Wu Rebellious Universe

807 Let them become blind

All the generals were shocked. They didn't expect Chu Nan to ask for war, let alone Chu Nan to set up a military order, which was not a defeat, but a complete annihance. The military order was not casual. If they didn't do it by then, they would lose their heads.

Chu Nan turned his head to look at the generals and said with a smile, "I have just been appointed as General Hu Ben, and I haven't made any contributions yet. Why don't you give me this opportunity?"

Hearing Chu Nan's words, who dares to rob it?

If anyone wants to rob, the first condition is to set up a military order like Chu Nan and completely annihrate the 300,000 Vietnamese army.

In addition, where is Chu Nan's strength? It may also be the Chu family. Under multiple concerns, who wants to offend such a powerful person? Therefore, they all gave in to each other and said words of praise for Chunan.

After a night of conversation, Chu Tianfeng also knew how strong his son was, and immediately did not say much. He ordered Chu Nan to lead the tiger army to fight against the 300,000 barbarian Vietnamese army. After Chu Nan took the order, Chu Tianfeng told him again, "Be more careful."

Although Chu Tianfeng knows that his son is strong, there are many stronger than his son's strength. In the hearts of the world's parents, Chu Tianfeng doesn't want to have any accidents with his son who has just met.

Feeling the affection, Chu Nan nodded, turned around and walked quickly. When he returned to the Tiger Barracks, the Tiger Baran Army was still familiar with the formation change. I have to say that the Tiger Baran Army was indeed an elite soldier among the elite soldiers, which was only for a short time. Although it could not be round as one, it was also

Chu Nan climbed onto the high platform and asked them to stop. The tiger army no longer resisted as much as in the morning. After hearing the order to stop, Chu Nan said, "I have set up an army order to take you to annihirate the 300,000 barbarian army!"

Without paving the way, Chu Nan said it directly. Hu Ben's army was stunned, so he was ecstatic. Soldiers were belligerent by nature. Only war can highlight their importance and get benefits.

"I only have one requirement: don't fall into the reputation of the tiger! If you don't want others to look down on Hu Ben, prove it with your actions; if you feel that you were humiliated yesterday, wash it with your achievements!"

"Commander of Jiuqu, after this battle, you will be selected!"

These words are not demagogy, but to the depths of the heart of the Hu Ben army, Chu Nan said, "Now rest for three hours, get the supplies and equipment, and go out after night!"

The equipment of the Tiger Ben Army is good, and the storage ring is not small, which is enough to support a long-distance marching operation. Chu Nan does not have to worry about logistics and so on. The Qingcheng New Army is now also the Tiger Ben Army. The Tiger Ben Army has rested, but Chu Nan discussed the war with Wuma Ye, Du

Although Chu Nan is extremely powerful in the sand table deduction, after all, it is a talk on paper, and in the sand table, Chu Nan can use his army like an arm, but can the tiger army do it? This is an unknown number. It is a life-and-death war of hundreds of thousands of people. Naturally, Chu Nan can't be careless.

After comprehensive negotiation, at night, Chu Nan embarked on the journey with 200,000 tiger troops with 2,000 less. At the moment of embarking on the journey, Chu Nan released Xiao Lan, allowing Xiao Lan to replace the role of scouting the horse.

Although the 300,000 barbarian army was found out that Daqing sent 200,000 troops, because of the assassination of Chu Shuai, the front-line barracks were unprecedentedly heavily guarded, so that the barbarians could not send the news at all.

Therefore, the barbarian army only thought that General Hu Ben was still Nie Qingyun, and did not know that Hu Ben's general had been replaced, and they did not know anything about Chu Nan's news; what they knew was only the news of Nie Qingyun.

Manyue is composed of multiple tribes. This time, the 300,000 army is also from seven tribes. In fact, the 300,000 troops are led by the two elders of Beichen Palace. The elders of Beichen Palace are not as many as the elders of Tianyi Mountain. The elders in Beichen Palace are not ordinary powerful roles.

And this two elders have the cultivation of the middle-level Emperor Wu.

At this moment, 300,000 troops set up the camp, and the seven tribal leaders gathered together to discuss how to deal with it. The two elders said bluntly, "It's your business how to march and kill the Hu Ben army; I'm only responsible for killing Nie Qingyun!"

"The tiger Ben army can be so powerful. It all depends on Nie Qingyun. As long as the general Nie Qingyun kills, the 200,000 tiger Ben army will be extinguished under our divine bow and sword!"

"Yes, the dragons have no head, and the tiger army has changed from a tiger to a sick cat."


The seven leaders, none of whom paid attention to Hu Ben, have begun to discuss how to distribute the benefits after winning the war!

The army marched urgently overnight. By dawn, Chu Nan had already run for 8,000 kilometers with nearly 200,000 tigers. Naturally, nearly 200,000 troops wanted to hide and could not hide, and Chu Nan did not want to hide, but he set up the camp to refresh himself.

In a little time, Xiao Lan flew back. Chu Nan learned that they were not too far away from Man Yue. If they had traveled at the speed of last night, they would have met in the afternoon. At this time, a flying eagle suddenly appeared in the cloudless sky, hovering in the sky.

When Chu Nan saw the flying eagle, he immediately remembered what Qiu Xiaomo said. He did not hesitate to order people to take the most powerful bow and arrow in the army. When the people around him listened to this order, they immediately understood what Chu Nan wanted to do. They were shocked and couldn't help wondering in their hearts, "At such a long distance, Really?"


In their doubts, Chu Nan had already shot out with bow arrows, with several waves of Chu Nan's of power, like a meteor falling to the ground, rushing straight into the air. The already psychic flying eagle felt the death crisis, rushed to the wings to escape, but the wings had just flapped half...

Arrows, piercing the chest, blood splashing, flying eagle falling.


When Hu Ben saw the situation around him, he shouted in shock. When he looked at Chu Nan again, the admiration in his eyes was a little deeper.

Chu Nan looked at the flying eagle and had an idea in his mind. The Vietnamese army became blind and did not know the actual situation of the tiger. This was an opportunity to attack it unprepared. Chu Nan immediately searched for a place suitable for the decisive battle from what Xiao Lan saw.

After silently calculating the distance, Chu Nan ordered, "After three hours, march at a normal speed!"

When the tiger army marched again, in the barbarian Vietnamese army, the face of a disciple of Beichen Palace was full of anxiety, "Two elders, it's been three hours, and the wind eagle hasn't come back yet. Will there be anything wrong?"

The second elder opened his eyes, thought for a moment, and said, "According to the information we have obtained, the highest cultivation in the Hu Ben army is Nie Qingyun, and with Nie Qingyun's cultivation, it is still a little difficult to shoot the wind eagle."


"Well, just in case, immediately send a horse to explore the whereabouts of the Hu Ben army!"

Just as the second elder gave this order, Chu Nan released Xiao Lan again and ordered him to kill all the people he saw on the road from the Hu Ben Army to the barbarian Vietnamese army, leaving a living person.