Wu Rebellious Universe

518 Article 16 Meridian formation, play

The primary core of the early martial emperor was really extraordinary. As soon as Chu Nan swallowed it, the whirlpool rotated, and the earth and wood elements in the core surged in Chu Nan's body, clattering, and there was a sense of spring water depression.

With Chu Nan's ability to swallow the five elements, he also swallowed for half an hour before he sucked Bi Zheng's core clean, and all the elixirs in Bi Zheng's storage ring were also swallowed together.

And Chu Nan's right arm is as swollen as a bellows. Listen carefully, there is a whistling sound inside.

Compression, little by little compression, try to make each layer of elemental force so that it can no longer be compressed.

After all, Chu Nan's body is strong enough now!

It took half an hour to swallow the original force, and this vortex compression took Chu Nan three hours. Chu Nan's forehead was full of sweat and dignified.

The next moment, Chu Nan's eyes suddenly lit up, and his two eyes seemed to open a powerful meridians directly on his right fist.

The five elements of the body rotate crazily to enhance the impact!


Chu Nan shouted a word in his heart. The huge and unparalleled power, like tens of millions of fierce horses galloping on the grassland, went straight to the position of the channel calculated by Chu Nan. Chu Nan felt that his right arm was about to explode and break apart. The meridians on his arm were blooming, and the blood was extremely red A large piece, some of which sinks down, has a whirlpool.

Yuanli hit it, smashed the first barrier into pieces, and then rushed down, attacking the city all the way, like breaking bamboo, as if to open up the meridians. However, when nearly four-fifths were opened, the attack slowly slowed down, and the Yuanli was also consumed more than half, and the remaining Yuanli was like Just like in the swamp, it's extremely difficult!

Chu Nan's eyes narrowed into a crack, and the sharp light was in full bloom. He did not hesitate to release all the remaining sea of fire of the cold jade and blue fire king in Danzhu, as well as the little water element power left in the water element crystal, which was released without leaving any trace, and even squeezed out a piece of blood.

The torrential water yuan, Sensen cold fire and blood hit, providing energy for Yuanli. Yuanli, like eating a Shengyuan elixir, immediately became lively and attacked forward crazily again. Although the speed of opening up was very slow, it was moving forward.

Another hour later, Chu Nan's right arm, not protruding or sunken, returned to normal, but there was a layer of blood on his skin. Chu Nan took a long breath, and the remaining one-fifth of the channel was finally opened.

Article 16 meridians, power meridians, done!

Chu Nan looked inside carefully, but found that this meridian was different from other fifteen meridians. The power meridian was in four parts of five, which suddenly expanded a lot, and the meridian in front was much smaller.

For this abnormality, Chu Nan didn't think much about it. He just thought that it was caused by the Yuanli stopping there. He poured his vitality into the meridian of power and moistened it. Not to mention this moisture, Chu Nan's severe pain was reduced, and the meridians also became much tougher.

Although the power meridians have been opened, can it be as Chu Nan imagined in advance? There is no way to know that Chu Nan can't gather strength now. He looks inside at the red beads in his Dantian. The color is extremely dim, and the smell of cold fire is pitiful.

Chu Nan knows that so far, the vast sea of fire absorbed from Bingyan Island has not left at all until today. If he meets the sea of swords and blood of Heijun Wudi again, he will never be able to fight against the sea of fire!

For the cold fire that fell from the nine heavens and didn't know where the cold fire came from, Chu Nan didn't want to waste it. It was a seed that gave birth to the sea of fire and the crystal of water.

At this moment, while Chu Nan is practicing martial arts and recovering his strength, he is thinking about how to recover the Hanyu Lanyan King, even more powerful than before. Thinking of it, Chu Nan can't help but come up with a crazy idea: devouring!

Just like Chu Nan devoured the power of others to strengthen himself, he wanted the Hanyu Blue Fire King to devour other fires to become stronger.

"In the past, in the battle, the fire of silence could also devour other fire elements. According to reason, this cold jade blue fire king should also be able to devour. However, this cold jade blue fire belongs to the cold fire, and the fire of silence and the fire of burning the sky belong to the yang fire. Can two kinds of Can you become stronger?"

Chu Nan thought about the doubts in his heart, read for a long time and said, "Water and fire can melt together, and fire can also produce water. Why can't this cold fire and sun fire?" Besides, whether it's cold fire or sunny fire, isn't it still fire in essence?

When he thought of this, Chu Nan made up his mind that when he recovered, he would find fire and let the cold jade blue fire king swallow it up!

Thinking through the doubts in his heart, Chu Nan abandoned other messy thoughts and sank into practice. He was not afraid that the people of Tian Yizong would come here, but there were jade corals patrolling outside.

On the mountains, there were disciples of Tianyi Sect searching the mountain. In groups of ten, each group of people held a signal arrow in their hands. As soon as they found Chu Nan, they immediately shot it. Qi Liansheng stood on the top of the mountain, brewing the heinous anger in his heart. As soon as he saw the signal arrow shot, he Break the fake devil and break the corpse!

Man Lan, Zhu Zhiwu and others are already on their way to Songmu City. They are in a hurry. They have not rested for a moment along the way. They are on their way day and night. According to their speed, it only takes three days to arrive!

Mo Lao and Tie Cangxiong have arrived in Songmu City, and the ugly old woman is not far away.

Time passed in a hurry. A day later, Chu Nan opened his eyes. In only one day, of course, he did not fully recover. He only recovered about 30%. Naturally, Chu Nan would not come to the door. He wanted to keep his body at the peak.

Chu Nan came out of the cave and heard the current situation reported by Xiao Lan. The corners of his mouth outlined the arc of sneer, and the boundless murderous atmosphere was perme. "Since you want to kill me, don't blame me for killing me."

This does not hide the figure. Chu Nan runs the tenth meridians and swallows vitality from the vegetation. At the beginning, when the range was small, no one knew that, but the scope of the desert was getting larger and larger. The disciples of Tianyi Sect, who was responsible for patrolling and searching this area, also found it. The team leader with You have to shoot the signal arrow.

However, as soon as the Yuanli was injected, a shadow flew in the team leader's eyes. Before he realized what it was, the shadow pierced directly into his head. He only heard a "chirp", and the brain marrow was sucked out, and the blood in his body was like a fountain, spraying to the head and the spike. Not only the team leader, but also others.

Then, Chu Nan went to the next place, but the Yuzhi coral worm followed Chu Nan's instructions. After a while, the other side led a group of people over. The group of people came to see it. Naturally, they immediately sent out a signal arrow, and the Yuzhi coral worm did not take them. Stabbed to death, but let them do it, but their shadows flashed and disappeared.

When Qi Liansheng saw the signal arrow, it took less than 30 seconds to land in this desert area. He asked him to see nothing but see a desolation and the ten corpses of the disciples of Tianyi Sect, and there was no trace of Chu Nan at all.

However, Qi Liansheng was not depressed and said with a sneer, "Can't help it? As long as you come out, it means that your death is coming!" So he ordered the disciples of Tianyi Sect to search more carefully and faster, so that they could catch the murderer, and also awarded a heavy reward. Whoever can find the trace of the fake devil will be awarded a Zhongpin sect-level magic weapon and 100,000 Zhongpin Yuanshi!

Such a heavy reward made the disciples of Tianyi Sect crazy.

Just after Qi Liansheng finished ordering, the signal arrow sounded in the air. Qi Liansheng was overjoyed and flew away, thinking in his heart, "It must have been found."

Unfortunately, when Qi Liansheng arrived quickly, what he saw was exactly the same as just now.

Qi Liansheng's face was not good. Before he had thought about it, there was a signal arrow, and Qi Liansheng flew away again!

When I arrived at the place of the third signal arrow, what I saw was still the desert or the body, and the fake devil did not even have a ghost. The nameless anger began to gather, and the mood was also a little dry. "Dare to dump me, let me catch you, I have to skin you!"

After saying that, Qi Liansheng saw the fourth signal arrow again...

Next, the fifth, the sixth, the tenth, the fifteenth...

Qi Liansheng flew from east to west, from west to east, and then from east to south, from south to north, and flew down dozens of times. Every time he arrived at the destination, he saw a corpse except for the desert. At this time, Qi Liansheng naturally understood that the fake devil was playing with him, but he knew that every time the signal In the past.

Because, if the fake devil is there, and he doesn't go, he will miss it.

Qi Liansheng raised his speed faster and faster, and did not care about the loss of power at all. With his middle-level martial arts emperor's cultivation, isn't it much easier to take it from the power of heaven and earth?

However, Qi Liansheng, who was stunned by anger and hatred, was only thinking about how to torture him after catching Chu Nan, but did not notice that the power he lost was greater than the power he absorbed from heaven and earth.

And what about Chu Nan?

Chu Nan was still creating one desert after another. Hearing Qi Liansheng's roar, Chu Nan knew that his plan worked.

In the process of being teased by Chu Nan, Qi Liansheng was not only angered and lost his mind, but also lost his strength; while Chu Nan was just the opposite. With more and more vitality absorbed, Chu Nan's strength quickly recovered from 30% to 50%, 60%, 70%...

Nearly 30 deserts have run down, and Chu Nan's strength has recovered to 90%. In order to ensure that there is no mistake, Chu Nan still runs down. At the same time, he said, "I hope the power meridian can be as I want."

Speaking, Chu Nan pressed his strength to the sixteenth meridians...E