Wu Rebellious Universe

544 sound killing, sharpening "chopping sound"


The back of the candle was hit, and he felt as if it was a 100,000 hammer, hitting his back at the same time; it was like a hundred thousand fierce horses, and he stepped on him with all his strength at the same time; that force penetrated his defense magic weapon, penetrated his instantly condensed body shield, and directly invaded his body!


Serfuls of blood sprayed, but in the faint light, it was particularly dazzling!

"This man is so powerful that he really can't fight with him." Zhu Zhiwu's heart was shocked and fell into the wind again, but he did not mess up. He continued to speed up and keep it within a safe range with Chu Nan. At the same time, he was still thinking in his heart: "The power makes people afraid, but what makes people more afraid is that mind, deliberately angered me, and then take advantage of the mobile

Candle Wu didn't think about it any more, and the divine sound came out again.

This time, there were no big scenes such as wind, clouds and thunder, but the sound went straight into Chu Nan's mind. His action slowed down. It was originally one step and a kilometer, but now it is less than 800 meters...

As the tunes gather more and more, Chu Nan's speed becomes slower and slower...

Three minutes later, Chu Nan took a step, but it was only a poor ten meters, but Zhu Zhiwu had reached a kilometer away and stopped running away. He looked at Chu Nan coldly, and his divine voice was shining like a red sun.

"As long as you don't get close, you can't do it. I will slowly return what I just suffered to you." Zhu Zhiwu thought in his heart, but he still had doubts, "The news from Zong Li can't be wrong. He said that he can't step on the air, and he can't walk in the air. At least until I got the information, he can't. Now that he can fly in the air, has changed during this period of time?"

Chu Nan felt that his consciousness was submerged by the fierce tide, but his body was boiling with blood; it was as if the idea was water, the body was fire, the two extremes, the farther and farther...

What will happen if it goes on like this? Chu Nan, who is good at playing with water and fire, is very clear!

There are two ways to avoid this situation. One is to form some kind of attack with his father's iron-like sound on Tianyun Peak, breaking the sound killing technique of candle martial arts, which is to kill and stop killing.

The second method is to exclude the sound killing, so that the sound wave can't get into the ear and the mind, which will not have any impact on his spirit, will, mind, etc.

Blocking the sound wave, it can be blocked by powerful magic weapons and strong spiritual power, but both of them are not suitable for the current Chunan. Needless to say, the magic weapon is only a mixed finger all over the body, but the one-color defense aperture cannot be completely blocked. As for the spiritual power, the candle martial arts are after all. High-level martial arts emperor, not some little shrimp...

Chu Nan's body began to tremble. His eyes began to be covered with blood, his nose began to aggravate, and the corners of his mouth strands of blood oozed out. In his mind, there was a hatred that began to devour his reason. A tyrannical breath spread all over his body, and the power in his body was ...

However, Chu Nan's eyes were not a little gloomy, and they were all full of the fierce fighting spirit that went straight to the night!

The magic weapon and spiritual power can't be solved, but Chu Nan still has one more trick: kill skill!

"No matter how powerful you are, what can you do? In front of me, everything is in vain!"

The martial arts of the candle blew more quickly, and the power of the sound doubled. Even the vitality in the earth on the day was stirred by two completely opposite sounds, which were suddenly high and low, suddenly slow, suddenly hot blood and cold, forming a storm, and the storm swept directly over Chunan.

At this moment, another figure floated in the air, his clothes fluttered and played the flute.

This figure is a butterfly fairy!

In the moment, a barrier stands in front of Chu Nan, to cut off the sound of the candle.

Candle Zhiwu snorted gently and said arrogantly in an instant, "The pearl of rice grains, how dare you compete for glory with the sun and the moon?"

After a word, the sound wave that hit Chu Nan was like a rolling flood, separated a small stream, shooting directly at the butterfly fairy. Suddenly, the butterfly fairy spit out blood, the sound of the flute was chaotic, and it was no longer a tune, and the roar suddenly sounded.

"That flute is not broken?" Zhu Zhiwu was a little surprised. Although what he separated was a small stream, it was completely enough to make the legal explosion of a Chinese spiritual weapon, but the flute was still good.

Candle's martial arts once again separated a small stream.

When Chu Nan saw that the butterfly fairy was in trouble, his fighting spirit suddenly rolled into the sky. He could not let the butterfly fairy, who was very kind to him, be injured. He clenched his fists, looked up, and shouted wildly: "Ding-bell--"

After being promoted to King Wu, Chu Nan was like a frenzy, covering the sound wave of candle's martial arts. Taking this opportunity, Chu Nan stepped forward to Dieyi Fairy and roared again: "Roar--"

This roar is like a dragon's roar.

At that time, the small stream separated by the candle's martial arts was shattered by the roar of the dragon's roar!

Zhu Zhiwu's face changed greatly, "How can this roar make me feel shocked?"

Chu Nan did not continue to roar, but turned around to hold the butterfly fairy and said, "Dieyi fairy, go down and have a good rest first. He can't hurt me."


"Of course it's true. I'll beat him all over the ground later."

"Ap, that's what you said." Although Fairy Dieyi saw that Chu Nan's mouth was bleeding, she believed Chu Nan's words, nodded and said a word, took care of it with her eyes, and then fell back to the earth. In just one round, Dieyi Fairy's face was extremely pale, and her mind was still buzzing, and there were sound waves circling, and Dieyi Instead of expelling the sound wave, he endured the pain and thought about it.

In the void, there is only Chu Nan and the power of candles!

"You are a mud bodhisattva crossing the river. You can't protect yourself, but you still want to save the beauty and be a hero. It seems that I really think highly of you." The sound of candle power came out. Although candle power was talking, the sound did not dissipate.

Chu Nan smiled, the muscles on his face trembled and smiled, and said, "Do you dare to attack a little more fiercely?" After saying that, Chu Nan gave up all defense and resistance and let all the sound waves rush into his mind.

Zhu Zhiwu couldn't help looking at Chu Nan's behavior. He didn't understand what Chu Nan's move was about, but said coldly, "Since you want to die faster, I will let you get what you want!"

Immediately, Chu Nan felt that there were huge waves in his mind like thousands of wild horses roaring, and the loud noise was endless; but in the next moment, everything was silent and terrible, and the sound wave was like a drizzle, but unconsciously, he penetrated the murderous air...

Chu Nan kept his mind, hugged Yuan Ruyi, and spent all his energy in his hand to condense a golden sword!

"Let your song sharpen my 'chopping' skill, the sound of six desires, chopping!" Chu Nan meditated on the skill of chopping skills, and practiced in the sound of Xiao Xiao.

Zhu Zhiwu's eyes narrowed sharply, "How can this boy have the 'cut' skill of the sword-killing faction? Is it possible that the tragedy of the sword-killing faction is also done by this person?" Thinking of this, Zhu Zhiwu suddenly understood, "So it is that whether it is the destruction of the young master of the Qin family, the death of the elder of the Jianzhan faction, or the ununable disappearance of the disciples of Tianyi Sect, the capital of all the culprits is your Lin Yun. Today, I will uphold justice for those wrong

"Rolulous, do you deserve justice? Three hundred years ago, Tianyi Sect stirred up a sea of blood, tens of millions of people died, and their wives and children were scattered. In three hundred years, in order to maintain a unique status, Tianyi Sect strongly suppressed other sects, and killed many sects up and down? Three hundred years later, in order to catch a seriously injured person, the Northern Qi State turned upside down and unjustly killed tens of thousands of people!"

Chu Nan said loudly, watching the battle, and everyone who heard it seemed to think about it.

As he spoke, the sword in Chu Nan's hand did not stop even for a moment. The candle's martial arts were said to the pain, and the power of the sound was blown to the extreme. Chu Nan's mind buzzed, and blood flowed out of the seven orifices. Chu Nan struggled to dance the sword and said word by

"What a sharp tooth. I say I'm righteous. Who dares to say no?"

"I understand, your fist is big, but can your fist keep it going? The fire will burn one day, it will burn to Tianyi Mountain, and it will burn Tianyi Mountain into ashes!"

The person watching the battle below has a strange light in his eyes.

"I'd like to see who dares to burn!" Zhu Zhiwu was clear to the expression of the people below. After roaring, a voice came straight down. In an moment, those who had a strange light in their eyes just now all shook their chests and spit out blood.

Seeing the warning of Candle's Martial Arts, everyone was shocked and did not dare to say anything more, but in their hearts, they had a "rebellious" intention.

Chu Nan tried his best to say with a smile, "Aren't I burning?"

"You can't ignite!"

"Real is it?"

After Chu Nan questioned, he was immersed in the practice of "heading sound". With the experience of "heading yuan", "heading sorrow" and "heading desire", Chu Nan practiced "heading sound", which was quite handy.

The sound of the song is like a storm, and the south of Chu is like a shore.

Let the storm be fierce, how to hit the shore and kill the shore, the shore will not move!

After half an hour, Chu Nan practiced, which was quite a small success, and part of the music could no longer enter Chu Nan's mind. Of course, Chu Nan also paid a lot of price for practicing Xiaocheng, not to mention the pain.

However, all this is worth it for Chu Nan!

"Do you dare to make your attack buzz like a fly? Do you dare to let your attack bark like a mad dog? Chunan used the martial arts of "slashing" and went straight to the candle's martial arts.

Zhu Zhiwu was shocked, but his eyes showed a fierce color, and the song suddenly stopped.

Then, there was a sound, strange and sad, the ghost cried and howling, and stabbed the earth!

The earthquake shakes! C