Wu Rebellious Universe

608 Last resort

The blood hole on the chest of the blonde martial emperor has spread to the lower abdomen. At a glance, he can directly pass through the blood hole and see the scenery that should have been blocked by the blonde martial emperor. The blonde martial emperor is very clear in his heart that he knows that he is going to die.

The blonde martial emperor is also very unwilling to die. He has been practicing for hundreds of years under the ground, and finally broke through the cultivation of being promoted to the realm of the great perfect martial emperor. He thought that this time when he came out, he would definitely leave a lifetime of fame on this Tianwu Continent, and his name would be passed down through the ages

But how could I expect that the first time I was injured, I would die!

But the blonde martial emperor is not an ordinary person after all. He knows that he will definitely die, but he is no longer afraid. Now he just wants to kill the artifact to send Lin Yun, no matter what the price!

So, when the brown-haired martial emperor and Cheng Wu Xing were talking earlier, the blonde martial emperor and others made a hint.

The blonde martial emperor has been waiting for the moment when Chu Nan is abnormal. He doesn't believe that the two-color sword light will not cause any harm to him. How does the blonde martial emperor know the secret in Chu Nan's body!

So, at the moment when Chu Nan landed, the blonde martial emperor felt that the time was coming and shouted the word "do it"!

Suddenly, the black-haired Emperor Wu took an elixir that he didn't know what the effect was, spewed out the essence blood, and sacrificed the morning sun dew fire. Under the sun, the flame actually emitted a dew-like luster. The morning sun dew-like fire fell in the air, and every morning You don't have to think about it, you will know that it must be much more powerful than the previous fire.

The blue-haired old man also swallowed an elixir, vomited essence and blood, and used Yiyin Xuanshui, which suddenly covered the whole earth, and the waves surged up and gushed out shocking waves. These waves surged into the void and no longer fell, but condensed into ice in an instant. The dazzling ice peak ice blade Obviously, these ice, these ice tips, are no less than the ten-thousand-year-old ice at the bottom of Bingyan Island, and this ice wave also exudes the breath of freezing human power.

The brown-haired martial emperor, who is not the same as the eight martial arts emperors, is the only high-level martial emperor left. At this time, he was not idle. While swallowing medicine and spitting blood, he also moved his figure. His hands became more than ten times bigger in an instant, and he also showed the color of gold. Then his Two diametrically opposite sound waves came, but these two sound waves were still entangled together and directly attacked Chunan; this was not over, and the huge ancient clock with tens of thousands of pounds was still smashed on Chunan, or covered, which was powerful.

As for the blonde martial emperor, he did not swallow the medicine or spit sperm and blood, because the blood hole made him lose his chest, so that even his blood was fast, and his life may not even take a breath.

Therefore, the blonde emperor burned all the energy he could exert and turned it into two words: speed!

The blonde martial emperor should kill Chu Nan as fast as possible!

Then, self-exploding!

The seriously injured silver-haired martial emperor, in fact, he also wanted to blow himself up, but the divine idea was destroyed. If he condensed his vitality and self-exploded, the current situation did not allow it. However, he also tried his best. He took out a magic weapon, which was the silver-haired martial emperor in the previous fight and did

This magic weapon is in the shape of a moon blade. As soon as it was taken out, it exuded a fierce power, and even the eyes of the silver-haired martial emperor flashed a trace of fear. However, after a moment, the silver-haired martial emperor's eyes became firm again, extremely firm, "Anyway Pain, no matter how much torture I suffer, I admit it.

After reading it, the silver-haired martial emperor actually cut open his chest with a moon blade-shaped magic weapon.

That picture is as bloody as it is, and it is extremely weird!

In an all of an asment, the blood flowed out.

However, these blood did not splash everywhere, and did not fall to the ground. Instead, they were all absorbed by the moon blade-shaped magic weapon. The moon blade-shaped magic weapon sucked blood very fast. As a matter of course, the life of the silver-haired martial emperor disappeared quickly.

However, as the blood is swallowed, the fierce power released by the moon blade magic weapon is even more terrible and frightening.

The red-haired martial emperor seemed to want to participate in the final fight, but he couldn't move. He could only watch and watch. He also knew that no matter who lost in the end, who won, who lost and who died, he would die!

These people's attacks were all taken at the same time and were completed in an instant.

At this time, even Chu Nan showed "the end of the world", and his feet had not yet stepped on the earth; not only did these attacks make Chu Nan's situation fall into great danger, but also the five elements, which should also hold those ordinary people hostage.

Opportunity, only once!

Fighting, there is only this last fierce collision!

After the collision, it is either life or death.

Normally, at such a dangerous, urgent and critical moment, Chu Nan doesn't have to worry about the life and death of those ordinary people, as long as he concentrates on the attack of the five martial emperors, as long as he can kill the five martial emperors and the disciples of the five elements, and avenge them. Anyway, those mortals are not I blame him, let alone be angry with him, and even for him, I would rather die by myself.

But the more they are like this, the more Chu Nan can't let them die. They are to maintain the dignity of the master of the devil. If they are allowed to die, Chu Nan may be uneasy all his life. If they are not benevolent, Chu Nan will naturally not be unjust!

This is the principle of Chu Nan. People respect me one foot, and I respect one foot, whether this person is a warrior, Emperor Wu, or a mortal!

So, no matter what, even if they fight for their lives, Chu Nan will save their lives!

In an flash, Chu Nan also made a unique move. For the morning sun fire, Chu Nan did not use water to restrain the fire, but still used fire to restrain the fire, and even swallowed the fire. The morning sun fire was like raindrops like dewdrops, and in the process of falling, it also changed to attack; the three-color I only killed all the way and swept them all into the whirlpool.

For the surging ice waves and so on below, Chu Nan did nothing, but gushed out his strength again, exerted the power of the red earth on himself, and added several times the gravity to step on the ground at a faster speed!

The huge ancient bell that hit like a mountain, Chu Nan's preparation was the fist, the "bow fist" that merged with the earth's royal power and the sixteen waves of power; however, the opposite sound wave shook in the internal organs of Chu Nan, which once again caused a shock. Chu Nan's twenty-one meridian, the five internal organs The vibration stopped immediately, but it was slightly uncomfortable, but it could no longer have any impact on Chu Nan!

The blonde martial emperor is so aggressive and murderous. Chu Nan knows what he wants to do. According to his theory, the self-detonation of the blonde martial emperor is the most powerful and the most deadly of these attacks. After all, a strong man with a great perfection of martial emperor's realm self-exploding, I Lanjiang is going to be destroyed directly.

However, for Chu Nan, this is the easiest. Chu Nan condenses his mind, and the power of thunder and lightning in his mind is getting weaker and weaker. When Chu Nan gathers it together, he may only play the last attack with thunder and lightning, and it can't be directly annihilated like before.

But Chu Nan is sure that he will shock the blonde martial emperor and make him stunned.

And his stunnedness is exactly what Chu Nan wants!

Chu Nan looked at the silver-haired Emperor Wu and moistened the moon blade-shaped magic weapon with blood and life, as if he were feeding a peerless beast. Chu Nan's eyes became a sword and released Xiao Lan and said, "Is it sprinkle blood? Let's see who swallows it quickly!"

The attack of the two camps is a long story. In fact, it was completed almost at the same time.


Chu Nan's strong body directly knocked the massive ice wave into pieces, and the ice chips were four points. When the blue-haired Emperor Wu saw this, he was about to vomit blood. He gritted his teeth and desperately released Yi Yin Xuanshui, and then turned into ice in an instant!

But no matter how hard the blue-haired martial emperor is, he can't stop Chu Nan!

In the sky, the morning sun dew did not work, and all the three-color strange fire whirlpools were swallowed in!

The black-haired martial emperor and the blue-haired martial emperor exchanged a look. The next moment, the ice condensed by Yi Yin Xuanshui appeared in the sky, and the ice knife, ice sword and ice blade fell from the sky; the morning sun appeared on the earth, burning into a fire wave, killing Chu Nan.

But Chu Nan still fell down like that.


Three sounds in a row, two of which were the sound of Chu Nan's feet hitting the earth. There was a violent shaking from the earth, as if it was angry. The vibration spread to thousands of meters away in an instant. Not only that, the water in the Lilan River was also as if it had been summoned, rising from the river, over a

Under the leadership of the Five elements, the disciples of the Five elements were about to grab the life-saving amulet, and some of them grabbed it, but the violent vibration came, making their bodies fly directly in the air, and some also spit out blood. Those mortals were also shocked, but the damage suffered by the disciples of the Five elements was much smaller. ; The disciples of the Five elements were shocked in the air. Under the severe pain, they could not take care of those ordinary people. Only the ancestor of the Five elements inherited the five elements, spit out three mouthfuls of blood and caught a man who put a knife on his neck and wanted to commit suicide.

These people have not fallen from the sky, and the water of the Lilan River has attacked again. This time, the water of the Lilan River, as if its eyes have risen, bombarded the disciples of the Five Heavenly Sect, especially the Five Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly dynasties. When being hit .

At the same time, the huge ancient clock hit Chu Nan in front of him. Chu Nan banged hard with his fist and said with a spring dew in his mouth: "Break it!"

The blonde martial emperor entered a distance of 600 meters! M