Wu Rebellious Universe

648 big five elements

Jing Chongming was afraid that his "golden water field" had been lost, and his current cultivation is no longer the middle-level martial emperor, but the first-level martial emperor, although it is only a glimmer away from the middle-level martial emperor.

However, the first-level martial emperor is the first-level martial emperor. Even if he is close to the middle-level martial emperor, his cultivation will eventually fall.

What Jing Chongming relies on is his cultivation. Unexpectedly, his cultivation is not reliable. Jing Chongming is clear that the strange vine has indeed absorbed a lot of cultivation, but in the previous fierce fight, his cultivation is also damaged, which will eventually cause his cultivation to fall below the middle-level martial emperor.

As his cultivation declined, the situation faced by Jing Chongming was even more dangerous and sad. His death was fierce, and the Gengjin refining fluid was surging. Jing Chongming had tried his best to suppress it, and a jade bottle appeared in the palm of Jing Chongming's hand.

When Jing Chongming just took out the jade bottle, he was killing Chu Nan, who was killing the "big five elements". He happened to see that Chu Nan turned his mind, and the dragon teeth and dragon tendons immediately combined into a dragon bow. At the same time, Chu Nan condensed three energy arrows containing different five elements of energy and pure power in his hand

This series of actions only happens between lightning and lightning!

When the arrow left the string and broke through the air, Jing Chongming just took the elixir in his hand and sent it to his mouth!

At this time, Jing Chongming felt something was wrong. He turned his head and saw that he had not finished turning his head. The extremely fast three could only measure the arrows. One shot directly at his Dantian position. Jing Chongming was terrmented. How could he have time to swallow the elixir and hurriedly draw Yuanli to block it.

Under the hard work of Jing Chongming, the huge brush blocked the measuring arrow so that it could not move forward any more; but the other two arrows, one shot in the palm of his hand with the elixir, and the other shot the jade bottle!

At the moment of shooting, three can only measure arrows and explode at the same time.

In an ann, the jade bottle was destroyed, the elixir was broken, and the hair on the huge brush was blown up by two-thirds. These were nothing; the worst thing was that the left palm of Jing Chongming was blown up.


Jing Chongming let out a shocking howl. Although there are still some elixirs in his storage ring, how can those elixirs compare with the elixirs that have just been destroyed? without those elixirs, his injury will be uncontrollably deteriorated!

"Lin Yun, I'm going to tear you up!" Jing Chongming roared wildly, but he couldn't vent the heaviest resentment in his heart at all. When he saw the figure that stopped the hundreds of martial kings again, he seemed to find a breath and shouted, "Unexpectedly, you still have a helper. If anyone kills that woman, Tian Yizong will also promise him a condition!"

After drinking, Jing Chongming immediately swallowed the elixir. Although the effect of these elixirs is not great, at this case, it is better than nothing. After swallowing the elixir, he immediately sat down and recovered. The fight was not over. Jing Chongming did not know whether the "Big Five elimesis killing array" could

When the martial artists heard Jing Chongming's latest sentence, they immediately turned to the white figure. Compared with the horrible Lin Yun, they naturally thought that this figure was much easier to kill.

And this white figure is undoubtedly Luo Xian'er!

Hundreds of martial arts kings rushed up, and Luo Xianer's frosty face was even cold. The delicate jade hands as white as jade were tightened, one by one, and pushed. Hundreds of martial arts kings were suddenly frozen. The primary martial arts king, who was slightly weaker, was directly frozen and fell to the air and fell King Wu can only fight a little...

There are only two top martial arts kings who keep breaking the ice. Their faces are full of smiles. They are thinking that if Luo Xian'er wants to control other martial arts kings, she will inevitably be greatly distracted, and Yuanli will not concentrate. If the two of them kill them, they are likely to kill Luo Xian After all, it is easy to kill two top-level martial arts kings and one top-level martial arts king.

Jing Chongming, who was sitting quietly, was also shocked. Looking at what had just happened, he shouted angrily, "Xuanbingmen, it turned out to be Xuanbingmen! Luo Xianer, if you eat the leopard's gall and dare to go against the fate of heaven, aren't you afraid of being destroyed by the whole family?

The angry Jing Chongming also found a situation that Luo Xianer's cultivation seemed to be a little different from the information he got, not just the top martial king!

Luo Xianer was unmoved. She just let one ice cubes fall to the ground and fall into pieces. She didn't even look at the two top martial arts kings who rushed over...

On the other side, Chu Nan fell into the "big five elements killing array".

Chu Nan shot three can only measure the arrows. Although the speed is extremely fast, only within a breath, the launch of the "big five elements of the killing array" is not slow. When the three can only measure the arrows explode, the formation has turned round, without showing any flaw, the light of the five elements shines, the water is wood, On the continuous attack, there is a great momentum of euttering. These sword awns are naturally a hundred times more powerful than a thousand times stronger than the sword awns exerted by a high-level martial king...

Rao Chu Nan can force Jing Chongming to such a situation, but he still dare not ignore the "big five elements killing array" in front of him. He is very clear that this "big five elements killing array" is not arranged by five people, fifty people, but a large array arranged by a thousand people!

The sword light cut down by Chu Nan is 200 meters in size. The power is no less than the attack of a primary martial emperor, and may even be a little stronger!

That is to say, the "big five elements killing array" integrates and improves 500 high-level martial arts kings and 500 low-level martial arts kings, crosses the realm of the martial arts emperor, and forms a strong martial arts emperor between the junior martial arts emperor and the middle-level martial arts emperor!

"It's really a big five elements!"

Chu Nan sighed that if you don't kill the people in the array, it will never stop. Moreover, the thousand nine-order flying monsters have not yet been powerful at this time!

The 200-meter-sized sword was cut off, and Chu Nan raised his eyebrows, "Five elements of Yuanli are born together, so will I!"

In an instant, the five elements in Chu Nan's body are connected, the whirlpool rotates at a high speed, and finally it is also native gold, and Chu Nan's gold yuan is different from their gold yuan. In addition to merging Liu Baiyi gold and the golden light from Yue Ming, Chu Nan's gold yuan also integrates pure power

Immediately, cut it out with the dragon's teeth!

The gold yuan collides with each other, which is whose gold yuan has a higher grade and whose gold yuan is sharper!

The dragon tooth cut out a golden white sword awn that was only ten meters, broke through the air and cut into the sword awn. Suddenly, the sword awn of 200-meter-sized sword was suddenly smashed, but the sword awn had just disappeared, and the two hundred martial kings in the Jinyuan position were neatly cut three times in .

Chu Nan's eyes were stunned, and the dragon teeth were also cut out one after another. The first two times were still metal swords, and the last one was fire attribute swords!

Fire Kejin!

Although Chu Nan did not let five strange fires come out, the power of Tianjiyuan's fire and the morning sun's fire is no longer weak!

The last Jinyuan sword awn disappeared at a very fast speed. At the same time, the Huoyuan sword awn also cut to the Jinyuan phalanx. Just as the Huoyuan sword awn was about to be cut, the "big five elements killing array" changed again. Originally, the position was the Jinyuan phalanx, but it became

Water restrains fire.

In an instant, a water yuan sword light was cut out, cutting off the fire yuan sword light displayed by Chu Nan.

"Interesting." Chu Nan came, "This 'big five elements killing array' is even more difficult to deal with than a junior martial emperor. Even if a thousand people rush out and kill dozens of people, it is useless. They can make up for the array at any time. Because there are many people, I want to break through the array, and the scattered power is more. My power is scattered, Consistent and integrated; it's like I'm going to use three times the gravity. When I'm going to an initial martial emperor, I just need to concentrate on him, but I'm going to triple the gravity for this thousand people. I don't know how much the effect will be reduced! Although my five elements of each other will not be missing for a long time, they have also made up for this lack of shock with a formation, and the ninth-order flying warcraft has made up for the defect of speed!"

Chu Nan slowly had a plan to break the array in his heart, but he didn't want to show it immediately. He wanted to deal with this thousand people; because he wanted to figure out the "big five elements killing array", and because he also had a crazy idea in his heart, "Such a good array, you can't miss it!"

At this time, there was a scream over there, but the two top-level martial arts kings who killed Luo Xian'er were actually cut off. At the same time, Luo Xian'er's real cultivation was also exposed. It was not the top-level martial king, but a high-level martial emperor!

When the screams of the two top martial arts kings sounded, the rest of the martial arts kings also cracked the ice at the same time. In the sky, there was no blood splashing, let alone flesh and blood flying, only ice balls, but these ice balls are more creepy than blood!

The ancestor of the Qin family said, "Everyone thought that the head of Xuanbingmen only had the cultivation of the top martial arts king, but unexpectedly, he was already a high-level martial emperor. Xuanbingmen was so clumsy, for that reason? And he also came out for Lin Yun!"

While Jing Chongming was angry, he was more touched, "What a Xuanbingmen, what a Luo Xianer; are Yun Luomen and Tianjianmen also hiding their real strength?" Jing Chongming was upset.

Chu Nan also thought in his heart, "I don't know what the relationship between the head of Luo and his master is, and he risked his life to save him." Chu Nan was not too surprised by Luo Xianer's high-level martial emperor's cultivation, because he felt that how could the cultivation of people who had something to do with his master be so low? Just a martial king!

The warriors were shocked by Luo Xianer's fierce killing, but the light of their greed had not been killed. They had found the Butterfly Fairy and the team of Xuanbingmen disciples without hesitation. They shouted and roared and went to Dieyi Fairy.

Luo Xianer will naturally not sit idly by, pieces of ice, falling from the air...

At the same time, Chu Nan displayed the sword of Tuyuan to restrain the water with the earth, and also showed the "far from the end of the world", rapidly approaching the water element phalanx!

In the distance, the roar of the beast sounded.

A beast roared, and tens of thousands of beasts roared in the air...

However, the candle martial arts finally came. M