Wu Rebellious Universe

627 Yanshixuan

The main attack force of the sun condensed by the Banruo melting fire is not the Banruo melting fire, but the colorless fire hidden in the wingman Emperor Wu. Emperor Tian Wu drove the sword to cut the sun.

When the two collided, the Prajna melt fire was cut again and rolled like a cloud, and the fire of nothing was also cut into a laxity; and the brilliance before the sword was also dimmed, giving people the feeling that they were very tired and tired.

"Only one round of fire, you can't cope with it. Then my next round of fire, and the next round, can you still deal with it?" The frontier Emperor Wu said with a sneer, and his right hand sacrificed another round. Emperor Tian Wu ignored his ridicule and only drove the sword to cut the sword and cut the water again.

At the same time, Emperor Tian Wu also drove a small hammer with water and smashed the winger Emperor Wu!

Somehow, when the little hammer appeared, the winger Wudi suddenly felt a threated spirit in his heart. There seemed to be something wrong, but at this time, neither of them had a way back to retreat. The winger Wudi's eyebrows were stunned, and the purple gold plate dragon chain was instantly danced in a very strange shape, It seems that neither of the words, but something else.

Such a hand, the power contained in it, let the space of Prajna melt fire burst into the endless sound of cracks!

When the small hammer was about to collide with the purple gold plate dragon chain, the power of the vast water element originally revealed turned into the strength of the thick earth in an instant. The small hammer did not become bigger, and it was still the same size, but the energy carried in it was enough to compare with the towering mountain with thousands of feet high, and More!

"Do you think I'm just a water attribute?" Emperor Tian Wu laughed, and the winger Emperor Wu found that things were beyond his expectations. If Emperor Wu, with both soil and water attributes, wanted to kill him, the price would be greater.

But after the wingman Emperor Wu looked at the colorful reflection of the sun, his eyes showed a fierce look and said coldly, "I may be afraid of you outside, but in this melting hole, in this world of fire, what am I afraid of?"

As soon as the voice fell, the purple gold plate dragon chain coiled around the small hammer, to lock the small hammer. The chain showed a strange shape, burst out, and suddenly broke into several pieces; the small hammer also blambleed down, with the momentum of a hammer!


An explosion, deafening, roaring, Prajna melting fire is more like drops of water splashing jade, the whole melting hole seems to fall into a stillness, only the roar, violent energy tearing.

The circle of energy ripples dispersed around. When it was scattered over the molten pool, the smelting pool roared suddenly and surged into the sky. A mass of white fireballs fell straight over the two people.

Emperor Tian Wu and the winger Wudi were also hit hard in the explosion, their faces turned pale, the corners of their mouths were bleeding, their bodies exploded, and the defensive aperture on their bodies also flashed out.

When the two forcibly stopped their bodies and had to fight to fight to the death, the fire pulp of Prajna rong yan attacked. Seeing the situation, they couldn't care about each other and hurriedly avoided the sma. The power of the scorching pulp in the molten pool was more than dozens of times stronger than the lava on Therefore, feeling the power of the fire pulp, he quickly tried his best to support the defensive aperture and tried his best to resist.

However, as soon as the smelting fell on the defense aperture, the defense aperture was like an oil lamp in the wind, which was about to go out. While the two kept stimulating the defense aperture, they hid around the melting hole.

But no matter how they hide, the scorching plasm can always fall on them accurately, as if the serous serous was deliberately used by someone.

The inflammation kept falling, and the power of the two Wu emperors was quickly consumed.

Originally, in this world of Prajna melting, God's thoughts are useless. They can't use their divine thoughts to use magic weapons. All fighting depends on Yuanli. Just now, they used Yuanli to drive the legal fighting. The scene looks grand, but the power consumption of the two people is a lot.

Both of them knew very well that if their strength was exhausted, the only result waiting for them was to die.

Needless to say, Emperor Tian Wu, compared with the overwhelming Prajna melting fire, his water power is too little. As a result, not only can he not stop the fire, but he is burned to boil by the fire pulp, just like when the fire is ignited, a basin of water into the fire, which not only can not put out the

Fortunately, Emperor Tianwu still has Tuyuan to protect himself, otherwise he would have kicked his feet and rolled his eyes!

Bianfeng Wudi is a fire attribute, but he is not very uncomfortable. Although he has absorbed a lot of fire power from Prajna rong yan, he can't use it directly. He has to go through a refining process. He knows that the concentration of the fire is so strong that it condenses into a place of inflammatory pulp, and it becomes

If he can't resist the fire poison and swallows it rashly, the end will be that he will die of the fire poison, let the hot pulp ignite his own fire, and his soul will be destroyed!

The smelting pulp in the molten pool was still overwhelmingly attacking the two people. The two of them resisted and looked at each other. They both saw a trace of understanding from each other's eyes. Compared with the two people's understanding, Chu Nan, who was in the melting pool, was more experienced. He felt that there was a powerful Life exists, and the flying pulp is the masterpiece of life!

Chu Nan was even more careful and restrained the secret to the extreme. The two first-level martial arts emperors, a fierce beast that was sure that the rank was not weak. No matter how arrogant he was, he did not dare to say that he could kill them all in one net. He just hoped that the two junior martial arts emperors could hit the fierce beast

"Originally, the two tigers were fighting against each other, and they were about to kill you to death, and both of them were injured. Just wait for me to be a fisherman. Unexpectedly, the two Wu emperors became cicadas, and the guarding beast became mantis, and I..." Chu Nan smiled in his heart, "You must be the

The two first-level martial emperors, Tianshui and the winger, suffered from the pain of burning, and Chu Nan suffered from the pain of burning. Taking advantage of the riots in the cave, Chu Nan will also resist the "Gengjin refining liquid" that has just been refined to resist the infiltrating the body...

Just as the defensive aperture on the two emperors was getting lighter and lighter, a loud roar resounded in the molten hole, shaking the molten flame around. Then, a smelt in the molten pool rose to the sky, and after hitting the molten hole trembled, a huge figure floated in the air.

This figure, looking at energy, looks like a cow. It has curved horns and eyes like lanterns, but the hooves, not four, but six, and there is no ox tail. The cow's body is more like a camel. With two peaks, it is three feet wide and seven feet long...

Not so much, the whole body of this Warcraft is like some unknown rock. The layer of hair on its body is like flowing white sma. The huge fierce beast floats in the sky of the sun, placing the sun under its shadow, as if announcing that the sun Peter belongs to it, and no one can move.

As soon as the guard beast came out, the terrible pressure spread to every corner of the cave, and also showed extremely humane eyes. He looked at the two Wu emperors in Tianshui Bianfeng contemptuously and opened his mouth to bite!

"What is this?"

The frontier Emperor Wu broke the silence and asked Emperor Tianwu. Tian Shui held a gloomy defense aperture, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said, "Yan Shiyan, a fierce beast on the eleventh level, and his body is comparable to the best weapon..."

It's hard to say any more about Tianshui. He couldn't understand how Yan Shixuan appeared in Prajna Rongyan. The emperor didn't tell him that there was such a thing. He also saw the fierce beast of Yanshi from a biography.

At the same time, the winger who heard Tian Shui's answer, his eyebrows were deeply locked, "How does this man know so much?" As soon as the idea came up, the winger put it in his heart again. Now is not the time to pursue this problem. The most important thing now is to survive, that is, to kill Yan Shixuan desperately. Otherwise, all their imaginations will die and turn into ashes!

"The only way to do this is to put down the previous grudges with those of unknown origin, cooperate first, and get rid of this Yanshiyan." The winger thought so, so he looked up at Tian Shui, who was also looking at the winger. Obviously, both of them had the same idea.

"You are not Yan Shi's opponent, and I'm not..." The winger Emperor Wu said first, and in his words, he had changed "I" to "I", paused and then said, "We have to join hands, otherwise we will definitely die."

"What about after killing Yan Shiyan?" Tian Shui also knew the truth, but asked such a question.

Regarding the problem of Tianshui, the winger Emperor Wu was very contemptuous. There was no doubt that he fought again and fought for it by means, but he said something else, "There are two lotus flowers on the other side of the sun. You and I are one by one, how about it?"


Tian Shui stared at the winger for a long time before saying such a word. Then, the two stood up. Tian Shui grasped the small hammer and the sword in his hand, the small hammer in his left hand and the sword in his right hand. The purple gold plate dragon chain of the winger was broken and scattered around, leaving only a three- After a glance, he stared at Yan Shixuan.


Yan Shiyan is already a fierce beast of the eleventh order. Needless to say in detail, it has seen the intentions of the two martial emperors, but in its big eyes, it is still contemptuous, and it does not pay attention to the two at all.


Yan Shixuan spit out two white flames, one left and one right, directly attacking the field water and the wing; the two flames also exist in the form of inflammatory plasma. The two hurriedly stimulated the defensive aperture, and cut the knife and dance chain to attack the inflammatory plasma...

At the same time, take out the elixir and swallow it! M