Wu Rebellious Universe

740 Remember this name

The field of joining the army is very large, with competition projects, bows, horses, knives, guns and swords, and military strategy formations, etc. The most basic condition for joining the army is the cultivation of the junior martial arts division; while a martial artist with the cultivation of the junior martial arts division may not be able to join the army. If you want Only when you pass can you officially become a soldier; if you can't pass, you can only be eliminated.

If you want to pass the test, you must have at least one hand, such as shooting a bow, which can penetrate Yang in a hundred steps; for example, using a knife, the ability to split 300 catties of big stones; for example, the strategy of soldiers, you need to be familiar with the book of soldiers...

Before Chu Nan, there were hundreds of applicants and less than 50 people passed. From this point on, we can know that it is not easy to join the army. At the same time, Chu Nan also knows that the better the test results here, the greater the official position awarded at that time, up to a thousand generals; of course, It is not easy to achieve a thousand generals. At least after Daqing has been recruiting troops for so long, a thousand general has not directly appeared from the point of joining the army.

Finally, it was Chu Nan's turn. A soldier in charge of registration asked in a stern voice, "What's your name?" Chu Nan was about to answer, but he saw two familiar figures in his mind. Chu Nan outlined a smile at the corners of his mouth, "The two women who can make the high-level martial arts emperors as bodyguards, but they want women to dress up as men to join the army. It's interesting..."

"***, what's your name? What's your smile?" When the man saw that Chu Nan ignored him, he couldn't help shouting angrily, "If you don't want to join the army, get out of here quickly. Don't delay others' registration..."

"That's right, he occupies the pit and doesn't shit. Looking at his body, he only has a few strength. It's absolutely impossible to pass the test." A man behind Chu Nan said affirmatively in a sarcastic tone. As he spoke, he also showed the cultivation of high-level generals, and a lavender fire ball shone in the palm of his hand, transforming into various shapes and exuding a powerful power, which caused the applicants around him to exclaim, and even the officer in charge of registration showed joy on his A high-level general is still relatively rare.

When Chu Nan saw it, he smiled faintly, ignored it, and just said, "Chu Nan."

"The virgin?" The officer in charge of registration was stunned, and then deliberately said loudly, "There are still people whose name is virgin. I opened my eyes today..." The people around him suddenly laughed. Yun Fei and the other two also stared at Chu Nan and felt a little funny. The officer looked up and down at Chu Nan and said, "However, I think you are like this. , I can only be a virgin for the rest of my life.

Lin Yun's name has long been famous in the Three Kingdoms; but Chu Nan's real name is unknown; Chu Nan has killed Emperor Wu and fought against Wu Zun, and his vision has long been comparable, and it is impossible to show his power for the ridicule of this little man. He and the people around him are not in the world at all. For Now he is just abiding by the rules of the game. Chu Nan said patiently, "It's Chu, not a place; it's the south, the south of the world and the north."

"I still think the virgin is nice." As the officer said, he wrote down Chu Nan's name, looked up at Chu Nan and shouted, "Why don't you go in quickly? What are you doing here?" Do you still want to do it? By the way, if you are from the Northern Qi Dynasty, you'd better get out as far as you want. Don't sneak into the Daqing army, otherwise as soon as you find out, you will be dismembered!"

"You remember this name, don't forget it!" Chu Nan said with a smile, and then left. The officer was stunned, but the man behind Chu Nan said, "A small general dares to speak wildly, thinking that he is too much. Don't touch me later. If he meets me, I will beat him with a black nose and make him a real virgin!" Hahaha..."

In the laughter, the officer asked, "What's your name?"

"Yi Weifeng."

"This name is really majestic. Come on, it's no problem to be a hundred-person general."

"My goal is thousands of generals!" Yi Weifeng said proudly and walked to the next place awe-inspiringly. The registration continued. When it was Yunfei's turn, the two reported their names: "Yunfei!"

"Cloud quenching!"

Yun Qian is naturally Xiao Cui. At this moment, her face is full of anxiety. As she walked, she said, "Miss, if the Empress knows, Xiao Cui will die. Let's go back."

"Go back? Why go back? Xiao Cui, don't you think it's fun? Who said that there are only men in the army? In the past, there were also daughters who were marshals. Now that I am Yunfei, I will be the first female general in Daqing!"

"But, Gong...Miss, you are Jin Zhiyuye. How can you hang out with these vulgar men? If those sour Confucian scholars know it, it's strange not to criticize it.

"Don't worry, others definitely don't know who we are."


"Okay, don't do it. If you do it again, I'll let you go back." Yun Fei said, rushing to the place of the military strategy array test. Xiao Cui couldn't, so she had to keep up quickly. Xiao Cui was anxious, and secretly there was a person who was a hundred times more anxious than Xiao Cui. A few thoughts turned around and said in his heart, "You have to tell the master about this matter quickly. If something happens, no So he left in a hurry.

Yun Fei and the other two did not know that everything they said in a low voice fell into Chu Nan's ears. Although their words were a little covered up, with those words, Chu Nan had already guessed, "Omp? It should be a princess!"

"This game is getting more and more interesting." Chu Nan smiled and walked to the archery field. Every ten people were in the first team. Yi Weifeng was in the first team with Chu Nan. Yi Weifeng looked at Chu Nan with a condescending attitude and said provocatively, "Daughter, let's compare?"

"How to compare?"

Chu Nan said lightly that Yi Weifeng was just a toner in a boring game; at the same time, it also attracted more attention, which was very helpful for the realization of his goal.

"There are ten arrows in total. Whoever shoots farther and shoots more accurately will be the winner."


"Don't you want to make a lottery?" When Yi Weifeng saw that Chu Nan agreed, the smile on his face was as rich as he could. He looked like he had eaten Chu Nan. Chu Nan ignored it and asked with a smile, "What kind of lottery?"

Yi Weifeng said quickly, afraid that Chu Nan would regret it. "The loser will run ten laps naked around this test field. How about it?"

"Good!" Chu Nan Yijiu is a faint word.

Yi Weifeng smiled more obscenely and said, "Bir, you asked for it!"

"This sentence should be said by me." U