Wu Rebellious Universe

620 cultivation burst, dead gas drop into

How many leaves are there on the "Tree of Cultivation"?

This question is like asking a person how many hairs he has!

Even if the tree of cultivation becomes smaller because of Chu Nan swallowing vitality, the leaves have not been reduced. It is still lush and lush as clouds. The nine leaves are so powerful. What will it be like if all the leaves fall?

I'm afraid it's more horrible than the previous explosion of the earth force that day!

At the moment of the explosion, Chu Nan clearly felt that the explosion was not the leaves, but the cultivation!

"I don't know how many people's cultivation this 'tree of cultivation' has sucked into today's state." Chu Nan said in his heart, remembering what Emperor Yuewu said before. He compared his cultivation to an ancient tree. The higher he grew, the more branches and leaves he had, the more sunlight he absorbed!

Emperor Yuewu stroked the head of the three-headed snake with his hand, looked at Chu Nan, moved his fingers again, and drew a circle. In an flash, the "tree of cultivation" flew to the top of Chu Nan's head. The leaves trembled, and hundreds of leaves fell straight down and circled Chu Nan in the middle.

"Lin Yun, do you still have a way to kill?"

Emperor Yuewu seems to be mocking Chu Nan. In fact, his eyes did not ignore the black fog in Chu Nan's hand. He can always feel that thing, which is very dangerous, and what can make the early Wudi feel dangerous is definitely not simple!

The dead gas has been compressed half of the liquid droplets, and the remaining half of the liquid droplets, which is becoming more and more difficult to compress. Chu Nan is still compressing hard, thinking in his heart: "I thought that the problem of 'Gengjin refining' has been solved, so I don't need to use dead gas. Unexpectedly, I

Chu Nan looked at the "tree of cultivation" in the sky, and then looked at the hundreds of leaves around him. He was calm. The power of these hundreds of leaves, of course, made him frightened...

However, what's the use of being shocked in such a situation?

The tree of cultivation has no longer absorbed Chunan's cultivation, but the Yuan Mingteng is still spreading vitality for Chunan. Chu Nan has never thought of using death to deal with the "tree of cultivation", but to use it on Emperor Yuewu. In the same way, without the control of Emperor Yuewu, he can well refine the "tree of cultivation", "Gengjin Refining Liquid".

Such a drop of death in Dongyue City can make Xin Yizhen of the middle-level Wudi only play half of his skills. Although the Yuewu Emperor has Muyuan power and can withstand one or two; however, Yuewu Emperor is only the first-level Wudi, but this drop of death can be more than ten times greater than the power of the first drop

As for the current dangerous situation, Chu Nan intends to compare with vitality!

When Emperor Yuewu saw Chu Nan's calmness, without a trace of panic, he said in his heart, "Does this boy have the means to be like this?"

Just thinking of this, Emperor Yuewu suddenly saw thousands of filaments shot from Chu Nan's body, like fireworks exploding, and immediately inserted into the hundreds of leaves, like a desert swallowing water, swallowing the vitality in the leaves!

Hundreds of leaves are rapidly getting smaller, and the emerald green color becomes lighter!

Emperor Yuewu was so terrible that he didn't think about it any more. He quickly shouted loudly: "It's a mess!"

In an all of an asment, hundreds of leaves exploded together, like nine heavenly thunders, endless...

At the moment when the leaves exploded, Chu Nan's body rotated rapidly, and the power emerged, rotating out of the energy vortex, so as to reduce its explosive power to a minimum.

Emperor Yuewu stared at Chu Nan's rotating figure, with an eager desire in his heart, and a picture came to his mind: Chu Nan's body, turning around, suddenly trembling, stagnating, and then exploded and burst into pieces.

It's just that this desire can only be illusory!

Chu Nan not only did not tremble, but also rotated faster. Those power were slowly deconduced and became part of the whirlpool, that is to say, it became part of Chu Nan's attack method. Chu Nan's face was calm. His idea was not wrong. Although the cultivation of those leaves had not been reduced, they were lost due to , and its power is greatly weakened, which is like the alchemy. Although the main amount of medicinal herbs in it is very sufficient, due to the lack of auxiliary drugs, the refined elixir loses its original power, or even destroys the elixir, which cannot be refined!

After all, if the leaves want to exist, they must first have life. Without life, how can we talk about anything else?


When Emperor Yuewu saw this situation, he suddenly drank it. He didn't believe in the explosion of hundreds of leaves, and he couldn't be the previous nine leaves!

"The fallen leaves!"

Emperor Yuewu did not believe in evil, and his fingers were sharp, and the "tree of cultivation" was harsh, shaking off a large number of leaves. The leaves no longer fell straight down, but hovering back and forth, interspersed in the whole area where Chunan was located, as straight as a dense fishing net. The Chunan net should be included

Chu Nan's eyes were stunned and he knew that it was time to test himself. The silk-like vine of the stung one leaf after another, swallowed the vitality inside, and at the same time, he was still constantly urging the vine to be wrapped around the "tree of cultivation".

One-third of the dead gas droplet has not been completed yet!

Ye Er kept falling, Chu Nan kept stabbing, swallowing, and because of the rotation of the energy vortex, many of the leaves deviated from the original trajectory. The more Emperor Yuewu looked at it, the colder he became. He gritted his teeth and shouted anxiously, "Fling wood!"

In an instant, among the thousands of chaotic leaves, a branch with a thick fist fell, which naturally carried much more power than the leaf. Moreover, when the branch falls, it will break the current relatively balanced situation.

Chu Nan did not hesitate at all. Dozens of super-large vines were tied to the branch and sucked the vitality inside. At the same time, Chu Nan jumped up and rushed straight to Emperor Yuewu with an energy whirlpool and "Gengjin refining liquid".

Dead gas droplets are about to condense.

When Emperor Yuewu saw the red snake-like existence in Chu Nan's body, he was also puzzled. He didn't understand why the smelting power of "Gengjin Refinement" had increased, but the damage caused to him was even smaller. Even if Emperor Yuewu wanted to break his head, he would not have thought that he had "The tree for it", Chu Nan's situation will be more than a hundred times more dangerous.

Of course, to some extent, the power of the "tree of cultivation" is far greater than that of "Gengjin refining". After all, swallowing the cultivation of martial artists is definitely a horrible means; but, it happens to be bad that Chu Nan has a magic weapon to restrain the "tree of cultivation" and can swallow the essence of life.

Chu Nan blasponeered, and Emperor Yuewu shouted coldly, "Lin Yun, you are too presumptuous."

"I haven't killed you yet. How can I be presumptuous?"

Chu Nan sneered at each other, and Emperor Yuewu said in a cold voice, "Explose!"

A word "explosive", the branch immediately exploded. Although Chu Nan swallowed a lot of the vitality of the branch, the cultivation contained in the branch was too much, as if several martial emperors had self-exploded together.

Chu Nan was naturally affected, and his body was blown up and turned forward.

Such a picture made Emperor Yuewu breathe a sigh of relief, "I thought you were immortal!"

Chu Nan ignored it, swallowed the blood, continued to expand the power of the energy whirlpool, swallowed the vitality, and Emperor Yuewu also kept "falling wood", and then "exploded", Chu Nan was blown up and rolled around.

Emperor Yuewu smiled and said, "Look at you, how long can you last!"

With that, the branches are getting denser and denser in the shout of "falling trees", and there are still leaves on the branches!

In the rolling one after another, the dead gas droplets were finally successfully compressed!

A drop of dead gas drop is three times more than the droplet in Dongyue City. The void flashes, and the black is more transparent, purer, and more enchanting ** feeling. Chu Nan still uses his vitality and the vitality of the "tree of cultivation" that he is swallowing as before, wraps the dead gas droplets heavily, and then wrap Xing Yuanli...

All this was completed under the gaze of Emperor Yuewu, and Emperor Yuewu was even more worried, "What on earth is that? There is a slight smell of death. This boy has too many strange means..."

Chu Nan, who was still rolling, launched an attack. The purple moon spring gushed out and killed Emperor Yuewu. At first, it was **, but it suddenly turned into a solid, like a sword of the river, falling straight to the river. Emperor Yuewu did not panic, but reached out and cut it. A leaf exploded in front of the ice Piece, but the fragments turn into **, and then attack the Yuewu Emperor...

Emperor Yuewu could see clearly that the explosive power of the leaf just now was much larger than the leaf that made Chu Nan move his hands and feet. The three words "life force" floated through his mind again and suddenly realized.

Suddenly, there was no bloody face, and it was even more terribly pale. "How can you be like some evil tricks?"

"Aren't I a little worse than yours?"

Emperor Yuewu kept exploding the leaves of the "tree of cultivation", blocking waves of attacks from Chu Nan, and the death in Chu Nan's hand had been mixed into it. Emperor Yuewu did not know about this, but the bad feeling in Emperor Yuewu's heart was getting stronger and stronger...

There was a fierce battle on the artifact mountain. The explosions that made the mountain tremble one after another, so that the height of the mountain where the two were located had been cut seven or eight hundred meters, and the vibration also spread to the bottom of the mountain.

The group of candle generals who rushed to the top of the mountain and gave support have been wiped out, and the artifact mountain is not unknown except for Chu Nan and the other three of them.

At the bottom of the mountain, there was also a group of people digging with the magic weapon. Someone in front of them was commanding and digging somewhere. The magic weapon on their bodies kept blooming. The leader felt the shock, looked up and said, "It's the most critical time. Qiancheng has something unexpected. "

On the top of the mountain, Emperor Yuewu stared at Chu Nan, who was getting closer and closer to him, and began to gather his thoughts. At the same time, a fierce light flashed in his eyes and shouted coldly, "The boundless falling wood!" X