Wu Rebellious Universe

614 The Thousandth Sword? Cultivation is like a tree

"Lin Yun, do you have any other means?"

Chu Nan replied with a smile, "Of course there is."

The cold light flashed in Emperor Yuewu's eyes, and he snorted coldly in his nose, "Eh?"

"I have a means called killing!" Chu Nan said loudly, and he thought in his mind that when he was in Dongyue City, Ruoxue's master showed the "Tianxing Nine Steps", which was also six steps, but her six steps made Xin Yizhen of the middle-level Wudi unbearable; and the six steps he just used just made the Yuewu Emperor feel a little uncomfortable, causing a Is this the gap in cultivation? Is it the gap between the level of Yuanli?

When Emperor Yuewu heard Chu Nan talking about the means of killing, he couldn't help but be stunned, and then sneered, "Do you think you can kill the high-level martial emperor. If you can kill the great perfect martial emperor, you can kill the martial emperor?"

Chunan Pinfeng replied to each other, "I can kill the high-level martial emperor, and if I can kill the great perfect martial emperor, I can naturally kill you, the martial emperor!"

"There is an essential difference between Emperor Wu and Emperor Wu! But it's not just a step, it's a step into the other world, and what you see is completely different. Emperor Yuewu said with a smile, if it hadn't been for the smell of blood in the air, if the air hadn't been rioting, others would have thought that this was an old man teaching his experience of martial arts practice!

Chu Nan also smiled and said, "So what? Isn't Emperor Wu a human being? Isn't it Yuanli to practice? You still only have one head, not like an evil beast, with..." Chu Nan stared at the three-headed snake stick of Emperor Yuewu and continued to say, "Three snake heads."

Hearing this, the Yuewu Emperor's face suddenly turned pale, because Chu Nan said that he was an evil beast. The Yuewu Emperor said fiercely, "The boy's tongue is really poisonous. I'm here to teach you how to kill!"

The last few words were said by the Yuewu Emperor gritting his teeth. As soon as he finished speaking, the Yuewu Emperor's body suddenly accelerated and circled around Chu Nan. While turning around, the Yuewu Emperor used his cane skills, and the three-headed snake sticks danced out countless shadows of the staff!

These staff shadows are not just shadows, they all have terrible power!

If Emperor Yue finishes this circle and dances, Chu Nan will be surrounded by the shadow of the staff.

A strange light flashed in Chu Nan's eyes, because he found that the martial arts used by the more and more emperor were similar to his chaotic wind, and there was a smile on the corners of his mouth, "Interesting, I can do this move too!"

After saying that, Chu Nan used his dragon teeth to show the "Ran Feng Gong Zhan Type II", stabbed out 108 swords in an instant, and immediately broke a small piece of stick shadow. Emperor Yuewu's face twitched, "This... is a little similar to my martial arts skills."

Chu Nan shook his head. He did not shake his head against the words of Emperor Yuewu, but the dragon's teeth in the opponent. Although the energy in the dragon's teeth, there are white gold, red land, pure power, etc., which is very horrible. To a large extent, it has increased the power of the "Ranfeng Gangzhan Compared with the second formula, the difference between a small witch and a big witch is completely different.

However, when Chu Nan used the "Ran Feng Jiang Zhan Type II", he thought of the epee, "If there is an epee in hand, it should be more powerful." Chu Nan thought to himself that although the dragon tooth level was higher than that of the epee, it was a short weapon after all.

The Yuewu Emperor looked at Chu Nan, and his face was uncertain. He was sure that the martial arts he used could never be spread out, so that Lin Yun could get them, then learn from them, and turned the stick into a sword. "It is said that the artifact sent Lin Yun as a peerless genius. Is it that he

Emperor Yuewu did not agree with this idea, "I just learned it, it must not be so proficient and skilled..." Emperor Yuewu thought of this, and his mind flashed, "Is it possible that this boy used to do it? So who did he learn from?

Emperor Yuewu shouted sharply, "Kid, who did you learn this martial arts from?"

"I played it by myself." Chu Nan said lightly, and the Yuewu Emperor didn't believe it. "Although you are a genius, you can never create such profound martial arts." What the Yuewu Emperor didn't know was that Chu Nan played with "Gang Feng" at a time when his strength was extremely low.

"This kind of martial arts can also be called 'high and profound'?"

Chu Nan was very disapproving. Emperor Yuewu's face was once again difficult to see the extreme. "No matter how you do it, it's not enough to rely on your 108 sword. You still can't escape the magic circle of the wand shadow. When you are caught, you will be tortured."

"Oh, then a little more."

With that, Chu Nan stabbed out more than 200 swords, and the scope of the broken shadow of the staff increased. Emperor Yuewu's eyes flashed with surprise. Chu Nan said, "It seems that this is still not enough." As soon as the voice fell, Chu Nan displayed another 512 swords.

Emperor Yuewu was even more surprised.

Chu Nan asked, "Is it enough?"

Emperor Yuewu was silent. Although he had other means of attack, he did not change his move, but he was full of strength. He showed several shadows of sticks. One stick danced out, with more than 800 sticks, more than 300 more than Chu Nan.

The shadow of the staff is heavy, and the yin wind begins to roar. The real overwhelming momentum surrounds Chu Nan with a strong murderous spirit, and his power is getting bigger and greater. If Chu Nan can't cope with it, if it goes on for a long time, it is estimated that he can only be lost in the shadow of the cane and

Chu Nan's face remains unchanged. "The second type of chaotic wind dragonfaction" was created in the Jiangfeng cave of the artifact mountain. The initial move was cut out with only 108 swords. Later, in the ice belly of Bingyan Island, in order to practice Zhanyuan killing, tens of millions of swords were cut, and the "Ranfeng Nan did not deliberately practice the second type of chaotic wind killing. However, when Chu Nan was practicing the "melting skill", he also refined the second type of chaotic wind killing. Moreover, at that time, Chu Nan was only the cultivation of the martial arts king. Now he is the top martial king. Standing in a higher place and exerting it, his natural power will be greatly increased

The dragon's teeth flashed dazzlingly. Chu Nan shouted loudly and waved the dragon's teeth. Emperor Yuewu stared closely. The three snake sticks in his hand danced faster, but he was thinking: "Five hundred swords, seven hundred swords, nine hundred swords, nine hundred and ninety-nine swords!"

The nine hundred and ninety-nine swords were cut off, and the shadow of the haze stick was cut out of a large void. Emperor Yuewu was shocked. He was not only shocked that Chu Nan actually cut out the 999 sword, but also the power contained in each sword. "After the transformation of the realm of Emperor Wu, after the transformation again, It's quite big. Why can the power released by Lin Yun fight against me? Otherwise, even if he can cut out nine hundred and ninety swords at a time, he can't break my shadow!"

Emperor Yuewu did not believe in the picture in front of him. He urged the Yuan of the first-level Emperor Wu to the extreme, desperately used it and attacked it. Chu Nan also entered the power at a high speed, and the power released by the dragon's teeth. Although it could compete with the Emperor Wu, it was a variety Compressed power and yuan power, nine hundred and ninety-nine swords were cut out; at the same time, a question came to my mind: "Can only nine hundred and ninety-nine swords be cut out?"

The reason why there is such a question is that Chu Nan was about to cut the 999th sword and was about to cut out the 1,000th sword, but somehow, it was abruptly terminated, just like a rolling Yangtze River that was running endlessly, suddenly letting a force cut off the flow!

Then, no matter how Chu Nan cut, he could not cut the 1,000th sword. Anyway, after cutting the 999th sword, there was an inexplicable energy to intercept!

"Why is it like this? What will it be like to cut out the first thousand sword?

Chu Nan thought to himself that the cut was even more crazy, and the shadow of the wand became less and less. Emperor Yuewu was angry. His wand shadow magic circle is one of the great killing skills. If anyone is given to the circle by the wand shadow magic circle, the final result is to be beaten to death by the wand.

But now, Emperor Yuewu's proud martial arts have lost to a junior who is much lower than him and has just made his debut. How willing he is, his power is not weaker than him, the speed of use is not slower than him, and the number of swords is more than him. Although the disadvantage of Emperor Yuewu has been obvious in this martial In order to deplete Chu Nan's Yuanli, he was saying in his heart, "The power released by Yuanli is not weak. I don't believe that your Yuanli storage can also be compared with me? I'm going to drag you to the moment when you are exhausted!"

Thinking of this, Emperor Yuewu used the magic circle of the wand shadow, while crazily ingesting the power of heaven and earth, sucking up the power of heaven and earth, so that Lin Yun had no power to absorb the will.

The speed at which the first-level Emperor Wu ingested the power from heaven and earth was really fast and fierce enough, just like scooping water in three thousand weak water. That time it was not one scoop, but thousands of scoops, even close to ten thousand scoops!

The vitality on the artifact mountain is already strong. The position of the two people is also on the top of the mountain, not to mention the concentration of vitality. With the intake of Emperor Yuewu, the Yuanli in heaven and earth rushed into his body crazily, especially the Muyuanli, which surged faster.

When Chu Nan saw this, he turned his mind and understood what the Yuewu Emperor was thinking. Suddenly, he smiled again.

When Emperor Yuewu saw Chu Nan's smile, his original full confidence suddenly decreased by 20%; Emperor Yuewu was not Heijun. He only knew that Chu Nan had the power of five elements, but he did not know that Chu Nan had realized the five elements of each other, let alone the effect of the five elements.

Although Yuanli is guaranteed, Chu Nan did not stop, but said with a smile, "Then I will compare with the previous one to see who ingests more Yuanli from heaven and earth!"

"With you, has your cultivation reached the realm of Emperor Wu?" When Emperor Yuewu heard Chu Nan's words, he said with a sneer, "It's really beyond his ability!"

"Cultivativation?" Chu Nan smiled again, "Who said that if I can't reach the realm of Emperor Wu, I can't suck you?"

"That's for sure! Cultivation is like an ancient tree. The higher you grow, the more dead leaves you have, and the more you will be illuminated by the sun..." Emperor Yuewu said confidently, but Chu Nan was full of excitement. He remembered that he had also compared his body to a tree, "Chu? The body? The body? Cultivation..."

Chu Nan read it repeatedly, and there was no space in his hand. The colorful whirlpool flashed out of thin air!

It is estimated that there are still two days left for the decoration, and Longyu will be updated as soon as possible!) M