Wu Rebellious Universe

699 crystal coffin into the body

The crystal coffin swallowed up the blood in Chu Nan's body, and the crystal coffin turned into a blood crystal coffin.

And seven or seventy-nine days later, the blood crystal coffin poured blood into Chunan's body!

Luo Xianer was shocked and dared not move again. She stared at the incredible changes in front of her.

Little Blue and Little Monkey no longer attack.

Blood splashed out of the pores and gushed back from the pores. Chu Nan felt a little at a loss for a moment. He knew that his blood was not simple and contained some dragon blood power, which could be sucked and sent by the crystal coffin. Chu Nan did not know what had changed in the blood, and whether it would bring him It's all too weird, even weirder than what he saw when he saw the Xuanhuo blood python on Longjiao Mountain.

However, it's like blood leaving the body and not being controlled by Chu Nan; the blood returns to the body and is not controlled by Chu Nan; in the blood vessels, the blood roars again, and the newly created blood is also melted with the blood exchanged for the crystal coffin...

When the blood is gone, the blood crystal coffin is no longer, but becomes a transparent crystal coffin.

In Luo Xianer's eyes, she was surprised...

Just when Chu Nan felt that all this was so incredible, Danzhu changed again. The barrier that blocked Chu Nan's promotion from the top martial arts king to the first-level martial arts emperor began to loosen...

Chu Nan is happy. Although his body is his biggest card, the breakthrough of cultivation can also bring him a lot of benefits. Among other things, he can use "God's Change" to simulate the breath of Wu Zun, which can also inf a large part of people.

Therefore, Chu Nan mobilized all his strength to hit the barrier, the different five elements of power, power, and the mysterious energy, which was compressed by Chunan, rotated by the whirlpool, and then released the attack; I don't know if it was the reason of the mysterious energy, the Wuhuang barrier was broken; the faint breath of the With the breakthrough of Chu Nan's cultivation, he traveled all over his body and moistened over and over again...

Chu Nan felt all this carefully and thought that he could get so many benefits in the crystal coffin. What about the black egg?

Impo, Chu Nan took the black egg out of the storage ring.

As soon as the black egg appeared in the crystal coffin, the light suddenly rose, like a boiling flame!

Seeing that the black egg was fine, Chu Nan quickly immersed himself in the quenching of the divine mind. He had a hunch that the time he spent in the crystal coffin might not be long. In his consciousness, Chu Nan's divine thoughts had been able to fight with death. Although it was Chu Nan's divine thoughts that failed in the end, Chu Above, it already contains some dead power and murderous skills.

Luo Xianer looked at the black egg taken out by Chu Nan and was a little stunned. Everything she saw today was beyond her imagination. At this time, Luo Xianer also felt that nothing would happen to Chu Nan, but she was worried about another thing. "So many days, that one strong man in the sky, I don't know what's going on, Know..."

Seventy-seven or forty-nine days, Zhuang Wuzhou has been in that ice room, and he has been practicing with his eyes closed.

The barrier of the martial emperor finally dissipated completely.

The realm of the martial emperor in the south of Chu.

This time, unlike at the bottom of the Lilan River, after entering the realm of the King of Wu, his cultivation rose all the way until the top martial king did not stop; instead of being promoted to the first-level queen of martial arts, his cultivation will no longer change.

At the same time, in the sea of consciousness, Chu Nan's divine thought, which was infected with infinite war spirit, was fighting with the real dead and murderous spirit around him. Seeing that he was about to fall, Chu Nan was promoted to the first-level martial emperor, and the power of the divine mind suddenly increased.

If the image is a metaphor with silk thread, the thought before the promotion of the Emperor Wu is like the hair; the thought of the promotion of the Emperor of Wu is a fine vine, which requires thousands of hairs to be combined to become the current one.

Generally, after entering the realm of the martial emperor, the divine mind can have attack power; while Chu Nan can use the divine mind to attack in the realm of the king of martial arts. Now it is the emperor of martial arts, and the attack power of the divine mind has also increased dozens of times.

Chu Nan clearly felt the change of the divine mind. Immediately, he drove the divine mind and rushed back to the dead spirit and murderous spirit. He used the dead spirit contained in the divine mind against the dead spirit, the murderous spirit killed the spirit, and attacked blatantly.

Under Haoran's force, the dead spirit and murderous spirit around him were really cut off by Chu Nan; however, the dead spirit and murderous spirit on this battlefield were so many. As soon as they were cut off in front of him, more murderous spirit and death surged in.

God's mind once again fell into a state of bitter bloodshed!

"Forty-nine days, a full of forty-nine days, in this hundred years, the time I lay in the crystal coffin, all added up, not forty-nine days; and Lin Yun, actually lay for forty-nine days at a time..."

Luo Xianer thought in her heart. Suddenly, the black egg was thrown out by the crystal coffin. Chu Nan recovered from the divine mind. Luo Xianer still didn't understand what was going on. When she was a child, the crystal coffin burst out the crystal light, crossed the mysterious iceberg and rose to the sky.

Just as the crystal light rushed straight for nine days, Zhuang Buchou, who had been closing his eyes and practicing with a heavy heart, immediately opened his eyes. His eyes were full of sharp light, and he did not see any movement of Zhuang Buchou. His body jumped to the sky. At the top of the ice chamber, the ice automatically split in half.

Xixi and Nannan were relieved to see Zhuang B Zhou leaving, but before the breath fell completely, a sentence echoed in the ice room: "Give you two more time to think about it. If I come back again and you still disagree, then don't blame me for being rude."

The two sisters who grew up on the Xuanbing Mountain feel that this sentence is even colder than the coldest ice in the Xuanbing Mountain, which is colder to the bone!

In a few steps, Zhuang Buzhou came to the crystal light. Without hesitation, Zhuang Buzhou jumped into the iceberg and went down the crystal light. The hard black ice began to crack...

And at the bottom, Luo Xianer's shock has reached an incomparable place, and she can't help trembling all over.

Because the crystal coffin disappeared!

After the crystal coffin threw out the black egg, the crystal coffin began to dissipate. The crystal light scattered Chu Nan's body, and Chu Nan's body was still floating in the air.

At the moment when the crystal coffin disappeared, the crystal light rising to the sky disappeared. The mysterious iceberg began to tremble and shake, and the killing picture in Chu Nan's consciousness also disappeared...

The crystal light disappeared, and a few wrinkles gushed out of Zhuang's forehead, but it was still straight down.

Chu Nan opened his eyes, and his eyes were extremely deep, like stars; Chu Nan quickly looked through his whole body, and the real cultivation of the first-level martial emperor. The mysterious energy in Danzhu still existed, and his mind was much stronger and had the power of attacking death and killing.

In addition, Chu Nan also feels that there are more in his body.

Chu Nan thought to himself, "This crystal coffin is really useful. If you can lie in the crystal coffin for decades, your cultivation and divine thoughts may reach an unimaginable height..."

Thinking about it, Chu Nan opened his eyes and looked around, but he didn't see the shadow of the crystal coffin. He couldn't help but be stunned, so he asked Luo Xianer, "Luo Zhangmen, where is the crystal coffin?"

Chu Nan asked, but Luo Xian'er did not respond. She really recovered from the shock that the crystal coffin had not disappeared.

When Chu Nan asked three times in a row, Luo Xianer was excited and looked Chu Nan up and down several times like a flying man from the sky, and then said, "Crystal coffin? It's in your body."


Chu Nan was shocked, "Is the crystal coffin in my body? How is this possible?" Chu Nan hurriedly examined his body thoroughly again and did not find the existence of the crystal coffin. He hurriedly said, "Mr. Luo, aren't you kidding? How can the crystal coffin be in my body?"

Chu Nan stared at Luo Xianer. What he saw was still Luo Xianer's nod, even the little blue and little monkey next to him. Chu Nan finally believed it. Luo Xianer asked again, "Lin Yun, what did you see in the crystal coffin?"

"Battlefield, the battlefield of tens of millions of people fighting!"


This time, Luo Xianer was shocked and shouted, and her mind was really attacked, "The battlefield of tens of millions of people fighting?" It was difficult for Luo Xian'er to imagine what kind of picture it was, so both of them fell into silence.

When Chu Nan spent seven or seventy-nine days in the crystal coffin, the situation of Northern Qi was already in a difficult place. The ancestors of the Qin family did not have a smile at the beginning of the war on their faces, but only sadness and anger. Because the territory belonging to the Qin family was also occupied, and the plans he arranged were ironed in Da Next, he didn't dare to use it. As soon as he used it, it was the end of destruction.

The ancestor of the Qin family shouted, "Xuan Wuqi, why don't you come out? Why?"

Xuan Wuqi is still in retreat. Although Yan Chenke has the cultivation of Emperor Wu in the realm of great perfection, he alone can't stop the million troops. Moreover, there are also masters in Daqing Kingdom. As soon as he takes action, there must be masters of the same level to stop him.

In desperation, Yan Chen could call out other brothers who were closed to the gate. As soon as those people went out of the gate, they knew that something big had happened. Otherwise, no one would have disturbed them. When they learned that Daqing and Man Yue had attacked Northern Qi, these warriors were angry.

The reason why they are so angry is not because they are so patriotic, but because they regard the Northern Qi Kingdom as their own territory. Some martial artists shouted, "Why don't you send out our secretly trained Tianyi Army to wipe out Daqing and Manyue?"

Yan Chen heard the words and said gloomily, "They are all dead."


Those warriors were struck by lightning, so Yan Chenke talked about the dragon's pulse in the future. Suddenly, there was a dead silence, not even the sound of breathing or heartbeat!

After a long time, someone said, "That is to say, now, there are only 18 of us in one day?"

"Yes, except for Master and Uncle Zhuang."

"So what should we do now?" All the people stared at Yan Chenke. Yan Chenke was thinking about whether Lin Yun jumped into the abyss behind the forbidden land or not.

At the same time, at the bottom of the Xuanbing Mountain, Luo Xianer suddenly drank coldly: "It's not good!"

Yesterday's chapter has been supplemented, a total of nine chapters; next is today's, the dragon language will finish writing before going to bed, and then, from the 3rd, the dragon language will adjust the update time.) A