Wu Rebellious Universe

603 beasts

A statue is nothing, and I can't bother the eight martial emperors to appear in person. He only needs to give an order to the loyal dog of the five elements gate. The five elements gate can definitely call out, smash the statue to pieces, and do things properly.

However, this statue is not an ordinary statue, but a statue of the devil!

The eight martial emperors, who are not too far away from the Lilan River, naturally have to go there in person. They go there not only to destroy the statue of the devil, but also to kill all the people who shaped the statue and the people of the Lilan River.

You can't grow an inch of grass!

The Five-emen clearly understood what their master was thinking. Therefore, under the power of the dog, he has sealed the vicinity of the Lilan River. The disciples of the Five-emen are not too high. Most of them are great martial arts masters, generals, and the martial arts are pitiful. As for the realm of the King of Wu, The ancestor of the five elements of the five elements is the one.

This little strength, in front of the eight martial emperors, is nothing. If the eight martial emperors blow a breath, they can be wiped out.

However, compared with the mortals in the Lilan River and the poor ordinary people who have achieved nothing to cultivate, it is also a mountain that can't be overthrown!

When the people in Lilanjiang learned the news of the blockade of the Five elements gate, most of them did not want to plead or escape. The last time the evil dragonfly had forced them to death. If Chu Nan hadn't appeared pretending to be a demon, they would have died long ago. How could they still be alive now? People who have experienced a Death no longer has too much fear.

Therefore, these favored people, holding the statue of the devil's Taoist in their hands, or the immortal card, came to the Lilan River and surrounded the statues of the devil's Taoist layer by layer, which was enough for five or six thousand people. Everyone's face was full of absolute feelings, a desperate oath to protect the devil's

"Just think that I still have a breath, no one wants to destroy the statue of the benefactor!"

"Yes, unless you step on our bodies..."

"I fought with them in a group of indignation and made a lot of noise, and the people of the Five elements also surrounded them all around the Lilan River. The Eight Martial Emperors were coming. Naturally, the disciples of the Five elements did not dare to deal with the statues of the devil. However, they looked at the expressions of those men and women Like a body.

Just as they are just ants in front of Tianyizong, ordinary people are also ants in their eyes!

Soon, the eight martial emperors came together, all floating in the air, their clothes were baiing, silver hair, gray hair, black hair and blonde hair down their backs, and their hands and feet were all the works of the world's. However, it was such a faction that set off the bloodiest massacre in the Northern Qi Dynasty!

The ancestor of the Five elements gate is called Cheng Wu Xing, and he calls himself the ancestor of the Five elements. At this time, he was on the top of the fart, licking and smiling. He ran to the black-haired old man. He did not bow and salute, but knelt down and salute, knelt in the air, and People are all people who worked hard to build the statue of the devil at the beginning, and the slaves have driven them all here.

The Eight Martial Emperors looked at the statue of the devil's way. On the surface, he was arrogant. In fact, in his heart, he was still thinking about the three hundred years of pursuit. Obviously, the devil's way was exhausted and he was trapped in a siege, but he still killed more than half of their brothers and escaped. Although they survived, Forget it.

The blonde said, "Three hundred years ago, you were very majestic, but you could only be a homeless dog. Today, your statue is going to be smashed into mud and then thrown into the quagmire. I don't know if you are alive now, you will feel it."

The blonde old man said, couldn't help laughing, and his smile was a little twisted.

The silver-haired old man said with hatred, "If you do the right thing with Tianyi Sect, there is only one way to die in life, and there will be no peace if you die!"

"Demon, why did you die so early? I haven't returned blood for blood yet!" The red-haired old man said it crazily.


They all expressed their feelings, and when it came to the black-haired old man, the black-haired old man looked at the group of people and said coldly, "This voice is too noisy to annoy me."

As soon as Cheng Wu Xing heard this, he quickly said, "Your superior, I'm going to kill them all."

"Don't kill them first."

Cheng Wuxing was about to act as an executioner again, but such a voice came. Cheng Wuxing quickly turned around, but heard a red-haired old man say, "Don't these people want the devil to protect them? Then kill them one by one in front of the statue of the devil, and see how the devil protects them.

"Yes, my lord."

Cheng Wu Xing's heart was stunned, and the charming smile on his face was thicker.

"Remember, it's torture. Kill them in the slowest and painful way!" The red-haired old man said, with a ferocious smile on his face. The ferocious smile set off a scar on his face even more horrible, and Cheng Wu Xing left in panic.

Of course, other martial emperors will not stop the red-haired old man's proposal. One of them's hands were not stained with blood, and the silver-haired old man said, "I hope that after this time, Hongtian can let go of the nightmare 300 years ago and remove the scar on his face."

After the silver-haired old man finished speaking, the blonde old man and others couldn't help nodding.

Cheng Wu Xing took the disciples of the Five Xing Sect and walked to a group of people. Chu Nan, at the bottom of the Lilan River, opened his eyes and felt that this retreat, opened up one meridian after another, bow fist, Tianxing nine steps forward and six steps, the universe one finger, the horizon is close to the horizon... Chu Nan found that the harvest these days is not only to practice these advanced martial arts, but also the power of the elixir beads in his body is slightly enhanced, and the power is more pure; his physical state has also returned to its peak!

"It's time to go out. Tian Yizong must be in a hurry to find me, right? There are also people from Artifact Mountain. Wait, I'll be right there.

As Chu Nan read out this sentence, the murderous spirit on his body exuded strong, and the murderous spirit permeated around the cave, cut off like a sword and knife light, and the soil could not help falling down one after another.

Chu Nan stood up and said to Zhu Zhiwu, who had been sitting obediently in the corner, "Big fool, let's go."

"Are you going out for a barbecue?"

"Kill people."

"Is there meat to eat after killing people?"


"That's great, I want to kill more people, kill more people..."

Zhu Zhiwu danced like a child, and his eyes were full of greed**. Chu Nan looked at Zhu Zhiwu's current appearance and couldn't help laughing. So far, he still hasn't figured out why Zhu Zhiwu was stupid.

Originally, Chu Nan wanted Zhu Zhiwu to go overseas with the Ziwu Emperor, but Chu Nan was worried that Zhu Zhiwu was like a sudden idiot, and suddenly woke up. At that time, he was not there, which would bring a huge disaster to the Ziwu Emperor and others. After thinking about it, he still put the candle Zhiwu is around. Anyway, Zhuzhiwu is also a high-level martial emperor, which can be regarded as a great help.

As for how to deal with the power of candles in the future, Chu Nan really hasn't thought about it.

As soon as Chu Nan stepped out of the cave, the water of the Lilan River automatically converged into Chunan's body. What gathered was not the water, but the pure water power. Chunan walked easily in the Lilan River like a fish...

At this time, a bloody scene is being staged on the bank of the Lilan River.

This group of executioners of Wuxingmen used those gorgeous martial arts skills to divide the bodies of the unarmed people, cut their hands and feet, cut their chests and open their abdomens, break their roots and disfigure their face, set fire, etc. The way of killing is more miserable and how miserable it is. There is nothing that can't be

Although these people have no strong martial arts skills, they are also hot-blooded men. They are unwilling to be slaughtered like a sheep. They rushed up one by one. There were not only men, but also women, old people and children...

However, although they are full of blood and courage, they are still not opponents of the disciples of the Five elements.

The red-haired old man looked at all this and laughed wantonlyly. His figure flashed and stood on the head of the statue of Mo Daozi. He smiled and said, "Mo Daozi, have you seen it? This is the person you want to protect. Come out, you resurrect, come to protect them, the devil..." The red-haired old man vented and said, and then said crazily to the disciples of the Five elements: "You have to do something more beastly than beasts. I'm very rewarded!"

The disciples of the Five elements who are taking pleasure in killing people couldn't help but be stunned when they heard this. Cheng Wuxing was also thinking, "The behavior of more beasts than beasts?"

When the red-haired old man saw this situation, he was very unhappy and said coldly, "Cheng Wu Xing, it's up to you to start, otherwise, you will die!"

Cheng Wuxing trembled all over his body and quickly knelt down and kowtowed his command. After standing up, the cold light flashed in his eyes, and his body fell into the group. He grabbed a woman, tore her clothes and trousers straight, and then...

"Wan'er, Wan'er..."

A man next to him roared and rushed straight to Cheng Wu Xing, "Beast, I'm fighting with you!"

Cheng Wu Xing sneered and had put the woman to the ground. When the man came behind him, he slapped his back. He wanted to cover the man to death, but he temporarily changed his mind and made the man freeze his whole body and couldn't move. He said with a ferocious smile, "I don't have the right I want you to watch it alive and watch your woman being humiliated by me!"

"Hahaha, inherit the five elements, do a good job, reward you with a Huyang elixir!" When the red-haired old man saw this scene, he laughed more ferociously. The rest of the martial emperors looked at the absurd and miserable picture in front of him, like purgatory on earth. He was not uncomfortable at all, and some of them were just the venting hatred...

Cheng Wu Xing was rewarded with "Huyang Dan", which was even more energetic. His disciples also rushed to the women one by one according to the rules...

Suddenly, screams, howls, desperate voices, and the kneeling and asking for help: "My benefactor, you manifest, save us, benefactor, save us, you manifest, kill this group of beasts!"

It's like a ghost crying and a wolf howling, earth-shaking!

was also shocked, Lilanjiang!

The man in the river. X