Wu Rebellious Universe

494 nine punches smashed out the core

Chu Nan seized the opportunity and broke out blasp. He did not give the owner of the bliss a little hope of turning over at all.

After the first punch broke the backbone of the owner of the bliss Palace and smashed his body into a deep pit in the ground; the second punch was powerful and fiercely followed, and the mountain-like power directly locked the Dantian of the bliss Palace.

Stu. Suddenly, the owner of the blissium also felt the turbulent of death. At the moment, the owner of the bliss spit blood in his mouth and roared, "Hundumn Jinyu - Umbrella!"

With the sound of drinking, the haunt gold and jade spiral quickly turned into an umbrella, covering the body of the owner of the bliss.

When Chu Nan saw the light of the golden jade umbrella flashing, he shouted, "It's useless. Today you must become a meat pie!"

The voice fell, and 200,000 catties hit the muddy gold and jade umbrella.

In an ann, there was a hazy gold and jade umbrella with six cracks, and dozens of cracks, and the cracks of the cracks were endless!

The huge power was passed down through the golden jade umbrella, and the Lord of the Elyss Palace fell again, and the blood vomited fiercely.

The energy has not yet dissipated. Chu Nan's third punch was smashed again. The muddy gold and jade umbrella with heavy cracks was directly smashed to pieces and fragmented. It can no longer provide any little defensive effect to the owner of the bliss!

The owner of the blisss knew that the situation was far beyond his expectation. In the gap between Chu Nan's three punches, the owner of the bliss bliss actually figured out that he had fallen into the trap of others, but the owner of the bliss knew it too late!

If at the moment when the colorful defense aperture is broken, if the owner of the bliss can retreat bravely and fly in the air, there is still hope of survival, but at that time, how can he retreat? He dreams of killing people and grabbing treasures!

At this time, the Bliss Palace is trapped in the earth. He is not a soil attribute physique. He can't practice the earth's strength and will not follow the ground. Therefore, all his hopes are shattered!

However, the owner of the bliss Palace was still struggling, and the golden power shield flashed all over his body, hoping to resist the fierce blow of Chu Nan!

As soon as the Jinyuan shield flashed, Chu Nan's fourth punch was smashed down.

Immediately, the expectations of the Lord of the bliss Palace turned into extravagance and emptiness!

With a "boom", the golden shield inspired by the owner of the bliss palace before his death was smashed back by Chu Nan's punch and into his body...

Release the Jinyuan shield, naturally there will be no pain; but after Chu Nan smashed the Jinyuan shield into the body with his fist, the pain was like a fierce wave, and the owner of the Bliss Palace was suddenly drowned out!


The owner of the blissium screamed, and the voice was so sad that the butterfly fairy was shocked. Even if her body trembled slightly and her face was panicked, it did not diminish the beauty of the butterfly fairy at all. It can be said that whether it is joy, anger, sorrow, sadness and anger, all show the beauty of the butterfly

"It's useless to call!" Chu Nan hit it with his fifth punch!

The scream suddenly stopped!

Then the sixth punch fell with great power. The owner of the bliss splashed blood all over his body, not only from his mouth, but also from every pore of his body, which was smashed alive by Chu Nan.

Fairy Dieyi watched Chu Nan's wild punches again and again in a daze, and looked at the black vines she spawned. With the outbreak of Chu Nan's power, it broke apart, and then burst into ashes.

Although the beauty of the butterfly fairy does not seem to belong to this world, she also has seven emotions and six desires. In her heart, the shock is surging. "He is just a junior martial king, and the owner of the Elyssic Palace is a high-level martial king, but now, it is the master of Like the king of martial arts, who is he? His power... My black vine is not directly facing his power, but the energy leaked by the explosion makes the black vine turn into ashes!"

The butterfly fairy remembered the heroic words that Chu Nan said that he would destroy the mountain when he wanted to go home. She felt the shock from the earth and muttered, "Maybe there is really no mountain in front of him!"

The butterfly fairy thought a lot between the electric flints, and Chu Nan has hit the seventh and eighth punch in this electric flint...

The body of the Lord of the Bliss Palace seems to have become a rotten meat pocket. The simple and unusual purple clothes on his body are broken, leaving only strands. The skin and flesh of the whole body are all like dry earth, cracking, and even the bones are cracked!

"The palace... won't... spare you..., accompany... the palace... together..." The owner of the blissic palace exhausted the last remaining strength. With these words, he saw that he could not escape the fate of being bombarded by Chu Nan, so he wanted to blow himself up and pulled Chu Nan to die together.

When Chu Nan heard these words, he didn't know what the owner of the Bliss Palace was thinking. He shouted, "It's useless!"

Four-character exit, the ninth punch, Chu Nan seems to be moving with wind and clouds, like a king in the world, shaking!

Then, a round thing shot straight into the air from the ground, and then fell to the ground. It rolled out far away. The butterfly fairy cut a pair of water and beautiful pupils, sang it to the extreme. Looking at the spherical thing, she was surprised: "Yuannel... Lord of the Palace of Bliss, the Yuan

The butterfly fairy struggled to remove her eyes from the Yuan core, and then fell on Chu Nan in disbelief. Chu Nan's hair was blown back by the wind, and his clothes fluttered. Her eyes looked at the fist that had just smashed the muddy gold and jade umbrella and smashed out the master Yuan core of the

The butterfly fairy's mind swept to the miserable situation of the owner of the bliss palace in the depths of the earth: meat pie! Absolutely meat pie!

"Shh--" The butterfly fairy sucked the air conditioner upside down.

And Chu Nan, looking at the right fist, was still thinking. Just now, he smashed nine punches, which gave Chu Nan a feeling completely different from the past. In the past, Chu Nan could also smash nine punches, or even fight, smashing a twenty or thirty punches with 200,000 catties, which is not a problem .

But with the nine punches just now, Chu Nan's body has no feeling of load at all. It's very relaxed, very light, very light, as if he is waving his hand. No matter how much he wants to hit, how many punches he wants to hit, he can do it. Thirty punches, fifty punches, one hundred

As long as Chu Nan has not perished, he can keep smashing down this 200,000 catties of fist.

Compared with the two, in the past, Chu Nan smashed a fist of 200,000 catties, as if he had taken a heavy hammer, and at this time, Chu Nan was like taking a feather!

The difference between a heavy hammer and a feather is self-evident!

"Why did it change so much?"

Chu Nan thought slowly. After combing his mind, he suddenly looked back and stared at the butterfly fairy who was dating, thinking that before he enjoyed the "Nianqu", when his two punches hit Jinyu Mountain, he did not have such a sense of lightness; when the spirit and mind were bathed and sublimated, This situation didn't happen until I was refreshed.

"Yes, it must be the credit of the butterfly fairy." Chu Nan muttered, rejoicing at this unexpected harvest.

Fairy Dieyi looked at Chu Nan, who was staring at her. Although she didn't see that there was a murderous atmosphere in Chu Nan's eyes, Fairy Dieyi was still a little afraid in her heart. After all, a person who can kill a high-level martial king with nine punches wants to take her life, just like exploring a bag to

Chu Nan, who figured out the truth, stamped on the ground and was shocked from the bottom of the ground. In addition, a storage ring jumped out of the meat pie and shot into the air. Chu Nan reached out and held it. Yuan Li entered and explored. There were countless yuan stones in it, and they were all top-quality yuan stones. There are elixirs and a nameplate...

Chu Nan didn't care about these. He only cared about the ultimate purpose of this trip to the bliss of the Palace, the medicinal herbs of Changsheng Dan and Crazy Magic Dan. Finally, Chu Nan found a very old storage ring in the corner and explored it again. It was just some medicinal herbs piled up in it...

"That's what it should be." Chu Nan was overjoyed and took out the medicinal herbs and put them into a storage ring. He didn't know those medicinal herbs. He had to put them first and find Luo Tao of Yun Luomen to identify them later.

Then, Chu Nan collected the scattered muddy gold jade. Chu Nan was very interested in this magic weapon that can change its shape and function. Although the muddy gold jade was broken, it left some traces of the refinery more or less. In the future, when Chu Nan refines the weapon, you can think about it. Besides, no matter what. There is no trace, so this muddy jade must also be a relatively high-level refinery material!

After cleaning up all this, Chu Nan walked forward, put the core of the owner of the Bliss Palace into the storage ring, and then stared at the butterfly fairy and continued to move forward.

At this moment, Fairy Dieyi's face was calm, and there was no wave in the ancient well, as if all the previous shocks had never happened. Chu Nan stood three steps away from her, with a sincere smile on the corners of his mouth and said, "Thank you."

"Thank you...me?" The butterfly fairy was stunned and conveyed another kind of beauty.

Chu Nan replied, "Thank you, and the skim dance you danced."


"You let me 'cut my desire' martial arts to the realm of perfection, and that dance sublimated my heart."


The butterfly fairy was speechless for a while. Her purpose was to take him down, but unexpectedly it helped her a lot. She thought in her heart: "The mood sublimation, the mood sublimation, the mood can be sublimated by watching a dance mood, and it can refine part of the impurities in the spirit, this person..."

Fairy Dieyi didn't think about it any more, but she made up her mind and made up her mind. Then she looked up and stared at Chu Nan with a lip and said, "You killed the owner of the bliss of the Palace."

"For the sake of your kindness to me, this time, I will let you go." Chu Nan repays for her kindness. Although the purpose of Dieyi Fairy's dancing clothes is not to help him, with Chu Nan and Dieyi Fairy's feeling of seeing the past, she is looking for her father and he wants to go home. The two have similar experiences and have no deep hatred. Chu Nan decided to let her go once. Of course, if Dieyi Fairy Nan won't be polite, no matter how beautiful she looks!

The butterfly fairy smiled again and said, "What if the butterfly doesn't want to go?"

"Eh?" C