Wu Rebellious Universe

759 assassination, marching and training

The urgent military order of 100,000 people ordered the cities to recruit the soldiers and send them to the front line immediately!

The reason why there is such an emergency military order is the front-line situation, which is extremely nervous because of the assassination.

No matter how high-level the cultivation of the Daqing Kingdom is, there will be masters to protect them secretly. However, it is protected by the strong of Emperor Wu's cultivation. After all, it is a minority. Most of the generals are protected by the strong of the Emperor of Wu.

In addition, it is the kind of middle-level generals, or low-level generals, such as a hundred generals and thousands of generals. They either have weak protection power or have no hidden protection at all.

Although Daqing has been defending against the Northern Qi Dynasty or the use of assassination methods, they did not expect that the assassination candidates from Tianyi Sect were all strong men cultivated by Emperor Wu. The assassination was carried out with the strength of Emperor Wu, and there was almost no unsuccessful.

Therefore, no matter how much they step up their vigilance these days, they can't prevent it!

In the past few days, the situation was not so urgent, because there were fewer losses; but these days, the situation has changed dramatically, and the number of the assassinated generals suddenly increased from more than a dozen to dozens, and the generals who died from assassination these days are not very high-level and easy to get.

However, these low-level generals are in a very important link. No matter how correct the above strategy is, they must be implemented by the people below. It is precisely because of this that Daqing has suffered a lot of damage in the increasingly impossible solution with Man Yue.

Although the generals of Man Yue were also assassinated, the assassination of low-level generals like the Daqing Kingdom did not occur. Such a situation was the work of the dark emperor's forces.

"If we continue to implement this weakening plan, the military strength of Daqing is really a little strong." In a majestic hall, the confident voice of the emperor echoed.

"Emperor, how long are we going to be dormant?" Some of my men asked.

The emperor took a look and replied, "Come on, when Xuan Wuqi comes out and creates a big storm, it's our turn to play."

"Great Zhou is powerful!"

"The emperor lives forever!"

A group of people shouted excitedly and excitedly.

After thinking about it, the emperor signaled everyone to stop. When the hall was quiet, the emperor said, "In addition to assassinating those middle and low-level generals, we also need to have a second assassination. This assassination will make the Daqing army that invaded the Northern Qi Dynasty fall into disintegration!"

"Does the emperor mean to assassinate the highest person?"

"Yes, it's Chu Tianfeng. I got the information. Chu Tianfeng's cultivation is not high. It seems that he is just a martial artist. Therefore, as long as the martial artist who secretly protects him is solved, Chu Tianfeng will definitely die. At that time, the 500,000 army of Daqing will be abolished. At that time, when Dazhou comes back and wins the world, you will be the founding heroes of Dazhou, and you will enjoy endless glory for generations!"

The emperor's majestic voice fell, and there was silence in the hall, and then there was a shout like "mity" burst out, which lasted for a long time, as if it shook the whole hall!

On the other side, as soon as the military order arrived, Chu Nan, a new thousand-person general, was about to set off immediately. Originally, Chu Nan wanted to train the newly recruited 1,000 people, but there was no chance, and the witch horse ye followed Chu Nan. As for Yunfei, he had to join Chu Nan's thousand-person army. By Sentence, Yi Weifeng, who bet "luo run" with Chu Nan at the beginning, also became Chu Nan's subordinate in the list of thousands of people.

In addition to the thousand-person army of Chunan, there is also an army of 5,000 people led by Deng Jiang. What's more, the young man is not ready to stay in Qingcheng and left immediately. However, he wants to join the army first, and then rush to the front line to stabilize the war situation. If there is an accident on the front line, the young man will understand what the consequences will be, and he will definitely be impeached by a large number of people, and his coing brothers will kill him fiercely.

Even so, the young man did not let go of the Xixi sisters. He deliberately left two middle-level martial arts emperors and secretly monitored the world's business. Although the two middle-level martial arts emperors were not the opponents of the real masters of the world's business, the young man felt that he could still do it if he wanted to see them After solving the problem, he immediately turned his head and took the Xixi sisters.

Now the world's business, after Chu Nan's deterrence, its reputation has actually increased a lot, and the mountain, which has made great achievements, took this opportunity to develop the world's business.

Without worries, Chu Nan naturally did not have any resistance to this military order. After receiving the military order for an hour, he set out with a thousand men. Deng Jiang ordered Chu Nan to be the vanguard army, and Chu Nan also readily accepted it and immediately led the team.

But not far away, Chu Nan's eyebrows also had a few wrinkles. If he wants to be a king, the military merit is naturally extraordinary. If Bao reveals his identity, those military achievements are easy to get, but Chu Nan can't reveal his identity at present.

In this way, it is impossible to rely on the 1,000 untrained miscellaneous troops under Chunan to establish the military merits needed by the princes and princes. However, the cultivation of this thousand subordinates is relatively good. Most of them are the realm of generals, and there are many strong martial arts practitioners...

Chu Nan was thinking about it when Wu Ma Ye came up and asked meaningfully, "General Chu, what are you worried about?"

"Ser training." Chu Nan spit out two words and suddenly thought, "I can practice myself regardless of time or place. Why can't I train soldiers? It is impossible to train soldiers in the barracks to be called training soldiers. Training soldiers on the marching road is not called training soldiers.

Thinking of this, the wrinkles between Chu Nan's eyebrows were gone. He was about to remind Chu Nan's witch horse Ye to see the situation and asked with some surprise, "General figured it out?"

Chu Nan nodded with a smile and discussed the idea of "barracks training" with Wu Ma Ye. Wu Ma Ye, a military division, was really extraordinary. At that time, he immediately gave a lot of suggestions, turned Chu Nan's ideas into reality, and formulated one marching regulations one after another.

Immediately, Chu Nan gathered a thousand of his men together and gave the order of "military training". When the order was issued, many people were noisy and dissatisfied, but no one dared to object. Just because Chu Nan was too famous, Chu Nan's deeds of tearing off the legs of the first martial king with his bare hands had long been one Hundreds of thousands of transmissions, and I don't know how many times it has expanded. In their eyes, Chu Nan has long been like a peerless beast.

Besides, there are still many people arranged by Ling Yanlan.

"The training plan should be implemented immediately. If there is anyone who violates the order and does not comply with the order, he will be 30 with a military stick and be expelled from the army!" Chu Nan shouted coldly, took the lead, and took the lead in implementing the training plan!

With Chu Nan in the lead, no one dares to oppose it.

However, Xiao Cui found Chu Nan and asked for special treatment!