Wu Rebellious Universe

708 melt everything!

"Dead, melt me"

Under the order of Chunan, not only the dead spirit in his body was crazily integrated into the whirlpool of different five elements, but also the dead spirit in the ice tomb was also integrated into the whirlpool of different five elements from all directions

The dead environment arranged by the broken ice sculpture in Chunan before played the greatest role at this moment

The dead air is rolling in

As the dead gas in the whirlpool of different five elements is getting thicker and thicker, the whirlpool has become black. With the whirlpool rotation, it is like a magic dragon, coiled in the whirlpool of different five elements. After the whirlpool of different five elements, the power of death is very strong. The strong dead gas >

In Chu Nan's madness, he did not notice that the death in the iron bear ice sculpture was also sucked by the whirlpool; because of Chu Nan's madness, the "Shura prison" that was supposed to collapse condensed again, and the whirlpool slowly rotated. Although it was very slow, it was indeed spinning


Zhuang was shocked. For hundreds of years, his mood has not fluctuated like this, but today, a younger generation, who is just an ant in his opinion, surprised him again and again

Although he was shocked, Zhuang B Zhou said coldly, "Don't waste your efforts. Give up. You can't do it. You're just an ant."

This voice is not like before. Forget it after saying it, it's gone; this sentence hit Chu Nan's mind directly through Chu Nan's ear, echoing: "Give up, you can't, you can't, you can't..."

The mind was attacked, and Chu Nan's body trembled. The whirlpool of the five different elements with power and death was also a few shakes, and it was about to be destroyed

Seeing this, Zhuang B Zhou whispered, "It seems that his mind is not as strong as I thought. Such a person, even if there is..." Before Zhuang B Zhou finished his words, his calm eyes, suddenly like a sword, stabbed Chu Nan

Because Zhuang B Zhou felt a strong sense of war from Chu Nan, his eyebrows bloomed with a few doubtful wrinkles. "It seems that it's not just the will to fight. In this momentum, there are other things besides the will to fight..."

Zhuang B Zhou read that the "other things" made him instinctively uncomfortable, as if his Tianwei had been challenged; Zhuang B Zhou did not know that the "other things" he said were Chu Nan's rebellious intentions

The meaning of rebelliousness

In an ann, the sound of "give up, you can't" echoing in Chu Nan's mind was like a mirror, which was smashed to pieces. At that time, the whirlpool of the different five elements rotated and became big, and the dead spirit poured in again

Chu Nan roared, "Mr. Zhuang, at least you are Wu Zun. You actually used such a trick to destroy my move. Don't you think you are very despicable and faceless? What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that my move will make you bleed again?

Zhuang's boss was exposed, his old face turned red, and he immediately returned to normal. He said coldly, "There are thousands of skills, this is just one of the ears; ignorant, I don't care about you, because in my eyes, you are already dead."

"Do you think you can succeed?"

Chu Nan asked contemptuously and shouted again, "Mysterious energy, melt me." Immediately, Danzhu sent out the mysterious energy endlessly, and then integrated it into the whirlpool of different five elements

From the mysterious energy of the crystal coffin, Chu Nan does not know what its essence is and what its name is; but Chu Nan knows that this mysterious energy is very powerful and can hurt people and kill enemies...

So, that's enough

When Zhuang B Zhou heard the four words "mysterious energy", he reflexively remembered the scene where he had been repelled and injured before. His heart was full of a lot of strength, and he added another ten, such as the power of the mountain giant foot increasing again, only 20 meters away from Chunan

The energy emitted from the whirlpool of the five elements is horrible. The ice cubes around are all rolled into the whirlpool. As soon as they enter the whirlpool, the ice cubes are destroyed so that there is no residue left

After Chu Nan integrated his power, death and mysterious energy, he thought about what other energy could be integrated into the whirlpool of different five elements. Thinking about it, the bright red blood suddenly jumped into Chu Nan's mind, "My blood contains a little dragon power, which should also be regarded as a kind of energy, and the crystal ice coffin has been processed It should be something extraordinary"

Thinking about it, Chu Nan immediately spit out several mouthfuls of blood into the whirlpool of different five elements. At a rough look, the blood swallowed and fed back by the crystal coffin did not bring any changes to the whirlpool of different five elements, and it was as usual as before

But Zhuang's eyebrows, at the moment when the blood entered the whirlpool, jumped three times as never before, and there was an incredible look in his eyes

After spitting a few mouthfuls of blood, the energy that Chu Nan could use and mobilized was all in the whirlpool in front of him. Chu Nan looked at the unprecedented whirlpool of different elements he had made, and the smile outlined from the corners of his mouth was extremely evil

Then, Chu Nan began to compress the whirlpool of different five elements. According to his experience, the power after compression was very horrible

While compressing the whirlpool, Chu Nan looked up at Zhuang B Zhou and said word by word, "I hate it when someone stands on the top of my head, especially looking at me with that condescending look. It's really annoying."

Zhuang B Zhou restrained his good mood, suppressed thousands of thoughts in his heart, and said coldly, "You can die." With the sound of the words, like a mountain and giant feet, suddenly fell ten meters above Chunan's head

Chu Nan no longer compressed the whirlpool of different five elements. He threw out the unprecedented and modern whirlpool in his hand and roared, "The whirlpool of different five elements, go, blow up the one surnamed Zhuang"

The whirlpool of different five elements hit the giant foot like a mountain in an instant


The roaring explosion of the earth and crying ghosts shook in the ice tomb cemetery. The sound hit the surrounding ice wall. The ice wall suddenly fell off layer by layer, and there were also cross-sectional cracks. The falling ice stones were directly destroyed in nothing. On the ice, all of them had been divided into small pieces, as if it had not been Moisturize the cracked earth

In the eyes of the butterfly fairy and others outside, they saw the mountain, like a toad, jumping three times

Conditionally, the butterfly fairy feels that the iceberg is not far from the time of collapse...

In the ice tomb, Luo Xianer struggled to resist the affected energy and vomited blood in her mouth, but even if the situation was dangerous, Luo Xianer's eyes did not leave Chu Nan's figure and kept staring at it closely

I saw that Zhuang Buchang's mountain-like feet were blown up by the whirlpool of different five elements. The book was sorted out and his feet were also bombarded back to its original shape. Zhuang Buchang's body was also blown upside down into the air and directly crashed into the Xuanbing Mountain

And Chu Nan's injury is not minor. After all, Zhuang B Zhou's foot is like a mountain, which is extraordinary

Zhuang B Zhou flew backwards into the Xuanbing Mountain layer above, while Chu Nan was beaten into the depths of the ice. The ice tomb cemetery was 3,000 feet away from the Xuanbing Mountain Peak. Chu Nan did not feel any pressure in the ice tomb cemetery, but only a few hundred meters into the bottom of the ice, Chu Nan felt the power of terror and attacked The wound that was about to heal was squeezed out, blood splashed out, and the wound was big...

"It's right to let the man surnamed Zhuang come down. Why did I come down?" Chu Nan laughed at himself and didn't dare to delay every minute. He rushed to the ground quickly. When Chu Nan finally returned to the ground of the ice tomb with blood stains, Zhuang Buzhou had floated in the air again

However, at this time, Zhuang B Zhou, the short body is no longer as calm as before, everything is under control, the clothes are broken, the hair is messy, the blood at the corners of the mouth is also a mess, and the color of the face is like the dark clouds before the storm comes

It seems that how embarrassed you are, how embarrassed you are

Zhuang B Zhou stared at Chu Nan with cold eyes. His eyes were burning, full of anger. Zhuang B Zhou's heart was still roaring: "I actually hurt Lin Yun again. How can Lin Yun, who is as weak as an ant, perform such a powerful secret skill? I'm Wu Zun Wu Zun. How can I be injured by a boy who only has the cultivation of the junior martial emperor?

When Chu Nan saw the anger, he felt sorry, "How to master the anger? If I can control his own anger and let it burn, I will definitely make this Zhuang can't eat it today"

"Lin Yun, since I was promoted to the martial arts master, you are the first to hurt me and bleed..."

Chu Nan smiled, "After that, I will let you get hurt and bleed a little more. I believe that when you get used to it, you will feel this kind of enjoyment." Chu Nan said with ease, but in fact, the endurance of his body is almost close to the limit. The strength in his body is exhausted, the strength is exhausted, and the If you don't surprise the world again, there is only that vitality that can be stimulated

However, the broken body can't restore it immediately as before. If it wants to recover as before, I don't know how many days it will take. However, how can Zhuang B Zhou give Chu Nan this opportunity?

Chu Nan's eyes looked at the iron bear ice sculpture. This iron bear ice sculpture has not fallen yet, but its huge body has been blown several times smaller. The current iron bear is only one-third of the previous iron bear

"This iron bear ice sculpture is so strong that even the Wu Zun surnamed Zhuang has been bombarded. You can still stand. No wonder I couldn't use you up before." Chu Nan's body was extremely weak. Chu Nan leaned his whole body on the iron bear ice sculpture and muttered. He didn't notice the blood on his body On the ice sculpture, and then poured in

When Zhuang B Zhou saw Chu Nan's contempt for him, he broke through the sky again with anger and said coldly, "Lin Yun, you are really strong, but do you still have the power to fight again now?"

"You won't know if you try it"

Chu Nan said casually, but he felt his own mind, and the smile at the corners of his mouth came out again X