Wu Rebellious Universe

606 is so cruel

The three-color strange fire roared into the sky, the flames burst, and the air waves seemed to turn over the river.

The huge ice sword in the three-color strange fire dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye. The blue-haired martial emperor who performed the huge ice sword changed his face. His huge ice sword is not only condensed with elemental force, but also takes the best weapon-level magic weapon as the core, expanding its power by more than ten times and Sharper, this sword can definitely split Huashan Mountain.

However, whether it is the ice of Yuanli or the best weapon, they are transformed into the direction of "nothingness" in the burning of this three-color fire.

The blue-haired martial emperor naturally didn't want the ice sword to disappear. He gritted his teeth and squeezed out a word: "Scatter!"

Suddenly, the huge ice sword dispersed very quickly, including the best weapon, which was also scattered into a fine needle. In an emergency, there were thousands of fine needle-shaped ice swords, which passed through the three-color fire at a very fast speed and wanted to shoot at Chunan.

"I see how much you can burn. As long as you have one in the middle, you will definitely die. If you don't believe it, the blood is frozen, and the power, flesh and blood are frozen. You can't die!"

The blue-haired martial emperor said very confidently that his best weapon, like an ordinary magic weapon, can no longer be moved after forming, but can be divided and dispersed, gathered and combined, and after being dispersed, the power will not be weakened at all.

However, the next moment, the blue-haired Emperor Wu saw a scene that shocked him. The fine ice needle sword, which had been scattered to thousands of people and shot at Chunan, was frozen in the flame, waiting for the tricolor flame to burn it to nothingness.

"How could this happen?" The blue-haired Emperor's face was frightened, "Does the flame still have the power of ice?"

The blue-haired Wuhuang looked at the black-haired Wuhuang who made the fire. The surprise in the black-haired Wuhuang's eyes was still extremely strong and did not dissipate a little. He saw the doubt in the eyes of the blue-haired Wuhuang and said, "There is a cold fire in this three-color strange fire. The P>


The blue-haired Emperor Wu couldn't believe it, but the black-haired Emperor Wu continued, "Not only that, even my morning sun dew fire is not as good as this three-color strange fire. If the two collide, then the morning sun dew fire must dissipate. No, no, it is swallowed up."

"You mean that his three-color fire is a cold fire and a solar fire, and they exist together?"

The blue-haired Emperor Wu said in surprise that the black-haired Emperor did not want to admit it, but he had to nod, because this was the truth!

While the two martial emperors were shocked, the ice sword dissipated faster, and the morning sun fire that enveloped Chu Nan was almost swallowed up!

As for Chu Nan, he didn't pay attention to the attacks of the two middle-level martial emperors at all. At the moment when he killed Huangfa Wuhuang with his "bow fist", Chu Nan felt a murderous opportunity burst out and appear in the void.

In an flash, Chu Nan suddenly shone above his head, like a star!

Without hesitation, Chu Nan threw out the dragon teeth that had been infused with extremely horrible energy for a long time. The dragon teeth were not thrown over his head, but directly to the blonde emperor!

At the same time, the huge sword light was cut off from the air, and in the blink of an eye, it was about to be cut off on Chu Nan.

Seeing all this, the blonde old man twitched the corners of his mouth, pulled out a sneer, and said, "I will treat him in his own way!" The meaning of the words of the blonde martial emperor is that Chu Nan killed the Huangfa Wuhuang when his old power was just exhausted and the new power was not born; now he also wants to kill Chu Nan while Chunan is seriously consuming Yuan's strength and has just completed his big move.

In order to create this opportunity and kill the artifact to Lin Yun in one fell swoop, the blonde martial emperor even gave up to rescue the yellow-haired martial emperor.

As for the dragon tooth that shot at him, although the blonde martial emperor also felt extraordinary, he did not really pay attention to it. However, as the dragon tooth got closer and closer with the sound of cracking, his heart couldn't help panic.

At the same moment, Chu Nan shouted loudly!

The power was pervasive, and the body immediately soared, and the colorful defense aperture was extremely dazzling. Moreover, Chu Nan also displayed a colorful whirlpool, a colorful whirlpool of different five elements, facing the two-color sword light!

There was a loud noise, and the whirlpool of different five elements shook, but it blocked the two-color sword!

Chu Nan obviously felt the whirlpool of the five elements, and the power increased a lot. If it had been put in the past, such a two-color sword light would definitely not be connected. However, at the same time as the power, the correspondingly demanded was also great. Originally, Chu Nan's endless power was like the sea, and more than half

In spite of this, it fell into the wind and was at a disadvantage. The two-colored sword that was to be pulled into the colorful whirlpool and stirred up was still desperately destroying it. It was going to break through the whirlpool of five elements, and then cut it on Chu Nan again, killing a smoke!

And the blonde martial emperor was also stunned, but he was not worried. Instead, he sneered, "Can you still be distracted to resist my real fatal blow?" With the words of the blonde martial arts emperor, a two-color sword light fell, like lightning, making a terrible whistling sound, fluctuating in waves of terror, shooting straight to the south of Chu, and in one thousand breaths, it exploded on the colorful defense aperture.

By this time, Chu Nan killed two high-level martial emperors, and there was a high-level martial emperor who let him protect his life with his vitality. In addition, the great perfect martial emperor was seriously injured. However, the price he paid was not small, "the palm of the sky" and the "bow fist", as well as the "be close to The required power is also frightening. If Chu Nan hadn't been able to live with five elements, he would have been afraid that with his current cultivation, he would have directly escaped after playing the "qing tian yi zhang" of the power of the six seals. Then let alone the later "bow fist", different five elements whirlpools.

In addition, at this time, Chu Nan has to try his best to deal with the golden and wooden sword light; therefore, the real killing move of the blonde martial emperor instantly broke the colorful defense aperture and stabbed the soles of Chu Nan's feet!

The blonde martial emperor smiled. He had two lines of power, one gold and one wood. Gold was originally a wood, but in these hundreds of years of painstaking cultivation, he has mastered and can perfectly use the two elements of gold and wood. The power is amazing. These two lines fight each other's sword and light, and it doesn't have to That's enough.

Chu Nan's body is extremely strong. The small sword light can't pierce Chu Nan's body in an instant. However, it can still be done by stabbing a small needle hole in the bottom of Chu Nan's feet. Although this pinhole is really small, it is so small that it can be ignored; however, in such a fast key The timing is different. A small needle hole, any little bit of poor pool, may make Chu Nan fall into a doomed place.

All this is just in an instant.

The blonde martial emperor also drank two words in his mouth: "Destruction!"

As soon as the word "destruction" came out, the dragon's teeth hit!

The blonde martial emperor's heart suddenly jumped, as if he had reached the edge of life and death. He quickly stimulated the original power to the maximum, such as defense magic weapons, body protection yuan armor and yuan armor, etc., and dozens of defenses were arranged in an instant, and his body was still retreating wildly.

Even so, the blonde martial emperor's heart was still not stable, but even more panicked. He stared at the dragon's teeth!

On the other side, when the colorful defense aperture was broken, Chu Nan sensed that the crisis was coming, but he did not drive the dragon's reverse scales forward to resist, and still protected Dantian, which was the most important part.

If it is in other parts, Chu Nan is confident that he can take over, but if Dantian is destroyed, Chu Nan doesn't know what the result will be!

Just as the blonde emperor shouted "destruction", Chu Nan roared wildly: "I'll see how you want to destroy me and swallow him!"

Suddenly, not only the powerful sword light in the sky was sucked into the colorful whirlpool and into Chu Nan's body, but also the sword light in the bottom of the feet was also sucked into the body by Chu Nan.

As soon as Jinmu's two rows of sword light entered Chu Nan's body, it was greeted by endless and overwhelming vitality. The vitality tightly bound the sword light, so that it could not burst at all, showing the power of destruction.

After the vitality, it is the vast pure power, the pure power surrounds it, suppresses the sword light, and the red land that is urged to the extreme, the power of confinement, repeated...

Although Jianmang was still struggling, it was temporarily controlled.

And the blonde martial emperor, the ending was much worse. The dragon tooth had not emitted any power and breath, only at a very fast speed. However, at the moment of his presence, he felt something wrong and suddenly burst out and tried his best to defend.

At the moment when the magic weapon was broken, the blonde martial emperor felt the horror of the dragon's teeth!

Unfortunately, the dozens of defenses can't stop the dragon's teeth at all. The defense magic weapons are pierced one by one, and the defense apertures are destroyed one by one. The Jinyuan armor and Muyuan armor are also useless at all.

The blonde martial emperor has gone from slight shock to shock, and then to fear!

In the midst of fear, the dragon's teeth penetrated his body, and then went through again, and the part of the dragon's teeth's puncture was the heart!

A blood arrow burst out of the blonde martial emperor, and the power of the blood splashing became not weak. It was like a powerful sword, scratching the sound of breaking the air and cracking the air!

However, the greater the power of the blood arrow, the more serious the injury suffered by the blonde martial arts emperor!

The blonde martial emperor was still retreating, but he did not retreat by himself, but was brought back by the power of the dragon's teeth.

That blood can't stop flowing!

The blood hole is still expanding!

The blonde martial emperor's face suddenly became extremely ugly, and the Yuanli seemed to dissipate with the sharp loss of blood!


The blonde martial emperor also vomited blood in his mouth.

Then, he bit the bloody teeth in his mouth and pronounced two words: "So cruel!" X