Wu Rebellious Universe

633 artifact mountain destruction, compressed wind

At that time, Chu Nan also knew that he could not find out the end of the wind, but he was unwilling.

He fell another 500 meters, and Chu Nan's body was also covered with bruises!

In addition to being more fierce, there is no other change.

And the four walls of the abyss also collapsed. Seeing this situation, Chu Nan knew that he could not do anything. If he fell down desperately, in the end, the wind would take his life.

So, Chu Nan turned sharply and flew up.

At this moment, the already wild wind, suddenly roared like a runaway wild horse, burst out, and the wind above roared and exploded, but the wind below was like a dragon coming out of the hole, carrying a huge power and attacking straight up.

The speed is so fast, even Chu Nan's "the end of the world" has been used to the extreme. The dragon-shaped wind caught up with Chu Nan in an instant, trying to devour Chu Nan and turn it into a part of the wind.

When there was a strange movement below, Chu Nan's 1,600-meter divine thought was keenly aware that Chu Nan's speed was fast and faster, but it was still not as fast as the speed of the wind. The speed of the wind was too fast and amazingly fast!

A crisis surged into Chunan's heart.

Chu Nan's eyes and eyebrows are squeezed together. Such a situation is more dangerous than his face to the two junior martial emperors. In front of the two junior martial emperors, even if he can't kill them, he can still escape.

But at this time, he was already running away, but he couldn't.

"Can't escape? Then I won't run away!" Chu Nan's stubbornness came up and shouted. When the wind was about to swallow him up in the next moment, he stopped and continued to say, "The mountains and fire have come, and the thunder and lightning have also broken through. Does the wind dare to be arrogant? Do you want to take my life?"

When Chu Nan stopped, he naturally did not sit and wait for his to be killed.

In fact, before Chu Nan stopped, he began to prepare. With this stop, a super-large whirlpool suddenly gathered between his hands, rolling the wind into the whirlpool!

The wind rushed in. After being involved in the whirlpool of different five elements, it was still rushing randomly to tear up the whirlpool. At the same time, the wind also pushed Chu Nan out...

On it, there are also boulders falling.

The boulder fell into the wind, and was undoubtedly directly smashed; and the boulder hit Chu Nan, and the ending was almost the same. The boulder did not smash Chu Nan's body, but was torn apart by Chu Nan's body, and then fell into the feng.

There are more and more winds in the whirlpool. Although he can't see it, he can definitely feel its existence. It is more and more difficult for Chu Nan to control it, but he can't give up the whirlpool. If he gives up, his body will be involved in the wind.

In this strange wind, Chu Nan still knows himself that his strong body, under the seemingly infinite wind, will be brazenly torn into blood clots, just like that boulder.


The sound of the explosion came from the bottom of the abyss, which detonated the dragon wind. The explosion exploded from the bottom to the top, like a fuse like a firecracker, and exploded to Chunan very quickly. Moreover, because of the explosion at the bottom of the abyss, the mountain on which the abyss lean

The rocks formed by the mountain that are affected by the wind day and night, day and all the time are naturally extraordinary. In this mountain, there are at least more than 500,000 catties.

Although Chu Nan focused his strength on the meridian of power and risked it, he could gather more than 4 million catties of power; however, playing more than 4 million catties of power and being hit by more than 500,000 catties of mountain are completely different things, and it can't be judged that Chu Nan has nothing to

The front and back attack is really a moment of life and death.

At such a moment, Chu Nan let go, his face was calm, and his previously deeply locked eyebrows also unfolded. Chu Nan filled every part of his body with a high concentration of vitality, and then crossed the dragon's reverse scale to protect Dantian. He wanted to let go and sacrificed the whirlpool. With his strong body, he took advantage of the The power breaks through the mountain that fell down and is out of the range of the wind.

Chu Nan calculated accurately. In this way, he is very sure that nothing will happen, but he will be seriously injured.

However, it fell at the top of the mountain. At the moment when Chu Nan was about to take action, he changed his mind and did not sacrifice a super whirlpool. At this time, the mountain hit Chu Nan's back, and a crisp "k" sound sounded in the abyss. Chu Nan's tightly bit his lips still gu

Chu Nan ignored the qi and blood in his body, but the moment when the mountain hit him. Chu Nan stimulated thousands of extermination Yuan Ming vines all over his body and wrapped around the mountain. Among the thousands of extermination Yuan Ming vines, there was also a dragon tendon.

At the same time, Chu Nan cut off the connection between the whirlpool and the wind. The wind was about to swallow Chu Nan, but with the power of the mountain, Chu Nan hit the stone with his legs. After an oblique kick, he broke away from the wind and shot directly into the air.

As soon as he got out, the fuse exploded in front of the mountain. Suddenly, a louder roar echoed from the abyss. The mountain turned into powder, and the wind was also blown clean. The abyss holding the wind in the wind would also be destroyed.

In the high nine days, the blood on the corners of his mouth became thicker and thicker, and his body trembled at a very high frequency. He did not pay attention to the situation of the abyss wind at all. He only watched and felt the wind in the whirlpool. At that moment, Chu Nan gave up the previous plan because he thought Question: "The wind is invisible, invisible, but can be felt; but the dead air is more mysterious than the wind, and the dead air can be compressed. Why can't the wind?"

Thinking of this, Chu Nan gushed out a continuous stream of vast power, compressing the wind vigorously, and the whirlpool is slowly shrinking. The whole area of the artifact mountain is still collapsing; while the candle martial arts are almost all the monsters that will live in the artifact mountain, all led to him, and then took them to find a The road to escape from the artifact mountain. For a moment, the group of beasts ran wildly, which was bigger than the tide of beasts in Dongyue City...

Of course, not every warcraft can survive. If it is weak, runs slowly and can't fly, it will naturally be buried in the artifact mountain...

The abyss of the Gangfeng Cave has been completely destroyed. The sound of the violent energy is really earth-shaking. One of the explosion made Chu Nan's ears ooze blood. Chu Nan gritted his teeth and flew away from here, compressing the wind while flying. He was still thinking in his heart, "The explosion just now was My ears are bleeding!"

Chu Nan, who flew away from here, did not know that at the end of the abyss, there was a crack, which blew a stronger and more powerful wind than the wind, and the crack extended long longitudinally, so deep that everyone could not imagine.

Looking at the destruction of the Artifact Mountain, Chu Nan also felt a faint pain in his heart. He swore in his heart: "On the day when the artifact faction revives, it will be located in a place that is more majestic and more energetic than the Artifact Mountain; from the perspective of the Northern Qi Dynasty, it seems that there is only

A light of perseverance flashed from Chu Nan's eyes, and a drop of blood came from the corner of Chu Nan's mouth, but it was too difficult to compress Gangfeng. Gangfeng was trying to resist. Chu Nan almost got rid of his hand several times and let Gangfeng escape from the whirlpool.

Three hours later, Chu Nan found the Warcraft behind the Candle Warcraft. There were nearly 2,000 on the ground, and the sky was even darker, like dark clouds. Whether it was in the sky or underground, it was extraordinary to escape from the artifact mountain. The lowest level of Warcraft was five, and more was six. There are also many seventh-orders and eighth-orders and ninth-orders.

This Warcraft force is quite strong. Even in the group battle in Dongyue City, if there is such a group of Warcraft, I'm afraid that hundreds of thousands of people who participate in the war will be buried in the belly of fierce beasts without dying in the fight.

Chu Nan took a deep look at the candle martial arts and didn't say anything. The candle martial arts only giggled at Chu Nan. The whirlpool in Chu Nan's hand shrank to a foot of an hour, and could no longer be compressed. Chu Nan withdrew the five elements of power and only used pure power; but the one-foot-sized It floated emptyly in Chu Nan's hands.

But Chu Nan is very clear that the power contained in the wind group is quite horrible!

It's just that this wind group has nowhere to put it, and the dead Chu Nan can still wrap it in and swallow it. That's the vitality can restrain the dead spirit, and this is not the five elements of the five elements of the wind group, and it seems that there is no restraint.

In desperation, Chu Nan had to hold the wind ball in his hand and compress it while walking, just as practice!

At the same time, a scene in the abyss also appeared in Chu Nan's mind.

The direction Chu Nan went to is Tianyi Mountain. He happened to use the magic to use the magic of candle to attack Tianyi Mountain. The previous bloody killing of Tianyi Mountain was really afraid of killing the people of the Northern Qi Dynasty, and no one dared to resist. At this moment, if Chu Nan attacked Tianyi Mountain, it should play a lot of role Let the candle's martial arts lead the idea of the fierce beast in the forbidden land.

"If Tianyi Sect wants to kill me, I will definitely think that I have fled, so I will do the opposite way and kill Tianyi Mountain. I don't know if you can think that it should be very interesting to attack Tianyi Sect with the power of Tianyi Sect." Chu Nan read, with a smile on the corners of his mouth, repairing the injury on his body with his vitality.

The artifact mountain exploded and disappeared on the Tianwu mainland. The world was shocked. Everyone was guessing what happened to the artifact mountain. Some said that they saw the white beam of light in the artifact mountain that night, and some said that there was a tragic battle in the artifact mountain that night. All kinds of speculation began to spread; and many guesses In the middle, many people are thinking that the explosion of the artifact mountain disappeared, and where is Lin Yun...

The butterfly fairy, who had not yet arrived at Tianyi Mountain, frowned, turned around and ran in another direction.

There is also a team of people chasing Chu Nan's trace, which is Luo Xianer of Xuanbingmen.

Nangong Lingyun is getting closer and closer to home.

On Tianyi Mountain, Sikongyun's face was gloomy. Looking at the broken life card in front of him, there was a strong murderous atmosphere in the air. He has been in this state for three days...M