Wu Rebellious Universe

637 You are already dead

The bald figure flashed from the white clouds, staring at Lin Yun with a proud smile on his face, because what he expected was correct. He guessed Brother Jing's intention. He intercepted Lin Yun in advance. He looked at his prey and muttered, "Master of the sixth peak, I'm sure."

However, the bald-headed Emperor Wu did not see his prey trembling, but gave birth to a chill that made him slightly shocked. While the bald-headed Emperor Wu found out why there was such a chill, he heard a cold word: "Get out!"


The bald Emperor Wu was stunned. It was hard to believe what he heard. It was indeed that word. He gritted his teeth with anger and said, "Kid, what are you talking about? Do you dare to say it to me again?"

"Get out of here!" Chu Nan's eyes were even colder. Nangong Lingyun was still waiting for him to rescue. In only two days, this man was still here, blocking his way. If Nangong Lingyun had a little accident, he would go crazy.

The bald Emperor Wu's eyes were cold. He took out a big axe and said with a gloomy smile, "Ignore, it's really arrogant. Let's see if I split you in half with an axe. Let's see if you can still be so crazy!"

"If you don't get out of here, die!"

After Chu Nan finished speaking, he took practical actions. He did not die, because the first-level Wudi in front of him was not worth it, and even the wind group that had been compressed in his left hand had not been thrown out. Similarly, the bald Wudi did not deserve such treatment.

At the moment when the voice fell, Chu Nan displayed a thick Banruo melting fire, and the smelt surrounded it all around ten miles. In an instant, the bald Emperor Wu felt that his divine thoughts were blocked and could not be extended at all.

Moreover, these Prajna melts also give him a sense of melting!

The bald-headed Emperor Wu was even more surprised. The first-level Emperor Wu's cultivation soared out. He quickly sacrificed the defensive magic weapon, stimulated the defensive aperture, and resisted the melting power of Prajna's melting fire. At the same time, the broken star axe in his hand was drawn out, and he used a shocking

Where did Chu Nan give him a chance? As soon as he showed the Prajna melting flame, he was immediately followed by the extermination of the Yuanming vine. The extermination of the Yuanming vine gushed out a sea of black and emerald green vines against each other, and each of the extermination of the

"This kind of attack is like a woman, and I was killed together." The bald head ignored those annihilated Yuan Mingteng. When he thought about it, if the axe was cut down, nothing would be half non-existent. Then his divine mind recovered, launched a divine thought attack, and easily took down the artifact sent Lin Yun, which made Brother Jing regret at Nangong's house.

"Nine steps in the sky!"

Chu Nan shouted coldly and took six steps in an instant. If before the artifact mountain line, Chu Nan's "Tianxing Nine Steps" was not too powerful for a martial emperor, but now, it is completely in the same way. Chu Nan's six steps made the bald head's whole body stagnated, as if there was invisible force to It's like being squeezed out.

The bald-headed Emperor Wu's face was also squeezed like a snake swimming, and he was about to shout. When he shook off the invisible bondage, the Yuanming vine was wrapped around him, densely, and surrounded him in an instant. The bald-headed Emperor Wu was extremely stunned, and he found that his cultivation was declining, with some panic, The emperor kept saying, "What's going on? Lao Tzu's cultivation, how can it be lowered? What kind of strange vine is this..."

Chu Nan ignored it, but the attack was like a tide, and a few words popped out of his mouth: "Three times the gravity!" After the retreat, the power of gravity is also increasing. He came out of the vast land and fell down the body of the bald Emperor Wu!


The bald-headed Emperor Wu was no longer surprised. He began to notice that the artifact sent Lin Yun, who was not as easy to deal with as he thought. He wanted to resist desperately, but as soon as he shouted a word, Chu Nan hit him with a "slap from the sky".

The huge fingerprints have the power of six seals, like the top of Mount Tai, which is suppressed.

The bald Emperor Wu felt the amazing power inside, and quickly mobilized the thick earth in his body. The broken star axe condensed into a earth mountain to resist Chu Nan's "one palm of the sky".

The six seals of "qing tian yi zhang zhang" all broke out in an instant. The earth mountain, which was still getting bigger and harder, was directly slapped into countless pieces by Chu Nan's palm. The power was transmitted to the broken star axe, and the broken star axe buzzed violently. No matter how it sounds, there is a

The body of the bald-headed Emperor Wu was directly patted and fell to the ground under three times the gravity. The bald Emperor Wu howled loudly in his mouth, "Impossible, how can my Taixing Mountain be destroyed so easily?"

After being shocked, he immediately turned into anger. He is a junior martial emperor. Since the beginning of fighting, he has been at a disadvantage. How can he save his face? If this scene is known to others, I'm afraid he will die of shame.

"I want to..."

tried his best to control the bald-headed Emperor Wu who did not fall to the ground. Before he finished a word, he saw the sky full of liquid beads in the Prajna melting fire, falling towards him. Although the bald Emperor Wu did not dare to underestimate what Chu Nan, the bald Emperor Wu thought that he had a defensive aperture. These abru It won't work.

Chu Nan sneered, his hands and feet were gathering together, and before the liquid beads attacked the defense aperture of the bald Emperor Wu, there was a sudden wave of energy. Suddenly, the bald Emperor's defense aperture was strangely destroyed.

The bald-headed Emperor had no time to condense the Yuanli shield, and the liquid beads exploded. The roar of the explosion made the bald-headed Emperor dizzy. On the thick skin and flesh on his body, the Banruo rong yan, which had been moving with the bald Emperor, also emitted the power of the plasma, which made the bald The meat turns to black at a very fast speed.

Yuan Mingteng is still swallowing his cultivation for a long time. The cultivation of the bald Emperor Wu has been rapidly falling to the edge of the realm of the early Wu Emperor and the Great Perfect Wu Emperor; and the Yuan force has also disappeared rapidly; the screams of the bald Emperor Wu shook the sky and never end to the ears.

The bald-headed Emperor stretched out his hands, his hands turned into a knife, and kept cutting the Yuanming vine wrapped around him, and kept using Yuanli to explode in an attempt to blow up all the Yuanming vines. However, after several upgrades, it was no longer so fragile. The bald martial emperor had to count the knives before he The extermination of the vine is divided into two, two for four...

turned into an exponentially destroyed Yuanming vine, and entangled it again.

The Yuanli explosion has some effect. The Yuanming vine was completely destroyed in a large area, but the bald-headed Wuzhou was destroyed, and Chu Nan stimulated...

The liquid beads exploded. After condensing on the body of the bald Emperor Wu, the situation of the bald Emperor Wu was even more dangerous, and the Yuanli explosion did not dare to use it. "Gengjin Refinement" hovered around him like a little snake. It was hot. The body of the bald

Even if the bald-headed Wudi immediately closed the pores in his body, where the red snake swam, the bald-headed Wudi began to be burned, and then the "Gengjin refining liquid" penetrated, refining the bald Wudi's internal organs and so on.

Especially the blood, it evaporates quickly.

The bald-headed Emperor Wu made Chu Nan's powerful but extremely strange attack was horrified. Although he was still resisting, his regret in his heart had surged into his heart, very heavy and strong...

Chu Nan did not stop here, but adhered to the motto of "taking advantage of your illness, I want your life", and used "the end of the world" and fell straight to the bald Emperor Wu. In an instant, Chu Nan's two feet, containing a total of 30 waves of power, fell heavily on the chest of bald Wuzhou.


The bald Emperor was smashed into the earth and spit out several mouthfuls of blood in his mouth. He felt that all his ribs had been trampled off, and his body was also under the attack of Prajna rong yan, Gengjin Refinement, and Extinction Yuan Ming Teng, he turned to the direction of

The bald Emperor Wu was completely afraid of being beaten, but the will to fight still did not disappear. He wanted to lead Chu Nan to the ground to fight. Before he could take such actions as provocation and provoking generals, Chu Nan had followed the ground and followed him.

Suddenly seeing Chu Nan appear in front of him, the bald Wu Zhou was shocked, "You..."

Chu Nan raised his fist directly, not the "bow fist", but the "power fist". He punched hundreds of punches in an in anpanse and hit the bald Wudi all over his body. The bald Wudi has been beaten. The blood oozed from the corners of the bald Wudi's mouth like a stream; Gengjin Six breasts, flesh and blood in the body, one black blood hole after another...

Cultivation, there is only one line of difference left, and it will fall below Emperor Wu and return to the realm of Emperor Wu.

In the end, Chu Nan also got a punch on the hook, directly knocked out the bald Emperor Wu to the earth and landed on the earth, and the broken star axe was also scattered on one side.

After returning to the ground, Chu Nan didn't even look at the embarrassed bald Emperor Wu. He took away the Yuanming vine, the Gengjin refining liquid, and the Prajna lava, withdrew three times the gravity, and turned around and left.

The bald-headed Emperor Wu was angry. This was a kind of contempt for him and humiliation. It was even more humiliating than the fight that he couldn't even do just now. The bald Emperor Wu stood up desperately, grabbed the broken star axe, mobilized his whole body's strength, held the broken star axe Death, the battle is not over, you can't leave!"

"You are already dead."

The roar of the bald-headed Emperor Wu only got such a cold sentence from Chu Nan. When the bald-headed Emperor Wu heard this, he was stunned again, with blood-red eyes, and scolded, "Bullshit, don't I still live well?"

As soon as the words fell, the bald Emperor Wu felt something wrong. There was a crack of "collapse". He was still thinking about what the sound was. His tall body suddenly cracked into countless pieces...

The meta-core of the bald Emperor Wu, the storage ring that had not been completely destroyed, was also blown up. Chu Nan reached out and grabbed the two in his hand, and then stepped into the air to show "the end of the world" and went away! M