Wu Rebellious Universe

624 Block the strange fire of the divine mind

The white flame broke out, there was no abnormality in advance, let alone any omen, and no abnormal energy fluctuations. It was so direct, and suddenly rose to the sky. It was as if it was originally a clear sky, like a scorching sun, but suddenly there was no warning, and the rainstorm!

Chu Nan rushed to the place where the white flame beam of light rushed up. It was the refinery where Chu Nan re-refined the heavy sword.

But at this moment, the refinery area has been completely destroyed, and there is no trace of it. There is only the white flame raging. Before it gets close, Chu Nan feels the heat of the white flame. However, Chu Nan did not panic, because the defensive aperture stimulated by the mixed wrench finger in those years can already withstand it. Blocking the white flame, at this moment, Chu Nan is more than a hundred times and a thousand times stronger than that of that year.

Chu Nan walked forward step by step. He didn't know that at the moment before the explosion, a group of people under the ground were still happy, because they felt that they were going to succeed and successfully took the things there. The leader was still saying that if the white flame had not erupted from the ground in five years, That was absolutely foolproof. After we arranged it, we could take something and leave smoothly. However, the man did not expect that the white flame had erupted once because of Chu Nan's refining epee. As soon as he finished his words, before he could arrange it, the originally quiet white flame burst out; and they even had a little unbelievable idea. Before he could be born, he was swallowed up by the white flame, and there was no trace left.

Chu Nan, who has been carrying four kinds of strange fires, and the fire of cultivation has also reached the realm of the fire of burning the sky. At this moment, he is in the white flame beam of light, slowly falling down, and Chu Nan has not stimulated the defense of the mixed finger. He only relies on simply using the body to resist, and by

Chu Nan went down without a sense of gravity oppression in the sea of cold jade blue fire on Bingyan Island, as if he was walking leisurely, but Chu Nan did not believe in this unknown white flame, which was so simple. The scene of refining the epee in those years kept flashing in Chu Nan's mind, and every detail was so clear.

"This white flame is very different from the fire of burning the sky. The two can't be compared. The white flame must also be a kind of strange fire, but I don't know what the special effect of this strange fire is..."

Chu Nan read it, and he wanted to stretch out his mind to investigate it. At least now his mind is nearly 900 meters. If there is any danger, he can also prepare in advance. However, as soon as Chu Nan explored the mind, he poked his mouth wide!

Because he found that his original idea of 900 meters could only poke out 50 meters.

Chu Nan was shocked and couldn't help thinking, "In the previous fight, the divine attack surnamed Yue did not work. The divine mind was obviously not damaged. How can it be only 50 meters?" Chu Nan didn't believe in evil. He explored it over and over again, still fifty meters, or fifty meters, fifty meters...

"How could such a situation happen?"

Under Chu Nan's thought, his body jumped out of the white flame beam of light, and immediately released the divine thought. This release spread to 900 meters; Chu Nan got into the white flame again, and when the divine thought was released, it became 50 meters.

nine hundred meters, fifty meters, nine hundred meters, fifty meters...

Chu Nan tried back and forth many times, and then he was sure that his body stopped in the white flame beam!

"It's 900 meters outside, but only 50 meters in the white flame." Chu Nan read, with a faint smile on his face, "It turns out that the characteristics of this white flame can shield people's divine thoughts and greatly reduce people's divine thoughts..."

At this point, Chu Nan has made up his mind to subdue the white flame!

Then, Chu Nan's falling speed was dozens of times faster; then, a light flashed in Chu Nan's eyes. He took out the epee fragments and put them in the flame. Then, a scene that surprised Chu Nan appeared. Those fragments were actually safe and unrefined!

"In theory, if the epee is broken, it is easier to be refined. How could the complete epee be reorganized and condensed in those years, but now it can't be helpless?" Chu Nan was puzzled, and then thought of the evolution of strange fire and water, extinguishing Yuan Ming vine, etc., and couldn't help thinking, "Is it possible that the epee has also evolved?"

Thinking about it, Chu Nan took out the black egg. These days, Chu Nan has not forgotten to give the black egg blood. The black egg, which was dimmed by thunder and lightning, has slowly disappeared, and the bright color has jumped up again and again.

As soon as Chu Nan took out the black egg, the black egg broke away from Chu Nan's hand and jumped in the white flame. Although the black egg could not speak and made no sound, Chu Nan could see the joy of the black egg and found that the black egg was absorbing the white flame.

Suddenly, the black egg fell straight down, and the speed of falling unexpectedly exceeded that of Chu Nan. In case of an accident with the black egg, Chu Nan imposed the "double gravity" of the red earth on himself, and then fell straight down like a meteorite falling to the ground. The black egg is quite important to Chu Nan. There is a trace of connection in Save him, the thunder and lightning of Dongyue City. It's really hard to say what the final result would have been if the black egg hadn't blocked a blow.

The black egg has been falling. Chu Nan remembered that when he was on Bingyan Island, the black egg was also in such a state. He shuttled through the ice, fell straight into the sea of cold jade and fire, and went straight to the crystal of Shuiyuan.

"Is it possible that there are any treasures at the end of this white flame? It should not be Huoyuan Benjing!" Chu Nan let his thoughts run around, "If there is really Huoyuan Benjing, don't grandpa and others know?"

Thinking like this, Chu Nan suddenly felt the pain and burning pain. After all, the white strange fire belongs to the fire. In addition, the flame concentration is higher and stronger. Although Chu Nan felt the pain, he still did not stimulate the defensive aperture, and still fought against each other physically!

The white flame became a beam of light. Around the beam of light, within a radius of ten miles, it was already empty. The mountains were gone, the trees were gone, the water was gone, the pheasants, hare monsters, etc. were all gone. Under the earth, it was also destroyed a lot, but the further down, the earth and Let people enter...


The black egg took the lead in falling into the light column hole. Chu Nan followed closely. As soon as he fell into the light column hole, Chu Nan found that his divine mind explored the range, which had become smaller again, and had reached 40 meters. At the same time, the flame was burning more dramatic. Chu Nan not only did not stimulate the defensive aperture, but

Just as Chu Nan fell into the light pillar cave, Emperor Tian Wu arrived. When he saw the white pillar of fire, he was first shocked and thought to himself, "Is there something unexpected about that task?" So, I didn't look for Emperor Yuewu anymore to see whether he was alive or dead, but just fell to the light pillar hole...

A moment later, Emperor Tian Wu arrived in front of the light pillar cave. He did not hesitate to stimulate the magic weapon, and pricked it down. Emperor Tian Wu, who fell into the light pillar cave, immediately felt something was wrong, "Eh? How did my mind become 30 meters?

Although he was full of doubts, Emperor Tian Wu, who fell into the light column hole, could no longer move out of the flame light column like Chu Nan, but proved that he had to keep falling.

And Emperor Tian Wu just plunged into the light pillar cave, and another Emperor Wu arrived again. This man was full of gloomy. Like Emperor Tian Wu, after a while, he sacrificed the defensive magic weapon and fell into the light pillar hole. There was also a question, "Thirty meters of divine thought? Why is that?"

The Wu Emperor was quick-thinking, and immediately thought of why, "Is it because of this white flame?" The flame that can shield the martial artist's mind must be extraordinary. I really don't know who gave the wrong idea in those years to give the artifact mountain to the artifact faction, and let the artifact faction take root here and establish a sect. Fortunately, the artifact faction has not found the secret of the underground fire..."

"I have refined the fire of nothingness. This white fire of people's thoughts must be refined. At that time, it is absolutely right to kill the boy Lin Yun." Emperor Wu read a sentence and suddenly realized, "By the way, where's Lin Yun? Is it life or death? When I came, no one saw it. Could it be that the boy killed them all?

Thinking of this, Emperor Wu's eyes were cold and he said, "Take this fire first, and then clean up the boy and win the position of the sixth peak!"

In the white flame beam, there were three people and a black egg. On the whole artifact mountain, the warcrafts ten miles away also fled one after another. The candle martial arts were still standing in the designated position in the south of Chu. Seeing the group of beasts running wildly, they instinctively blew the divine sound. Those running monsters immediately rushed to the The martial arts give the arch guard in the middle...

Chu Nan in the pillar of flame light doesn't know the martial arts of the candle. He only feels that the burning degree of the flame is getting higher and higher, the distance of the divine mind is getting shorter and shorter, and even the speed of falling has slowed down, 30 meters, 25 meters, 20 meters...

At this time, Chu Nan also didn't know that behind him, there were two martial emperors, and they were all martial emperors who came to take his life!

After half an hour, the flame beam channel ended, and Chu Nan fell into a molten hole full of white flames. After a few breaths, he fell to the ground. At that time, Chu Nan felt his mind, only a poor ten meters.

Chu Nan couldn't help laughing at himself, and Emperor Tianwu, who followed Chu Nan, had dropped to less than ten meters; the other Emperor Wu's mind was also falling wildly.

The black egg still did not stop and flew to the middle of the cave.

Chu Nan spread the four different fires all over his body, making fire with fire, and still inhaling the white flame into his body. Of course, Chu Nan also knows that in this environment, he can't just focus on quenching, but also to prevent life danger.

So, Chu Nan wrapped himself with vitality, quenched and recovered while maintaining his energy!

Suddenly, the black egg stopped.

Chu Nan looked over, and his eyes flashed like thunder and lightning...

I went to other places during the day, but it felt really bad, so I updated it late. I'm sorry, this is the fourth update, and there is another update. Longyu continues to write; here, it's only quiet at night.) M