Wu Rebellious Universe

810 Destroy the Emperor's Arrow, Wushan Shiwei

Chu Nan did not release those strange fires, because those strange fires are too obvious. If you pay a little attention to him, you will know the person by looking at the fire. Therefore, the most ordinary polar yang real fire used by Chu Nan.

Forgive me this, the true fire of the polar yang spread, which is not something that every barbarian Yue sergeant can resist, and the true fire of Chunan may be because of the refining so many strange fires, the true fire of the polar yang is also unconsciously affected, and its firepower is several times stronger than that of the

A sad and violent scream sounded one after another. Some of the barbarian Vietnamese troops fell into the pit and pierced the earth thorns; some were burned by fire, and some were cut by all kinds of martial arts used by the tiger army...

Really, life is like grass, blood is like water, and meat is like earth!

Especially those barbarian Vietnamese troops near Chunan, the situation was even more miserable. They cut out with a sword at will. Dozens of people were split in half, and most of them were wiped out with ashes. In the bloody battlefield, Chu Nan was not soft-hearted at all.

Chu Nan is very clear that if he loses today, then the end of the Hu Ben army is absolutely too much. At the same time, Chu Nan is also sighing in his heart that the strong in such a war is too important.

But Chu Nan didn't sigh now. He cut the sword sharply, and the fire became more and more fierce. He had to drive back desperately!

Of course, Chu Nan did not let go of the murderous spirit on the battlefield and those dead spirit. These two points are originally one of his purposes of joining the army.

"Archery, fast, archery..."

In the chaotic barbarian army, the anxious and panicked voices of those leaders shouted out. There were really many barbarian sergeants who shot arrows with bows, and although these people were only a small part, compared with the huge base of the barbarian army, there were nearly 10,000 archers.

The sound of "shhhh" continued, and suddenly, the arrows were as dense as a rainstorm, chasing the soul and killing them.

When Chu Nan saw the situation, the whirlpool came out again. Ten thousand arrows were immediately rolled to the whirlpool. Without waiting for the arrow to enter the whirlpool, Chu Nan released the whirlpool, and the whirlpool exploded. A force of reverse push suddenly became noisy in the air, and the ten thousand arrows shot back.

The scream rose to ** again, but Chu Nan locked the seven tribal leaders. In the dense crowd, his figure came to the seven tribal leaders like lightning like a fish in water. The cultivation of the seven tribal leaders was not low, but for Chu Nan, he didn't even need to compress his strength, so he punched him into meat. Sauce.

As soon as the seven tribal leaders died, the barbarian Vietnamese army no longer had any fighting spirit. They all tried their best and fled crazily, but then there was a big pit to stop them. They could not escape at all, only the lives of being slaughtered.

Chu Nan no longer delayed. He immediately gave the order to Wu Ma Ye to clean up the barbarian army and rushed to the base camp of the barbarian army with the Huben army. The Huben army is also killing crazily now. Of course, there is no resistance to this order, and the fighting spirit is even stronger.

After the information, Chu Nan ran the "End of the World" to the extreme and rushed back to the front-line barracks of Daqing. Along the way, Chu Nan still hoped that the Manyue army would not be so fast and had not yet launched an attack.

However, when it took Chu Nan less than half an hour to drive the Huben army for a night and then the journey in the daytime, and it was still 10,000 meters away from the Daqing barracks, he heard the shout of killing.

Chu Nan didn't think much about how the 600,000 barbarian army could arrive so quickly, but after the figure flashed, he stood in the sky of the barbarian army, vented out without any thoughts, and took a look at the situation on the battlefield.

In this sweep, Chu Nan found that the Daqing army was not chaotic at all, but orderly and seemed to be prepared. His father Chu Tianfeng was under the "handsome" banner, and there were Huangfu Che and others next to him. Fubo was guarding him. Seeing this, Chu Nan was much more relaxed.

At this time, the Man Yue army also found Chu Nan. Seeing Chu Nan wearing Daqing military uniform, they immediately shouted coldly, "If you dare to stand above the general, you are really impatient to live. 30,000 emperor's arrows, shoot!"

As soon as the voice fell, 30,000 soldiers set up their bows, and there was a three-color light shining on the arrows!

The arrow to destroy the emperor, as the name implies, can kill the emperor of martial arts, and 30,000 at the same time, the power is also very frighting.

Chu Nan naturally heard this, and there was a sneer at the corners of his mouth. He used it at a high speed, and suddenly fell to the archer who shot the three omnipotent arrows to destroy the emperor. At this time, the army released the arrow to destroy the emperor.

Thirty thousand emperor-destroying arrows were arrogant in the air, but they couldn't find a target. The barbarian soldiers were shocked and were in horror. The scream of "ah" sounded, but Chu Nan had come to the crowd of 30,000 archers.

Chu Nan landed with Sen Sen's murderous spirit, and the shadow of his fists was overwhelming, covering almost all the barbarians nearby!

"Bun, bang, bang..."

The sound of impact is endless, the fists into the flesh, and the fists are fatal, accompanied by screams one after another. Chu Nan punches out, those barbarian soldiers' bones are broken, and the armor is sunken, so fierce.

If these archers give them a certain distance, they will do a lot of harm. Just hearing that the "royor-exting arrow" can destroy the emperor, you will know how powerful it is. Unfortunately, once they are approached, their fate will become ants.

When he drank the order, he didn't expect Chu Nan's speed to be so fast. When he saw Chu Nan harvesting the lives of the 30,000 archers like wheat, his heart immediately dripped blood. I don't know how much energy he spent on the cultivation of these 30,000 archers to have such a scale and such a deterrent, but now, A person kills so much that he has no power to fight back.

"Who is this person? Looking at his military uniform, it seems to be Hu Ben's military uniform..." At this point, the man's face suddenly changed, and he kept thinking about an idea in his mind, "Is it possible that our 300,000 army was defeated, and this Hu Ben army just rushed back?"

At present, he retorted himself: "It's impossible. He must have been ordered halfway to come back. Otherwise, how could he come back in such a short time in such a long distance? In this way, when the 300,000 troops are surrounded, the million Qing troops will be besieged on all sides.

After a self-comfort, the man returned to reality and suddenly vomited blood, because nearly one-third of the 30,000 archers died. The man shouted, "Wushan Shiwei, kill him!"

Around this man, ten people immediately stepped out of the air and rushed straight to Chu Nan. Chu Nan stared at the person who gave the order and couldn't help smiling at him. This person was strange in his heart, but the next moment, his eyes were full of cold.

Because of the Wushan Shiwei who killed Chu Nan, he met Chu Nan halfway. As soon as he sacrificed the magic weapon, before he could show his powerful martial arts skills, he saw Chu Nan cut out a sword, like a dragon in the cave, tossing up and down, suddenly there was a sound of the wind, and the sound of breaking the air

Then, the ten guards of Wushan were cut to pieces, and the flesh and blood were splashed in the air.

Seeing this miserable situation, the man trembled all over, pulled his throat, and shouted in panic, "Elder, help!"