Wu Rebellious Universe

776 hob array, drink and kill

I don't know if the whole army of the 10,000 barbarian army in Yinfeng Gorge was destroyed. The barbarian Vietnamese army, which had been eager to attack, suddenly stopped the attack, and the Daqing army did not take advantage of the situation to attack, but concentrated on solving the assassination of the generals.

Because of this, the nervous front-line atmosphere suddenly eased.

In this situation, Chu Nan and his Qingcheng New Army were about to reach the front-line barracks. Along the way, the 2,000-thousand Eagle Xiang Army was full of admiration and admiration for this army that could beat the Hu Ben Army. In addition, they were benefactors. The two people and horses soon fought together, Nan's instructions asked the Yingxiang army about the precautions on the battlefield, even martial arts practice, etc., and asked the benefactor. Naturally, Zhou Zize and others would not refuse, and all of them confessed to each other. However, the attitude of the Qingcheng New Army, which was not proud of defeating the Hu Ben Army, was even more popular with

In fact, it's not that they don't want to be proud. What a glorious thing it is to defeat the Hu Ben Army. How can they not be proud? But Chu Nan only said one sentence. If anyone has a trace of pride, he will immediately kick out the Qingcheng New Army!

In a word, no one dares to have any pride. Even the pride in his heart disappeared under a question from Wu Ma Ye. Wu Ma Ye asked them, "Do you think you can really win the tiger army?"

As for Deng Jiang, his heart was just uneasy. Hu Benjun was not something he could provoke. Someone in the Qingcheng New Army was not something he could provoke, or Chu Nan. Whenever he stared at him, he had no reason to have a sense of fear. Therefore, Deng Jiang did not dare to live with Chu Nan's boss, but he took And a distant attitude!

At noon on this day, when the sun was scorching, Chu Nan arrived at the barracks, but the atmosphere was very wrong; the battle situation of the Yinfeng Gorge victory had been spread back for a long time. In theory, there was a warm welcome scene.

However, at the gate of the barracks, there are nearly 30,000 soldiers and armored people standing there, full of swords and guns, and a strong murderous atmosphere.

Chu Nan clearly knew that these people were all Hu Ben's army. Chu Nan smiled coldly, "I don't know how Zhong Baidao explained to them when he came back. Did they think that the Hu Ben army had such a big battle? So, it's not my fault!"

Just thinking about it, the front 30,000 tigers are separated on both sides, and a single person can pass through the channel in the middle, followed by a shocking roar: "Please invite the Qingcheng New Army to enter the barracks!"

Three thousand people drank together in the same tone, just like one person!

Although there is the word "please" in the voice, does that have the meaning of "please"?

He shouted twice again, which made people's ears ache.

Deng Jiang had already taken people back and withdrew for a long time. Zhou Zize wanted to share difficulties with Chu Nan and others, but the murderous atmosphere revealed by Hu Ben's army really shocked them. On balance, they did not retreat or enter, but stood in the same place.

The new army in Qingcheng had been drunk with all their blood, and they were even frightened. At this time, they really found that compared with the tiger army, they were not a little bit worse, but too much.

Although they thought so, they did not retreat at all. Everyone's eyes, including Yun Fei, no one looked at Hu Benjun, but they all stared at Chu Nan's upright figure.

There was a sound not far away from the side, which did not hide it at all: "These little babies must be so scared that their souls are gone. How dare they go forward?"

"Yes, that's Hu Ben's army. Maybe their trousers have been wet with fear."

" By the way, why did these people offend the tiger army?"

"Who knows? Anyway, all I know is that these people have been scared out.


These people were saying with certainty that Chu Nan's voice roared out: "Qingcheng New Army, a long snake array!"

The Qingcheng New Army, who was slightly afraid, calmed down when it heard Chu Nan's roar. It trained as usual and set up a long snake array. After the formation, Chu Nan continued to say, "Deeply remember your arrogance. This is a test. No matter what happens, your body can't tremble, even your eyes. You have to blink!"


"Burn your will, move forward!"


When Chu Nan walked forward first, Yun Fei and others took firm steps. With the rhythm of Chu Nan's steps, they stepped forward step by step. The person standing in front of the military array couldn't help but be shocked when he saw what Chu Nan did.

Dong! Dong! dong Dong! dong

Like the roar of war drums, like the roar of Thor!

Chu Nan's heart was extremely ethereal. He didn't put 30,000 tigers in his heart at all. He was still "four times the gravity" and even practiced the turning of the universe. Of course, outsiders would not know that Zhou Zize and others were sweating.

When Chu Nan walked to the front of the army, he suddenly got a saber. When he cut it off in the air, Chu Nan didn't even blink his eyes. The ancient well stepped over without waves. Every time he took a step, a machete cut it down, cut straight to Chu Nan's neck, and then stopped.

Chu Nan regarded it as nothing. Yunfei and Wu Ma Ye were fine, but other new troops in Qingcheng could not do it. No matter how arrogant they were, their cultivation, after all, was too low and their momentum was too weak. When they saw the machete cut down, they almost couldn't help drawing their swords to fight against each other.

At this moment, Chu Nan's voice came to their ears, "Hold your mind, think about how the 10,000-barians army was killed by you, think about how the three thousand tigers trembled under your knife, and the sea of corpses and blood has broken over. Are you still afraid of the majection in front of you? This test, whether it is Jackie Chan or a worm, depends on your own will.

Listening to Chu Nan, the Qingcheng New Army wanted to go according to his words, and his heart was much less timid. Although it was not completely clean, he was able to grit his teeth and walk firmly into the knife array...

In the end, all a thousand people entered the knife array.

Such a result made Hu Benjun very angry and shocked Zhou Zize and others. At this time, there was a burst of shouting in the air: "Kill!"

The sound of "kill" was like thunder, and the murderous atmosphere was urged to the peak.

The sudden sound of killing made many Qingcheng new troops bend their legs, a little weak, and were directly crushed by the killing power to kneel down, while most people were fighting against the killing power and desperately trying to stand up.

And Chu Nan still didn't even have his eyebrows beating.


Another word "kill" shouted, and this time the sound of killing was all aimed at Chu Nan. The Hu Ben army's move was to roar Chu Nan and kneel on the ground to make him look ugly.

However, to their disappointment, Chu Nan's right foot still stepped out at the same frequency as before! A