which made the ancient cave tremble, and the fighting spirit in his eyes climbed to the peak. "With you, can you kill me?"

"The upright is arrogant, and the light of the dragonfly and the end of the strong crossbow also dare to provoke, I don't know whether to live or die!" The strange old man burst into a violent breath.

"Why aren't you crazy?" In Chu Nan's fists, Han Yu Lan Yan ignited, "If you want to destroy my consciousness, why am I not crazy? You want to occupy the body given by my parents, why aren't you crazy? You want to erase my existence and let my parents, lovers and brothers never see me again. Why am I not crazy? Why am I not crazy!"

"Hahaha... It's ridiculous, is madness useful?"

"You have a sea of swords and blood, and I also have a sea of fire!" The blue flame in Chu Nan's hand flowed out endlessly, killed with the wave, and surged up, "Frozen me! Frozen! Frozen! Frozen!"

Holding the waves of thousands of blood-colored swords, the murderous spirit rushed down. As soon as he met the cold jade blue flame, in the shout of Chu Nan, the thunder stopped. Countless blood-colored swords were frozen in an emergency. The waves were empty and could no longer fall down. The cold jade blue flame was still frozen back,

Han Yu Lan Yan kept gushing out of Chu Nan's hands, and there was an endless momentum. Not only did the sword and blood sea have the tendency to be frozen, but even the cold air in the ancient cave seemed to be frozen.

When the old man saw this, he didn't panic at all. He pulled out a sneer at the corners of his mouth, "I have a sea of blood. Can you freeze it all? Besides, can you freeze again?"

When the words fell, the strange old man pressed his hand in the sea of swords and blood. In the frozen waves, there was a "squeaking" harsh sound, as if to roar out of the ice!

The primordial force in Chu Nan's body is not as good as the strange old man. At this time, he can only rely on the fire of the cold jade blue fire king falling from the sky to match the strange old man who has not achieved the magic skill of "dead wood in spring".

However, even so, Chu Nan also felt that the bones of his arms were as painful as a break, and the qi and blood in his body seemed to be rolled by the sea of swords and blood in the ancient cave. He was already a little unbearable, but Chu Nan was still fighting. If he didn't fight, he would be lifeless!

So, Chu Nan put himself to death and fought!


The strange old man scolded gently, the waves broke through the ice, and the original thousands of sword spirit awe-inspiringly merged into a huge blood-colored sword light, and the heavy blood waves were rolled out within three feet, with a strong smell of blood, and he was invincible!


Chu Nan was shocked and angry and shouted loudly. Outside his palms, the bear, the cold jade and blue flame broke the embankment like a river, roaring out, resisting the huge blood-colored sword light, the blue flame was like a group of flowers in spring, competing in full bloom, colorful, "bang bang" continuous sound, and the

However, the blood-colored sword was not frozen!

But it didn't break the fire to kill it!

The blue flame and the bloody sword light hold each other in the air, sawing back and forth, sometimes the sword light presses down an inch, and sometimes the blue flame pushes the sword light back, but in general, Chu Nan is still at a disadvantage.

When the strange old man saw this scene, a strange light flashed in his eyes, "Is it possible that his original power is similar to my original power? Unexpectedly, he can display so many cold fires. This man is not a demon, and what does it have to do with the demon? The old man wanted to break the sky, and he would not know that there was a fire in Chu Nan's body, let alone the sea of fire, which was all taken away by the cold jade and blue fire king!

The strange old man was dissatisfied with the current state of stalemate. The sea of swords and blood came from all around, and the air in the ancient cave had been cut into chaos. Chu Nan's whole body suddenly burst into fire, and the cold jade blue flame gushed out from every pore of Chu Nan's Dance.

In the ancient cave, it has become two distinct worlds, one is blood red, the other is pure blue, the sea of blood is surging, the sea of fire is rolling, layer by layer; the sword light leaps into the air, and the sea of fire is also stopped!

The strange old man frowned, and the cold fire had exceeded his expectations!

Chu Nan knew that he was still defeated after such a stalemate. First, because of his own strength, compared with the strange old man, he was too weak to fully exert the power of Hanyu Lanyan; second, because the king of Hanyu Lanyan was still a newborn and was not strong; third, because he had used the biggest card, and the Maybe it's just a casual move of the old man, and one of his cards hasn't come out yet!

But Chu Nan's body was hot-blooded and did not stop boiling. He withdrew from a hand, and the three-color light gathered on his fist. Suddenly, he punched and hit the blue sea of fire. Suddenly, thousands of cold fires were sucked by the vortex, suddenly rising to the sky, shooting into the air, and falling into The huge fire of unification wants to break through it!

The strange old man took a look and sneered, "Carving insects!"

When the voice fell, the strange old man opened his mouth and sucked it. The sea of swords and blood also became a whirlpool, dancing and spinning wildly. The cold jade blue flame was twisted into a small group, and then annihilated.

"Interesting, your body, I'm going to decide. These fires also belong to me. These fires fall into your hands. It's really aggrieved. You have buried the reputation of this fire. You are a little ant. How can you deserve this kind of fire? If it were me, I would make this fire famous in the world. Wherever the cold fire passes, it will be my domain..."

"Body?" Chu Nan suddenly flashed these two words in his heart, and the old man said, "In addition to this kind of fire, do you have any other tricks? I just made a move. If you don't have it, then give in obediently. I'll give you a good time, otherwise, it will make you in pain."

Chu Nan showed no weakness, "In my world, there has never been the word 'surrender'. I would rather die than give in!"

"Well, you have backbone, but your backbone has been used in the wrong place." The strange old man joked that he still didn't take out any magic weapons or anything like that. He just said, "Aren't you a martial emperor in the realm of great perfection? Then your mind should be very strong, right?

Chu Nan released his mind, and the strange old man felt it for a moment, and his face was full of contempt. "A martial emperor with a great level of perfection, the range of divine thoughts, how can it be only 20 meters? That's ridiculous!"

Hearing this, Chu Nan was shocked. This sentence meant that the old man found his mind clearly, but his mind was unconscious, "What's going on? Can we explore each other's thoughts?"

Just as Chu Nan was surprised and puzzled, Chu Nan suddenly felt a sharp pain in his mind. His mind within 20 meters seemed to have been smashed by the sword!

With a "bang" in my mind, my chest seemed to be hit by a storm. I staggered and fell for dozens of steps. My face was purple, and my throat was so sweet that I could hardly breathe, and the pain was applied to every part of my body.

This pain is completely different from any kind of pain Chu Nan has experienced in the past. Chu Nan feels that his head seems to explode. He can no longer control Hanyu Lanyan, and Hanyu Lanyan no longer gushes out of his body. The sea of blood and fire, which were still in a stalemate, He was forced to step back without resistance; when Chu Nan was in pain and put his hands on his head, the surging sword and blood sea poured over like a ocean, and the Milky Way surged wildly, and the sea of fire collapsed and scattered!

Then, the Blood Sea surrounded Chu Nan heavily, the sword was exposed, and the Yuzhi coral worm couldn't help trembling, but under the order of Xiao Lan, he had to protect Chu Nan layer by layer.

"It's some beasts who are loyal to the Lord. When I take his body, you also belong to me!" When the old man saw Chu Nan's embarrassed look, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Look at your helplessness, it seems that you don't even know that you can attack!"

"God's attack?"

Although Chu Nan has divine thoughts only in the realm of martial arts, he doesn't know that he can attack at all. Now his only feeling is pain!

The strange old man has stood up and walked into the sea of swords and blood. Every step, those bloody swords automatically penetrated into his body. When he was ten meters away from Chunan, the sea of swords and blood turned into hair again, standing without wind!

"Don't you accept your fate?"

"No!" Chu Nan hugged his head and glared at the old man. He no longer shouted for pain. He swallowed all the pain, together with blood, in his body, but his facial muscles twisted ferociously; his whole body couldn't help trembling!

"Don't give in?"


Chu Nan's eyes were blood red, and he resisted the pain, so that more than 500 whirlpools in his body rotated rapidly. Shuiyuan Benjing also jumped out of the abdomen of the cold jade blue fire king, which was already dim, sucking the water power from the body of the coral dark blue whale, and rotated along the whi

The physical injury is good to say, the water elemental force can repair a little; but the divine consciousness that has been cut to pieces cannot be repaired by the water elemental force!

"What?" The strange old man seemed to be aware of Chu Nan's abnormal situation. He whispered softly and then said, "Don't resist stubbornly. Everything is in vain. Since you don't know what submission is, I'll teach you today!"

Then, the strange old man stretched out a finger and completely ignored the hissing Yuzhi coral worm. As soon as he pointed forward and followed the finger forward, the Yuzhi coral worms were uncontrollably scattered on both sides, but there were no casualties.

The reason for this is that the strange old man has regarded the Yuzhi coral worm as his thing, and naturally he will not kill it!

"If you want to become a demon, not only your face should look like you, but also the wounds on your body should be exactly the same. Now, I will give you the first wound, a long scar in your abdomen. Don't worry, I will do it very realistically." Blame the old man's perverted mentality rises again.

Chu Nan straightened up, and the head wind blew backwards. Although he was covered in blood, he was still a good man, standing upright. And he, who was extremely injured, looked at the finger peak and not only did not panic, but laughed. In the laughter, Chu Nan said contemptuously, "Do you dare?"

"Hahaha... With your arrogance, why don't I dare?"

"So you still want my body?" D